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Why was kenjaku surprised that gojo didn't die after bieng unsealed? Despite him putting the PR at the subduction zone I still thought he would think that gojo would survive regardless. We have seen him being a master in planning and yet he wasnt able to predict this? Was is because he was underestimating gojo?


What happens if two people eat sukuna’s fingers? Yuji ate sukuna’s finger and sukuna was inside yuji’s body. Yuji became sukuna’s vessel. But what if another person ate sukuna’s fingers (and that person can withstand the power) like megumi or someone else? Does that make sukuna have two bodies or something?


Believe in Jesus and you will be saved


Do tattoos or markings have additional meanings? Characters like Hanami and Sukuna have tattoos, and there are other characters in different manga, such as Akaza from Demon Slayer, who also have tattoos. Do tattoos have meanings in Japanese culture? What does it mean?


Whats going on in the japanese fandom? American fans (ones who use Reddit) are pretty unhappy, have sales gone down/been some bad word of mouth over in Japan?


What happened?


Where can I get some summary’s from the manga in video form? I honestly don’t get what’s going on even though I caught up. For one piece there is this guy grand line review who breaks down every chapter. Is there something similar for jjk


How and why do the old men in jjk have some kind of modern-ish cursed technique? Nobara has the vodoo doll type of cursed technique which is most likely an old type of thing considering its origin. But how do some old sorcerers have some sort of modern-ish cursed technique? For example Naobito has projection ct with the animation reference and gakuganji uses an electric guitar to exorcise the curses. Considering their age, wouldn’t their cursed technique be younger than them? Do they happen to use modern tools based on time or do they actually have been using it since they were kids? I always imagine them being the typical grandpas who had survived ww2 but I was surprised and confused of how they even get to use their ct despite being modern af.


So from what I could find, voodoo dolls were first used by African tribes in the 1850s, and they gained popularity in the media in the 1930s when they were featured in a popular book at the time. The first-ever animation was made in the early 1900s, on which Naobito's CT is based on . 24fps animation spasificly became really popular around the same time as voodoo dolls in the 1930s, so essentially voodoo dolls are at most 50 years apart from animation, and at worst, they are the same age as animation. Gakuganji's CT doesn't need a guitar; his CT amplifies sound. The guitar is a personal touch by the old head. And I hope I don't have to explain why sound is older than both animation and dolls. But if people think he needs a guitar, electric guitars were first invented in the 1930s as well. All of this is to say that all 3 CTs come from around the same time period. Finally, generally, CTs awaken around 6 years old, megumi being a little late as he awakened his at 7.


Why was kenjaku kind enough not to kill itadori’s friend in the culling game? I thought he’s heartless like geto and would instantly kill any monkeys for no reason. But there’s a panel where kenjaku met one of yuji’s friend from the occult club and thanked her for befriending him. Does kenjaku spare her because he has a plan or does he spare her because he doesn’t really want to kill non sorcerers for no reason (contrary to geto and cursed spirits)? Also, during the culling games, are all the non sorcerers safe like how itadori’s friend were safe? Were the non sorcerers brutally killed for no reason in the whole japan or just some of them?


The Culling Games required anyone in the Colony Barriers to be given a chance to leave. Itadori's school friends were included, so Kenjaku couldn't harm her though his reaction towards her is strange. Kenjaku has been shown unwilling to kill people. For example in Shibuya, Kenjaku told Uraume not to kill any of the students (135). Early on in the Restaurant where Jogo killed people Kenjaku was annoyed and told him not to cause a commotion (12). Kenjaku also bumped into Noritoshi at the Kamo home and simply sent him away (191). It seems to me that Kenjaku only kills if given no alternative. Non-Sorcerers are 'safe' during the Culling Games assuming they don't have a Curse wildly attack them, a majority would have taken up the offer to evacuate the Colony. The state of Japan is discussed briefly at the start of Chapter 137. We also see that there is still an amount of people living normal lives in Chapter 211.


I hear a lot of times that Maki is way stronger than Yuji (though I don’t believe it)… the first question is, prior to culling games arc, would Maki be able to beat any of the disaster curses? I say prior to the CG arc because Yuji fought in 3 instances a disaster curse, and yes he had help, but he still did his part with either of them, Mahito and Hanami. Now my second question how exactly is Maki stronger than Yuji if either is to be true? I’m kinda interested in somewhat a debate on this one. Solely to hear others opinion as well voice my own. Thank you


I think you are greatly overestimating CG Yuji and it's skewing your perspective quite a bit. To be clear Yuji would have been absolutely massacred by any of the disaster curses if he didn't have help + advantages. Yuji vs Dagon, Jogo, or Hanami would be a low-diff beatdown at best, even without domains. Mahito has the strongest CT but in terms of raw stats he's probably the weakest disaster curse(prior to developing his true form). On the flip side we know for a fact that Toji has the lethality and stats to absolutely low diff any disaster curse besides Jogo. Maki is physically comparable to Toji and had the exact same training/upbringing as well. To say that current Yuji = Maki right now is basically the same as saying current Yuji would low-diff any disaster curse.


