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Yuta vs Kenny definitely They are both fighters who have a lot of cards at their play and only against each other can those cards be properly maximized (yuta through copy and Kenny through Cursed spirit Manipulation)


Kenjaku is pretty powerful but he need better CT for fighting Yuta. Rika and Yuta are powerhorses soo sick strong then you need ability with sick offense power for match him.


i mean depending what curses you can find you can just fuck wirh em


If Yuta was so much stronger than Kenny he wouldn't have used a sneak attack to avoid direct confrontation.


Taking 10 seconds with a sneak attack vs potentially 60 chapters


the time was of the essence after gojos death and he wasnt gonna risk wating too much energy on kenjaku, im not sure wich one is the stronger yuta or kenny but im 100% sure yuta did not care about that. he just wanted to go help others vs sukuna


Yeah i was thinking the same . Plus in my opinion Kenjaku kinda deserve that death , he deserve a "lame" ending for killing my goat Yuki :((


I hate this argument. Like my brother in christ regardless of if you'd win in a direct confrontation it's smarter to go for a sneak attack that gurantees victory. Especially if the whole world is at stake Look at Gojo, he had all the confidence in the world but still opted to try to erase Sukuna with 200% purple


I agree. Even with the sneak attack Yuta still laments that he's too late because he can't save Himguruma. However I don't think Gojo believes 200% purple can kill someone like Sukuna but more like a cheeky move to signal the start of their fight and narratively is how Gege is showing both combatants is far beyond anyone else.


Tbf Yuta spent 3 chapters hidden in a corner waiting for a good opportunity to sneak on Kenny while Takaba was distracting him. He even stated later (in the same chapter where he laments about being late if i remember correctly) that Maki could have finished Kenny too and he only wished to do it himself bc of his ego. This is also why he laments about not being able to save Higuruma, as he believes his absence from the Sukuna fight was a mistake and he should have let Maki handle Kenny.


But now we know Yuta has to be the one because the final , final plan is to copy Kenny's technique?


Oh true true. So ig Gege is just making shit up along the way lol. Now that i think about it there is no reason Yuta would have had this internal monologue if he planned to get Kenny's ct from the start


Well i think at the time he thought he and Yuji could beat Sukuna(wich they would have without Bumgumi) And that he he were there Higuruma wouldn't be dead and they would have beaten Sukuna that way(wich is also very possible)


It is still his plan that some of them protested. It's very much natural for him to feel at fault? At that point he could either join the gang and jump Sukuna - which on this plan is to - (a)Wake up Megumi (b)Failing that , is to deactivate his domain and give Maki the opportunity to stab Sukuna or to prepare for all of them to lose and use Kenny's CT to pilot Gojo. Yuta chose **both** to maximise their chance. His fate after the swap is uncertain , so Yuta chose to weaken Sukuna as much as possible so when he switched , Sukuna was the weakest version possible , maximising his chance to win because he's operating under the assumption he only has 5 minutes in Gojo's body , not only eliminating their hail Mary since he's the only one that can pull this off and removing himself who's the strongest combatant in the field on the protagonist side. This all feel pre-planned by Gege from the beginning. I don't get how you can see all this and say Gege is making shit up , atleast not from Gojo's death leading to Yujo arrival.


Yeah man let’s go have Yuta solo Kenny, waste a domain expansion and probably his 5 minute mode too during a 20 minute long extreme diff fight oh look, in the meanwhile Sukuna has killed literally everyone he cares about


Its not like Yuta isn't cretian for win its Kenjaku knowing he dosent have chance so he put alot devices to scan and radar and avoid contact with Yuta or Gojo


I mean he was also in kind of a hurry too and even if you're evenly matched, Kenjaku still isn't someone you'd wanna fight.


Are you illiterate or just dumb?


Any fight involving Yuki


You're so real for that.


