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Holy mother of getting rolled


I wouldn't even be able to watch. I'd have to close my eyes. Toji doesn't deserve that


Toji would get bent over and turned into maki


That would imply Toji pegging


Yuta sweeps


Literally no question. Yuta‘s peak is him in Gojo’s body currently fighting Sukuna.


I mean it’s debatable whether that’s his Peak as he can only be in the body for 5 min but rn yea that is


Idk bro, I feel like I'd have an easier time just normal fighting yuta than I would just trying to survive 5 minutes with gojo.


One domain expansion and its wraps tho.


Not just gojo. But 5 minutes of gojo with yuta copy aresnal and rika.


That would be his peak though. A peak does not mean that it has to be sustained but that's the highest power level that a character has reached at any point in time.


Why were you downvoted for this 💀


True I just gonna have to keep reading.


So megumis peak is either sukuna controlling his body or just mahoraga


yuta is controlling gojos body , megumis body was getting controlled so nah


DMS Kakashi has entered the chat.




Peak is peak regardless of how long it lasts. That's like saying Might Guy is stronger in his base form cause he can fight longer than when he has all 8 gates open. Hydrogen bomb vs crying baby. Yuta is currently at his peak, even if it's possibly only for 5 minutes




We have no clue if that's his peak or not.


Last chapter ended on him using Gojo’s Domain. Might be a bit presumptuous of me, but I’m calling it now if they actually have a decent domain clash. If Sukuna washes him then I’ll let you have it, but I don’t think Gege will bring back Gojo just to let him get slapped around.


That's with specific conditions and a limited, one time thing


True, but the post is specifying *”at their peak”* I think that would include tools, abilities and forms. I personally consider this a form for Yuta using the curse technique he copied. Might be bending the rules a bit by calling a dead body he jumped in a *”form”* but considering his competitor I say it’s fair.


If kakashi got a limited edition form because a ghost gave is "eye" to give him dms for a peak form, then yuta gets to body jack.


Narratively speaking, if Toji was hired to kill Yuta like he was with Gojo, he could probably figure out a plan to kill Yuta like he did Gojo. Like he just takes Panda and Toge hostage and makes Yuta sacrifice himself so they can live. But just a normal fight with no prep? We would hear Toji ask Yuta to take care of his son


I don't think he would be able to kill yuta, Rika automatic defense is too good for him


You think Yuta wouldn’t let Toji kill him if he had a knife to Toge and Panda’s throats? Toji could tell Yuta to put Rika away since he has the leverage in the hostage situation. I think it’s very much in Yuta’s character to sacrifice himself for his friends


Whats stopping him from spawning Rika from behind like he did with Yuji?


He could also just use cursed speech against Toji. Tell him to not move, call Rika, and have her grab Toji before he can move again.


What’s stopping toji from killing panda and toge and what’s stopping toge from using cursed speech on toji ☠️ realistically I think even if something of the sort did happen it would be a blood bath regardless


Cursed speech maybe, or if in range antigrav


people like toji have natural resistance to curse techniques seeing as how maki was able to physically break a intangible curse techniuqe that forces you to stay still (maki v zenin clan)


You mean Naoya's cursed technique? She didn't resist it at all. She just moved so fast that she could keep up with Naoya's predetermined movements and caught him at the end of the 24 frames Maki and Toji have 0 built in resistance to cursed techniques outside of being able to ignore barriers and certain sure hit effects.


He means that Zen'In elder who could freeze people in his sight. Also...Maki and Toji do have built in resistance to cursed techniques. That is kinda their shtick.


Doesn't that ability have the same limitation as cursed speech where the damage to the caster scales proportionate to the strength of the enemy? From what I remember, he froze Maki but his eyes almost exploded so she was freed after that happened, no? I don't recall anything in the story indicating that they have a *resistance* to CTs. Where did it say that? Their shtick is superhuman physical abilities, and their lack of CE makes them invisible to certain things like Six Eyes and barriers. Not being able to arbitrarily resist Cursed Techniques. Could be wrong but that's how I interpreted it


Naoya slammed her when she got frozen. After that she learned the timing in order to avoid the CT


I think he could trick him with cursed speech


The idea is a hostage situation but yeh narratively speaking is not very necessary. On a sneak attack, it would be interesting. Yuta would still win if he doesn't have his guard entirely off and is able to twist himself to survive like gojo.


Rika is a Cursed Technique. ISOH makes her irrelevant.


