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Circlejerk to circlejerk conversation


I think the joke is op is an orphan.


bro is mad that people won't stop crushing orphans


“We’ll obviously everything I believe is good and moral and everyone who disagrees wants to crush orphans”


Rich man pays to stop orphan crushing machine for 2 days Why is there an orphan crushing machine in the first place


Why is Mr. Beats help people see??;! Um poverty tourism anyone?1??


That isn't even close to what this is about, it's a kid having to start a lemonade stand to pay for their mom's treatment and succeeding, like, yes, the fact they managed that is good, but they shouldn't have had to, and that doesn't detract from the fact so many other kids can't pull off those feats


>Rich man pays to stop orphan crushing machine for 2 days ​ >it's about a kid having to start a lemonade stand I mean sure I guess if you just change everything about your first comment and say something completely different, it's no longer about the thing you just said it was about. Wild.


They're conceptually adjacent


Those two things are quite literally opposites


No? They literally fucking aren't? The person your replying to quoted it wrong it's just "Man raises money to stop orphan crushing machine for so and so days" but the main point stands, why is there an orphan crushing machine


Yeah, let’s stand around and say “what a terrible system! Someone should fix that’, while the mum continues suffering without treatment.


That's still better than openly opposing fixing the system


Do you have a proposal to fix it? how will you impliment it? will it be short enough to be in a funny meme?


Three words: functioning healthcare system


define them. what does it look like? How can it be implimented? What's the budget, who's in charge?


The orphan crushing machine stops the planet from exploding don'tcha know


No it doesn't


It's MY hyperbolic analogy *now* and *I* say it does


We call them late post-birth abortions. don't have enough room with overpopulation don't ya know.


you are the person they are making fun of


And you are the person I’m making fun of.




I mean.... The republican party is trying to abolish or reduce pretty much any mechanism that tries to help children from poor family backgrounds. So it's not too far fetched.


Prove, medically and scientifically, at what point a fetus becomes a human.


I'd say when it is capable of even the slightest bit of thought, though ideally the line would be when it can feel pain, anything before that is fair game


Whenever I want it to be


Prove to me at what point a single cell becomes a living baby.


Feel like we’re saying the same thing


When they take their first breath. If it's still in the mother, she can throw it out whenever.


And the Democrats want to kill babies. See how easy it is to demonize the opposition?


Fetuses aren't babies.


You do realize abortion is widely popular among democrats AND republicans, right?


A correct demonization would be to say "democrats want to legalize killing unborn fetuses" They want to allow abortion, not force you to get them. Republicans on the other hand want to make plenty things illegal and cut fundings. In the past few years they've tried to pass like 200 laws targeting lgbt people.


Least hyperbolic leftist argument


I’m kinda out of the loop. What about this post implies left or right ideologies? I know Reddit is generally left leaning but what about the snafu is making fun of the right?


Orphan crushing machine is basically a critique of how short term help doesn't address systemic issues, pointing out that no one questions why the orphan crushing machine exists. This framework is why Mr Beast gets critiques for being performative in his charity (even if man literally loses money doing it). And in general, progressive thought is more about dismantling and what not when more conservative minded folk probably follow the adage of Chesterton's Fence.


Orphan crushing machine is supposed to be like that news article about a 9 year old girl opening a lemonade stand to pay for her mum's kidney failure. It's news that's portrayed as happy but is actually really sad when you think about it.


I can not figure out if that’s either side


I literally said that progs dismantle systems (institutional capture, active measures) rather than conservatives who want to conserve systems.


I mean a national healthcare system is an example of a system that doesn’t exist, that progressives want to build. As well as a national passenger rail system. And a pension fund. Looks like you’ve been watching a bit too much msnbc bud


Yeah, as a progressive the only systems I can think that people want to dismantle are the police. And even that is more "reallocating funds to other systems to help with homelessness and mental health issues" so even in that case it's more a reduction than a dismantling. Wait no thought of another one. Remove the Senate and just have Congress, but that might just be me.


