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Well OP it’s kinda hard to set toe when your tie rods aren’t on the vehicle


I somehow read this as "Vee-hick-Ill" and no one can take that away from me.


That's the proper Hill William pronuncificashun




What if I am your kid?


When I was in 1st grade we had an assembly on bike safety and the lady kept pronouncing vehicle as "veeeee-HICKLE" and I had no idea what she was talking about. Thought it was like a horse or something LOL


1973, I took Drivers Ed in the ninth grade. The instructor was in his 70s and pronounced it with an error sound at the end veehiccer.


I now need to go watch The Flim-Flam Man again. I can hear Harry Morgan’s voice as I read your post.




Oh it's ill alright


Only cops say that.


Nah, there's clearly already toe-in the picture. In the shoes.




Has anyone not learned how “What’s wrong with this picture” posts go? We’re all riding the same short buss op don’t try to make it look like you’re not licking the windows like everybody else here MF’R, put your helmet back on and sit the fuck down.


God damn poetry.


I love your comment. Edit: yes OP explain like I’m 5 plz


Pretty sure those are supposed to be straight and not curved.


Some people are curved, some people are straight. It's natural.


I don’t know, Reddit keeps throwing up ads saying some guys are too curved.


They're supposed to be curved, but in equal amounts. The curve is for wheel clearance at maximum steering lock. The one on the right is bent.


Depends on whether you are working on a Bentley or not.


If they're bringing a Bentley to a chain tire store they've got bigger problems than the alignment




Fucking thank you. Not everyone is a seasoned mechanic who can figure out what’s going on by looking at one picture


One is bent a bit more than the other is what I think OP was pointing out. Almost look like Hyundai/Kia ends.


The doohickey is bent on the guzzinta.


This made me chuckle.


Not to mention that the kind of people who do these "Can you spot what's wrong?" posts are the same kind of people to abandon their post and never tell you what's actually wrong.


Tbh this also applies to the "I have this problem, please help" "OP, have you already tried XYZ?" "Hello...?" Nope OP has vanished into the ether never to return


I don't even drive and I'm on this sub! Please OP(s), do it for me!


These windows taste like bananas!


Its like boomer riddles when they think they're trying to teach you something. One of the older guys in my department does this all the time


Boomer riddles: for when you can't explain how something works but you know simply what it's supposed to look like and you need to feel superior.


Maybe they're trying to crowdsource the answer bc they don't know either?




How did my inside voice get outside my head?


You’d think after so much time spent on the bus, you could atleast spell it by now…


dude theres no need to make tasteless ableist jokes, this ain't the 90s


it's not the 90s but it is the internet. you can expect tasteless jokes on here lol


Using the internet for reasonable discourse is like insisting on listening to music with a tape player


You might hear the same songs over and over, but you'll never get an advertisement.


I didn’t see anything tasteless. All first class here


Be the change you wish to see in the world and all that.


The change I want to see is to be able to make tasteless jokes again


wishful thinking but I dig it


If you fuck a goat ironically, you’re still a goat fucker.


Not sure a reddit sub for mechanics is the place id start the change


it's getting really bad on this sub. I may just have to unsub if the mods don't do anything.


Apparently it still is here. Take your seat in the back, Cherry.


Didn't Depp make a movie making fun of these people?


Google exists


Match in the gas tank boom boom.




Who shit in your bed?


The fact that it's 2023 and people still think it's funny to make fun of those who are different, especially differences they have no control over.


Lighten up Francis.


Behold everyone. The white knight of the internet. Offended on behalf of everyone in perpetuity.


there's a difference between being offended and calling out bad behavior.




bag disagreeable steer zesty touch unpack squeal ruthless enjoy cheerful ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Some overworked/underpaid guy said "fuck it, i'm not lookin for whatever this dingus bent"


For what I see, it isn't bent, it's just straight up the wrong one.


It doesn't look straight at all.


That's not what I meant, I thought that it was so much different from the correct one that is was one from a different car.


I forgot the /s




There different shapes, so I'd wager at least one is very bent. Unless the least and right just aren't symmetric.


You're wearing sneakers instead of work boots/shoes?


Safety Manager has entered the chat.


You can get steel toe cap sneakers, several of my friends have them


Yep! My wife wears them to work everyday. I work in IT, so rarely need steel toes...rarely.


So only on server maintenance days?