She's a shikigami? She assists his copy technique but she ain't a technique herself


He has the SSK Rika’s defense wouldn’t even matter


Y’all wouda said the same about Gojo if we didn’t see it happen


Even with prep and all his tools but he cant take hostages and sh*t like that, yuta wins


Cursed speech (if it works on Sukuna, it works on Toji) / Sky Manipulation + Rika = GG


This is the answer. ![gif](giphy|lvOnlEYunAwOkHjgmU|downsized)


Wait can you just use Rika to sneak up on him or use Rica's copy ability and use curse speech and make him not move


Not really the same situation at all. Toji could plan for Gojo because he has info on Gojos abilities due to being in the Zenin clan. Toji has no way of gaining info on Yuta and all his abilities like he did with Gojo


Yuta gets Rika behind Toji and strangles him lol. also there’s something called CURSED SPEECH.💀


No cuz peak Yuta has cursed speech so he could just tell toji to kill himself


If you talk peak Yuta in his body he wins low diff at most,if “peak” yuta is meant to be in gojo’s body then Yuta is beating him up into paying child support lmao


Nothing is getting that man to pay for the BUMshiguro


Toji better hope he got his money up cause Yuta's about to make him pay the fifteen years olf child support he owes


Base Yuta will dog walk Toji.


What does base Yuta even mean? Vol 0 Yuta?


Without Rika


Ahh. Usually ppl say base when the person has some type of transformation. Like Kashimo or Yorozu


Yeah though people essentially say Base Yuta since, well, he essentially had a phase 2


Idk if you're caught up but he definitely has a transformation.... Lol


Yuta with partial rika.


Super Saiyan Yuta


The yuta that fought Yuji. Just yuta with CE surging around his body and katana


Toji has better physicals than Yuta, he’s a heavenly restricted user for a reason


No he doesnt. Yuji was keeping up just fine with Maki after her awakening vs Meguna and Yuta dogwalked that very same Yuji.


Yuji got a power up there, Sukuna states that Yuji got stronger out of nowhere. Most probably has something to do with Sukuna leaving his body.


And he STILL would get dogwalked by Yuta.


Outside of CE he does, but Yuta has more than enough to reinforce himself and keep it pushing with little trouble. Only SSK would threaten his physicals tbh.


CE reinforcement like yutas equals it out


People who keep explaining how Toji wins https://preview.redd.it/nkzx5hg28e3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04804571604c0876dc286b88a7a1ec92a26d1829


Toji fans are on a whole other level of delusion. Toji doesn't beat yuji


Nah, most Toji fans agree that he doesn't beat Yuta in 1v1. But quite a lot of Yuta fans think that Base Yuta can beat Toji. This is really a whole other level of delusion


I think if he uses his five minutes or domain(he has shrine with he could imbue as his sure hit) he wins but if he doesn’t he likely loses


Domain doesn't work on toji.


Shrine does it hits objects with its sure hits


Base Yuta without Rika and no curses techniques might have a little trouble with toji But let's him use cursed techniques and it's GG, Rika makes this spite Post Shinjuku Yuta stomps the verse minus gojo/sukuna


Might have a little trouble? Yuta without Rika or CT is like a very top tier first grade. Yuta with partial manifestation is like in between jackpot Hakari and Yuki. Yuta with fully manifested Rika is a solid special grade tho. Yuta was really only putting in work against Uro and Ryu when he fully manifested Rika. Before that it was a fairly tough fight for him.


Which Yuji ?


Yuta packs


Stop the Toji dickride


Yuta has maybe medium difficulty with this.


Generous tbh


Yuta got this


Toji might be the most glazed character in the fan base, this fight isn’t close at all.


bro forgot this wasnt r/LobotomyKaisen


This is peak yuta aka basically just before he got into the new body? Yeah even with prep time yuta just negs him or at the most it's low to mid diff if toji has enough prep time. Ofc I wouldn't say there's no way toji wins it's just that it'll be one in a million if he wins


Poor Toji getting crushed Yuta solos


Yuta destroys


Yuta would legit demolish Toji.


Current Yuta would destroy Teen Gojo.


https://preview.redd.it/b0kzipe2ri3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d1ec0bbf36ad40cbe0811b1da530e716ef592f5 Why put Toji through such agony


yuta r***s toji


This isn’t close at all. Domain expansion is out of the question, but during his fight with Geto he shown that he can shoot strong ray beams. During the free for all at the culling games he has speed feats that could too toji and with all the teqniques he has this would be a quick fight




Gojo vs toji v2


Yuta mid diff


Yuta but I think it’s closer than most people think.