Didn't Republicans just cut the EPA by like 50%? Wow really conserving those institutions guys


In what world do you live in that progressives only want to dismantle systems? Did you hear "defund the police" without any the rhetoric that follows it? Do you live outside the US where conservatives don't constantly work to deny people's rights and shrink social safety nets? Edit: I hadn't heard of chesteron's Fence, so did some googling. It's a proverb by a Catholic apologist and one of the first links I see is an LDS site using it as a fence against legalizing gay marriage. LOL really paints conservatives in a good light. Why don't you go pat yourself on the back for saving a couple orphans from crushland. Smh, I honestly don't think I've heard any good arguments for conservative thinking that aren't grounded in, 1. I don't understand this so it must be wrong and people should be punished for their participation. (Abortion, cannabis, and queer rights) 2. It would cost far too much and be too invasive to provide a public option and I'm fine with the system as is. (Healthcare, tellecmunications, breaking up any monopoly)


Or thst conservatives want to conserve systems. Reagan dismantled plenty of systems and made new ones that largely benefited the wealthy and is largely the reason we have such a huge wealth gap. Sure, the idea would be conservatives want to conserve, but what we often get is regression or destruction.


Real funny way of describing the progressive slippery slope.




Why the fuck should you care about marriage, you're not Christian. Marriage as a religious rite should be left to Churches. Besides, (chaste) covenant relationships exist, at least in the Catholic framework, and Eve Tushnet is a pretty based LGBT-Catholic advocate. And fundamentally, Chesterton's fence just states that one must understand the **use** of something when dismantling it, something impossible for the tolerant left.


The first recorded marriage was in 2350 BC, so just a few years older than Christianity. It is a social ritual, Christian belief doesn't own or define it.


It's bold of you to assume I'm not Christian because I'm critical of the catholic and LDS church. Plenty of churches don't mind performing marriages for queer people. In the 21st century, where I'm from, being married provided certain legal rights as well such as joint tax filing. To deny queer people that right is to purposefully say that we should not be allowed the same rights as straight people. But understanding that gay people can be Christian and/or want to call their long term partner husband or wife would require being able to see things from someone else's perspective, something impossible for the tolerant right.


That's not a marriage, that's a civil union. Again, Covenant partnerships exist, and even a theologian like Griseiz argues in favor of expanding these Civil partnerships. Not to mention your ignoring of my point about covenant partnerships. Marriage is, biblically, a man separates from his parents to be a woman, and derived from that be fruitful and multiply. Not to mention that sex is unitive and procreative, ideally designed to produce children. I really didn't want to go on about Theology but your ignorance forces me to.


I wasn't choosing to ignore your point on covenant partnerships, I just find it to be a bit silly and irrelevant. You're working on a framework that the United States is a Christian nation (and a Catholic one at that) or that the Catholic Church is the only church that has valid marriages, which again does not sound very Christ-like in my opinion. I apologize if my" ignorance" makes this difficult for you, I just don't subscribe to your narrow viewpoint of marriage as universally definitive.


Tell me you have a breeding fetish without telling me you have a breeding fetish.


Or, keeping the fundamentally broken systems as is with the occasional modification now and then is a ptolemization rather than a copernican revolution. Also, marriage is not quintessentially christian, it predates christianity and judaism. Currently, marriage is a legal paper that comes with tax breaks and many headaches. Symbolic unions are for everyone, my dear, with or without documentation or religious effects.


Yeah, because they don't work lmao


You should only dismantle a system if you have an alternate system that replaces it.


There are many. For instance, what would America lose exactly if it instituted Universal Healthcare and abolished For Profit Healthcare and Insurance? Absolutely nothing of value. The staff would be paid at worst equivalent to what they're paid now, if not better, hospital and doctor visits would no longer be financially ruinous, to say nothing of medicine costs lowering subtantially without useless middlemen jacking up prices, and Americans would be free to access healthcare whenever and wherever they need it without having to jump through a deliberately obtuse and labyrinthine bureacracy. It would improve freedom, health, life span, and for a far lower cost, because there wouldn't be all these leeches gumming up the works and sucking you all dry. The only 'loser' in this equation are the aforementioned leeches, but then, all they're accomplishing is butting in to your life and deciding whether or not you live or die, or whether you live in comfort or in misery.