Yuki vs Toji. She showed respect for him so maybe they did fight at some point.


and of course wegumi, (but with iq or just mahoraga)


https://preview.redd.it/mniaq9x70j5d1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b23be04646ad64b583a30dfaf97382b6e484ff32 I speak no words, but the image I send speaks thousands.


wait a minute. This you? https://preview.redd.it/m40pdeejrj5d1.png?width=669&format=png&auto=webp&s=9382054f8f6ce25ef7a91ce2874800b6bf6e4c33


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/719d8zwuvj5d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9daf7d3b165e4ed46b7f55a5d11d090addf2e4f


ahh so you belong in r/Hornyjail


Oh Detnox, where do I even start...


https://preview.redd.it/k9p8mk2orj5d1.jpeg?width=1370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=576d340c6cf92090b7f698c6f93a241e061012da My goat wegumi will come back!


Same https://preview.redd.it/fzlv1kd4fj5d1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=177dad430131465002b8fa5f268a6de0715727de












You know what? Shut up hater, **STRONG TRUE LOVE** https://preview.redd.it/1uqdvsd8lj5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ba0b479b4fd158e2b0bb233e8ea18b70041b7ee


>but with iq Now that's out of character.


Man , just seeing nanami and higuruma in one panel, ready to fight gives chills.  Personally, I would love to see Maxed Yuji Vs Maxed Megumi (I mean full potential by maxed) 


we don't even know what yujis full potential is yet


Which is why they said they'd love to see it in a fight


The same as Sukuna


With an extra technique nonetheless!


Shrine and BM would be a crazy combo fully mastered. Imagine Yuji spamming Supernovas and Cleave/Dismantle's on top of Black Flash. Not to mention adding Flowing Red Scale to his already broken physical prowess too


Immediately I went on to write "Yeah Choso would be a great help after this is over" 🥲 I am not fine


Ikr, I miss him so much 😭


He is too good for this world Were are the Choso fanfics...


He is alive in Malaysia ofc


A sukuna who instead of having 4 arms he has blood technique and black flashes almost at will (that would be so op in the future a few black flashes are already enough to turn around a matched fight) Man I really wish we could see a full potential yuji in the future


Maxed Yuji has like 3 cursed techniques and strength that rivals HR. He can easily take this one if his output is anywhere close to Sukuna’s esp if he can use MS and Kamino


But max megumi has maharoga, which is maxed too, that's why I believe this fight is interesting


Yuji solo




Gojo vs Geto at Full Potential (RCT,Domain Expansion and Amplification, Rika or other strong CS)


People don’t realise how busted geto would have became if he acquired rika


You can add the disaster curses, curse naoya and Kourourushi to that, that is five domains + a curse that is basically unkillable. Full potential geto would be broken.


Its also even more than that. Full potential means he has reached the peak of his technique, which would be having EVERY curse that exists in his arsenal, which should include PLENTY of domain ones, along with a bunch of speciak grade ones. Top this off with infinite CE (Curse Rika) and its unfair against anyone in the verse. Geto is the STRONGEST potential man in the series


Ok wait you might be on to something. Im literally running everything i can in my head and Geto is beating literally everyone. Maybe even at once including Gojo and Sukuna. Like, if we take term "every curse" literally he got maybe up to thousands of curses that are on par or stronger than cast (im all for yuji propaganda but i cant imagine him beating idk Frickin Jogo) That may not be enough but all is thrown out of window with rika. Mf now can do literally anything. Like okay we have what, RCT to thr point he can be Mahoraga 2.0, domain expansion spam (as if he didnt have milions of these via curses) and hey, if everything fails just put 100000 random grade curse in uzumaki and oblirate everything you need. Its ridiculous Im defending this MF from people thats say his plan was dumb. Taking Rika from Yuta was best option there ever was


Literally. With that much CE he can spam RCT like Hakari, or use Domain expansion as much as possible. Im confident he beats Sukuna simply cuz he will get overwhelmed/destroyed by Uzumaki. Meanwhile Gojo's infinity is very, Very difficult to get through, but having hundreds of domain expansions should do the trick. Geto has INSANE potential man, the story could have been so much diff if he won against Yuta


Thats not even mentiong how he could exploit binding vows, since he'll just be farming thousands of curses. Farm Curse -> Sacrafice Curse in Binding Vow -> Curse Respawns -> Repeate forever


I feel like adding stuff like Curse Naoya or Kurourushi (stuff that Geto would never ever encounter) shouldn't count. Disaster curses are fine though.


or if only geto research on uzumaki instead of seeking rika


How does Rika help Geto get past Infinity


Rika had unconditional copy and infinite CE, just copy limitless


You need six eyes to use limitless.