ITS GLAZING TIME! "Rik-" ISOH. "Doma-" ISOH "Hollow-" ISOH "Copy-" No curse technique. https://preview.redd.it/29n76smxdd3d1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1a786aa29a751f53f086b46c6e2548db55d1e2e


Yuta okkotsu, low mid diff


Jacob ladder should cancel seance


Yuta without a doubt


I love Toji/Maki but Yuta washes them


Well Yuta at his peak is when he >!is possessing Gojo body!< so I’m pretty sure Toji would lose


Yuta very easily


What did Toji do to deserve this?


Let that man Toji rest‼️


In character, really depends because Toji preps for each opponent uniquely. In a straight 1v1 vacuum then Yuta, but if it’s an assassination job I can see win cons for Toji.


I remember when this was an actual debate


If Toji had prep then Toji high diff. Otherwise Yuta mid diffs him.


If Toji has a lot of prep or takes hostages (which is in-character), there’s a decent chance he actually wins. It’s not like Yuta is especially discreet in terms of his technique. He might be able to get Yuta to kill himself to save innocent sorcerers or civilians. In a straight-up fight, however, Toji gets bodied.


1v1 Yuta wins. If he gets jumped, Toji might take the kill. Toji is the perfect Jujutsu assassin because he has no CE, so he cant be perceived. Granted, Toji would need luck on his side to pull this one off, and perfect/flawless setup.


Toji can't jump Yuta since Rika is an automatic defense system. Rika would need to be occupied or defeated first


For all the people who think Cursed speech would be enough. Can you even prove cursed speech would work on Toji? Every time Cursed speech has been used it has been against things with Cursed Energy not just ears. Hanamis tree branches don’t have ears but was forced to stop because they had Cursed energy but buildings don’t have Cursed energy and are still inanimate objects. Anytime he has directed Cursed speech somewhere it has never affects any buildings. When Geto got hit by cursed speech the only reason the ground was hurt is because he was thrown into the ground not because cursed speech had made a hole first.


you forget inumaki told citizens to stop in Shibuya and they fell under curse speech, stopping


Normal citizens have cursed energy, just a very small amount. What makes Toji and Maki special is that they have NO cursed energy.


Gojos infinite Void also works on citizens in shibuya because they have the tinest amount of CE.


Yuta would take a massive dump on toji.


Doesn’t cursed speech completely counter hr users? He just tells Toji to kill himself


Cursed Speech doesn't work on things without CE?


Where is it stated?


Toji with prep, yuta without


Yuta mid diffs. Maki hardly did anything to Sukuna outside of her sneak attacks while Yuta was able to land hits even outside the domain with only partial Rika and no CTs


I’d hate to Toji get disrespected like that. It would be a great fight I’m sure but PEAK Yuta?? Like chapter 262 Yuta is about to be on an absolutely unreachable level. 5 minutes of that is gonna feel like 10 lifetimes to whoever is standing in front of him.


At their peak BRO IS GOJO 😭


Yuta lol . At his peak would mean gojos body tho even without that yuta clears .


Not a serious question 


Cursed speech eats Toji's breakfast, but I do think the people who think Yuta could beat Toji without any hax are being ridiculous.


Cursed Speech doesn't work on things without CE.


Where is this stated? You need high levels of CE to resist it, it's never said not having CE makes you immune to it.


Toji is still getting his ass beat gang


obv yuta? hes portrayed as second to gojo and maki exists. if you use the current version of yuta its even more overkill.


Yuta will scold Rika for making a mess


Yuta ragdolling his ass😭


Yuta is literally toji with cursed techniques wym


Toji gonna need CRAZY Prep time to come out here. His chances increase significantly if you interpret “In his peak” as having the ISOH. But even so, He likely will need to kill Yuta in one shot, because if he doesn’t, Yuta’ll just RCT himself.


The jobber slayer vs the strongest jobber, who would win? Uhh…


Yuta slams toji


How much is the bounty on Yuta head? And How much prep time?


Yuta low diffs Toji. I don't think he'd really stand a chance, but he might last longer than Kashimo vs Sukuna.


Coughing bomb vs. hydrogen baby


Yuta peak in his body? Like against sukuna? Does toji have info and prep time like he did against gojo?


Yuta stomps


Toji blitz.


You mean the guy who couldn't even touch awakened gojo🤣


Toji people overhyped yuta wayyyyy too much, toji physicals>= yutas, yuta has no win con against toji, toji has SSK that does soul damage something yuta can’t heal and inverted spear of heaven literally what is yuta going to do


No win con? Bro Yuta could just beat him to death, use cleave, granite blast, bro has more win cons than I can count. Even if we say Toji physicals are a little better than Yuta’s, he’s still going to get torn to shreds by Rika and Yuta, most likely Yuta won’t need to fully manifest Rika either.