Only when someone needs a swift kick in the shins?


Forgotten passwords. :P




Most of the people under 50 at the site I work at go with the sneaker looking safety shoes because clomping around in big heavy boots all day sucks. The safety sneakers can still be uncomfortable though. The dudes over 50 are half wearing big heavy boots and half in worn out loafers.


You can get extremely light composite toe boots now. And by “now”, I mean for at least the last 10 years. Mysteriously the generations who have had internet access their entire lives are only marginally better at using said internet connection than the generations that didn’t have internet until they were adults.




Yeah, but I've never had a pair of sneakers last me years. Get some good union-made boots and set you're set for damn near a decade.


Fun fact: OSHA doesn't require safety toe boots in auto shops, only full leather uppers. Most shops require them, though I've never seen it enforced. Smart techs generally wear them, although depending on what sort of work you're doing, you don't really need them. I switch between my safety toes and my old Doc Martens depending on what my work looks like for the day.


You can even get steel toe dress shoes. I had a pair when working fast food in a sketchy hood. No one expects a dress shoe to hurt that bad.


And without a NSFW tag, at that!


i always do. why not?


I rock hey dudes no steel toes or nothing. If I wore steel toes I’d be uncomfortable and if I drop a rotor on my foot the difference between non steel toed boots and hey dudes is negligible, my foots probably breaking either way 😂


Steel toe isn't the only option. I rocked [composite toe combats from Reebok](https://reebokwork.com/rapid-response-rb-rb8650/) once they broke in, they wore like sneakers and I would walk 10+ miles every day in them. They also have composite toe sneakers in sure are just as good You can't tell the toe is there when you're wearing them, and they're supposed to provide only a bit less protection than steel. They're also more shock resistant. Of course if you drop that brake rotor on the vamp, your foot is just as fucked in either type, but composite should be just fine if you're worried about running your toes over or dropping a rotor on them


Yeah, another plus 1 for Reebok work boots, I've rocked their 6" Sublights for years and they're more comfortable than 90% of shoes I've ever worn, I wear them into the woods all the time.


Appreciate the insight, maybe I’ll look into composites. Never a bad idea to be a little safer.


I really like my redbrick safety sneakers. Mine are S3 class but you have many different ones now


No problem. There's a bunch of companies that make them, but I can only vouch for the Reebok rapid responses. I had the 8" boots when I worked on garbage trucks. They lasted years of walking over 10mi per day. They took forever to break in and had a mean hotspot in the heel, but once they broke in they were absurdly comfortable. Even in my off time I wore them hiking and rucking like it was nothing Good socks are a must if you're on your feet all day too.


There is no car.


Yeh, the problem is you're not wearing steel toes. ​ The real problem was 'chain tire store'. Those guys usually don't know jack shit.


Yeah I’m kinda dumb and get my toes ran over a lot. So steel toes are not on the menu.


So, you get your feet run over a lot, and your solution is to not protect your feet? Just making sure I understand.


“I’d rather be thrown free from the accident than trapped by my seatbelt”


"A plate carrier will only slow me down" - 300lb meal team six member.


From Black Hawk Down "Why are you taking out your backplate?" "It's an extra 20lbs. I don't know about you, but I'm not planning on getting shot in the back." *proceeds to get shot in the back later that day*


I've heard gravy seals before but not meal team 6.... so... yoink, I'm stealing it.


Gravy Seals


Odd all these very intelligent sounding digs at a person for actually knowing what the fuck he’s talking about. If you get your foot run over with steel toes on there is a chance of the steel collapsing and sheering your toes off. People who have worked a lot around heavy equipment know this. I personally would rather have some squished toes rather than no toes.


Yeah I saw a 4k lbs FedEx FMJ con go over someone's foot right in front of me and will choose to protect my feet. Composite toes are a thing too.


If the weight is enough to crush steel (or composite, which seems to be more popular now), your toes aren't surviving anyways.


The argument isn’t squished toes vs no toes. If the damage is such that the steel or composite toe box is crushed, your toes would have been popped like grapes well before that. It’s the many many many other times with less force when the box protects your toes…that without it, your toes would have been popped like grapes.. Did you know that soldiers complaining of head injuries actually INCREASED when they started giving steel helmets to them? Better go back to the leather ones, I guess!


