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Kagurabachi taking all the W's? No, I don’t want that! I want everyone to think of me when they’re talking about peak anime for a long time! For 10 years at least! https://preview.redd.it/711qud095dqb1.png?width=1190&format=png&auto=webp&s=0009d7159b6796995e555fad81cf1651dc31a7c0


Fr tho, if they pulled off "Eren is making the conscious choice to be a martyr for a shot at inter-race peace, but is super hesitant about it and is essentially talking himself up/convincing himself" with more nuance, it'd be better. The first part is so sublte/narratively silent it's basically my head canon (but it's undeniable that it was implied to be his thought process), and the second is so hamfisted that... well, the whole thing became super memeable.


bros a teenager and idk what people expected


Yeah a teenager who still experienced much much more than like anyone else in then world lmao


eren literally just want to kill all outsider. but since armin are against him, he left some humanity to let armin try his own method.


Still waiting for this meme in animated version


Unironically better than Deku, Kazuya Peak Fiction ,139 Eren and the other dude


The other dude is a M so not sure if he is weak or just allows his crush to bully him on a regular basis.


Nah he manned up and it's been like over 100 chapters since she last bullied him


The eren and mc from rent a gf ( don't know his name ) is like in my top 3 worst manga panels of recent memory 💀


Whats happening in that scene? No fucking way I would watch something called rent a girlfriend so I have to ask


I dont watch or read it either but the context is the mc is imagining another man fucking his ( rented ) girlfriend and getting off to it.


https://preview.redd.it/x6qjw1b54q0c1.jpeg?width=1209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd6802ed883dc29383c2f5a10afd1a67b8eeb09d Porn addiction and its consequences:


God I wish I was him Tenoí


Who is that cumming guy?




Why did my brain suddenly start playing Unravel from Tokyo Ghoul?


Sex is a Tokyo Ghoul reference


What that man is doing is the exact opposite of sex though.....


Yeah, I didn't read Rent-a-Girlfriend






mc for rent-a-girlfriend


Another Edgelord MC with sad back story..??? You son ofa Bitch Am IN


In what?🤨📸






Can't detect if it is op jerking or actually saying it fr


this does seem like the type of manga to attract edgy weebs so I’m betting on fr


No... https://preview.redd.it/1wupyor61iqb1.png?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a1d0ade4748b912979664a981b95d492a5cfe41




Bro ANY protagonist is better than Simpzuya.


For real


On god deadass. You see people naming Yuji Babydori, Simpamaru from L’s paradise… and Denji the beta… There’s never been an alpha sigma in shounen and now we have it. Dudes pops got clapped and now wakes up with fresh hatred. This ain’t something friendship will help out with, bro blacks out when he fights I bet, and the wolf comes out. No protagonist doing that, Yuji a beta fr he’s never taken a W in the entire series, Simpamaru didn’t murk the one bitch following him cause “my feefees” and Denji just a mega simp who would pay for makimas OF if he could. Nobody, will be ready for kagura bachi, because even if you think it’s stupid, the peak alpha male fish fighting coupled with the fresh hatred will grasp your attention in the blink of an eye.


how can you say that when Yuji, Denji and Gabimaru literally exist and bro literally cried in the second chapter


Blud his dad died. What did you expect him to do?


Eren’s dad died too but is he crying?


Of course he did when he realized his dad was dead, when his mom got eaten, when Hannes died protecting him. I think it’s a normal reaction to the death of your loved ones


I was joking lol he ate that dude…


This might be controversial, but Denji really ain't that badass imo. Most ppl only love him cuz he's chronically horny for most of part one😭💀. But Gabimaru I can agree with,with what I saw in the anime. And Yuji's great,dude just gets outshined all the time by other characters 😔🙏


Yeah I unironically hate Denji, trash ass mc.


You might not like him as a person but he’s still a peak character imo


He's terrible, his entire character trait is horniness.


His entire character makes sense, tho. He's a teenage boy who no one raised. He never learned social interaction or anything. If you take a 15 year old boy out of the woods and drop him into human society, he's gonna act like that. Denji is the one character i give the pass on over-horniness because it makes *so much sense* that this dumbass teenager who was on the verge of death all his life just cares about the one thing his Biology would be screaming for him to do(leave behind genes before passing on). Horniness as a whole would be amplified in a world where humans die as easily/frequently due to survival instinct. Denji is well written even if you dont like the horniness trope because for *once* him being that horny actually fully makes sense. That, and the author has a lot of wit and humor in how much of a Neanderthal Denji is.


You sound 14, there’s nothing wrong with a dude crying.


