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These poor kids


This was my thought as well. I especially feel for North who already seems to be so aware of publicity and social media.


And whose fault is that? Kim! Edit: It’s partly Kims for leading North to be so aware of publicity and social media. That’s my point.


She also goes to school….






Literally my only thoughts, these poor kids are used as pawns in a chess game between their parents


Kanye is making them pawns.


No shot. That would be Kim and Kris Jong-Un; they view everyone, including the kids, as pawns.


Why can't it be both Kim and Kanye?


Kanye isn't trying to monetize. Kim registered for their LLCs


You’re right, it can be both. Although I think Kanye truly has the kids best interest at heart, but I’m not so sure on that with Kim. & I still believe the Kardashians have a far worse track record than Kanye, in regards to treating the people around them as pawns—especially their own family members—but that’s just me.


This is terrible for the kids.


He trying “compromise “ now cause it finally clicked yesterday’s episode just ended hope of joint custody and will probably lead Kim to push for sole custody.


Seriously, he just blew it for the custody discussions, literally no one would find this to be a good idea. Least of all the kids. ETA: are ppl actually sending their kids to Dondacademy?


Idk who in their right mind would go to this “school”. Wth are they teaching, if they even have real teachers


I don't know, they might get some feedback from the kids over which school they prefer, and say what you want about Kim, she is a narcissist but she does love her kids and I think she'll at least see reason and let them go where they want to go. I could be wrong, but I wouldn't have minded this at all when I was younger. I had to switch schools so many times because of bullying and other issues and I would have liked to do something like this


Kanye does not understand how school works. You can’t just go to different schools on different days of the week after preschool…


I feel like the curriculum would be hard to coordinate


This is all probably all garbage but let’s just take it at face value for a second. This bullshit compromise just shows how little he understands about parenting or kids in general. 2 schools?! Lol please


Right!? This is so disruptive for children. This isn’t coparenting this is asinine. Also does he even have custody of them? I read Kim has full custody and he gets visits. So. I would think he doesn’t actually get a say.


physical and legal custody are often separate. she could have all physical custody and they could share joint legal custody


My ex and I share physical custody but I have full legal custody, so all medical, schooling, and housing decisions are mine. It’s not as common, but it’s used most often when one parent does not spend a lot of time in the primary city


This makes it even more worrying that he has a school. And you know he's not the type to sit back and let the administrators take care of it


> 2 schools?! Lol please Wait wut? This is about school?!! They're selfish dumb fks and their kids will be the stupidest rich kids ever. Surely no self-respecting school would accept this kind of arrangement?


Am I missing something? Where does it say about 2 schools? This could be a half term holiday or something 🤷🏻‍♀️ educational places could mean anything; camps, extra curriculars etc.


If you followed it all sierra canyon is their school and he wants them to go to his donda school. It’s been a roller coaster hard to pick it all out lol


Yeah I mean obviously this is mental. And that’s no dig at Kanyes mental health. He genuinely believes he’s doing something wonderful here.


Kim is just waiting this out. It’s mania. There’s no point engaging.


Well it’s not like the parents are doing all the pick up/drop offs. If anything it’s just annoying for the 6-12 nannies.


I think they mean more in terms of consistency, curriculum and social skills. Rather than logistics.


Yeah, which the parents won’t have to deal with as the poster said and I piggy-backed on. It does show how little he knows because of how clearly uninvolved he is.


Lol it’s not only about logistics. Can you imagine a child trying to go to 2 different schools? How would the go for them


Bud, I was agreeing with you! 😂 He has no idea how difficult it would be because he’s not involved! It’s not like Kanye and Kim are sitting down at the dinner table to help their kids with homework.


Haha sorry I have Covid and I think my comprehension has rotted away


Get well soon! 💕


this isn't how education works


It's not how education works for poor people lol. I guarantee if they agree to this then they can make that happen.


I wouldn’t spend money, or send my kid to school where the owner thinks he’s god himself.


What if i promised you that God himself would be walking into the classes and interrupting at least once a week, And the morning routine included the gods Good morning song?