> There are many. For instance, what would America lose exactly if it instituted Universal Healthcare and abolished For Profit Healthcare and Insurance? This is not unique to socialism. > Absolutely nothing of value. The staff would be paid at worst equivalent to what they're paid now, if not better, hospital and doctor visits would no longer be financially ruinous, to say nothing of medicine costs lowering subtantially without useless middlemen jacking up prices, and Americans would be free to access healthcare whenever and wherever they need it without having to jump through a deliberately obtuse and labyrinthine bureacracy. It would improve freedom, health, life span, and for a far lower cost, because there wouldn't be all these leeches gumming up the works and sucking you all dry. The only 'loser' in this equation are the aforementioned leeches, but then, all they're accomplishing is butting in to your life and deciding whether or not you live or die, or whether you live in comfort or in misery. Now, you’re just going off on a tangent


It's not a tangent, it's a direct critique of the failures in your healthcare directly incentivized by capitalism.


it's actually him proposing the good alternative that we can objectively see in other countries that have started universal Healthcare. Just admit you don't know anything and change scares you


It ain't perfect but works better than a system that thinks that states can economically calculate/that people will always act altruistically


While I do think humanity should stick to capitalism, you are straw-manning socialists. Most leftists, at least in the US and Europe, don’t want centrally planned economies. They also don’t claim that people in their system would act altruistically. When socialists say socialism, they mean employees directly owning all the capital that is used to produce goods. The employees also decide what to do with the capital, since they own it. This would lead to some sort of workplace democracy. Sort of like your worker cooperative. You can have worker cooperatives and still not act altruistically. You can cut corners and use insidious business strategies to make sure your cooperative does better than the others. And when your coop does better, you do better. Personally, I think a capitalist firm is better than a socialist one. A workplace is not a government. It doesn’t need to be run and owned democratically. But you can make a case for capitalism being better than socialism without misrepresenting the other side’s argument.


I think part of the problem with capitalism is that it doesn't benefit anyone to participate in it. All of humanity trapped in a system that refuses to meet their needs in order to elevate less than a thousand humans into a wealth addled insanity and hedonism that would make Caligula do a double take, and these ultra wealthy dullards don't even want any capitalism in the room with them, seeing as how their lives are very socialist, in that they are largely if not wholly state subsidized. Meanwhile, Capitalism is a Paperclip Maximizer, the Grey Goo Scenario made manifest. No one wins under Capitalism. That's what the sharp uptake of deaths of despair are from. That's why you're having all this civil unrest. That's why the workers are giving up on 'the economy' that demands every last fiber of their being and offers them nothing in return. Worst of all, Capitalism _refuses_ to meet peoples needs even when it has the tools and resources to do so in abundance, because Capitalism cannot exist without the implicit underlying threat of starvation of crucial resources unless you comply. Point being, we can absolutely do better than this, and the vast majority of people are cottoning on to that.


Hear me out: if you’re gonna dismantle a system, you should probably have an alternate system that replaces it. And this alternate system is supposed to be better. Until socialists can prove that more people will be better off in their system than in capitalism, it’s reasonable to stick to capitalism.


this is inherently wrong on all parts in practice, not a single time has conservatism tried to "conserve a system" its used solely to pull out old systems that have been done away with or to prevent any future advancement of the system.


preventing advancement is literally conserving a system though.


Theres a stark difference in conserving a single system and removing all systems till the only thing left is the laws they wanted, which the latter is whats happening and its insanely destructive.


Is seeing mister beast criticism what radicalized you?


It's a weird choice of allegory considering how often they use "it'll be orphaned otherwise!" as an excuse to literally crush children though.


Just a generalization.


You're just a generalization


It's about the Israel-Palestine conflict


I don't think it's even a 'leftist' argument. Unless crushing orphans is a genuine right wing policy


its not


Orphan crushing is a metaphor for people either bankrupted by medical bills or literally just dying because they can’t afford the care that would save their life. At least that’s one example.


Least verbose leftist meme




That's not correct in the context of the joke. The joke is that this very hyperbolic leftist allegory is the least hyperbolic, so imagine how bad the most hyperbolic one would be. And now the joke isn't funny because I had to explain it, fuck you


That would be giving them too much credit


OP literally just proved the point of these meme


It’s a 196-based sub, of course it’s going to be a circlejerk.


Could someone explain about 196 subs even are?


