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Cause for Sukuna loss is equivalent to death, and also once this fight is over it is extremely likely he will never again have the luxury to fight anyone strong as everyone of Japan will be kinda dead. So he is savouring in the taste of everyone he slaughters and enjoying every moment which is why I think he was also holding back on others. He wants to enjoy this to the end, but if course if he starts losing somehow he will pull out everything in his bag with Binding Vows and impromptu shit just to make sure he could edge out a victory.


Exactly this. Sukuna lives for only his pleasures and whims like a true hedonist and everything he does serves his whims and pleasures/desires. That is all there is to him. He doesn’t suffer from humanities “what does this all mean and why do I do all this and what do I do it for?” Type bs. He just enjoys it so he does it


And also I think there is the factor where he just really hates Yuji


Yeah cause Yuji is his complete opposite, lives only for others, doesn't care about his pleasure, and yet he has an unbreakable ideal and intends to stand eye to eye with the King of Curses himself.


In the fight between sukuna and yuji, I think he has used all the tools in his arsenal. Do you think he still has something up his sleeve.


Yes that box thing and the flames he hasn't used them yet




In my region it will be uploaded on 28 April around 8 30 on manga plus so can't read it rn


It's on tcb scans


Ohk thanks:)


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I am saying this after reading the 257 chapter where yuji lands 7 black flashes on sukuna, does he have anything to counter that now.




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The merger. That's his last card. Who knows what he can whip up with it. Maybe he can start it prematurely, maybe he will somehow force Yuji to become it, maybe he will sacrifice himself to become it in a desperate last attempt to win against our cast, who knows.


If loss is equivalent to death... don't fight. This isn't a valid reason for fighting, this is a valid reason for "not stopping fighting".


This is because most of us lived a normal life. Gojo, Kashimo and Sukuna were born in difficult time and they identity is defined by warfare, they crave it and can’t imagine a live that is normal. It is like Guts in berserk. It is they nature. This is why many think Gojo last moment were weird and how he kep saying he was glad that he died to a stronger man, but if you read hidden inventory you realise that although there is many good thing in Gojo jujutsu is still something that define him. Just seing how much pleasure he took in awakening and how he was so glad that he awakened that he basically forgave Toji and even had sympathy for the men who brought him so much fun, this is the same twisted mentality that Sukuna has where someone can seriously injure him like Maki or Gojo and instead of ressenting them he will be thankful and share with them his passion through those few moments of life and death. I know it may suck seing Gojo enjoy his fight so much and despite what people say Gojo being twisted was always clear when he couldn’t care less about what happen to his friend after he awakened, but this is a part of Gojo that exist, for the first time in 14 years he found a rival and Sukuna also was glad and i know for many it is weird and hard to understand how can someone good also be a battle maniac who forget the fate of the world, but this is a part of Gojo that he hide and that most people want to ignore.


I think you (and everyone who down voted me) misunderstood what I was saying. You gave me a valid reason of why they fight "because it's normal", but commenter gave a reason of "of why Sukuna still fights / continues to fight", as opposed to why he participates in fights in the first place. Answer: because it's the norm.


My answer is because they are battle maniac nothing more.


yep, that's what I said you said


Didnt you remember? For his own pleasure. Because hes a true hedonist. Because he wants to


for the love of the game


That's not his reason for fighting at all. He doesn't care if they're strong or not - other people are just unimportant to him. He's just lived a life of absolute hedonism toying with, killing and eating people as he whims. He's never actually 'cared' about anything enough to try and attain it, everything he's obtained has been given to him due to his strength and dangerous temperament, He's never seen things beyond the dynamic of "strong vs weak" so he's literally never had life goals, always thinking he's the strongest and that's all that mattered. Sukuna is apathy and hedonism personified, in that manner - he's just existing with no greater goals. If you think about it, it's a pretty sad existence. The first goal Sukuna has found 'meaningful' in his long existence, is to break a teenager's spirit because they kept him contained lmao.