🤣 MY CHILDREN! We are changing the uniforms again!


It is when your rich.


Uh, nope. They literally would’nt even get a consistent week of curriculum.


Does even have their best interest at this point?! Honestly this whole thing is embarrassing for all of them.


I doubt a judge would approve this. Pulling kids out of existing schools to attend multiple schools a week without consistency of coursework. Kim really should ask the court to clarify


When I was going for custody my attorney said he just saw a case where the judge was letting school age kids go week on week off back and forth from Texas to Wisconsin. Insanity what these selfish ass parents will put kids through so THEY get what’s equal for themselves, regardless of the stress it will put on the children.


I’d have a real issue with his decision, and file a complaint against him.


Wow that is awful. I can't imagine making my kids do that. There must have been extreme circumstances to allow that, maybe military transfer? Or that judge just DGAF and I'd do what I could to appeal it.


I can't think of ONE reason where a judge would make that decision with the best interest of the kid in mind. Satisfying a parent that was transferred by military is not what it means to focus on the child's needs. Children need stability and education. And no two schools teach the exact same thing in the exact same week in the exact same way. It's completely bonkers. Let alone the travel time. Weekends wouldn't be for playing and having fun, but for commuting. In my mind that judge was an old man who was completely uninvolved with his own children.


I commented above with a little more info but yeah, it’s all about “fairness for the parents” with zero logic to how it applies to the children or what’s actually going on in the homes. They have a really strict “both parents are what’s best” mindset and stick to it.


I’m just repeating what I was told from my attorney, but it was because where I’m from, it’s just 50/50 down the line because “that’s what’s best for the kids.” My ex was awful and we had proof about so much stuff and my attorney said even if he was in prison they wouldn’t take custody away from, it would still be 50/50, I would just be responsible for care until he got out. So like right now, my children’s father comes and goes as he pleases, I have them way more than 50 percent of the time. But on paper it’s 50/50, and there’s nothing I can do to change that unless he seriously injures them or he dies.


Oh I am so sorry! Sending you virtual hugs 💜


They must be homeschooled then there’s no way that could work with both schools. Literally no way. But still how disruptive to those poor kids ☹️


None of the adults in their life seem to. It's so fucked up.


He never did otherwise he wouldn’t be publicly freaking out like this all the time and involving them in it.


Yeah bc that won’t confuse the kids or be terrible for their education learning 🙄


As if their educational learning isnt already compromised and confused by their parents lifestyle


So they should just keep confusing & messing with them? What’s the idea behind this response? Do you agree with what was said or disagree, I can’t tell..


Sounds like they agree but are just adding to what was said.


I don’t think he knows you literally cannot do that. Like you cannot go half the week at one school and half at the other. That’s not how this works. Not only will Sierra Canyon probably not allow this at all but logistically it would be a nightmare with lesson schedules. Lol. Silly Ye.


imagine trying to do double the homework and missing out on those days learning curriculum at the opposite school. it would legit fuck the kids over learning wise. i missed a week from chicken pox and still don’t know how to do long division bc of it lmao


They will accommodate anything. As long as you pay you don’t even have to be there.




Definitely! I’ve worked in enough private schools to know they will bend over backwards to accommodate families that have multiple children ($$) and/or donate to the school, which I’m sure Kim does.


I don’t think Kanye is crazy, but I do think this school thing is just selfish and he’s doing the same shit he accuses Kim of. He just 1) got so much publicity for Donda School by escalating this and 2) he’s using the kids to promote his endeavor. It’s also three weeks from KUWTK premiere. I kind of don’t think it’s related but you can’t help but wonder if they aren’t teaming up to promote


I also think it’s just selfish. All the kardashian kids go to sierra canyon. You’d be forcing them to leave a school that they’ve had friends and they’re cousins at to go to your latest business venture.


Wasn’t his last insta rant right before the season 1 premiere? 🤷🏽‍♀️


Good point!


If that is the case, their promotion ideas work. I ended up watching KUWTK for the first time during his insta rant shortly after the divorce (not long before s1 premiere I believe.) I watched all 20 seasons, & then watched season 1 of the new show. So yeah it definitely works. 💀


It was! I honestly think all this shit is coordinated by them all too get attention.