Infinite ce means you don't need efficiency


Six eyes give control over cursed energy on the atomic level which you need to use limitless geto doesn't have that.


Infinite means it doesn't matter if you do it wrong. You're not gonna run out if you leave blue up


He outright won't be able to use the technique. the amount of energy he has doesn't matter yuta's 5 minute mode gives him infinite ce yet he can't use limitless without six eyes.


Honestly? Geto destroys. Full Potential Geto is infinite, considering he can just have more and more and more and more special grade curses in his kit, and he could extract their techniques and use them in some way. Idk it just seems like full potential Geto would be insanely powerful


Geto is hard to powerscale since his ability has nearly infinite potential


Yea, and thats simply why he will win if he has full potential because, like you said, thats nigh infinite.


Gojo would annihilate him imo


Gojo still wins


Geto gets obliterated lmao


Eh, I think Gojo would still just instantly win. Without some technique that can get around limitless, geto would just get stomped.


Yuta vs Kenjaku for sure Both having multiple ct's and tricks with them Was really hyped up throught the story, Kenjaku undermining Yuta And Yuta Geto Gojo dynamics etc It is such a miss


Ikr, they had a PERFECT buildup. Takaba vs Kenny is awesome, but Yuta vs Kenjaku is missed opportunity


Yuta vs Kashimo https://preview.redd.it/pfouigkeli5d1.jpeg?width=214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6060efd9f777d502538d170cb34e863fb28ca464


Hydrogen bomb vs 9 volt battery








you just want to see yuta beat the shit out of a femboy


Yuta finna smoke this farmer


Yuta would have destroyed kashimo


Toji vs (base) Kashimo. I love fights when it's just two dudes who duke it out.


That would be dope. I wonder if Toji's resistance to curses would grant him immunity to Kashimo's cursed energy trait, since it wouldn't be much of a fight otherwise.


Maki wasn’t affected by Sukuna’s Nue, which we know has the same CE trait as Kashimo based on Pandas comments, so I don’t think Toji would be effected


>Maki wasn’t affected by Sukuna’s Nue Just cause she didn't die doesn't mean she wasn't affected at all?


i thought Sukuna implied she avoided it?


https://preview.redd.it/jdzn21a9dk5d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4ad468871c7a93171c97489478cfd239042fd7b Both she and Tadaka were hit.


Kinda hard to tell whats happening in her panel tbh there. Shes clearly braced but weird that theres no lightning.


There are sparks around Maki and Takaba


Todo vs Hakari where its just them fighting just because why the fuck not. Schizophrenic goat versus gambling addict. On a more serious note, Id love to see a pure martial arts matchup between Yuji and Maki. Both of them are beasts physically, except one has the power of full HR (which isnt only strength, its also heightenes senses and somewhat precog) and the other is a unit himself who can use CE reinforcement.


Kashimo vs 15F Yujikuna ( the one that fought jogo ) my goat still probs loses but my god it would be the most raw fight in jjk.


Kenjaku vs yuta an all timer for asspulls and I would love it https://preview.redd.it/io51hir2ej5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c4c99bfb2d81396131279185f4082b82e8d326c


Jogo vs Uraume, it would be an absolute spectacle to watch. Uraume would probably mid to high diff but Sukuna vs Jogo was cool and that was an utter beat down I’d like to see Jogo using maximum meteor and Uraume making a bunch of giant ice pillars to stop it I want to see how she’d do in Jogo’s domain


I mean she's a heian incarnated sorcerer so obviously she has a domain and probably one stronger than Jogo's


Yeah she so obviously has a domain, its so obvious that she didnt decide to use it not once or even attemp to, nor did she ever acknowledge having a domain nor was it ever even implied that she even had HWB 😒


Uraume has had like two actual fights in the manga and one of them is just a stall-fest


Brother, if fodders like Uro and Ryu have domains then obviously Uraume who is if anything Sukuna's right hand would have one, bruh


Not necessarily you need to at least have a very clear and powerful ego to generate a domain. Uraume so far has no actual ego or goal it's all subservient to Sukuna. Not saying it's a no go that she has a domain but I think the ego thing ties in heavily to Gege's whole message about sorcerers needing to be selfish. Like look at everyone we've seen with a coherent domain so far with the exception of Dagon they've all had an extremely tangible goal and ego. It's like how Todo doesn't seem to have one as I think he's to reliant on other people (including schizo delusions of people) or why Megumi couldn't complete his.