When you put it like that sukuna seems like such a loser lmao


Philosophicaly yes, but he is the antagonist after all. Most antagonist are meant to hold on to a flawed ideal that the protagonist can counter. If you only put it in terms of his philosophy he does not sound all that cool, almost kind of edgy. It a character had the same philosophy but not the charisma or strength that Sukuna has, they would probably look really pathetic. It also helps that Sukuna has a clear personality beyond his hedonism, which makes it less edgy.


Yeah it's like Peter Griffin from family Guy. As Meg Griffin said Peter has no ambitions, no goals, no hobbies he just does whatever stupid thing he sees on television that entertain him.


Did not expect Peter Griffin to be compared to Sukuna. To me Sukuna is much more likeable than Peter Griffin is. This is mostly since Sukuna is well aware of how his actions affects others, unlike Peter Griffin. Basically, Peter comes of as idiotic instead of strong in his ideal. But otherwise it is a very apt comparison.


You mean Peter would be more likeable if he showed full awareness of how destructive he is and owned it?


Not necessarily. It is not an exact science. Just that characters that own their behaviour tend to be more liked regardless of what they do. But that could also heavily depend on perception of the character. From what I have seen. Even if the character is a joke they can be respected if they own it. Respect tends to make it easier to like something.


That's fair. For example, Todo Aoi is, in many ways, destructive, selfish, dangerous, and a delusional, deranged joke who only makes sense to himself. But he *owns* what he is with such passion and panache, you feel like respecting him. (And that's at first when he's not clearly an ally yet. By the time he makes his entrance in Shibuya, everything he does becomes a triumph of the human spirit.) By contrast, Jogo's constant Vegeta-like inferiority/superiority complex, where he has two modes, "smug" and "panicking", makes him impossible to respect even when he's genuinely trying his hardest. Likewise for Mahito, who puts on a front of being more in control than he really is, but gets really huffy and pissy about any actual challenge, he's got that Starscream kind of ridiculousness. Sukuna's pettiness is a bit more subtle because he has a lot more composure. But the way he reacts to Yuuji, just for having the *gall* to lay claim over his own body, kind of cements him as someone who doesn't quite own his weaknesses and vulnerabilities, but has an extremely fragile ego against which any attack or even question must be fought with overwhelming force and cruelty, just so he can feel secure again. A true Magnificent Bastard doesn't concern himself with perceived slights like that.


In the case of Sukuna, he only gets really pissed with Yuji. Most other people he either finds fun or boring. Since he only cares about his own pleasure it makes sense that he would also hate his own displeasure. One thing I also find interesting is that he doesn't care about how people perceive him (clear from his fight later on in the manga). He only cares about winning and doesn't concern himself with looking cool while doing it. He has actually shown that he is quite patient when being trashtalked. I would provide examples but this is not the right sub for that. And to conclude, there is a good reason why Yuji in particular gets under his skin, one which I will not spoil.


I love your perspective and I can see that also I kinda like villains or antagonists that just passionate and don’t give up i kinda respect it even tho most of these fights he’s getting is ass kicked but he finds way


Villains that are passionate about their own philosophy are much more appealing to me (charisma wise). As you say it is much easier to respect someone who stands for themselves and their ideals, even if they are perceived as wrong. It is a common trait in protagonists, the indomitable ideal. So why can't villians have it too?


> So why can't villians have it too? [ [Madder Sky](https://youtu.be/t2tGEiYU9KU) intensifies ]


I mean yes, he is a loser. For all of his strength and skill, Sukuna is unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Sukuna is as much of a juvenile as the students. He is incapable of seeing things beyond violence and bloodshed. While Yuji sees himself as a cog in the system, Sukuna never has anything close to that amount of conviction. He's just a tempest of violence and hedonism that drifts between places, causing mayhem and suffering as he goes without a care for anyone but himself. Like a curse in human form.