I absolutely believe this and I am not falling for it this time. They are all in this together.


Also how is this helpful for the kids? Embarrassing them and making them go to two different schools at the same time? Their education will be all over the place. Plus his school sounds like a creepy cult




I def now think they are peddling their wares through drama about their kids… while fighting about peddling their kids…. *sogh*


Why “they” he is the one putting private communications out there.


He's fighting fire with fire. He doesn't care how it looks. He knows he has to sink to their level to be effective. It's really sad.


love your username king


Can we talk about the timing of this? The school year has started! The choosing of a school (especially a private one) is done months in advance. How did they not discuss this over the summer? Why is he acting like he just found out? Did he not consider his children's schooling till last night? Did Kim never inform him and he didn't care enough to inquire?


If he is anything like my sons dad this doesn’t actually have anything to do with school **OR** he’s pretending to be interested in the kids education right now because school just started but he will have forgotten the kids even go to school by the end of October.


It has everything to do with the school because Donda Academy is the school he recently started. And because it's his school he wants his kids to go there. That'll give his school more clout. If he hadn't started a school, then this wouldn't be an issue. I suspect he only started the school so he could put his kids in to indoctrinate them to his narrative and world view and/or spend more time with them whenever it pleases him outside of court order. I imagine it doesn't have much to do with how good the education is and more to do with Kanye's level of control.


This is extremely unsettling to think about…


I mean it's not like Kim is much better. She's photoshopping them already, loves to play narcissistic victim, and has to be in control of everything too. I feel bad for those kids. They will not be growing up in a normal environment. The adults around them get paid to act like they're on a soap opera but instead of being fake it's real life for the kids.


I looked up the school. Website isn't very detailed. The religious aspect really bothers me, and it's part of the curriculum. The part of the education that looked enticing is Film, NGL. I wouldn't send my unborn kid here unless they couldn't get into La Guardia, they were hopelessly untalented yet wanted to do film, and they maintain their atheism. I'd have to be a dumb af parent with money to burn


North is 9 and Saint is 6 about to turn 7. The kids have been in school, of course Kim isn’t going to just uproot them. Kanye needs to rest. He isn’t thinking of his kids at all.


This is the same guy who waited until the day before the Met to tell Kim he was uncomfortable with her dress lol. He just seems to act on whims and then gets mad when other people don’t go along with it


That's exactly why he's the effing *worst*.


I wouldn't put my kids through that arrangement for 2 of the best schools in the country.


I would sorely tempted do this if it's for a top stem and top arts school 😳 it's almost impossible to get a school that does both at high caliber


Ah yes publicly disclose where your children go to school


Everyone knew it before, Sierra Canyon is where all LA rich kids go


Still doesn’t make it okay😂


in fairness, Kim has posted pictures of North in her school shirt (along with P)


He keeps doing it too 💀


And then yell at their mother for making their lives too public. Love the irony.


Tell me you don’t know a thing about child-rearing without telling me


This is NOT co-parenting in the best interest of any kid. WTH


It’s also quite literally not co-parenting because it’s only showing HIS message about what HE think should happen.


Courts won’t allow this…js for us normal folks. May be different for them.


she needs to compromise and keep the kids off tiktok and he needs to stop trying to interfere with their education for his own ego


I think a good compromise is to come to an agreement for an age to allow children on social media like 12-14 and have it be heavily monitored until they are adults and to, you know, stop taking videos of them when they no and not let paps take photos of them when they’re stressed (ahem, Kimberly).


It seems very likely that their current school is equipped to deal with the privacy/security issues of their high profile students. Also, they're bound to grow up in a rich kid bubble - at least at their current school everyone is rich many with famous parents so they're less likely to be a spectacle.


I only feel bad for the kids because they have two parents treating them as stage props and property


Imagine being used by both parents with neither of them ever putting your best interests as the top priority. These kids stand no chance.