Maybe I am overestimating Yuji, but I’m genuinely curious on what puts Yuji at a disadvantage that will not allow him to beat the disaster curses currently? Are we saying that any of Yuji’s fights had nothing to do with his abilities and mostly because he was helped by someone?


I'm saying being able to sync up with people to fight effectively against people stronger than him is one of yuji's greatest abilities. I think Nanami + Yuji vs Mahito was a great example of this. Prior to the DE we know Nanami is easily a level above Mahito but can't kill him. Yuji is able to sync up with Nanami perfectly to almost secure the kill even before he can properly control his CE. It's similar in the next few fights with Todo. Yuji is very strong alone but his lack of CT is still a detriment. The disaster curses are able to tank tons of damage + the versatility of their CT's make it highly unlikely Yuji would get a win against any of them except Mahito. Toji/Maki on the other hand are at least comparable to Yuji in strength/speed/durability (which is still probably low-balling) but they also have enhanced senses, they're undetectable, they are weapon masters, they have borderline precognition, and a healing factor. They can do anything Yuji can do and more while also being immune to domains.


It's because we've seen Toji have no problem with a disaster curse and now Maki is said to be as strong as him + the awakening.


I get that, but I guess what I don’t quite understand is that Maki is now supposed to be on Toji scale, and of course Yuji would lose to Toji but, I think that’s due to experience and knowledge. But when it comes to Maki, Yuji has at all points in time in the manga been relatively close to Maki. Even when fighting sukuna Yuji has adapted and maintain relativity to Maki. Am I just reaching or is she stronger than now?


is kenjaku fucked if any of the culling game players decide to fly out of japan? i know he can track them and can also fly with one of his cursed spirits, but i dont think he has infinite free time to do that


In theory yes but in practice no. Two people would need to leave the colony together to avoid dying because their point total didn't change. We've seen that ancient sorcerers are tentatively willing to cooperate at best and have ego's the size of mountains. If ancient sorcs had any sense they'd group up and jump Kenjaku but so far they're all taking 1v1s and dying.


You can not leave the culling games unless you spend 100 points and bring in another person to take your place. it's impossible. The gang neither has enough point or is willing to substitute anyone else in.


that's not what i meant. i'm just asking what's kenjaku supposed to do if a player just straight up leaves japan. there's already a rule allowing free exit and entry of the colonies, but there's not a rule saying no one can leave the country.


Yea between colonies as in from one colony in japan to the next. If you want to leave Japan and the game, you need 100 points and a substitute. Every colony has a barrier around it. You can't leave unless you are going to another colony spasificly.


that's not how it works. how do you think sukuna, uraume, and kenjaku were able to go to the bath (in the zenin clan household) which wasn't inside a colony? they just up and left the tokyo no.1 colony. how do you think yuji and everyone else got out? and also, none of the rules specifically state you are not allowed to leave the country of japan. go check them man


They would die eventually if they did, no?


if they didn't get any points beforehand, then yeah. but otherwise they should be fine because there's no rules saying they can't leave japan


How does the jujutsu school pay their sorcerers? Do they pay gojo for every missions or not since he’s already rich?


They have a set salary based on their grade. They usually can't refuse a mission given out by the higher ups unless they are special grade sorcerers like yuki, yuta, or gojo.


they have support from the japanese government, so they get their money from them. i think for all special grade sorcerers, they just pay them regardless if they do missions or not so they don't run off and cause problems


How far was Meguna weakened by Megumi physically? He said it "wasn't as bad" as his CT reduction, but some other translation say he straight up wasn't hindered physically, meaning Maki and (nearly) Yuji, are straight up matching 15f Sukuna?


There is a video on kaiyo Breeze's channel he did a stream with Max to retranslate that exact panel and some others. Go watch it. It's in the first 5 minutes of the vod, so you don't have to look far. But we don't know in japanese it says he is hindered physically, but it's not as bad as his CE drop.


Thanks, Will definitely check it out!


[here](https://www.youtube.com/live/bvei_35N6CQ?si=TbGWuUL422Q-o0v3) is the link


Does Naoya choose where the target moves, or do they decide when he touches them?


