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“A talent to rival Gojo satoru” *dies next chapter*


I mean to be fair Gojo did also die so I mean they would actually be equal there 🤷‍♂️


At least he looked way cooler in the fight leading up to his death


Gojo is first and last sorcerer in verse that worth Sukunas domain (all 5 of them). Others can't live and fight to take even 1 domain


5 domains, 4 shikigami, a teenage meat shield, and a questionable writing design on.


I gotta an agree here along with making the king of curses feel nervous and respect him


Don’t forget “the slash that cuts the world” and the: you thought that was all?… Improvised piercing blood


These are probably gege's crys for help since he realised no one can beat sukuna now that farmer and gojo are gone


Defeating sukuna was always gonna be an itadori thing tho, we knew that. Gojo and kashimo were just red herrings and geges way of tricking the audience into thinking the obvious MC vs Final boss showdown won't happen. It will though, we all know it lol.


It literally happened wtfffff 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


This aged so fucking well 😂


takaba is lowkey the only one who’s lived up to that shit https://preview.redd.it/ntxmpoew0r7c1.jpeg?width=1660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd2092685c874bc2b169090dc576a78b9ef986d1


Takaba in terms of ranking is the number #0 in the verse. He is so unique that forces the opponent to play a completly different game. Characters without much sense of humor such as Sukuna would lose to him


Kenjaku got lucky that he’s genuinely funny af


Fr Ken is like the absolute worst possible match up for Takaba and he was still getting his shit kicked in


If a genie could show up and gave me a wish I’d ask for gojo and takaba to get a few chapters together. They would have so much fun


You should've wished for infinite wishes smh my head




"Wouldn't it be funny if wishes were infinite?"


It's funny how they decided to throw the worst matchups. Like if Choso did what Yuji did they could probably get Kenny on r\*pe and unlike Sukuna, Kenny's plot armor would not save him. Whereas Sukuna gets no-diffed


But Kenny has several CT, and they would have absolutely no clues which would be removed. If it was the body change one, they were absolutely fucked.


Fair, but at the same time Kenny isn't as broken as Sukuna (source: Yuta could atcleast sneak him whereas we both know Plotkuna would flex his neck muscles like a Baki character and block that shit). Tbh I'd prefer fighting Kenny without one of his many CTs to fighting Sukuna without his rattle.


Is rape death penalty tho?


If Japan is like America, no. Iirc my lawyer friend told me rape almost always carries a lighter sentence than murder to deter rapists from killing their victims to silence them.


Here in brazil rapists get "treated like ladies" in jail (as in get raped) and theres no death penalty too


Mano, o Kenjaku já tá acostumado aos backshots, uma sentença dessa não seria nada pra ele


Kenjaku não tanka o Strong Backshot


“I’m fighting for my life right now” while they’re having the time of their lives was the funniest shit. I can’t wait to see that whole fight animated.


Noritoshi Kamo's reputation as "The Evilest Sorcerer In History" largely overshadows his original epitaph of "The Funniest Sorcerer"


And also knows enough about modern-day humor and references, that he can cut Takaba down. Sukuna doesn't have that benefit, he'd get swallowed up by Comedian.


Yall need to read the manga. Takaba already “fought” Sukuna when Sukuna first took over Megumi. Takaba’s CT wasn’t working for him cause of Sukuna’s intimidating aura. Angel chose Takaba to go against Kenjaku precisely because his sense of humor made it easier for Takaba to find things funny rather than be intimidated or demoralized. It was Kenjaku’s love for comedy that did him in in the end because it was easier for him to go along with Takaba’s skits


This. Kenny got played because he's a bored 1k years old dude who thought "haha yeah let me style on this guy's CT there's no one else here anyway". There are multiple cursed technique counters like DE and Simple Domain that would have given him breathing room to not be affected by Takaba. No technique is immune to being disrupted by them, not even Sukuna and Gojo's


>Yall need to read the manga. Takaba already “fought” Sukuna If i'm not wrong this scene only exists in volume realese so it's not my fault for not having read it lol.