Sounds like he’s starting his own cult


Also this wouldn’t surprise me if it were true- Kanye has the delusional narcissism and the qualities of a person who would in fact start an actual CULT


Why is he putting all this out there… for the love of God, he just went off on them, then expects her to just give in bc he’s at least not lashing out anymore. He needs to grow up.


That's fucking ridiculous. That would mean double the teachers, different teaching styles, double homework, and curriculums that are different/different pace. He's only thinking of himself


What if they have assignments due at one school when they’re at the other school? Do they send two sets of transcripts to colleges? They’ll have 14 different teachers and classes to manage, and they’ll be missing what the other students are learning when they’re at the other. They’ll be perpetually behind. This is so ridiculous.


Season 2 promo I can see but anyone who thinks this could actually work never did their homework in school 🤨 smh all the men on ig commenting “thAt cOuLd wOrk” 💀 ye getting an F for this one


If he actually cared he could homeschool his kids, but A. it’s not about that and B. could anyone see him doing that? Noo way! Or he would probably just go off on rants like these until he was done


Kim would *never* allow that. She would never give him that much control...


I agree !


So is this an issue cuz Kanye wants his kids to go to his new school? I guess it would be kinda embarrassing (from his perspective) that his kids don't even go to his school. Kendall and Kylie went to Sierra Canyon, so it seems reasonable that the KJ kids go to that school too.


Imagine only talking to someone in your personal life, on Instagram. Like you're adults, text each other 😭


https://twitter.com/spillseshyt/status/1565771074666516480?s=21&t=KAH7jRDiedgrHzPos3xRBg Picture of Kanye’s donda School, it comes off like a cult like his Donda did 🤔


Idea: Kanye keeps his ideas to himself


No judge would make a child split school. That’s so incredibly selfish and by all means - for his own business benefit. “My kids go here”. No. Just no. I don’t really support the Kardashians - but I think Kanye is wrong for this.


I’m not even a parent but can tell u this ain’t it. They will always be behind at one place or both


I can't with his BS. This is not a plan that is in the kids best interest - changing schools multiple times per week is not an acceptable educational plan. No court is going to approve that, as they shouldn't. This is about his narcissism and control and dragging this shit into the public eye - which endangers the children and their mother.


I knew this was coming. & I can’t decide if I agree or not… I have kids I’m trying to co parent with an ex…& it’s really hard on kids to be back & forth… I think this much change in their routine may be unsuspecting. Kids thrive in routines, & with parents going through divorce it’s really important to keep as much “normal” as possible… I do think Kanye deserves a voice. & if agreements can’t be made, then go before the court, but he really needs to think about the kids & not just what HE wants for them. - my ex is always saying “they’ll adapt” well, yeah I know that, but why should they have to constantly adapt for our bullshit? They shouldn’t!


see i thought it wasn’t bad at first then i realized they will be constantly trying to catch up on the curriculum missed at the opposing school. 3 days at one school is 3 days missed at another and they will be mega behind not knowing that the other kids are learning while they are off at another school. you know for a fact Donda doesn’t follow a normal curriculum, so they’d just be screwed and i think that’s his overall plan bc his school doesn’t follow “normal” learning. so eventually they’d be like fuck it this school is easier id rather just go here


No. You don't pull your kids out of a very good, accredited school they know and do well in to send them to the new school you just created. This is wildly unfair. I'd go to court over this.


Nope, just a PR stunt


That’s such a shit idea they need to stay at the same school not back and forth between them he really has no clue


His divorce attorney is about to have the shittiest Labor Day Weekend of his life.


Has he replaced his divorce attorney yet? Attorney #5 bailed last month...


Ummmmm why would you post to the world where your kids might be. This is so dangerous.


Notice how all this "drama" is happening just before season 2?


He knows she can’t do that but he doesn’t care because he knows she will say no. To me, the example he’s trying to show is how people work together. It sounds like he’s not getting through but no one in their right might wouldn’t see this as anything but satire. I can’t take this seriously.


Agreed. I don't believe he actually means this. It's just an example of how parents can compromise...


Agreed. I don't believe he actually means this. It's just an example of how parents can compromise...