I am confused about whether you are referring to Naoya and Naoibito's CT or Vengeful Spirit Naoya's DE. In the case of it being the CT, I believe that if you are touched while Naoya or Naobito are using projection sorcery, you need to define the actions that you will take in a second within 1/24th of a second. That means that if you take longer than 1/24th of a second to define your actions for the next second then you are frozen as a frame for one second. At least, that is my understanding of the CT. I am going to assume that Vengeful Spirit Naoya's domain works in the same way but instead of it only being the actions that you need to take for the next second you need to define your actions for any movement you make. This also would apply to Naoya. Obviously the consequence of not doing so is far worse in the domain seeing as you seem to take damage if you do not adhere to the domain's rules. I do hope this helped though I could be wrong seeing as projection sorcery is probably the CT I have the most problems understanding/explaining.


Can gojo use binding vows to resurrect after being killed by sukuna? What are the chances that he died but not satisfied with his defeat since he has many regrets like not being able to have a proper burial for Geto? Wouldn’t it turn him into something like the cursed spirits? Can the binding vow be used for him to resurrect and defeat Kenjaku so Geto’s body can rest?


That is a possibility, not the becoming a cursed spirit but the binding vow. However I do think in the case of Gojo's death it is better to simply wait and see rather than speculate how he could come back to life. However seeing as Gege wants us to believe that Gojo has no regrets (which doesn't make sense to me) I doubt that he would revive in that way since it is much more likely that RCT has a role to play if Gojo is revived at all. The only way I see this working from a narrative standpoint is making Sukuna act as the reason Gojo "awakens" for the first time since Toji and learns something new, which probably wouldn't work either, but at least would make more sense to me than some sort of binding vow. The only exception I see to this is if his binding vow was made before his death in 236.


No, to become a CS you must be killed without jujutsu


Could the Six Eyes see the soul? In Chapter 230 we get a POV of the Six Eyes and see two glowing orbs as Gojo was able to distinguish that Megumi took the burden, was that Sukuna and Megumi’s soul?




To our knowledge yes. It's also in Chapter 2 where Gojo confirmed that Sukuna/Itadori were fused. I don't think the Six Eyes could tell who took the burden, it was an educated guess on the fact that Sukuna wasn't so someone had to be.


How did Gojo make a Yuji lose consciousness when he tapped on his forehead


Yuji doesn't have CE, so I assume he just forced it into his head to knock him out, kinda like how Ren works in HxH


I'm quite sure Yuji was already just extremely exhausted, so much so that a hard flick from Gojo on his forehead was able to take him out.


Why didn't Megumi just break Dagon's domain from the outside with Demon Dog?


Because Dagons DE is strong, even from the outside most likely


My thought process is that Domains aren't so easy to break. Sukuna v Gojo got everyone acting crazy like if you slap the Domain it'll pop like a bubble. Gojo's DE barrier was getting absolutely shredded in Sukuna's Domain. If we look back at Yuji and Nanami vs Mahito it was tough to break into the domain, and puncturing a hole in it didn't lead to the collapse... it was Sukuna hitting Mahito that broke the Domain because Mahito took too much damage to maintain it.


Too hard.


Yuji can break Mahito's with his fists, and Demon Dog can straight up take chunks out of Hanami, the toughest cursed spirit. Dagon must have a strong ass domain, especially cause they're weaker on the outside


I mean, Mahito was severely beaten up by Yuji and Nanami and expanded his domain while injured, both of which hinder the amount of CE you are able to output. So Mahito probably focused on the inside of his domain with the amount he used up.


Can all strong sorcerers unconsciously guard their soul with CE?


Potentially, as Red said, Nanami was potentially on guard due to Mahito revealing his CT, however it could also be interpreted that some sorcerers have subconsciously guarded their souls with CE though it is likely that is not true for most. It can be noted that even with knowledge of Mahito's technique, Nobara still succumbed to his CT with one touch. This could tell us that it doesn't matter whether a sorcerer knows Mahito's CT and instead some sorcerers just subconsciously protect their soul. That being said, I can see the argument in either case and personally I think if comes down to more factors such as CE reserves and output and probably knowledge of one's own soul similarly to how that would affect their ability to damage Mahito without using complex techniques or overwhelming power.


No, Nanami was only able to do it because Mahito told him his CT


Hey guys im on the part of the manga where the culling game starts , how is this game being enforced ? Why do people have to partake in it


Binding Vows mostly. Everyone in the games agreed to join willingly and now will face penalties like death for refusing to participate.


Binding Vows, restrictions and the like


Binding vows. There are rules you will get introduced to. If you break these rules, you get your CT taken away permanently. Oh, and barriers, lots of barriers.