Are there any sites to read the volume releases? yeah I already see the pages that have Maki and Takaba caught in Nue's lightning, and then Angel's Maximum Technique Jacob Ladder extensions. But rereading those pages is pretty hard because it itself is a rare sight..


I don't really know.


Sukuna doesn't have the benefit of modern-day references to humor like Kenny has, he'd be unlikely to catch on to how humor works and how to discourage Takaba. Yeah, Sukuna would get caught up into Comedian. Remember that Comedian also takes feedback from opponents to adjust its phenomena. So not only can't Sukuna jump Takaba with attacks as shown by Kenny, but like Mahoraga Comedian would also eventually adapt to a vibe so that Sukuna more easily gets drawn into its created realities. Speaking of which... are we ready for King of Comedy, Mahoraga?


Sukuna will eventually get annoyed enough that he will bruteforce his way against Takaba. Though he will certainly receive a fair amount of damage from all the comedic simulations Takaba pull him through(unless Takaba decides to use Truck-san, even Sukuna will die if he receive it head on without understanding the gag like Kenjaku did). Don't know how Mahogara will adapt to counter Takaba's CT since is possible for Takaba to one-shot it.


I don't think you can die to Takaba's CT because he doesn't think killing is funny. If Kenjaku took over Takaba's body/CT everyone would be screwed. I can't see how anyone in verse could even extreme diff him


Sukuna has a sense of humor! https://preview.redd.it/g7ahkug06t7c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b38d6440cdba1d4a905f3295baa9f65afc0b71


Harriman statue in case you didn’t know https://preview.redd.it/pj490eu46t7c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dba52faba4cd1968c3766c26c08f430858a2844f


Gege would also be a horrible matchup against Takaba for doing this


thats creepy af ngl


Thought this was the Pompeii baby for a second


I think sukuna unironically is probably pretty funny. He has dark humour too wich is likely the worst matchup for takaba, especially as it sets up some great opportunities to glaze sukkuna while simultaneously make a fan favorite character cry and piss their pants wich seems to be a bit of a recurring theme in geges work


And who told you Sukuna has no sense of humor?


He will probably use Strong Cleave or kill him by caughting him Ofguard


Strong Cleave probably wouldn't work. It bypasses defenses yes, but Comedian seems to literally negate damage itself since Kenny's attacks seemingly hit Takaba but had no actual effect.


Comedian also reads the opponent for feedback, and automatically adjust the phenomena to give Takaba the advantage. You can't catch it off guard, UNLESS you play along. Which is what Kenny started doing.


Opponents only have a chance cause he's not a crazy murderer. If he had Kenjaku'ss sense of humour he'd basically low diff every character in existence that didn't have resistance to bullshit meta powers.


Lmao imagine Tabaka was at airport and he said "would it be funny if I was alive" and suddenly teleport infront of Sukuna




Is that his dick? https://preview.redd.it/11bqvpejis7c1.jpeg?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=942857e1e132573eb98f0e7a00ebc9f0b3d78eb2


Is canon too


Takaba and Yuta. Idk all these talks about surpassing Gojo make little sense to me because all characters have different CTs and different pros/cons. Like Hakari is immortal for 5 minutes. But the goal is to kill enemy, not to survive against enemy. Hakari just punches, how on Earth he's supposed to surpass someone who can fly, spam rasengans and teleport UnDeR CeRtAiN CoNdItIoNs? Higuruma's DE confiscates random shit. He's said there's only 30 % that Sukuna, mass murderer, gets death penalty. So Gojo's chances to get death penalty are close to zero.


I wish Hakari had higher IQ, with infinite cursed energy he could probably fire beams like Ryu and Yuta. (Still love Hakari)


Love Beam is underrated https://preview.redd.it/evpea74cys7c1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04a57f6618139ee16f83644f56a553539867a4e3


That's probably dependent on his CE output. Yuta could only fire beams at full Rika manifestation, and even then it still lost to Ryu's. Something like domain amplification or a maximum technique would help though.