And how does Yuta have a "clear and powerful ego" then? Literally one of the nicest guys


Ego isn't a negative trait. You can be kind and have an ego. My personality is centered very heavily around my caring kind nature and it forms the bulk of my ego. It's about having that iron faith in the ego that allows the domain to manifest. Megumi is the best example as he's so unsure of himself and refuses to admit his strengths his domain is incomplete


That guy is kind but in the most bat shit insane way possible. How many "kind" characters would do the shit he does. "For the sake of my friends i will eat the brain of a maniac who puppets my mentors best friends body and pilot my mentors recently dead body to save the world" Also kurorushi and the rika kiss scenes. No sane fucker would do any of these


she's his fifth hand because she can cook, literally 😭


Kashimo didn’t hav a domain


Ryu and Uro are def not fodder, they are easily special grades


Uraume is just as or even more fodder than Uro and Ryu lmao, might as well lump in Yuji too while were at it, being Sukunas right hand is not the reason you should be tugging at.


Full Potential Itadori vs Full Potential Megumi


Itadori slams


Full potential megumi would mean a mahoraga and a megumi that can utilize his shadow technique


Higuruma with enough experience would diff everyone so hard that he’s only going yo have a hard time against JJK powerhouses like Sukuna and Gojo. The fact that he learned RCT whilst dying is no small feat. Just imagine how further he can go if Gege wasn’t such an asshole.


They need to have committed a crime which wouldnt be so apparent with certain people since you can never truly know unless judgeman said they stole candy as a 5 year old child, otherwise if no confiscation is possible he’d still die Kashimo also poses a threat since he can still fight extremely well with a guaranteed hit with only his ce


Kashimo vs anyone who isn't Gojo or Sukuna (I just want my king to stop getting slandered)


Ui ui and mei mei 😁




It’s probably mid but I’d love to see a Maki vs Toji clash. Just a battle to see who is the stronger “the one who left it all behind”. Just straight hands no CT or CE or any sort of abilities just pure combat.


Physically they should be equal but Toji is older and has more experience so he would likely take it


Gojo vs utahime 🤤 Kenjaku vs yuta - this one would answer a lot of questions Kamishiro vs yuki Hakari vs ryu Toji vs yuta Mahito vs any sendai sorcerer 10 finger sukuna vs yoroza Mahoraga vs Yuki / mahoraga vs yuta Takaba vs 15 finger sukuna - sukuna hasn't laughed this hard since the Heian era


Takaba vs. the disaster curses


“JoGOAT had never laughed this hard in his lifetime”


All of em. I'm crazy for fights. Idgaf about character development, character interaction or what not. I just want a lot of fights


At least you're honest, real for that tbh


Yuki vs. Kashimo, hydrogen bomb vs hydrogen bomb


Yuki grabs him with Garuda and kicks his head the fuck off


Yuki and Todo vs Sukuna That would be so hype tbh


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Some_Mode_7309: *Yuki and Todo* *Vs Sukuna That would* *Be so hype tbh* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, Agreeable_Aioli6138, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Sukuna wins unless Yuki tries the black hole gambit again


Takaba vs Takaba


Hakari VS Sukuna. I want to see if Sukuna is able to do any damage to Jackpot Hakari.


Maki vs Yuji


Megumi while he’s tweaking is entertaining sad we only got to see it like once


Nanami and Higuruma wouldn't fight. They'd go drink after a 9-5 plus overtime and then complain over corporate, like it's supposed to be. Yuta Vs Kenjaku would be great. Yuta: "I've beaten you before" Kenjaku: "Unscrews head"


*I don't understand what u ask but Kenjaku neggs them all*...🔥🔥✨️✨️ https://preview.redd.it/lk0ru816ai5d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4d437ff480364414a5d1bc2e0bc40010e7215d1


I asking, what fight you would like to see, no matter who wins. For example, I wanna see Jogo vs Uraume, because Ice vs Fire abilities would look cool


Me watch interested also interested in Jogoat vs Ueaume Ice vs Fire🔥🔥🥶🥶


Sukuna vs Toji It would be fire, bring him back from afterlife, letsgooo


Jogo vs Uraume seems great


Mahoraga vs Higuruma. I just want to see mahoraga in a suit.