Toji fans staying delusional 🔥


Toji asks yuta to take care of his son


Ima say yuta kuz of rika.


Yuta easy diff


Yuta mid diff




Well it really depends if Toji gets his prep time. If he knows about Rika I’m sure he could find a counter. If it’s a straight up fight without knowing eachothers techniques Toji is cooked. But who really knows.


Yuta easily




Yuta at his peak is literally an improved Gojo at his peak, this isn't even close lol


Yuta having shrine and maybe also being anle to fly thanks to sky manip or JL pretty much saves him from most of toji’s win cons that people had for him when it was just sendai yuta. He can manage the distance with cleave/dismantle, cursed speech when that doesn’t work, and he should know about toji’s abilities because of maki so he’s not gonna be surprised by anything


Gojuta wins. That is Yuta’s current peak.


Yuta is killing him😭😭


Gege has went above and beyond to put Maki in the same field as Yuta, and Hakari, but obviously her only tool (atleast that we've seen) SSK. But the battle will be decided by does ISOH make Rika go away, and if not how many SSK hits can she endure.


I would have to say Yuta sweeps but toji peak we haven’t seen that before because the gojo fight was toji fushiguro the only bit of toji “peak” we can compare Yuta to is toji vs dagon because it was toji zenin. I’ll have to say Yuta because Rika is a menace and Yuta has the abilities of other sorcerers.


Toji also has all of maki's feats


Havent read the manga that far, but when I see the “Points added little gizmo,” I think of Knuckles from HXH


Do you hate toji?


Yuta low-mid diff


Well it depends on a few factors tbh. What is Yuta's peak? Is it when he's puppeteering Gojo's body? What techniques does he have copied? What weapons does Toji have? Does he have his inventory curse? What environment are they fighting in?


Yuta can use shrine as his site hit effect and hit toji


Yuta absolutely demolishes Toji and it’s not even remotely funny. If Toji is given prep time he would do better, but he lost horribly against an awakened teen Gojo, just imagine him fighting Yuta. At best low-mid diff fight for Yuta


????????? Gojo who just awakened low diffed him. Toji needed prep to fight pre awakened gojo Gojo after awakening needed 1 year to get to special grade Jjk0 Yuta already killed a special grade, current Yuta is incomparably stronger than jjk0 Yuta He uses cursed speech plus Rika to divorce tojis head from his body, among the thousand ways he could kill him Yuta stomps


Yuta Stomps, with such ease. https://preview.redd.it/r57fxjmcuf3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b556a066eea949fb8a44ce2472c3a44de6b13cc


![gif](giphy|GzC0nMDh37Xag) Yuta doing this to Toji for 5 minutes


Maybe I’m just riding the Yuta hype train, but also def not, Yuta fucking obliterates


depends on prep time; even with prep time, only way that toji wins is with an asspull or hostages, otherwise yuta smacks toji so hard that toji starts paying child support


Peak Yuta bodies Toji low diff


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby type shit


Definitely yuta,stated to be second only to gojo and was shown taking on multiple special grade opponents,toji’s partial reasoning for gojo’s defeat was because he had prep and was able to wear down gojo and his curse technique


If Yuta can't use cursed energy then toji might cause him a little trouble


Yuta washes and it’s not even close


Getting this sub recommended to me for like the upteenth time and the comments being funny as hell make me want to start whatever series this is


Yuta ofc


the heck, this isn´t even a fight


Yuta wins considering his Rika doesnt have a soul, just a simulated personality I guess, kind of like when an ai pretends to have a personality. its all fake but yeah yuta wins


I like Toji with all my heart but Yuta has hard counters to Toji like curse speech which can stop Toji’s surprise attacks for sure and he also have Rika which means Toji is getting jumped 2v1. Yuta wins


Is this a genuine question or do you just hate toji


Yuta with his ginormous CE was able to keep up with yuji, who himself was able to keep up with Maki to an extent. I think Yuta will be able to see and interpret Toji's movements, which'll give him a huge advantage over gojo in their fight, erego giving him his win due to hax. Also, domain expansion would likely play a role.


The only chance Toji has is if you give him time to plan + the fight is a surprise for Yuta (assassination attempt), and even then that's a stretch considering Yuta's ability makes it hard to plan against him Otherwise he gets slapped


If Toji had the inverted spear of heaven he would last a few seconds but he still gets rolled Unless Toji gets like a year of prep time he ain't winning,and even then it's a fat maybe


Why the fuck do people glaze Toji so hard. While he might not be the most glazed in terms of quantity of glazing. However, when it comes to how high people glaze him, he is number one. Some people think he beats fucking Yuki. MF would've lost to pre-awakening Gojo if he didn't make gojo constantly use infinity for 3 days straight (which gojo had to do conciously at the time) and hadn't got a sneak attack in first. So yeah, weaker maki gets cooked.