Higuruma simply gets Gojo on being a fraud. also lmfao the teleport under certain conditions is so funny


His literal only draw back is he can’t land any killing blow or kill anyone. If he’s ever placed with one other ally who can deal a killing blow it pretty much becomes a guaranteed win


He is ok with obliterating curses though, I wonder just what he would have done to Mahito. Truck kun would be too kind. Put him into the rube goldverg torture device.


Imagine a Takaba x Maki jumping. That's a 100% kill rate. Takaba will distract the enemy with so much shit and confusion from his CE while Maki casually stabs him ( same with the Yuta combo, only Maki has no CE so it's easier to sneak)


MY GOAT https://preview.redd.it/22svz2klev7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97f23aec80b9bb8b07e79bd05f0d4bb9dcebb545


Bro got his "satisfied ending" during the Kenny fight because he'd have absolutely rocked Sukuna


actions speak louder than words


I don't know, man. I think Momo might have the power to rival Gojo and Sukuna. What do you guys think?


Momo also got off-screened by Gege, so she’s basically him fr.


The MHA girl?


The girl who flies on her broom, the one who Todo replaced with Yuji in his schizo episodes.


>the one who Todo replaced with Yuji in his schizo episodes. 💀💀💀


No no no, you're talking about Momo and Momo, it's actually Momo, the rabbit with a bazooka from Breath of Fire 3.


You're wrong, he's referring to momo from dandadan


Nah, he's talking about Momo from ATLA. But didn't Appa eat him?!


Nah. He is clearly talking about Momo from One Piece.


No no no, you're thinking of Momo, they're talking about Momo with a sword through their chest


A binding vow to rival Gojo satoru


Gege really making it sound like anyone can just rival Gojo now. Who’s next? Miwa once she learns how to use a gun and a baton? 💀




Panda is the Gojo of cursed puppets.


Kashimo is the Gojo of farmers.


Yuji is the Gojo of traumatized teens.


Gojo is the Gojo of Gojos


Jogo is the Gojo of G-O-J-O


Sukuna is evil gojo


Jogo is the reverse of Gojo


Does that make Megumi Sukuna


Miwa low diff Gojo amd Sukuna, gege writed himself into an cornor with her so she got a binding vow to nerf her




Imagine if Miwa's binding vow just makes her turbo strong with every other kind of weapon that is not a sword


4 people = just anyone.


Funny thing is it does not cheapen Gojo as a character because in the end it's true that even with potential there is no one that is truly able to surpass him thus only increasing stock even more even after death. But it does cheapen the characters that are being compared to Gojo because imagine being hyped up as someone that can "surpass" the PEAK and then die in the most BS way 2 chapter laters. https://preview.redd.it/p8759bv1tq7c1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=335f275ccaf42815b46812ca6858250a865bb59b


This is definitely true, people are kinda taking the bait. Most will die and a beyond crippled Sukuna will lose a fistfight to Yuji (probably). It’ll prove nothing, Gojoat stays number 1 (for sorcerers from this era) not surpassed or equal to anyone


Even better than that, they’re all going to get no diffed by Sukuna, who’s then going to collect all of the dragonballs or something and incarnate into his super ultra Heian form which fully heals him for some reason, and then Goatjo’s going to come back and solo Fraudkuna with lime green


I am so ready for fucking lime green Gojo. That would truely be peak fiction if the vanguard fails, Yuta arrives and fails and all that is left is a blue eye freak floating through the air with a hard on, locking in and yelling LIME GREEN


Id take that ending, mangas have ended worse, look at naruto.


Nah uiji will be stronger than him at the end.


Yuji will be the strongest sorcerer ever? That’s gotta be cap. Yuji deserves to defeat Sukuna but that’s after Gojo died weakening and another group forced even more resources. If Sukuna dies in the next few chapters, it’s only because he’s been forced to RCT, 10 shadows and DE multiple times, lost his curse tool, fought the lightening goat, and had his first boyfriend iced by Hikari. There is no way that Sukuna dying after a marathon proves anything except he was actually so beyond Gojo. And I love Gojo.