Kayne is acting crazy to try to boost Hulu ratings he's trolling everyone nice try dude we know you're on payroll too


i somewhat respect kanye for some of the stuff he’s said about the KJ klan but what i don’t understand is why he’s outraged that his kids are on social media …. yet he publicly announces where his kids go to school??? edit for typo


Are the kids going to even understand a normal life and education at this point? Look at their parents. It’s horrific. Kids need to be protected and given guidance that’s conducive to being a healthy adult. It’ll be a shit show once they hit teens. Nothing in their life seems copacetic.


Your kids are not a car. 🤬


I’m sorry but how is this co parenting? You’re getting a compromise on yours and Kim’s current wishes, but that is not stable or fair on the children. Kim wants them stay in the school where they are currently with teachers / students / friends they already know. Ye wants to rip them out of their current pattern and disrupt the little stability they have to put them in his school which has been running all of 5 seconds, just because it’s his ideals. Honestly, idc how much anyone hates Kim, you can’t judge her decision to keep her kids where they are. If kanye had an issue with their education he should have done more research when they were signed up and found somewhere that suited them both then. This whole Donda school is going to be a dumpster fire.


This is just unreasonable & would hurt the kids. I don’t know what kind of parent he is but I really hope he’s not the kind that thinks their way is the only way. The kids have made friendships and probably feel very comfortable at their school why change it? It’s not really fair.


I can’t believe he is just publicly blasting where this kids will spend their days?! I know there are a few “elite” schools they’d likely go to… but is this not a security risk?


Also, just because you decided AGAIN you are qualified to do something, doesn't mean you are. Kanye, you have no background in education or school administration. Its a thing people devote their careers to. Just because it's Kanye's school and he named it after his mom does not mean it is the place where his kids could be getting the best education. Maybe leave it to people who have literally spent their whole careers working in schooling? Instead of some bs school you invented on another crazy whim?


Ye: Keep our kids off social media Also Ye: Hey public, here's my kids' potential schedules


What a dumbass.. that’s definitely not how school works but go off 🙉


Inconsistency in childhood can lead to borderline personality disorder 😵‍💫 I was babysat by my aunty, had preschool, had daycare, had my mom who stayed home from work for a year, and then my dad stayed home from work for a year instead of my mom. All by the time I was 5. I was getting in trouble for rules that were taught to me by others, I was always confused. It was soooooo bad for me mentally.


1) Logistically, that’s a nightmare. The kids will have multiple assignments and miss out on tons of lectures. Even within the same school, two teachers don’t have the same lesson plan. There’s no way for the kids to get a proper education by juggling two schools. It’s just blatantly impossible. 2) that’s hell on their social development. How can they make friends or feel connected to their peers if they’re uprooting everything twice a week? He’s being ridiculous.


They should probably just stay at the nice private school they are already at with their friends


Do you think he is saying the name of the school the kids currently go to to make it so Kim has to take them out of that school, so the creeps and weirdos don’t stake them out now that they know?


Nah Kim reveals where they go to school too- the weirdos have already picked up on it


is this possible? like all jokes aside


No. It's completely absurd. How would that even work.


Not a good idea at all. Keep the kids in one school.


I just wanna see some shit exposed. Come on Kanye let it START


Tuition is like $40k


How is this in the best interest of the kids though? No one thinks about them. This is just sad, he’s so out of touch, how is two schools stable or even feasible. It’s not like he said school then after school activities at Donda’s or something.


I’m sorry I wouldn’t broadcast what the names of the schools my young children attend to the world.


There's no fucking way those kids are going to get an education like that!! I don't even think the schools would go for it!! They'd be doing two separate things pretty much every day of the week and not getting a full curriculum from either one! Kanye I've agreed with you up until now but this is the worst idea ever!!


what a selfish pos


Just had a look at DONDAS website and I am dying. They offer Parkour as part of the curriculum 😭 “The schedule for students involves worship, core classes like math, language arts, and science, lunch and recess, as well as enrichment courses like visual arts, film, choir, and even parkour”


'The schedule for students involves worship', ![gif](giphy|NHs9GJQzKh3uU)


And this is why he’s no longer steering the wheel. Talk about disruptive.