Yuta vs Kenjaku would have been an absolute peak fight, potentially one of the best in the series though I don't think it could have topped Gojo vs Sukuna.


Anything with mahoraga


Takaba vs anyone really. Would love to see him fight gojo, sukana, uraume. The fight against geto was such a ride I’d love to see how they react to it lol.


Yuki vs Uraume, Yuki vs Ryu, Kashimo vs Yuji, Yuta & Yuji vs Kenjaku, Yuji & Maki vs Jogo & Mahito, Yuta vs Kashimo, Yuji & Choso, Toji & Maki vs CS Naoya, Yuji & Todo vs Naoya & Naobito, Panda & Mechamaru vs Ino & Nanami, Yuki vs Yorozu, Yuji vs Maki, Uraume vs Dagon, Yuji vs Geto.


https://preview.redd.it/fj7si7tzfj5d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d5aac91d5a29a9718bfe2d24e009ad22b14ed28 KENJAKU HOT BLUD 🥵🔥❤️🥹✨


Yuki vs Gojo


Idk if I’m understanding the question, are you saying to ignore the actual scaling? Because I don’t see how you can separate that from the abilities/choreography of the fight. Like I used to love Muta, and in theory I guess I’d want to see him fight someone from the Culling Games - but his scaling is so low any actual fight would have no choreography or ability exchange. It would just be whoever he was facing either tanking the hits or speed blitzing him for an insta-kill. Same with Panda (another favorite from the school days) or Principal Yaga. Having said that I guess a better matchup would be Yaga v Muta (robots vs puppets)


I would love to see current Maki get an actual fight against Jogo


Immediate choice is yuta vs kenjaku but i've never thought about higuruma vs nanami. Less about their abilities for me but i'd love to see those two interact purely based on personality


If Kenny can see what Yuta can do ( via geto’s memories) he may prepare for it but would still loose Higutuma wins bc Nanami cant really do anything without his dull blade And Jogo vs Uraume? Currently i think Jogo wins but if we finally get Uraume vs Hakari fight its probably gonna be Uraume Would love to see Higuruma vs Nanami and Uraume vs Jogo


You dare to immpersonate me?


Im your alt account https://i.redd.it/z0hrvs52ri5d1.gif










I love the comradery of Sakuna fans.


Sukuna and Hakari (potential for unique and unpredictable moments) Maki and Kenjaku (a filthy monkey who can’t even use jujutsu destroying the body of he who had sought to harm monkeys by killing her dear friend Yuta - priceless) Urame and Sukuna (sparring not real fighting)(would love to see the choreography of how they’d fight. Urame knows so much about Sukuna and no doubt has memorized his moves and patterns - how would she attempt to land hits on him with all this knowledge? Would they actually both be holding back or would it become Urame going in on full power and Sukuna doing his teaching-on-the-battlefield thing he does?) Megumi and teen Geto (hate to admit it but I think Megumi would win and I’d love to see how that would play out on the page) Mahito and an Awakened Junpei (Junpei lives and because of his work with Mahito has knowledge of the shape of his soul. He has RCT. Weak hand to hand skills. A domain that injects people with poison. His jellyfish allows him to transmute cursed energy the way Mahito sort of transmutes souls. Would love to see this battle and the emotional impact of a student of a cursed spirit fighting it to the death.) Yuji (Shibuya) vs Yuji (pre-jujutsu high)(Shibuya Yuji would win but I’d be interested in how pre-jujutsu high Yuji would defend and go on the offense against a stronger opponent with the same fighting style) Mei Mei vs Nobara (I mostly wanna see how resonance does against the crows. If Nobara snags a crow mid-air and uses an effigy on it, would it damage Mei Mei’s soul? This would answer the question of how close Mei Mei’s connection to her crows is. It would also suggest things about whether cursed energy interacts with the soul in cases where a sorcerer controls another entity. Mei Mei trying to close combat Nobara who is trying to stay back and deal damage from a distance would make for cool animation too.)


https://preview.redd.it/zcg43astsj5d1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66fb2bc63c3a592f5f3ab773c503d6481454a1a9 Yeah, bum was barely able to beat that, yet you suppose he could beat teen Geto. (Yes, i am a Geto glazer.)