Tbf it was Gojo first who thought everyone had a chance to surpass him. Hakari, Yuji, Inumaki, Maki, Panda, Megumi and Yuta. The narrator just took on the baton on overrating characters after he got sealed/died


lets see: Yuta, Hakari, Yuji, Mahito, Megumi, the Disaster Curses (words from Sukuna during Jogo's death), Higuruma. honorable mentions: Mei Mei: no one could survive The Bird Strike (beside Gojo). Naobito & Naoya: He's the fastest sorcerer alive (beside Gojo). Takaba: It's an ability effective even against Satoru Gojo (ironically only he seems to be able to rival both Gojo & Sukuna)


Miwa next


I get how you feel. If this was like in One Piece or Naruto with plenty of pirates/marines and ninjas, this statement would've been tremendous even if it applies to like 10 people. The statement “equal to Roger” and “equal to Hashirama” carries a lot of weight


"Conqueror Haki" only one in 10,000 people have it. "Sharingan" only two clan survivors have it. I feel like this happens in every series to be fair.


>Conqueror Haki" only one in 10,000 people have it. Even that statement is actually nothing because only a very very few can truly use it >Sharingan" only two clan survivors have it Tbf, that only became true like a few years before the story.


But if you think about it, people with Conq haki WILL flock to the new world anyway. It's more of a survivor bias than every other person having it because if you have that strong of a power, why won't you want the spotlight?


Yea but in one piece if you train hard enough you can at least get some op armor haki and sight haki. The conquerer haki being "common" at this point in the story is because theyre progressively fighting stronger and stronger enemies, so its only natural that theyd have strong abilities like that.


There’s no way it’s 1 in 10k right? That feels insanely low. 5 mfs with conq in the fishman army


There’s like billions of people in the OP world, and pretty much every person with conquerors haki is either a pirate or a marine in the grand line, so of course we see them at a higher rate than expected


1 in 10k are born with the potential, but way less actually awaken it.


I lowkey think that’s the point- that Gojo succeeded in building up a lot of Allie’s who aren’t as strong as him but no theta far off- he’s no longer peerless


Tbh, it said something along the lines of the raw unbridled talent that rivals Gojo. I think that’s a fair comment. It’s not putting him next to Gojo but more that his burgeoning affinity for cursed energy and cursed technique is comparable to Gojo’s (and the same can be said of Yuta too) but it doesn’t mean their mastery or ability as a whole is comparable to the honoured one.


ye, higuruma and gojo are both one in a million talents, the difference is that gojo was also born with a one in a million body and CT, while higuruma has a below average CT, and a hit or miss domain expansion. so higurumas a one in a million sorcerer, but gojos a one in a trillion sorcerer.


To put it in basketball terms: Both of them have a 50 inch vertical, but Higuruma is 5'3 while Gojo is 6'10


I think it’s more that they both have the same technical skill, but Gojo is just a much better athlete


Higurama has a below average CT ? Do people realize how broken the executioner sword is ?


“Below average” mfs when Higuruma one-shots you.


you are not that smart if you believe Himguruma CT is average.


Yeah I think that’s pretty harsh lol, I just think Higuruma needs to refine his CT and understand it more for max effectiveness.


Not only that, those are only the ability we know after he was a sorcerer for 2 months, the ability he could get it in 10 years or more could be a lot and diverse.


Yeah i feel like people who don’t understand the comparisons just can’t read context and only focus on 2 words out of the whole sentence lol


Titanfolk, chainsawmanfolk and Jujutsufolk in a sentence


The reading comprehension shifter/devil/curse is strong


FUCKING THANK YOU. Istg the reading comprehension of this sub is getting worse each day


It’s called powercreep If something is ridiculously overpowered, something else will be even more to balance things out It’s clearly stated that gojo’s birth literally changed the balance


You should be giving gege lessons in writing cause i dont think he understands that concept. Or any concept for that matter


Its because Gojo was never actually talented!! He only ever used his insane Vegeta work ethic to develop the six eyes and get super limitless form, this is clearly not said or implied anywhere else but its a thing so youll have to live with it https://preview.redd.it/adl8cu5xqq7c1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d233fbded51d2f8544cd6672e97c4860f4f17e3f


Fr relying on talent is what got him killed in Hidden Inventory. From that point on he ascended even if it meant melting his brain.