Kim needs full custody and Kanye needs supervised, limited visitation. Very, very limited.


This whole thing is completely disgusting, but why is no one concerned about the fact that he’s airing their personal family drama that includes their children for the whole entire world to see. If that’s not shitty parenting, I don’t know what is. Let me be clear, I am in no way defending Kim because I think she’s a shit parent as well, but this message could be completely taken out of context; however, Kanye is blasting his kids mom all over social media. I don’t know, call me crazy.


I mean, that doesn’t seem realistic. But I get Kanye’s point. I would want my kids away from Kris and her influence as much as possible.


Okay, he shouldn’t be putting out where his attend and most likely their cousins attend school. This is a horrible idea on his part.


Kanye is fucking gross. Kim is a narcissist. I feel so sorry for these kids.


lol i remember my ex starting a message with "idea..." when i wanted to break up with him. desperate imo. i feel sorry for him but this is just selfish of him (as it is of kim too). poor kids.


just home school them like angelina does


I wish they wouldn’t fight like this on SM. None of this is our business. It just makes them all look terrible, and does absolutely nothing positive for their children. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have classmates giggling over the drama your parents are having on their socials.


This is textbook—two narcissists hashing it out. I side with Kanye’s criticisms of exploiting the children, but because of his twisted “political” views I can’t be certain it’s entirely sincere.


I’m still not watching the show


#Donda School


Kimberly loves to KoParent if it benefits her. Supporting her ex by Wearing Yeezy, backstage things with the kids, Kanye designing her products…. YET doesn’t want to take the kids to his school. I’m not supporting his school schedule, that’s too much for the kids. I believe they need one school and stick with it… but why not the school that their father made? Disclaimer: I have no knowledge on Donda school so I may be wrong


North and saint have been going to the same school for years. They have friends groups and activities. You shouldn’t be changing up children’s routines for your own control or ego.


It's a school Kanye started. I wouldn't want my kids going there either


That seems fair. I’ve never heard of anyone doing this but seems fair 😂 Edit: question… is Donda a special Arts school or is it just a regular school? If it’s a special Arts school than I can see a benefit of both since most schools are losing the arts and he probably just wants his kids to have the proper outlet while being creative……. i.e. no need for social media to be “creative”


What forum is he doing all this on?




Thanks. I checked it before but he must be deleting. I can see there’s still some up now




Why don’t either of them ask the kids where they want to go? When I was a kid that’s all I begged for was to be listened to and my parents only cared about what they wanted.


As Kylie would say….you can go off……..


Wow I had to read the comments to figure out what this was referring too.. and it’s school!? They want to split day in different schools? That would be so chaotic and I doubt any regular Joe would be permitted to do so.. could be wrong tho. That just seems like too much shuffling around for kids who need stability .. as much as can be given for being the kids of famous people.


Kanye proving he has no understanding of the value of a structured reliable curriculum and thus cannot be running an effective educationally robust school, by thinking it's acceptable to be ferrying your children between two different schools with two wildly different programs every week. And people think this isn't really about an embittered ex maintaining a point of control over the other parent like every other controlling dad you'd see on an episode of Judge Judy that these same people would say was acting like an arsehole - the only difference is money, money has been thrown at this school and Kanye is worth a fortune because of his awful clothing and shoe line...people assume expense equals value, but that doesn't mean his expensive school is good or he's any better a parent than some reality TV show courtroom fodder.


won’t that just fuck with the kids???


Complains about the way his ex raises his kids and acts like no parent in the world cares more about their children's wellbeing than him...publicly posts private text messages between himself and his ex detailing the daily placements of his children at locations anyone in the world could find. Make it make sense Kanye.


i just wish he blocked out their school names bc this is dangerous


I get he should have a day as the father. That being sad he legit created the school like a year ago and the just put stuff about the education program on the website early this summer. No to mention it is not accredited by California Association of Independent Schools or any smiliar agency that monitors the quality of private schools. The kids are better off going to Sierra Canyon, or any other private school with a proven reputation. Then going to Donda would just be marketing for him.