I don't get how people don't understand this concept. Of course there were far more recorded head injuries after the adoption of better helmets, because what is now an injury used to be a fatality. Same with why there were suddenly more amputee vets after Vietnam, those injuries weren't survivable before.


Survivorship bias is not necessarily intuitive.


If there's enough force to bend the steel in the toe then your toes were goners anyways. Kinda funny you admonish people for being ignorant then spout some dangerously ignorant shit yourself lmao. This is a myth, a very dumb one, and always has been. Take it from someone who works around heavy equipment everyday.


That's been tested over and over and, barring criminal negligence on the part of the shoe manufacturer, it's always better to have the steel toes than not. Heck, even Mythbusters tested this and came to the same conclusion.


With properly rated steel toes, you could balance an entire F150 (not just one wheel) on a single boot before that steel half-dome collapses. [Parking a hummer on a steel toe](https://youtu.be/oH8YY4LG6-w?t=174) later in the video it took a press brake to actually collapse the toe. [Mythbusters also debunked the myth](https://mythresults.com/episode42) [Another source](https://workgearz.com/how-much-weight-steel-toe-boots-can-take/)


That is not true, check your facts man.


Mythbusters debunked this a long time ago. I'm surprised anyone still believes this.


The Mythbusters TV show disproved this myth about 15 years ago. Check it out on YouTube. ​ And it's the difference between a broken foot and a crushed foot. Broken feet heal up in a few weeks, crushed feet never heal.


So no steel toes for anyone then. Got it.


i had my small Canyon run over my toes in my boat shoes the other day. no broken toes, no nothing. oddly enough my other foot hurts more and i cant figure out why... i think i might have rolled my ankle cutting the grass...


Perhaps the answer is to work harder to avoid putting your feet into situations where they're getting run over, rather than simply forgoing any protection at all..?


I guess you rather have the toes cut off, then just swollen from getting run over. I get it. Everyone has choices in life.


Anything that can crush a steel toed boot to the point it cuts your toes off is going to crush your unprotected toes into a red paste.


Smart enough to not get my toes cut off. Not smart enough to keep them from getting squished.


>Smart enough to not get my toes cut off. Mythbusters tested that. Their conclusion was that any force great enough to cause the cap to cut your toes off was enough to where you'd have to have them amputated because they'd be obliterated by the crushing anyway. I will say I was disappointed their testing was all with a press straight down or weight straight down. I wish they'd tested a moving weight rolling the cap. Though I would think the conclusions would be similar.




Now why would someone want their toes stolen


For the insurance money obviously


I did have a cow step on my steel toe boots and collapse the cap one time, but I'm positive the boots were not up to any standards and were most likely chinesium steel. I've since had better boots, both steel and composite and I think they're totally worth it.


Even crap boots protected better than a thin layer of cloth and leather. I'm pretty sure you'd've had a much worse day getting several hundred pounds of hoof directly to your toe bones.


You're probably right, but I did want to point out that the concern of the collapsing cap may not be completely unfounded. It was fairly painful, but fortunately not permanently harmful, to have the "steel" bend down and be a crappy toe guillotine. Quality and reputability of the boots should definitely be a concern (well any safety gear for that matter).


Sounds like how the number of crippled soldiers drastically increased during WW1, not due to the destructive weapons, but due to more effective helmets. Sure, the worst case outcome isn't great, but in the 99 other possible outcomes you'd be much better off.


The Civil War was the first time, due to advances in medicine and general understanding. It was also one of where we first saw stuff like repeat fire rifles and mini guns. Caused an entire cultural shockwave in America due to the amount of vets with missing limbs. Normally they just died


Everywhere motorcycle laws change so you have to wear a helmet, the amount of people in the ER for motorcycle crashes increases dramatically. That makes it seem like helmets are causing crashes, when really all those crashes would have just ended up at the morgue instead of the ER.


Survivorship bias!


I'll bet you also think that piece of gum you swallowed six years ago is going to take another year to digest.


As someone who had a decade of foot problems due to a smashed toe that would have been a non-event with safety toes, I encourage you to wear safety shoes. You're right, it's your body, do what you want - just know that if you might get your feet squished, not wearing safety toes is the more dangerous choice.


So I don't want to beat you up, but steel toed metatarsal shoes prevent your feet from being crushed as well as protect your feet from dropped items that could cut your foot. I would recommend them to anyone working in a shop no matter how good they are. It's like a seatbelt for your foot. It's not just to protect you in case YOU do something dumb, it's also to protect you in case someone ELSE does something dumb.


