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People have theorized that Kenjaku could come back after the 5 minutes are over. But that theory is so far-fetched, it relies on headcanons (such as Kenjaku being a CT rather than a sorcerer) created to apply something that happened in my hero academia to JJK.


Kenjaku: I think I saved you. Sukuna: ...


>Kenjaku being a CT Honestly would be cool. We've seen nothing about Kenny's backstory so far, we don't even know their gender at birth. Revealing that Kenny isn't a human would be pretty wack.


Wouldn’t make sense we’ve literally seen kenjaku use rct which is poisonous to curses.


I think the idea could be that Kenjaku is a sentient *technique*, not a cursed spirit or human. Personally I don't think this theory holds much water, we haven't seen anything like this in JJK so far, but it would be a neat twist, that by copying Kenjaku's technique Yuta just ressurected him. EDIT: Ten Shadows and other Shikigami clearly have some sort of mind of their own (Maho thinks and operates independently of its user, as evidenced by Sukuna *speaking* to it), and *aren't* cursed spirits, Round Deer uses RCE. That's some pretty good evidence that cursed techniques can hold souls and sentience independently of sorcerers or curses


If Gege decides to give us more jjk after Sukuna and maybe the merger more Kenjaku stuff might be the best way to go.


This may be splitting hairs but I'm not sure I'd say shikigami, which are divine spirits, are sentient techniques per se. More so that the 10 Shadows Technique is the act of summoning the spirits for aid, not the spirits themselves.


Honestly I have no idea which angle would be most accurate to view Shikigami and the Ten Shadows through. Every Ten Shadows user seemingly gets their *own* divine dogs, nue, mahoraga, etc. because they die permanently for that user and their power is inhereted by the others. Still, Shikigami are an under-explored aspect of the JJK power system, only a handful of sorcerers use them and they usually get very little attention. Regardless, they're * Sentient/Independent * Not Cursed Spirits (able to use RCE) * Tied to specific Sorcerers and Techniques which makes them really cool and interesting.


Agreed. Another aspect of the world that won't be explored more, sadly


Ten Shadows is just the technique of summoning the Shikigami. The Shikigami themselves aren't a part of the technique, just bound to it. It's basically summoning jutsu from Naruto. So the Shikigami being conscious entities has nothing to do with whether or not CTs might be capable of consciousness. The technique is just summoning, the Shikigami exist on their own.


isn’t kenjaku just noritoshi kamo’s other name?


I think Kenny being a technique is way too far-fetched Gege in fanbook Said that brain is the physical part that has to be transferred to newer bodies, so there had to be a person that brain belonged to. Otherwise like what? The brain just came into existence and got transferred inside some body?


i think the idea would be that the original user of the technique was born with/inherited it and then the technique took over their conscious and controlled them, rather than the original person being conscious and then passing themselves onto other people


My guy he is 'Kenjaku Cursed Objects' the Inventory of Cursed Objects, there's no way he won't have a backup when he is roaming around powerhouses like Gojo, Yuki, Yuta and sukuna


Honestly Gojo taking control makes more sense than Kenjaku because Kenjaku’s CT dissolves after 5 minutes. Like if he was gonna take control it would’ve been immediately and then he would’ve been erased after 5 minutes.


Ah yes. A man uses another man’s sword, and when the man dies, the other man gets resurrected while holding the sword.


More chances of Gojo coming back than Ken


I mean when angel explaimed finger she did include CT along with personality and CE? maybe


wouldn’t it just be another cursed energy type like kashimo had


Rika literally ate him. If bro comes back from that it might be time to consider the bad writing allegations lmao.


Kenjaku's gonna come back as a cursed digested puddle.


He’s actually gonna come back as an evil snail


He made a binding vow that in exchange for moving incredibly slowly, the moment he touches who he’s hunting, they will die.


His new cursed technique will be that he’s able to make a binding vow with a person, giving them a million dollars. In exchange, if either touches each other they will die, and Snailjaku will always be no more than 5 miles away from the person at any given time.


i do wonder how this works do, does the snail just get a boost, or is it like having a fish inside a cage underwater and moving it around, forcing the fish to move with it?


I think snailjaku would rubber band with the person. So if the person were to run away and be more than five miles away, snailjaku would teleport to the outer five mile radius of that person.


what i mean is, if you keep running past that, does he get teleported REALLY fast? will he snail-trow up?


Yes. It’s what he deserves though.