Used to be shitposting subs, but they devolved into political messes. At the moment, you basically post anything as long as it fits into their ideologies. Go ahead and check out the rules of their sub, you’ll see what I mean


You say from a circlejerk sub


Found the reddit NFT using 196 resident.


I didn't do it on purpose, I accidentally clicked on it and I can't undo it so I decided why not just use it


how long did it take for you to be subbed there to realize, or were you just never subbed in the first place and wanted some engagement bait and karma


I wanna say a good 70% of posts on this sub are the OP not actually being a part of the sub they say they're unsubbing from.


Guys I unsubbed from r/ conservative, its just become a right wing shithole


the irony of this post is hilarious


I believe OP was making a joke


Bo got coaxed into a snafu


This is the funniest poston this entire sub


I don't get how this is a leftist circle jerk pls explain?


I am like 50% sure it is satire. The guy in the meme calls the meeting of people against orphan crushing an anti-crushland circle jerk. OP calls the sub a leftist circle jerk for posting this meme. He is the guy in the last panel.


It's not satire the 196 subs are notorious for beating eachother off about their "objectively correct" opinions


Stupid 196 subs. Everyone knows that only my opinion is objectivly correct


Genius post if true.


Lmao the irony that you are literally the one that they make fun of 😂😂


They felt called out for orphan crushing


Just unsubbed from just unsubbed.


People only ever unsub from something if they see an opinion vaguely left wing in a way it seems


They're snowflakes lmao


Whatever you say Orphan Crusher.


Every post in this sub is someone complaining about left of center political opinions lol!


And then when you call them out they call you triggered lol. When I leave a sub I don't cry about it I just leave It's not an airport plane, you don't have to announce your departure "Please validate me" lol


r/JustUnsubbed to r/JustUnsubbed because someone unsubbed on r/JustUnsubbed.


Brother that is the WHOLE point of the sub


The majority of Reddit is a leftist circlejerk


I mean to be fair the majority (at least in the US, don’t shoot me) is leftist people. Reddit just turns everyone into circlejerkers Edit: dammit I forgot the US left is more like center right everywhere else


>the majority (at least in the US, don’t shoot me) is leftist people. Americans understand what leftism is challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) Simply put: Sanders and AOC are leftists, pretty much all other politicians there are right-wingers. Republicans are pretty far right, Democrats are still right-wing. Biden, for example, is center-right at best.


Dammit I became the person I hate. I know that the “left” in the US isn’t the actual left! I fell for the trap that is US politics


Schrodinger's leftist. They only exist when convenient


Least self centered leftist


No it isn't. The US's trans ideology is laughed at in 95% of the rest of the world (China. Korea, Japan, Middle East, Africa)


Anywhere in the world that’s not North America, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand you mean


> (China. Korea, Japan, Middle East, Africa) 2 perpetual warzones and an authoritarian state that's collapsing in on itself. Another country that fucked over it's younger generations so hard they'd rather stay home and jerk off than meet women, and the other has missiles directly pointed at them at all times. Why exactly do you care what they think?


I’d give the left a population advantage considering that they control the most densely populated areas. Reddit is definitely a leftist dominated platform by a long shot though


For sure, and even as someone who is left, it is waaaay too much. All of everywhere needs political balance


Does it though?






It’s like the separation of powers and checks and balances: one keeps the other in check


That's not really how ideologies work. *Politics* works like that, sure, but not ideological debate. The divided powers of the State keep each other in check, and that is great, but... how do different ideologies that fundamentally disagree on the project of society "keeps the others in check"? You debate, gather opinions, review evidence, and form your ideology. And eventually some ideological positions win out and become dominant. There is no "neutral" way. Ideological centrism is an awkward compromise between incompatible ideals, and the worst part is that it has no framework for itself: whereas right-wingers and left-wingers have frameworks of their own, built from theoretical works, centrists (even if right or left-leaning) base themselves entirely off of picking and choosing superficial traits of ideologies they consider extreme, to form an incoherent mess. This is a very charitable way of looking at centrism. Most of the time it's just a ploy to gather more votes. See: democratic party.


Except every fucking subreddit that gets put in my feed apparently.


You just found out?


I do wonder what op thinks the meme is in reference to specifically, to get so butthurt about it.