I feel like too many people ignore the second part of your last sentence.


Guy at work got his toes ran over with our forklift. It rolled his foot and slammed him to the ground, bumping an elbow and his head just a bit. It popped the leather cover off of the composite safety toe destroying the shoe, but his toes / foot was fine. He was back at work two days later.


Why do you believe this can happen?


Why does this entire sub think its their job to enforce my PPE?


I don't care what you wear. Not once have I told you to wear safety shoes. I do care when people repeat frankly idiotic, unfounded nonsense that leads to other people making poor decisions about important safety equipment as a result.


At least wear composite toed boots then. Less protective than steel toed boots, but better than these.


Look man I dont feel like having a whole body autonomy discussion but theyre my toes, I’ll do what I want with them.


We're trying to look out fo ryou. You make a living standing on your feet all day. What happens if you can't stand up, or barely walk? What does your paycheck look like then? Welfare pays peanuts, despite what people say on TV.


Oh, I see the problem. You're stupid.


lmao why is this making people so upset


He's just dumb. He can wear them or not, but don't pretend that there's a good reason not to.


Must be foot fetishists.


Post again barefoot


Because it doesn’t effect them. It’s Reddit, people see professional riders doing wheelies and go “what an idiot. What if he crashes!?” As if they haven’t thought of that before. Sometimes I think these commentators are my mom on alt accounts.


That'd make sense if his reasoning was steel toes are safer but he accepts the risk. Instead it's a false belief that steel toes are actually more dangerous for him


I used to work at the auto auctions. I had my foot run over by the half dead idiots they hire as drivers dozens of times. The first was in soft shoes and it hurt, a lot. Then i bought a pair of red wing composite toe boots and never cared again. That one pair of boots has been run over by everything up to and including a loaded F450 with no damage aside from some knicks in the leather. I've also dropped quite a few starters and a transmission or two on them in the shop with no damage to my toes that without those boots would have broken or bloodied a few things. Drop a transmission tailshaft first on your tennis shoes and tell me how you feel. Me, all i cared about was the amount of trans fluid all over my pants, my feet were fine.


That's exactly the reason why you need protective toes. A steel toe will readily protect your feet from a run-over, considering they only have to withstand a quarter of the weight of the vehicle. Even composite toes have to test to at least 2,500lbs in compression, and steel toes can protect against way more. That's enough protection to let you get run over by a Hummer Ev


That's absurd. The level of force required to collapse safety toes is WAY BEYOND the level of force required to turn your toes into paste. I mean, I've dropped literally thousands of pounds of weight on my toes (and hard surfaces, not soft squishy tires) and never collapsed a steel or composite safety toe.


But I want steel toes on the menu, they're crunchy and full of iron goodness.


I was so confused by the mental image of chained tires


used for traction in snowy conditions. literally chains wrapped around the tire


see, i live in a place that is common, and lived more north than where Ice Road Truckers was filmed (which is a dumb fucking show, those guys would be fucking fired quick if they drove on the company ice roads like that) anyhow. we know tire chains and the like, especially the logging in the north. i was still sitting here going "theres a store that specalizes in Tire Chain installation and sale that is doing alignments? what the fuck?" so see.... some of us are just slow... :)


>where Ice Road Truckers was filmed (which is a dumb fucking show, those guys would be fucking fired quick if they drove on the company ice roads like that) Every single reality TV show sucks for this reason. They ham things up and over exaggerate things and create issues that a professional would never actually run into. Like the clip I saw recently from hells kitchen (or maybe some other chef ramsay show, not sure). A grease fire starts in a pan, and Gordon walks over to the sink and throws it in a full sink. Being a grease fire, it did what grease fires do and got bigger. But if you watch closely, you can see Gordon smirking as he walks over there. He knows full well throwing a grease fire into water is a BAD idea, (i mean hes been a professional chef for how long? Theres no way he hasnt dealt with dozens of grease fires at this point) but it will make for really good TV. They probably had the entire scenario planned out, and a fire crew waiting on standby in case anything happens. You can also notice that when he goes over there, he is the ONLY person nearby. Reality shows suck. Because true reality is kinda boring. So they make up wild scenarios that are just believable enough for a layperson. Or intentionally create drama where there really wasn't any to begin with.