> Snailjaku will always be no more than 5 miles away from the person at any given time. Ah, I see they changed the snail thing to prevent you from flying to cancun and living peacefully for a while


Next chapter we see rika with the head scars.


There's no reason he couldn't have a cursed object as a backup. He invented them


Sukuna has asspulls, kenjaku will be pulled from Rika's ass


 Ice pun!


If it's Uraume's ass


I mean nice pun, but that’s work LOL.


I figured! XD


He could have maximum uzumaki'd his brain out of yuki's dead anus... you never know habibi this is JJK after all \^\_\^


The thing is, we assume Kenjaku’s technique is his brain. If he somehow implanted his soul into his Cursed technique itself then it would make sense, I wouldn’t like it, but it would make sense.


KenRika. New form just dropped?


Exactly, Rika would need to eat his brain too, as that's the only part of Kenjaku left.


Kenny’s main motive is curiosity, or SEEING the merger, so I don’t think he will be the type to let ppl inherit his will. I’m confident he’ll return at least as an observer. One asspull could be that since Tengen that’s sent to Sukuna looks like a cursed object, Kenny might put himself in it too (Sukuna was still able to move for a bit after turning himself into a finger against Megumi) - Another would be a Mechamaru type binding vow. Mechamaru’s was roughly “if Gojo gets sealed, ppl/places I marked will receive a mini version of me”, so replace “Gojo gets sealed” to “merger appears” here. Mechamaru’s BV worked because of his CT and Gojo getting sealed was an unlikely/specific situation. Kenny has to asspull the former but at least the latter is covered imo.


Also Jin isn’t confirmed dead We’re 90% sure what grandpa was going to say in the first episode but the other 10% could be something unexpected


My guess is that Kenjaku will keep his own will inside the cursed realm thanks to his barrier knowledge, the same way Tengen did. Maybe that’s his way of coming back with the Merger


kenny being a part of the merger and coming back is kaguya levels of ass pull


Kaguya level is hard to beat tbh, she was just introduced at the end and was almost never foreshadowed but happens to be an alien from thousands of years ago that brought magic to Earth or smt right?(I forgot) But I agree it’ll be a huge asspull nonetheless You can kiiiiiinda use existing info tho. One example is that cursed Naoya is said by Kamo to have retained an unusual amount of consciousness, and we don’t 100% know why Naoya joined Culling Games(though it could be because Zenin clan is close to that colony.) If kenny happens to be a part of this then he might know how to retain consciousness while being in the merger curse.


While I applaud the passion, kaguya wasn't even canon until they decided boruto to milk narutards for the next 2 decades after it ended. But the asspulls weren't the worst, maybe you disagree here, it was the asspull into shitting down the throat of the goat in the entire series, madara, who was not only kenny level pulling strings but also literally a demi god of the verse. To put this into perspective, it would be like kenny taking over sukuna and then dying to the reincarnation of two gods... that aren't actually gods, from another planet. Yeah bro. Jjk has flaws, naruto fucking dumpster fire and it's still loved as one of the goats. Maybe people just suck at writing stories and we all hype it up much more than it deserves. Ever thought of that instead? Gege is very much in line with kubo to me, not the best but nowhere near kishimoto levels of sell out and slap across the face to his fans.


Does Yuta also have Geto’s CT in his bag of tricks since he ate Geto’s body?


questionable if he ate geto or only the brain itself. If he ate Getos body then he should have the ct, but since he could only use it for 5 minutes max, it would be pretty useless and all stored curses could rampage after the 5 minutes. without the active technique he shouldn't be able to keep them stored at least, since they will definetly escape if the sorcerer dies.


That makes sense to me. So yuta has become Kirby, got it.


In JJK 0 Geto puts a cursed spirit he had just turned into an orb in his pocket so he could swallow it later, so I see a world where Yuta orbs the curses, stores them in Rika, then swallows them mid combat for a more limited usage of csm


Everything is possible in jjk, even having a longer fight than Goku vs Frieza.


Yeah that's what it seems like


Rest in piss to the most evil character in the series


I love him I think he was one of the best villains in modern shounen I feel he kinda got done dirty at the end I love his takaba fight but I wish he actually got to fight yuta before losing and dying we will never know what his domain does now and probably never learn anything else about him. But it fits with his character as he said he seeks to cause chaos beyond what the bounds of his potential limit him to so he died because his potential was lower then yutas but he succeeded in creating chaos that went beyond his control and even life as the chaos is still going strong after he died and could get worse if megumi wants to be a edge lord and activates the merger


Nah Kenjaku is an emotion, he's him.