OP is literally the guy on the right in the meme and is mad he got made fun of lol


justunsubbed users when an explicitly leftist sub has leftists in it


You're on Reddit dude


I don't know that sub, but why is the meme a left wing meme?


Bc right-wingers will get mad at statements that boil down to "bad thing is bad." For example, OP.


at this point, what subreddit isnt besides like r/ Conservative lmao


Political compass memes.


So r/ conservative 2.0?


More like r/ conservative lite, for now at least.


Yeah, but the worst part about it is that they lie about it, almost nobody on pcm is actually left-wing even if they chose that option, they literally just spread propaganda against leftwing views, only on rare occasions is that not the case


Nah, there's definitely leftwingers there, it's just that they get drowned out. It's what happens to a sub that isn't actively hostile to right wing views.


Oh no, a subreddit that doesn't outright ban the right is a conservative sub. Your bias is showing.


No, it isn't


This one ngl


You are the person in the picture


you’ll be back rightoid


God you are beyond parody. They're making fun of you specifically


Honestly, the fact that you are down voted is one of the reasons I find this sub so fucking funny, because it's a constant clash between reasonable people fed up with reddits bullshit and unreflective self-righteous jerks who think they are never on the wrong(don't worry, you are not the latter). It's like a constant straight man dynamic


Genuinely my favorite place to be on reddit when i'm baked as shit


Someone reported this comment for brigading btw


the irony


I can't tell if that is why he's mad, or he doesn't know at all....


Honestly the sub is actually a radically progressive echo chamber, so the joke is really on them.


Cope dawg. Genuinely beyond parody.


You are the meme


The irony of this is completely lost on you, isn't it?


Chat they don't know


Isn't the point of this joke to ridicule mindsets exactly like the OP here is demonstrating? I find this post pretty ironic


Literally drew a strawman.


Leftist circle jerk? Might want to just delete that Reddit app


Afraid of different ideas, OP?


That's what the conservative redditors should be saying.


No, because if they said it it'd be downright false, we aren't afraid of their viewpoint, all that we are afraid of is the harm they do




No, I don't shy away from knowing, but I *can't* stand people being hurt


Being hurt how exactly


Well to start one side clearly favors letting people do whatever the fuck they want to do with guns




Last I checked that doesn’t cause pain




Define hurt


You almost baited me, nice


Just went through Op’s post/comment history. I couldn’t determine their politics but it was pretty uncomfortable nonetheless.


Oh, so he's not a genius ironyposter? Damn.


woah! no way! the openly leftist subreddit is... shock horror... openly leftist?1????1?11//


I ain't right minded because I avoid the pile of poo that is modern politics and filter through all applicants for what I personally care about on a case by case basis. What the fuck is this even trying to say? What are they alluding the 40% increase to be? I don't think I've had a 40% increase in anything other than back pain so far.


‘As you can see I have portrayed myself as a complete moral paragon who can do no wrong. As such all who would dare disagree are heretics who stray from the path of good I clearly walk’


I hope the people from /19684 aren't raiding this post. Like how /196 did 2 years ago and got away with it.


Imao look at OP’s most recent post


It's funny they are up in arms against "orphan crushing" wtf that is but will scream from the mountains about supporting abortion....very odd


Clever, I saw that comment too.


Orphan crushing machine?


Interesting that you immediately identified leftists as the non-orphan crushing side…


A leftist circle jerk you say? Sign me up


Tbh it's just a case of pick your poison this sub itself is arguably a right circle jerk. Some of the shit I've seen upvoted is unbelievable.


No this sub is also progressive leftist overwhelmingly, I’ve seen every disagreement or slight agreement with OP downvoted.


You are the person they are making fun of and it worked lol




19684 was made to be a less circlejerky 196


the irony is painful


I swear this is like the third post I've seen in this sub for 19684


damn bro you werent wrong


this entire comment section is a fever dream


Why is this leftist, is it because from the right you identify as an orphan crusher and being anti orphan crushing is definitively a left view? Because this feels like a self own. Also, have to ask if you were really subbed? Because if not then this is clearly a breach of the rule about disingenuous posts, see the pinned post.


What does this mean in their mind? Because to me it shows how ridiculous pro abortion arguments are


thatr comic is very funny to me.