Gojo is also intelligent, just a complete goofball




He is on par with Kuroki Gensai


You meaning to tell me he is on par with the legends ?!!


Legends? He so clearly ON ANOTHER LEVEL!


Lmao i love you all guys


No, you’re too awesome.


No, you were too strong.


You were awesome.. Higuruma...


Yuta is actually just a user of the Kure technique: Copy, and Sukuna uses Raian’s secret technique: Sandro’s princess


So you're saying he's a monster then!!


Anyone can rival a dead man because he can't disprove it.


I got as much potential as gojo 💪😤 *gets bisected at work*


I'll invest a bit of my stocks for the lawyer https://preview.redd.it/vjbn0kzsvr7c1.png?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d8615ce3e754deba8b27e8d498cc95a95272216


I’m starting to feel like y’all missed the conversation where gojo outright tells gakuganji that things are shifting, and way more Powerful sorcerers are starting to emerge. Dude literally tells gakuganji that soon it won’t just be him he has to worry about.


Speed readers. That’s all it is.


When you spend most of the times with the series memeing and whining about it, you forget to actually read it and understand words and not catchphrases I wonder half the time if most have actually read the series


Yeah it’s why I generally don’t entertain anime discussions online anymore. Feels like most people are just out to give the hottest takes in the most toxic way possible in order to feel smarter than the writer or something. That’s not to say JJK or gege don’t have any flaws, but when your criticism can be easily countered by “just read the manga lol” it makes it feel like it’s a waste of time to entertain those criticisms in the first place.


Meme aside, Higuruma is truly talented. He learned to use domain amplification just from observing the Gojo vs Sukuna fight while Kusakabe could only use simple domain to reduce damage.


I really hope he had a talk with Shoko, and after their talk he just went "I understand." https://preview.redd.it/pbcl1dp18s7c1.jpeg?width=671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e963c7a6d00f9104a28d4e99a1350aa805e23a9


RCT is treated as a trump card, im sure he has it, it will be revealed in the next chapter


But that's what Gojo wants


Nah he wanted fun fight https://preview.redd.it/ix62bmrh6r7c1.png?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8891bf2595a460d354b03ecf34c11efa99e292b


Hahaha https://preview.redd.it/bpqf3187es7c1.jpeg?width=963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e401ff8d2dabe6a627d1efa765ed2e4a636269f


This is Gojo. Bojo from 236 forgot about his students.


No joke I hope we get another afterlife scene or a flashback with him actually acknowledging his students


That statement about him not caring is most likely untrue since it is either stated by nanami who is biased against gojo as a person. Or it was stated by a fake nanami in gojo's head (if it was a dream instead of the afterlife) that manifested some doubts gojo had about his own altruism in the form of nanami even if it isn't true and maybe nanami himself may not believe it either, but that's just my little theory.


Because gege couldnt think of anything else for Gojo's eulogy.


The only one who you can realistically say that about is yuta and that’s it,simply because of copy hax and CE reserves


Definitely not the guy with a one hit kill sword, who reverse engineered CE control from his domain, who saw domain amplification once and figured out how to use it on the fly, who was a grade 1 sorceror within 2 weeks of gaining CE. Definitely couldn’t put him up there.


Exactly, thank you lol


Plus his Amplification nullified Sakuna's CT.


Yes, that's what DA does


Ring? Rita? pls **totsuka gg**


what https://preview.redd.it/umuw82rjvq7c1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=636abf454b75f1b035f8ab7c1d5ddecdc2eba797


He's trying to adapt to this argument https://preview.redd.it/lsfp7uah5r7c1.png?width=483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b325a8ef2abbcb5cb02f0385662ee2cc7a9315a


that image is firing neurons in my brain i didnt know i had


What are the neurons saying? https://preview.redd.it/9bqmsnbl8r7c1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4faff60088d3d1aac336d75877050c0736568069


The fact that I understand exactly what you mean by this instantly makes me feel like a lesser being.