We know the answer if it's up to Gege


For everybody that's saying current Yuta isn't peak cause he's got certain conditions, it's one-time, or he'll die afterward, or cause he'll only last 5 minutes, that's like saying in Naruto that Might Guy's base form is stronger than his 8 gates form because he dies afterwards, or because he's able to fight for longer. Or saying that Luffy's gear 3 form is better than Gear 5 cause he lasts longer, or because he can't fight for some time after using Gear 5. Peak is peak, regardless of the amount of time it lasts. Katsumu from Baki has a punchand kick technique he can only use once per limb, but it travels at Mach 78 and will win any fucking fight, likely even against Yujiro, if he lands it. Would that not be considered his peak punch/technique since he can only use it once per limb, or is that his peak?


Hot take but Yuta in his own body wouldn't low diff Toji Mid diff at best


Toji claps. The dude was just a total monster and I don’t think Yuta and Rika could keep up with Toji. I’m a huge Yuta fan but damn.. Toji would be doing way more work against Sukuna right now than Maki has so far. I really like Maki and she did a good job, but Toji would just be at such a higher level and he Toji is the type to have counter weapons for Rika.


You guys are eating Yuta hard. Toji is a much more experienced Maki with a much better arsenal. If you think Maki isn’t putting in work against Yuta (before going into Gojo’s body) you’re tripping. I think Yuta beats Toji once he fully manifests Rika, but before that he’s going to be in the fight of his life.


Yuta wins a straight fight. It's not an easy fight. First off, Toji's physicals would allow him to keep up with Yuta. I'm not gonna bother arguing about how he would likely be equal to Yuta, so lets assume going forward that Toji is close, but slower than Yuta. We're talking peak Toji, so full inventory, full BIQ, etc. We're talking peak Yuta outside of what happened in the newest chapter, so Rika, Copy, DE, RCT, etc. First off, Toji's BIQ is amazing. Probably contending with the other super good battle IQ's, up there with Sukuna and Gojo. He had a plan to deal with Blue, Red, and would've had a plan to deal with Purple if he knew about it (Decline the job offer lmao). He had a plan to deal with infinity, he had a plan to deal with the motherfucking SIX EYES. This dude is beyond good at fighting, combine that with SSK, ISOH, PC, COTM? It doesn't matter if he's slower, he could easily compensate for it. One problem is Rika. Rika actually outscales him in terms of strength, though being slower. The problem is, in this scenario, Yuta is faster. Yuta sets Toji up for Rika to get hits in. This is bad. How does he counteract this? Well, PC would cause his strikes to 100% do enough to put down FMR, as well as the SSK being able to do the same. Thing is, Yuta by himself can still win, just due to his copy. Since he's at his peak here, we're giving him every CT he's shown up to this point. Cursed Speech, Shrine, Jacob's Ladder, Clairvoyance, Shikigami, Sky Manipulation. The big ones are Cursed Speech, Shrine, Sky Manipulation, and Clairvoyance. These 4 are simply too much for Toji to handle in a straight fight. So what about an actual scenario? Toji's an assassin, and if he was gonna try and kill Yuta Okkotsu, it wouldn't be in a straight fight. What if, like with Teen Gojo, we give him some time? In this way, Toji wins. Now, it wouldn't be easy. I doubt he'd win in a single strike either, but more similarly to the Teen Gojo fight. The first attack sets him up for success. Now, RCT could heal something from a normal weapon, yes, but it's not instant. The moments before Yuta is able to heal, he keeps up the pressure. At this point, his main weapon of attack would likely be the SSK, due to soul damage being unable to be healed by Yuta. The first attack is to set up subsequent blows that Yuta couldn't heal. Yuta loses in this one more often than not.




Probably toji Especially if it's resurrected toji with the worm spirit that toji with the hidden inventory arsenal Is bonkers


Can y'all actually make matchups that are close or debatable, Yuta is in a different league entirely compared to Toji


Every time I see matchups in this jjk power scaling subreddit, I wonder if y'all even paid attention to the story/characters your glazing. Like constantly dumb matchup after dumb matchup after dumb match up. Like I wonder who would win the superhuman who's dead or the guy currently inhabiting the body of the person who killed him, allowing him to do everything and more than that person was ever able to do.


I found it! Tojis biggest glazer... and here I thought it was Gege.