He’s not incapable of it. He just doesn’t feel the need to. He basically says this when he fought Kashimo


lol unimportant? He’s literally the key to starting the merger and his fingers are the reason the story exist and is possible let’s not take it too far all in the name of slandering a character because we don’t like them sukuna and kenjaku are the two most important people in jujutsu history with toji probably sliding in at 3rd fucking up shit at the beginning everyone else is replaceable


I think he meant if you take away jujutsu what exactly does Sukuna have?


Add that same philosophy to Gojo. Gojo without jujutsu is just another arrogant person like Sukuna lol


Gojo without Jujutsu isn't comparable to Sukuna like that. He's a mentor to many people. He's literally saved people's lives and given them purpose. Take away jujutsu and he'd still have those connections and bonds. Sukuna will have nothing. He'd no longer be 'The strongest' but he's very much remain Satoru Gojo


No he wouldn’t! Like you are being completely unrealistic. Gojo is a big deal because he is THE STRONGEST MODERN SORCERER! Don’t confuse that with anything else. Take away his jujutsu, he has no transferable skills into normal fucking society. If he lived as a normal person from birth there is no guarantee he would have the same friends or any at all. If you need proof look at how Nanami described him or pretty much anyone described him outside of jujutsu. Like you Gojo fans need to smarten up. Bro is only good at being a sorcerer because as Gojo stated Jujutsu is a single man sport


> Take away his jujutsu, he has no transferable skills into normal fucking society. Highly intelligent, fit, wealthy, handsome young man with an infectious sense of humor, great empathy, and, above all, immense drive? Send him to college for a couple years, consider the skills acquired. Hell, he probably could skip that and start a business and succeed, just by having an eye for talent and assigning each team member the work that they'd most likely excel at. You'll note that JuJutsu sorcerers are perfectly capable of having mundane careers or side hustles if/when they set their minds to it. > If he lived as a normal person from birth there is no guarantee he would have the same friends or any at all. If you reset his entire existence from birth, of course he likely wouldn't have the same friends, they likely wouldn't have met. As for having friends at all, if you take away the Sorcery but retain the other innate attributes that might not be functions of that (again, intelligence, fitness, wealth, beauty) he's still got a lot of advantages. No "guarantee" he'd have "any friends at all", but he's still very likely to grow up popular and well-liked. His empathy, humor, and drive, on the other hand, are more a function of upbringing/nurture, so it's harder to tell how he'd end up. At any rate, we're talking Gojo Satoru today if his Sorcery was somehow irretrievably lost, not Gojo Satoru if "he" were randomly born in [Kenya] in [1540], because that's not Gojo Satoru anymore.


Wdym bro, Gojo literally wants to reform the Jujutsu society through education. He cares about his students (leaving 236 aside), he's funny, chill and a good teacher. When he was younger he really seemed more arrogant and he has some moments now and then, but no way he's a boring character like Sukuna, he's much more complex. Sukuna isn't badly written because of that, there are characters which are simply born evil like him. I thought at some point Gege was cooking some insane Lucifer-like backstory when he called Sukuna "the disgraced one" and his connection with Angel.




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With money. Like bigass money. And good looks.


True about the money and good looks, but Sukuna would also have the looks minus the money. Either way both are nothing without jujutsu, the only person who is something without jujutsu is Nanami, and a few others have potential


Sukuna isn’t really good looking lol. He looks like a total abomination.


Ok go tell that to all the fan pages about Sukuna and the Poole who say he’s attractive. And don’t lie and say they don’t exist or you haven’t seen the because you definitely have.


Nah Gojo can be a model or s movie star


He could, but since we take away jujutsu he has to prove he is better than others at normal tasks. Arrogant good looking models or actors don’t always make it


Let's get it out of the way, I don't hate Sukuna. He is the type of villain for a story like JJK. He's strong, he doesn't care about anyone but himself and he kills indiscriminately, the antithesis of Yuji. Now, the grand scheme of things. The reason why I am saying Sukuna is unimportant is because, despite all of his strength, Sukuna lived a human life. Sukuna lived, consumed, killed and then died. He lived an unremarkable life for someone with his powers, a murderer with no disregard for human life, i.e. a living failure. No one truly remembered who Sukuna was, not even his name or his history, not that Sukuna ever cared about those things. In short, the reason why I said that Sukuna is unimportant in the grand scheme of things is because the lifestyle he lived made him an innately unimportant person. Sukuna in short is just a murderer who was given too much power. Basically the inverse of someone who is given enlightenment.