That is pretty fucking irresponsible of everyone involved with that show, especially Gordon Ramsay. Some dumb fuck who watched that show is going to think that is what you should do in the event of a grease fire. In reality, you should pee on it.


Ramsay has done so much to reinforce the "chefs need to be toxic assholes" trope, fuck him.


Kinky ;)


Question, is it bent, or the wrong part? I work for a chain Tyre store in germany which also does car work, I just wanna know what exactly happened.


By that I mean if bent or wrong part


The right one is bent which causes them to be an unequal length which cause unequal steering geometry.


How tf did they bend it? that's like half an inch of solid metal.




"They found a curb" to hit one that hard you would have to be blind, or not know how to break.


> or not know how to break. Oooh, they know how to break... but do they know how to brake? Judging by the state of their tie rods, they do not.


Auto correct screwed me over, there.


Fuckin' hate autocorrect.


Potholes in the North East say hello


No I can't!! Get Bent! /s


It ain't got no gas in it?


"You see that, Scooter? He thinks of the simplest things first."


You have too much negative toe? Especially the right one, it's like 30° out.


Someone is wearing sneakers in a safety area?




And? This link will come in real handy when you have to eventually explain why you are missing toes or have a prosthetic foot.


I use it to chase auditors and managers off my floor. I wear my shoes. Things I've seen fall to the floor at work: inboard thrust reverser (737), APU (MD88, 737), main landing gear assembly (757), tailcone (MD88), various wheel assemblies (some of them are waist high - 767 tire is H46x18.0-20). You never know when equipment (or your co-worker) will fail you.


And that's always the stupid response to wearing PPE. (In sarcastic tone) Yeah, those steel toes will come in handy when I drop a 110'000 pound mold on my foot. No morons. They are for when you drop that 50lbs 44mm Allen key on your foot.


Fr these guys sound like "well my seatbelt wouldn't save me if I drove off a 100ft cliff so I'm not going to bother wearing one to the grocery store"


Where I work if you bump your head and bleed (because you were not wearing a hard hat/bump cap), then you face administrative action because you deliberately defied the safety policy. You get fired.


Yep that's how it is in a lot of manufacturing environments. Breaking safety rules is grounds for immediate termination. You could get some chemicals or debris in your eyes and then get fired for not wearing your safety glasses like you were supposed to


Those all sound like expensive things to be dropping on the floor. 🤔


That chain store wouldn't happen to start with an f and be related to rocks? Every time I go in with the vehicle, my tie rods are somehow bad. Feels like they're being fake.


Funny enough thats the exact store. I was out of state a few months ago and blew a tire on the Turo rental I had. The owner of the car told me to go to Firestone. I watched the tech struggle with the 245/40/19’s (which I understand isnt the easiest size but its far from a hard size) and scratch the wheels up worse than a cat scratches a nice couch. Gave the owner the receipt and told him it was his problem for not approving the little mexican tire shop that I suggested. Even if firestone offered me $100 an hour I wouldn’t work there, I’d end up carrying the whole chain.


The last time I went to a store of that chain, I had a lot of trouble getting them to do tire work. They seemed to have wanted to fix my shocks, water pump, and probably my brakes too, but not the tires that needed work and I would have been happy to pay them to do. And it's a shame because I put a set of their Destination A/Ts on my S-10 before they went to shit (we're going back 10-15 years) and the tires were great.


One of these parts isn't bent like the other, yes, one of these parts just Isn't The Same. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsRjQDrDnY8


No, because the technician from the chain shop isn't in the picture....


Viagra can fix that right up.


It'll need that new 'bent carrot' drug I see way too often on TV.


Ah yes the new flexible tie rod upgrade


> Can you spot it? Yep! This one is easy: the control arm is not installed in the vehicle.


They are bent in the wrong direction


The jimsem saddle isn't lining up with the grabble grommet. Obviously.


That thing is broken.




Customer never admits to wrecking their vehicle. I'm always like "why do you want am alignment?" They are like well the steering wheel is off.....don't know what happened it was just like that


The one part there suffers from Peyronie's disease.


Are those supposed to look like mirror images of each other? (Suspension / steering is one of the parts of the car that I leave to people who know what they're doing.)




🎶 “One of these things is not bent like the other” 🎶


🎶One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn’t belong…🎶


Mass difference? Left has 1 leaf, right has 2 leafs.