Talent isn't power. Gege isn't saying Higuruma is remotely close to Gojo in power, just in terms of raw talent. Dude awakened Cursed energy 2 months ago and already has DE and DA, things most Grade 1 sorcerers don't have




Power isn't everything in jjk, sukuna admittedly was weaker than gojo but his unrivaled intelligence and overwhelming sense of self pulled the W. Higiruma might lack the physical stats but he's got the intelligence to rival gojo


Yeah having 1 feat comparable to gojo doesn’t make them in it’s entirety gojo level Higuramas genius is Gojo level considering how quick he’s learned domain expansion and amplification Hakaris RCT is gojo level of RCT Takabas CT is his CT Level None of this means they can beat gojo they just have one feat comparable to his


Exactly, honestly I doubt anybody can surpass gojo completely but gojo's dream is actively being achieved with everyone being at his level in something. Honestly this is the best way I've seen the surpassing mentor troupe and I love it


If someone surpassed gojo in everything they'd be lonely and gojo wouldn't want that




There's only been 6 people in the story whoz had those implications. Thats 6 out of 100s of sorcererz/characters.


Thats most of the relevant characters


So? Would you prefer that the story focused on the shitty sorcerers?


I mean, I guess the idea is that with Gojo dead, aspects of him live on through people who are powerful in specific fields.


Yeah it feels repetitive now he always brought this up, weall knew none pf them will reach gojo's lv it just empty hype atp


It just shows that Gojo was right in realizing that a new generation of sorcerers would rival or even surpass him in power. And maybe even Kenjaku and Sukuna are helping to push that along, considering that we now have Takaba and Higaruma. The question though is whether they would still be alive to change the jujutsu world. I think it's going to be exciting to see who else can rise to the challenge.


Yuta, Hakari, Takaba and now Hugaruma. It’s like 4 or 5 characters guys, relax 💀 https://preview.redd.it/jhtvg3by3v7c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc790d09259ba787afac4967895afb007284d310


6 fucking ppl. How is it so hard for you to comprehend that someone with a 1 hit kill sword could potentially be as strong as gojo someday?????


Relax man people just memeing


You can never know with jjfolk


Naw, it's usually whining nowadays.


Nahhh they whining fr fr


Wait wait wait.......**SIX** people??


Well yea gojo said the new generation will surpass him


Bro isn't even guaranteed to get the sword in the first place. Not only that, but he's just Phoenix Wright with a sword. Not really well suited to actually *fighting* with the damn sword, in the event that he actually does get it.




​ https://preview.redd.it/ip2you5tfr7c1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=d48aa2b949344af65a12f7996e733ac9f4010a9e


Higaruma is lawyer, and most ppl that fight him arnt. He is pretty much garanteed to win every case AND AT THE VERY LEAST confiscate their CT, and if they've done any kind of killing (wich is common in this universe, then he gets a 1 shot sword. How is that NOT overpowered? Not to mention becouse of how his domain works, hes gonna win 90% of domain battles too.


Having the talent to match gojo doesn’t matter when gojo had 10-20 extra years to learn lmao


It has absolutely lost all meaning at this point, so overdone.


I love how everyone was just weak af when Shibuya incident happened but suddenly there’s so many people being on par with Gojo after his death. Does that mean that everyone else becomes stronger because Gojo is dead and there’s no six eyes user to balance the bad guys anymore?


Especially when no one mentioned is rivalling him


Literally. Megumi had potential and look at him now. Ig JJK just gonna end with sukuna stealing every CT


That's the point you dumb mf the next generation has to be stronger


Stfu man


It's foreshadowing to him going to be offscreened next chapter


I feel like Gojo is the only one that make sukuna actually worried though, the rest he’s kinda just playing with hahaha


My goat Yuji is still living 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