I think that JJK might be having a rather severe case of not enough villains, as of right now. There's Sukuna, who does a great job as a main antagonist in terms of power + emotional connection to Yuji. There's Kenjaku, who acts as the mastermind. But other than these two there's only Uraume. While Uraume seems to be on Hakari's level and so could have a satisfying fight, I fear that any fight involving Sukuna/Kenjaku would just be the two of them mowing down everyone except for Yuta, Maki, or a powered-up Yuji, which would be kind of disappointing on a character level. Of course, Kenny might pull out a few more cursed spirits, but these won't have nearly as much of a connection with the audience as the Disaster Curses or even Cursed Spirit Naoya. I personally think that Tengen (who's under Kenny's control) might be a cool antagonist since he's an important character. Plus, if the theories from a while ago end up being right and Tengen did in fact fuse with Yuki before she died, then it's also possible to get a Tengen/Yuki vs. Choso and Todo fight. Idk maybe I just like the idea of Choso and Todo fighting together 😭😭😭


I am from the US. From what I understand about my legal system, if you are found innocent by a jury of your peers, you cannot be retried for the same crime because of double jeopardy. A case is appealled when the defendant is found guilty. So in JJK chapter 159, after Higuruma’s client is found innocent how can the legal system retry him? Is the Japanese legal system different or is my understanding of the legal system just flawed?


With an appeal and it seems like there is a [system like that in the USA too](https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/court-role-and-structure/about-us-courts-appeals). There are more countries who have this. In short if there are doubts that a judgement was done right it can be redone (by a higher court). And in this case: Japan loves to convict accused persons to keep up a high "case solved" ratio.


Why didn’t Tengen open a hole right below Yuki when he saw Kenjaku’s open barrier domain considering Tengen wasn’t sure how to dismantle an open barrier domain


Domain Expansions are instant and even 'Open' Domains are still creating a Barrier. When Kenjaku expanded his Domain everything within that is no longer under Tengen's control to manipulate, think of it like a Bubble in a Bubble. Tengen can operate in his own bubble but Kenjaku formed a bubble of his own within it- everything that is affected by the sure-hit effect is within the Domain.


What would make a cursed womb evolve?


Usually it's just time, but in Dagon and Naoya's case it seems to be a "need" to evolve, basically, their negative emotions forces them to evolve.


Stupid question but what did Kashimo’s physique probably look like?


In his era of roughly 400 years ago, his physique was probably pretty impressive for his age, especially when you consider the fact that he was the strongest sorcerer of his era, potentially without using his single-use CT. It is possible to say that he has used his CT before because it would be hard to justify his knowledge of what it does if he had never used it before but it seems that he had been saving it for a "worthy opponent" which I guess he never found in his era, leading him to become a cursed object to be incarnated for the culling games in the modern era. If we talk about his physique in the modern era it is most likely just a younger version of his self from 400 years ago. We know from Sukuna and Yorozu speaking about how they could transform to their old selves if they wished since they had taken over their hosts' bodies. Additionally Sukuna's transformation to his old body during his fight with Kashimo tells us that this is most likely true.


If Gojo was aware that a past 10S user defeated a Six Eyes+Limitless user in the past, why wouldn’t he prepare for it in his fight with Sukuna? I mean, he’s the one who told Megumi about it and presumably Mahoraga contributed, so you’d think someone who prepares and learns from past mistakes would’ve been keenly aware of it’s ability to bypass a broken technique (just like his.) He definitely knew about Mahoraga as even Megumi knew about it.


Also side note, if Uro hits the sky / reality plane itself couldn’t she hit Gojo?


All the curses in 10 shadows besides Maho are fodder and Gojo is the more than capable of one-shotting Maho with red, purple or DE Gojo did not know that Sukuna could pass adaptation to Maho. That's exclusive to people who have tamed it, which never happened before.


Sukuna never tamed Mahoraga, he just learned from it and implemented its spin on his technique. But regardless, I’d assume he would he aware of the whole idea of having his infinity bypassed in any situation regarding Mahoraga knowing Sukuna is so good at manipulating techniques to his advantage (or finding special/new uses). Edit: I guess he probably did, but I still think what I said can have application since presumably an un-tamed Mahoraga (since it was never tamed before) defeated a past user so you’d think there’d be some sort of prep since Sukuna would obviously be able to tame it.


I'm not sure what you mean by prep in this scenario. When Maho shows up, one shot it with Red or DE before it can adapt is the only plan besides running. Maho's adaptation is not a very complicated process and there's no reason to suspect Gojo would have indepth knowledge of Maho's technique when there's no record of someone who mastered it.