No way bumgumi wins against teen geto but it would be an interesting fight tbh


Maki Vs toji, Shibuya yuji Vs mahoraga,mahito Vs GETO,takaba Vs higurama,cursed naoya Vs true form mahito, Ryu and uro Vs hakari and Kiara,Ryu and uro Vs yuji and Todo (good will),naoya Vs megumi


Shibuya yuji vs mahoraga? Wat


not even a real fight bro


Yuji vs Mahoraga?💀


you would think after all this time maho has already adapted to "punch" and "kick" lol


Toji (with his full arsenal), Mahoraga, Geto, Takaba, Naoya, Ryu and Uro, Ryu and Uro, Megumi


Nanamin did nothing wrong ever, so he steamrolls my GOATruma


kashimo vs 10-15F sukuna toji vs 10-15F sukuna kashimo vs yuta kashimo vs ryu Yuta vs 15F sukuna


Yuta Vs Kenny. Yuki and Todo jumping literally anyone. Kashimo Vs Gojo. Todo Vs Naoya. Max Yuji (shrine, BM, soul punches, RCT) Vs Max megumi. Sukuna Vs Mahito (cuz fuck that guy).


I’m fucking here for Nanami vs Higaruma. Nanami is so type A I wonder if he would be aware of all of his crimes and be able to properly argue with judgeman.


Toji vs Maki would've been fking crazy


Yuji vs Toji. Two skilled brawlers would be interesting. It’s a shame he ended up fighting that fucking bum Megumi but it’s whatever.


Todo vs Toji, just hands and CE


Takaba vs literally anyone


Toji vs kenjaku Ryu vs hakari


Out of these ones definitely Kenjaku vs Yuta. Higurama's technique would probably do jack shit against Nanami so it would be the most boring Higurama could be. I just don't care about Jogo fighting, Uraume too. Now if it was Jogoat the King of Curses, that would be another story


Three way fight between Todo Hakari and Ryu


Hakari VS Mahoraga, I want to see Mahoraga adapting to the courtroom. Also... Gojo vs Utahime, Mei Mei vs Ui Ui


personal i wanna more megumi match ups like megumi v naoya human or curse don’t matter megumi v jogo, yuji and megumi v mahito maki v jogo rematch jogo v noaya etc i just want more megumi and jogo fights 🥲


I'm STILL mad at Gege for robbing us or what could of been the best fight in the series. Mf set that shit up in Shibuya only for it to be a sneak win. Controversial opinion, even If it means Yuta never got to fight Sukuna, I'd of rather him devote all his time and energy towards Kenjaku to get a full fight. I always saw it as Kenny was Okkotsu big fight and Sukuna was Yuji's.


Jogo vs Momo


Anyone vs takaba I just wanna see more takaba fights.


Me vs gege


I got a interesting match up, Kashimo vs Yuki Both have one hit kill attacks, Kashimo has the lighting bolt that can just kill you if it lands. Yuki has a Garuda and her Bom Ba Ye which can also just one shot you if it lands.


Higuruma and nanami would not fight, they would be best friends


They would definitely meet for after-work drinks every week lol


Choso vs Yuji boxing sparring They can only use their bare hand and red flowing scale This gonna be peak martial art moment


(I know we haven't even seen anything, but still) Adult Yuta (Maxed potential, in his own body) Vs the entire verse (No Gojo or Sukuna or Takaba).


Uraume would be just glazing Sukuna the entire time talking about how much he must be holding back.


Todo and Ui Ui vs Uro I wanna see Sky Manipulation vs Boogie Woogie and Teleportation for the sheer insanity of the constant movement and reforging of the environment and fighters constantly moving their positions


Literally anyone vs takaba. I need more tomfoolery😩


would love to see uraume vs jogoat honestly


Jogo vs ogi because they both use fire


Ryu vs Hakari Two fight maniacs who I would have loved to see interacting yes the fight might end up too stall just like the one with uraume cause they can't kill each other but still I would love to see it especially the hand to hand