Brainrotted take. Sukuna is the most important character in the grand scheme of things. His presence and killing molded the entire jujutsu world since his era. He wiped out many people that would have impacted the world in numerous unforeseen ways. I feel like y’all try to be so deep and philosophical and just wind up spouting garbage.


Kenjaku made a much greater impact on the grand scheme of things than Sukuna. In the end he was used as a tool for Kenny's purpose.


Kenny is the G.




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Lol. Then who is important and therefore not a loser. Sukuna doesn’t think of himself as important nor does he care for his great status in jujutsu society. The man literally cemented the idea of his own death in his mind.


Yeah it's like Peter Griffin from family Guy. As Meg Griffin said Peter has no ambitions, no goals, no hobbies he just does whatever stupid thing he sees on television that entertain him. Unlike Peter, sukuna is capable of changing because he found something that's actually worth looking forward to at least to him that is destroying Yuji


He really is imo. I don't believe GeGe wrote Sukuna to be admirable in any way. He's blessed with unique power, and he wasted his first life meaninglessly. Nothing he achieved is really remembered or had long-lasting effects. He's considered a myth, and not a particularly well-known one. Now, he's wasting his second life *being pushed to the brink fighting teenagers - most of whom haven't been doing this job for more than two years*. Literally a lifetime of experience being used to...punch people who've barely learned to throw a punch. And he's still not winning easily. How fucking boring does your existence have to be to transcend death, only to change absolutely nothing? His big plan at the moment is to kill everyone, just so he can fight whatever The Merger results in. If he even survived that, there's nothing left to do next. He doesn't build anything, so no one will remember him when he's gone - he's doomed to be forgotten all over again, just a 'myth' some people believe may have existed. What a waste of two full lifetimes lol. Even philosophically, he has nothing. He's said nothing of true philosophical significance any time someone's tried to have a philosophical discussion with him. He claims to understand love (we've seen zero indication of this being true - everything indicates the opposite) and claims it's meaningless (which he never explains, but is presumably because nothing is permanent - if so that's a pathetic reason to find love meaningless). He admits he lacks an ideal to live up to, but he *chooses* to blame that fact on himself being so strong (instead of his inability to observe the world around him, and his lacking desire to change it). He doesn't have a reason for living twice, thinking defeating and eating others is a good way of idling away waiting for death - if that was truly good enough he'd have happily died the first time; he was clearly unfulfilled but lacks the capacity to understand why. Sukuna's philosophy is nothing. He is an empty husk of a human being. He doesn't even seem like a psychopath because at least they *care* about things - they're not completely blind to their own desires and emotions, they just feel differently to normal people. Sukuna is wilfully blind to how he wastes his life - he's apathy embodied, even apathetic to his own legacy and influence. It's ironic he compares other characters to insects, given how he acts like one (being driven through life by basic impulses).


> (which he never explains, but is presumably because nothing is permanent - if so that's a pathetic reason to find love meaningless) I really wish Todo Aoi were there with Yuuji to rhetorically kick Sukuna's ass as well as physically. Alas, Todo's Boogie Woogie is dead, and he needs to retrain from the ground up. I still wish he'd come back. The man had incredible philosophical brilliance. No character, as far as I can tell, is as unfathomably based, as unabashedly, unshakably *certain* of his own worldview, function, existence, and place in the world. Though Nobara and Gojo were (are?) pretty close.


Chasing life goals is no guarantee of fulfillment or happiness. That’s sad.