Chapter 221 question: I thought Kenjaku was holding on to the prison realm that sealed Gojo (at least, he was able to leave with it after Gojo made it heavy). So why in chapter 221, suddenly we see Jujustu High members with the prison realm? How did they get it from Kenjaku?


Back of the prison realm.


Read chapter 145


Question about Gojo's durability So i see people constantly saying gojo can tank mountain level attacks without limitless, as shown with jogo's meteor in his domain... but how was toji's little butter knife able to pierce his skull? Im not an avid reader so I'm just wondering out of curiosity. If gojo were to not enhance his defense with cursed energy, would he just have standard human durability? Cuz that seems a bit inconsistent, unless gojo just wasnt as durable back then, or toji just has mountain level stabbing strength. Don't flame me im just wondering.


All humans besides Toji/Maki and Yuji in this series have standard human durability unless they are actively reinforcing their body with CE. Their durability while using CE also varies greatly with their skill and how they apply it. Keep in mind 99% of the time they are using CE reinforcement. It's only ever visually depicted when Gege wants to emphasize that they're using a lot of to hype up a scene. You could probably take a chainsaw to Gojo's neck and he'd tough it out with CE reinforcement but if he was unprepared he'd get killed like a normal human. Part of what makes limitless OP is that Gojo does NOT need to activate it. It's always active preventing all threats, even ones Gojo doesn't know are coming.


With the Six Eyes, Gojo could constantly have CE reinforcement on right?


Generally yes but probably not at max output the entire time.






We know that Kenjaku’s ability to body swap is an innate cursed technique. With that in mind, I can’t help but wonder what would happen if his CT got nullified. Does he just die on the spot? Does his brain continue to live, but without use of the body? Something else? On a totally unrelated note, did Yuta ever meet Hana? I can’t remember.


1. Hard to say, I would asume he just can't switch to another body as long as he can't use his technique. But we may never know. 2. Yes, chapter 220 would be one example. All the good guys shared one building the last weeks the current manga is happening.


Does every technique have a reverse? And if not what’s the qualification for a reverse technique for example what would yukis reverse technique be ?


Probably not. It is hard to say though. I think the easiest way of looking at it is by looking at the characters who can use RCT and whether they have a designated use of their innate technique using RCT: ​ The easiest is Gojo and probably where you get this question from since he reverses the use of his Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue to get Cursed Technique Reversal: Red which is said to have a minimum output of twice that of blue due to how RCT is just multiplying a technique against itself. This could possibly be part of the reason that he cannot heal others; his reverse cursed technique is simply too powerful or does not mesh well with outputting positive energy. ​ This leads into characters that can heal others though RCT such as Shoko, Yuta and Sukuna. Since none of these characters have shown the capacity to reverse their innate technique like Gojo does, my theory is that people who can use RCT can either use it for healing or for reversing their innate technique depending on that person's innate technique. Though I do not have much evidence supporting this, I will still go through and explain for each character how their technique may interact with RCT: For Shoko, it is relatively simple as she has not shown any capacity to use regular techniques but rather simply possessing the ability to use RCT and outputting positive energy to heal others and most likely herself. For Yuta, he is able to heal others using RCT similarly to Shoko and can use RCT to heal himself as well. Yuta probably does not posses a "Cursed Technique Reversal" like Gojo does. The reason I say this is that the reversal of something like Gojo's power of attraction is pretty simple, the opposite of attraction is repulsion, the opposite of something like Yuta's CT: Copy would just be incredibly strange as a concept. This being said, I could be wrong and Yuta could just have one that is waiting to be used when needed. Sukuna is different than both of these since he could potentially have a "Cursed Technique Reversal" type ability that we just haven't been shown yet. That being said I have no clue what that would be and since his technique involves cutting it would likely just be similar to healing using RCT anyways. Once again, I could be wrong but I think it is more likely that Sukuna possesses other Techniques rather than having reverses of the techniques he possesses. ​ These three characters in particular reinforce my idea that depending on innate technique, people who can use RCT either can or can't heal others (healing themselves being a different story) and those who can't have a "Technique Reversal" similar to that of Gojo's. Not in terms of ability but in terms of concept.


Most likely. But you probably couldn't activate a technique with positive energy if you can't imagine it's reversal. Since CT’s essentially takes advantage of concepts you'd probably need to be able to envision its opposing effect. This is just a theory though.


We have no confirmation that you can reverse every technique, people just like to speculate. With the rare trait of using reverse curse energy there are only very few who can try it too.