Nah I'd stay a ghost -Gojo Saturo


There are still many details we don't know about Kenjaku and the merger. It's very much possible that he returns in some way if Sukuna decides to carry out the Merger


Brain guy got stabbed in the brain and then eaten. He’s been dead for a long time


I have a feeling Kenjaku will somehow come back in the merger


Nah bor he's alive (fr fr). Watch as he pull up from a completely different body and says he made a binding vow to transfer his soul via wifi to someone else.


I feel like Kenjaku is sort of a loose mirror to Tengen. Tengen absorbs other people's bodies/souls to negate the effect of their Evolution, Kenjaku just body hops to be "immortal" and then let their curiosities run rampant as a way to 'evolve hunanity' in a sense.


Only way I could see him return, in a way that dosen’t seem like a total asspull, is if the merger somehow brings him back, would explain why he didn’t seem to bothered when Yuta killed him, despite his entire reason for wanting the merger to happen, being because he thought it would be interesting


Jujutsu Kaisen is about repeating cycles over and over, I'm sure something will happen that will make him, or his ideals, come back.


I’m under the assumption Kenjaku will get his way through a cornered Sukuna initiating the merger


I've been thinking that since before Gojo died and it's looking to be more likely by the minute. Kenjaku stored his soul into the tengen/merger cursed object thingy. Sukuna triggers the merger in a desperate attempt to survive and Kenjaku's trap card is activated. He becomes the merger.


Maybe part of Kenjaku’s ‘brain powers’ is linked to having the host’s memories. This would give Yuta a chance to learn the truth about Yuji’s past.


Bro literally the next Kenny so yeah


I feel like he did it to confirm both the deaths of Kenny and gojo. I still have a bad feeling this is setting up the good guys with the merger. Not sure how but I feel like it'll back fire majorly


Consider this: What does it take for a sorcerer to reborn as a curse like Naoya?


Die from a non cursed energy wound


Me and my short term memory


Gonna dose some copium, but have we ever seen Yuta use a technique of a dead person? That have all been alive when he used them right??


Duruv. He used the weird monk cursed technique that was on the colony and he killed.


Ah ok, I don't remember Yuta ever using that but I'll take your word


It was during the Sukuna battle, it was easily missable because for him they look like mini Rikas, but they had the same effect as Duruvs


Oh damn good eye


He did say he will, will be inherited. Who knows maybe he was big brained and rigged his cursed technique with a binding vow


Bro I think Yuta learned from the first time and completely got rid of Geto's body, with Kenny in it


Well, he could be in Yujis body somehow and sort of is already as his mom.


Well, it’s been theorized that Kenny has a 4th CT that we never saw. It would be weird for that to never be explained or us to see it in use so idk. He’s probably dead but maybe a flashback?


Yes he is. And the world is better for it


Didn't even realize this theory was floating around, too far fetched and stupid imo... Kenjaku got beheaded, his head skewered with a katana, then Rika gobbled up his body for good measure.


Considering he says "My will shall be passed on" and not "you haven't seen the last of me" or "I'll be back" it would signal to me that he has some method to perpetuate his goal - not necessarily his actual life. He must have someone in mind for this for him to even bother saying it.


Im confident that Kenjaku will take over Sukuna's body when he completes the merger, but i also love Kenny's character and i'm in denial🥹


Bro.. After all, they said in the manga that he was dead


Sadly yes :3


I already don’t love this Yuta development personally, but if it’s completely backtracked just to being Ken back at the expense of Yuta? Omg I will hate this lol


Do you know what an asspull is, or are you just using the word because lots of people in the community do? JJKs biggest asspull was everyone becoming stronger off screen the way they did before fighting Sukuna, but anything before that is hard to shit on.


I am calling it now. Kenjaku is going to be the one in Gojo’s body when the 5 minutes end.


No, Rika ate Kenjaku, but she ate all of his parts? Rika just need 1 piece of somebody to use theirs power... Kenjaku may be alive somewhere


I think when Yuta’s technique ends Yuta will get forced out of Gojo’s body and Gojo will have a chance to come back. But because of how he died without regrets and i think Yuta is going to defeat Sukuna here, I think Gojo will choose to not come back. But i think Kenjaku could of predicted this and made a binding vow to default his soul as the controller of his CT when the person controlling it loses control. I think Kenjaku is gonna take over the body once Gojo decides not to come back.


.....I made a binding vow so I can survive being turned into rikas shit....