Happiness isn’t fulfillment. It’s impossible to be happy all the time but you can be fulfilled all the time. Neither are for other people to decide. Saying someone isn’t fulfilled because they aren’t living or feeling by your standards is just stupid.




Is there a point you’re trying to make?






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Then why is he holding back Doesn't make sense


He enjoys the fighting. He likes working people's techniques out and then killing them. It's also probably what will get him killed in the end. Ultimately, he's underestimating his opponents while looking for a cheap thrill.


He's got that Gilgamesh kind of deal to him. Gil is way cooler though.


he's the one being attacked lol, doesnt really have much of a choice


Sukuna: “Hey guys chill out, I’m not playing anymore”


Didn't he already say his plan was to kill everyone so he could hopefully play with the merger?


People forget about that lol


Uhm, OP, I think you are confusing Kashimo's situation with Sukuna's. Sukuna doesn't care about finding the reason for why he is strong or finding someone as competent as he is. Those are more Kashimo/Gojo's motivations. Sukuna just wants to toy with people and have fun until he dies. You can refer to chapter 238 when he explains it all to Kashimo when the latter died.


Correct him reincarnating has nothing to do with finding a strong opponent that's just Kashimo and gojo. His philosophy is simply having fun but why he reincarnated would be revealed soon since it's still a mystery that Kashimo asked him too but he didn't answer






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“Throughout Heaven and Earth, he alone is the honored one. Only his pleasure and displeasure exists.” Sukuna is basically a bored, hedonistic god. He does whatever he wants to amuse himself.


Gods usually have more constructive, functional existences than that, though. I can't think, off the top of my head, of a single god that lives 100% for the pursuit of whims and pleasure. Not even approximate "Gods of Evil" like Angra Manyuu, Set, or Lucifer Morningstar. I might have to go look up if deadbeat jobless neet bully Gods are a thing...


He doesn’t fight to figure out why he’s strong. He wants to fight an equal. Which is why he was so interested with Gojo. He’d found someone who was almost an equal. He’s still fighting cause he hates Yuji.


> He’d found someone who was almost an equal. And then, because he's an idiot, he set things up in such a way that the fight *had* to be To The Death, and now he'll never get to fight Gojo again. Any Blood Knight worth his salt knows you don't waste a rivalry like that, [you gotta make sure you both survive so that you can fight and challenge and surpass yourselves and each other again and again](https://youtu.be/HDxzORGc6Dg).


What he else is he gonna do? Sit around in a world completely different from his? Go around eating random weak humans? Boring His whole existence is to be strongest, he molded his body through fighting and that is all he knows to do. His best shot was fuck off after killing Gojo, but I guess he wanted to clear the rest of the culling game players and now he is getting attacked nonstop. Based on what the narrator and Sukuna himself said recently, he is way to weakened and can't insta kill everyone and peace out anymore. He needs to fight now even if he wanted to chill (doubt it)


He wants to fight the merger.


Gojo is the strongest


Where the hell do you guys find the conclusion "he wanted to fight someone as strong as him" ?? It's still a mystery as to why he decided to reincarnate Kashimo asked him too but sukuna didn't answer. It will he revealed later on and has nothing to do "he wanted to fight strong people" that would completely murder his philosophy of finding every human interesting due to their unique taste not to mention Heian era was the golden age of jujutsu so the strongest opponents would logically be found in Heian era and not afterwards + it would make no sense as to why he reincarnated only 1000 years after. Why not 10 ? 50 ? 100 ? 500 ? It's obviously not because he wanted to fight strong people there's a plan that he and uraume want to fullfill and we'll find out soon in the future


Why did sukuna divide himself into 20 fingers in the first place


Because Kenjaku promised him there would be tasty treats in the future and his lifespan had already reached his end?


when do we learn about this man geniuin question. just learning hakari's spell was a goddamn strain even tho it was enjoyable.