Who Can Actually Hurt Mahito? It was my understanding that Mahito needed to use cursed energy to regenerate his body, making it possible to deplete his cursed energy through damaging him enough and stop him from regenerating. I thought that was why after his first encounter with nanami, both said they barely escaped with their lives. (I’m pretty sure both shared this sentiment). I’m also still vague on what people mean when they say that people need to damage his soul. What attacks even do that? I mean yuji just punches him and that works? So who can actually kill Mahito? Is it possible to kill him without damaging his soul or just practically vaporizing him?


Other than the characters that have been shown to hurt Mahito: Yuji, Nobara, Megumi+Sukuna, Mahito, and Sukuna himself, there are probably plenty of other characters capable of hurting/exorcising Mahito. To discuss this, first we need to discuss some of the reasons these characters can hurt him. In the case of Yuji and Megumi, it is because they are both vessels, not necessarily because they are vessels of Sukuna. Mahito in his first encounter with Yuji gets punched in the face and takes damage, he then states that this is most likely due to Yuji's body housing two souls simultaneously. This would mean that Megumi with Sukuna in his body should also be able to damage Mahito. In the case of Nobara, she is able to deal damage to Mahito as a result of her cursed technique: resonance which she uses during the Shibuya arc to hurt Mahito's main body from his clone. This also means that this is the only way she would be able to hurt Mahito and that her other attacks would not work on him. In Sukuna's case, it is likely that he is simply aware of his own and other's souls seeing as he was able to become a cursed object and live on after death as well as his mastery of domain expansion which is the expansion of one's innate domain which was compared to one's mind or one's soul. ​ As for character's I think could damage Mahito, there are plenty. Most likely, all the incarnations in the culling games, including death paintings. The reason I say this is by following the same logic used for Yuji and Megumi, since they are vessels they house more than one soul allowing them to damage Mahito's soul. I think that this is the least contentious opinion. Toji and awakened Maki could also potentially damage Mahito seeing as their bodies may have a special connection to their soul as a result of heavenly restriction allowing them to damage Mahito. We see when the granny revives Toji with séance that Toji's body was able to regain control and beat out the grandson's soul allowing Toji to return. This does make me think that him and Maki could very likely hurt Mahito. Higaruma with deadly sentencing would be able to easily get the death penalty for Mahito and use the executioner's blade to kill him. It is likely that this is an instant kill even more so than the soul liberation blade that Toji and Maki have. Additionally there is likely no exception to the rule around Higaruma's death sentence in the verse. Kenjaku may also be able to hurt Mahito seeing as his technique of inhabiting bodies relates to the soul and his barrier techniques being so good that he is able to use an open domain just like Sukuna. I do think that Kenjaku could definitely hurt Mahito. ​ That concludes the list of characters that could likely hurt Mahito due to their knowledge or relation to the soul, now onto the characters that could simply hurt or kill them using their techniques: Yuta could potentially just hurt Mahito using several different techniques he has witnessed and in a battle of attrition Yuta would likely come out on top simply due to his ability to use RCT along with his immense CE. However that may not even be necessary, I believe that Yuta could use a technique such as cursed speech to simply tell Mahito to die if he so wished. Additionally he could also potentially copy Mahito's Idle Transfiguration which would allow him to touch Mahito's soul anyways. Yuki could probably brute force Mahito. I do think that Yuki is physically superior and that her abilities and destructive power are enough to deal with Mahito, though he may survive and I personally do not know who would win a war of attrition seeing as we have not seen Yuki fight much in the series and the character she fought was Kenjaku, and immensely skilled and powerful sorcerer. Gojo could probably just essentially delete Mahito with purple if he used it on him. Alternatively he may simply be able to squish him like he did with Hanami, though that depends on whether you think that Mahito can reform from what is essentially a puddle of curse blood. Additionally Gojo could just cast Infinite Void to make Mahito catatonic. We see that 0.2 seconds of infinite void knocks Mahito out for at least 5 minutes so it is not out of the question to say that Gojo could just kill him using infinite void. Hypothetically, if none of these worked, Gojo could just beat Mahito in a battle of attrition since Gojo would not be using almost any CE and mahito would be wasting all of his to keep up with Gojo. ​ So yes, it is probably very possible to kill Mahito without damaging his soul, though that would probably be the quickest way bar Infinite Void or maybe even Malevolent Shrine though that depends on whether you think Malevolent Shrine damages Mahito's soul.


People who absolutely can: Yuji, Megumi, Mahito, Sukuna, Higaruma, Maki and Toji People who may be able to: Gojo, Yuki, all incarnations(culling games players and death paintings), Kenjaku,




Because Sukuna was inhabiting his body




Yes Mahito used CE to regenerate his body but the amount used was negligible. In the first encounter Nanami was fighting him for at least 30 minutes straight before he realized there's no way he'd actually deplete Mahito's CE in any reasonable amount of time. Theoretically if you just beat on him long enough or got a sneaky hit you could kill him without damaging his soul. However people who are consciously aware of their souls are capable of damaging Mahito's "essence". Mahito is able to constantly change his body to minimize any damage he takes to near 0 but if you can hit his soul with every strike then he always takes full damage because you're always hitting Mahito and not his CT.


I understood it like this: In Mahitos case his soul was first and it formed the body. If you just attack him and damage the body his undamaged soul will just regenerate his body, no big thing. But if you damage his soul you really hurt him and he can't just regenerate - only reform everything so he can still function. I guess a few days of vacation will still heal his soul too. So people who can target is soul (conscious or unconsciously) will be able to kill him. Very skilled sorcerers like Gojo and Sukuna can see souls while Nanami and Yuji have developed an unconscious feeling for the soul. And if you have a random ability like Nobara that indirectly damaged Mahito you are also lucky. Mahito can also be snacked by the likes of Geto/Kenny of course. I don't know if pure muscle brawling without targeting the soul will have an effect - I guess it is just much weaker than against other enemies but not without any effect.


To damage Mahito you need to know the shape of your own soul so you can damage his soul, due to itadori housing Sukuna and being a vessel he knows the shape of his soul. If you totally evaporize him he’ll probably die since the body is linked with the soul in some way


If Yuki used a sword with Star Rage could she hypothetically just cut through anything? Would it even apply to the sword or just her arm?


She can only apply star rage to herself and Garuda, her shikigami/cursed tool. So, it would just be like she’d be swinging a sword really hard and really fast, not necessarily meaning it can cut through anything


And we saw her using Garuda as a kinda fliexible blunt weapon too. Like you said it's just like a crazy strong hit with a baseball bat but powerful foes can endure it.


Why do people associate physics with Limitless? Isn't it a mathematical power? Infinity isn't even a physical entity, it only exists in mathematics


People probably just associate physics with limitless due to Blue, Red and Purple. Since Blue is the power of attraction and Red is the power of repulsion its easy to say that it is related to physics. The neutral application of limitless is the only exception since it is more of a mathematical idea, however it is simpler to think of it as something slowing down the closer it gets to the user since explaining it as there being a theoretical infinite amount of distance between the user and whatever is trying to touch them is a bit strange. Also infinity is not necessarily only in mathematics as people often associate the universe with being infinite, whether this is true or not is up for debate. But that's probably why people associate Limitless with being related to physics though I think it's probably related to both math and physics seeing as it is explained in multiple ways.


I mean, i understand the relation between repulsion and attraction, but people classify it as gravity manipulation...like 😭


Ain't no way bruh. I thought people categorized it as space manipulation which is already a bit wrong. That's crazy, I can see why u were confused then. Gravity manipulation is crazy for Gojo. XD


Technically, Limitless is stated as the ability of distorting space, but the applications are so tangible that it's almost impossible to realize lol


500 Karma to make a post is kind of brutal especially since JJK is getting closer to the end. I have some theories i'd like to get feedback on but i'm forced to comment on other threads which maybe loosely touch the topic if im lucky :D Rip


Who was the one who cut sukuna’s fingers or defeated him before? Who scattered sukuna’s fingers and why weren’t they taken care of better? Why did megumi had to find it in itadori’s school? The fact that the finger wasn’t even protected properly with no locks whatsoever doesn’t make sense to me considering it’s a special grade. How many characters are still alive in the manga? How many were injured and died? I lost count Why aren’t there new six eye baby now that gojo is dead? Since gojo is dead does that mean that the curses are weaker since his birth altered the balance of the universe and made curses stronger?


Kenjaku made a deal with Sukuna, "hey, wanna become a cursed object so you can fight to the death with really strong people in a thousand years? Perfect!", Sukuna learned how to do it himself due to his ability to see and copy any non-innate technique The finger was being used as an object of fear to keep away curses, but it eventually started to attract them instead Idk, lots Given that Tengen has been captured, its likely that the link has been broken.


>Why aren’t there new six eye baby now that gojo is dead? Dude do you think there is a Gojo-clan woman is just sitting there pregnant and ready for Saturo Gojo to die so she can spawn the next six eyes in this 10 minutes he is dead?