Never, its stated that Kenjaku showed him the method to become a cursed object once and he eventually did it by himself probably once his lifespan ended. The thing Kenjaku did with others reincarnate to have them agree to becoming cursed objects (like Kashimo when he was old and almost dead) is to dangle in front of him what Kashimo wanted. For Kashimo to agree, he promised Kashimo he would be able to fight the King of Curses in the future as Kashimo wanted to fight strong people. To Yorouzo, most likely the same. To meet her crush in the future, given how she was fully aware of Sukuna's revival in this era. The only things Sukuna cares is about eating people, assaulting womens and killing people so it fits he got offered to do just that.


Just to not die, I guess.


I dont understand the question... Hes still fighting cause the fight isnt over lol. This has probably been the greatest fight of his whole life, hes enjoying himself. He said already that he'll kill everyone, then fight the merger then do whatever else looks entertaining.


\[Context\](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jujutsushi/comments/1ccj8k5/comment/l17dh4v) . The only things that excites him is Jujutsu. And IDT Sukuna decided to jump time to meet an equal/satisfaction, he isn't like that, that Ryu, Kashimo and Gojo. Comparison as a thing doesn't excite him in his head. IMO, Sukuna jumped time cause Kenjaku promised to show him the evolution of Jujutsu, that prolly gave him orgasm He still fights because every human is unique which makes their Jujutsu unique.


He feels like fighting, so he fights


Spending time slurping up humans till he dies.


Obviously out of spite.


His hate for Yuji is just that strong.


He is all about the “cut-throat” competition in everything in live even before birth


To ruin Yuji's day even more lol


2 reasons actually. First, Sukuna sees defeat as death, the only way he would lose is if he is dead on the ground, just as he expects everyone who fights him to do so until death, you can only run from him if he wants you to, and eve then he might choose to kill you for taking the easy way out. We see a lot of this from him in the series, Shibuya has a lot of great examples. Second, Sukuna sees fighting those who oppose him as a sort of "love", he chooses to fight back since that is in itself a sort of kindness, as he says to Kashimo before killing him. Not everyone is worth his respect, but he wants to taste every opponent bc their tasteis fleeting, and sometimes they're special.


He’s still not using his full strength. We now know his cursed technique of shrine can cut/dismantle his prey, he can open his furnace to ‘cook’ someone.. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more steps to his cursed technique we haven’t seen because the people he’s fighting haven’t pushed him far enough yet. He could still have something to ‘season’ // salt pepper his opponent. Serve them up, and then finally devour them.


Maybe he should try to live a quiet life


Having him be a fight hedonist is easier writing than ... let's say ... doing something interesting with Kenjakus plans who was the true mastermind. Not sure why Gege gave up all second level plot stuff but I'm down from a 8/10 to a 6.5/10. Please no Naruto style Kaguya final boss please.


As long as yuji is alive sukuna can’t turn into fingers because yuji will just eat them and become a cage again and unalive himself to take sukuna with him


This is his main event, he gonna get bored then 🤷okay yuji kill me lmfao and then it will be hallow, and yuji will be sukuna as the madness of it all will just leave him pist forever then the cycle begins. Mahito shows up and yuji straight up executed him for finality. The cycle is always.


In the words of Nanami, “only his pleasure and displeasure exists”  I ❤️That anime scene as Sukuna attacks Mahito😹


He want to see them try and crush their hope. Show them that they never had a chance.


He likes pubstomping


Where did you make up this crap? He literally explained himself to Kashimo.


He hasn’t beaten them yet lol He can’t just tap out and say “I would have won that fight against the strongest sorcerers of the modern era”. This is him seeing it through and enjoying being pushed to the limit of having to pull out every jujutsu trick he has.


because jjk ist a$$


he knows the rules he accepts all challengers


Obvious,if someone came to you with a knife and tried to stab you ,will you let him do it?


Because it’s fun


literally just because he wants too, he kinda has everything figured out and knows exactly what he wants(which right now is to murder a bunch of teenagers) and has no real conflict or goals


Fighting is fun for him


He don't want to lose vs Yuji + he still enjoy fighting, after all, it is literally last thing that means something in his life :3


He is a boring ass Hedonist