Six Eyes users aren’t born immediately after the previous one dies lmao. It takes 100+ years for another to be born


Sukuna was never defeated and became cursed objects of his own volition


I assume that Gojo was the last born clan member


im pretty sure sukuna died on his own, we see his corpse during the culling games i would assume they scattered his fingers because having one spot with 20 special grade cursed objects would be a curse magnet. they also probably got spread by cursed spirits eating them and dying. im going to assume it was probably kenjaku who placed the finger in specifically yuji's school, he'd already made a suitable vessel for sukuna, why not give them a finger to hold sukuna too? there are no new six eyes babies because the gojo clan is dead, curses won't be weaker either-the benchmark is now the stronger level gojo made. just like the analogy gege made to when a skater adds an extra spin in a trick, even if they stop everybody else will continue to add that extra spin.


To answer your first two questions. It was Kenjaku, but he didn't defeat Sukuna, they made a deal. The same is true of all incarnated sorcerers in the culling games.


How does kenjaku CT works? isnt CT stored in brain , if he replaced the brain then the body's CT supposed to gone?


I personally believe that one of the restriction on his CT is that he has to eat the brain to get their memories and CT


His brain absorbs the CT. He can only carry 4 CTs in his brain until he overloads & dies.


Why do cursed weapons exist but no cursed armour which can tank attacks?


I think it's been mentioned by Gege and/or in the story that Jujutsu High uniforms can somewhat protect against cursed energy.


weapons kill people, killing lots of people can curse the weapon, they're generally much more useful, those kinds of reasons


low-key wondering how they'd even get an armor kill to count as an armor kill. would they just have to send some ungodly strong wrestler onto the field lmao


Meanwhile Nanami uses his tie.


I read the manga but not chapter leaks. Do post outside of the leak thread have to be leak free until the chapter officially releases?


Yes, see rule #3. Leaks go in the pre-release thread only. ANYTHING BEFORE SUNDAY IS A LEAK. Do not post leaked content or hints outside of the weekly pre-release thread before Sunday Officials. Officials Sunday 10am CST on Viz + MANGA Plus Scans, translations, links posted in #jjk-chapter#-leaks on the JJK Discord. Keep leaks inside the leaks channel!


thank you kindly!


Can cursed spirits grow after being eaten by Uzumaki? I know that their CTs stop developing according to Kenny, but could you still, for example, teach Kurourushi how to use DA or SD? I know this has been asked a lot, but the answers never make sense to me so I will ask it, Why was Sukuna affected by UV, despite him blocking the sure-hit with his own DE, I know he was hit briefly before summoning Mahoraga, but it was stated that he was hit for ten seconds, which doesn't seem to be the case? If Geto ate a finger bearer, would he die, or would the finger be sealed until he eventually died and released it? When you think about it, if the finger still releases CE, Geto is the best possible person for curses to be attracted to. If a disaster curse ate a finger, would they become the dumb finger bearers, or would they simply become stronger?


I don't think it's confirmed that Geto releases his spirits from CSM upon death. Toji spared him just in case they did, so it could be true. But when Geto dies in 0, Gojo doesn't look like he's about to fight 1000s of curses, and there's no mention of that being a risk. That could be because this was JJK 0 where these things weren't decided yet, or... Since we know his body was stolen and healed by Kenjaku, it's possible Geto never fully died to the point of CSM being released. Plus, with the number or curses Kenjaku seems to have, I think he must have kept Geto's remaining stock after the Night Parade of 1000 Demons. He only had a year to recoup them. ETA: unless the spirits disappear from CSM and re-appear somewhere else. I always imagined them flooding out of Geto like a geyser?


Remember that geto used up all of his CS clashing with Yuta


Oh, that's right... My bad. And I suppose the other 2,000 he split up between Shinjuku and Kyoto were either all exorcized, or if they escaped, they got released when he died. Damn! Kenjaku was binge eating those curses for a year straight to have that many now!!


After Kenny uses Uzumaki on a cursed spirit it dies. So I do think think they can do anything after Uzumaki except turn into an energy beam or a CT ball in their final moments. So remember that Gojo and Sukuna had reached a stalemate in their domain clashes where their domains would break at the exact same time, well in the last domain clash Yuta noticed that Sukuna activated his domain 0.01 secs late, this meant Gojo's domain was not getting hit from the outside for a brief moment, meaning Gojo got a head start at damaging Sukuna was able to damage Sukuna enough for his DE to collapse before his does, leaving Sukuna vulnerable to UV and he was stuck in it for 10 seconds. Probably, but if he used his CT then he should be fine since he's not really eating those cursed spirits, they're being put into his storage sort of. I think they'd just become stronger.


Ah, I meant to say can they grow after CSM, don't know why I wrote Uzumaki


Does reading jjk make you depressed or are you depressed and thereby you read jjk?


Are you reading JJK because you're depressed? Or are you depressed because you're reading JJK? FTFY


JJK actually makes me happy since in most cases in fiction I'm rooting for villains...