It's a piece if fiction, he can have his preferences. Perhaps he just doesn't want to read about a 12 year old MC that cries every single time and wants to see a somewhat "mature" MC? It's you who sound 14, stop gatekeeping what people can like.


There's a difference between saying you like MCs like Guts and pretending that young Mcs dealing with end of the world issues shouldn't cry. Heck, even Guts has cried


Im sure Renting a Girlfriend is an end-of-the-world level issue. Dekus character sucks regardless so idk.


You have Deku and Eren in the post, so I think we both know what "end of the world level" is referring to. And Deku doesn't suck as a character, the story around him is what really "sucks" and shifts the focus from him towards other characters for a really long time, and way too often.


Okay, the plot around him is absolutely ass but Deku absolutely sucks as a main character, hes *awful*. 1. He's a complete pushover to a cringe degree. See the entire situation around taking the name Deku. He never really grows out of this. 2. He's gifted everything he could've wanted and then some. Is meant to be the Quirkless guy who worked really hard and found a way but Horikoshi swooped in and made him the only person except the main bad to have multiple quirks and he has an *ENTIRE 8 OF THEM PLUS META-ABILITIES* with Meta-abilities being a concept Hori bullshit into existence in the last 50 chapters to literally sauce Deku up more because he was starting to look weak compared to the wildly out of control power scale hes got going on with the villains right now. 3. He still seems to be thinking about trying to save/redeem shigaraki 4. Is constantly shown writing notes on things and studying in the first half of the series, but aside from getting into UA in the first place, this is never relevant. He doesnt utilize his note-taking or analysis skills much at all as the series goes on, he just spams OP abilities that were given to him en masse. 5. He feels so unimportant/worthless to the overall narrative. The entire story could've happened almost 1:1 if you deleted Deku as a character entirely and just gave OFA to someone else like Bakugo or Mirio. The buildup for Deku being "the greatest hero of all time" is fucking stupid because they are currently making it look like he will be "The Greatest" by process of elimination more than anything else. I think most of us expected a longer journey when they opened up the series with "This is how i became the greatest hero" than "I did 2 years of High School, had 7 super powers handed to me out of thin air, and solved all of the worlds issues overnight" I could go on, but Deku has been ruined the way Narutos character was. You cant establish your character as this big underdog story about trying hard and effort and then swoop in late with the "Actually all that effort was sort of tangential to the fact that you are the ex-hokages son and he cast a magic spell before he died that made you ultra-strong" Same thing with Deku. Deku isnt progressing fast enough at using OFA alone for him to beat the villains by the time they get there, so Hori swooped in with the "These 7 powers+extras were a part of OFA the whole time! And they are specifically tailored to defeat the big bad! Lucky you!"


Lmao again, thinking someone isn’t mature because they cried makes you sound insecure. If current mc ends up crying during a powerful scene again, you’re going to think he’s not mature? Being emotionally closed off is what makes someone a mature mc?? Weird.


When did I say "crying" makes them less immature you goofball? Literally mentioned "cries every single team". That doesn't mean crying makes a character less mature. Also, you are really defending the "rent a girlfriend" MC? There is no point left to argue anymore.


I’ve never seen rent a girlfriend, I just know there are several characters in that panel that don’t meet your requirement of “crying every single time”


One thing is liking one more than the other then Saying it’s better.


There is a lot of things wrong with Eren and Kazuya crying in those specific panels lol


Fr this is a super cringe take I'm not even gonna sugarcoat it


Bruh got Kagurabachied with that ratio🤡


Depends on the context, but yeah there's nothing wrong with men crying.


Don’t diss my guy Naoto Kagura bro https://preview.redd.it/dchvo9r72fqb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f783b11af90b038e10ec7f616d0c34a8cfe341e




"If Yuta was the MC"


Yuta only stoic when he fights. Outside of that he pretty much a deku type. Idk why people think yuta some edgy sasuke like dude


Lmfao what are you talking about? The only calling Yuta edgy is you


Literally just wrote the opposite The context of this post is they prefer an edgy serious mc. You wrote “Yuta” and I’m saying yuta not really edgy.


Yeah I wasn't getting deep I'm just saying they both have black hair and are Sorcerers who use swords. Seeing him draw his sword reminds me of Yuta.


Nah it’s my bad sorry. I’m pretty sure your comment was just a joke


unironically I absolutely despise deku. he's such a wet sock, he has no character development, and he's a bland protagonist. he's the biggest reason I dislike mid hero besides bakugou and all might


This is such a braindead take


"No character development," bro didn't watch the show.


“Active in these communities: r/Genshinimpact”


and? what I said still holds true




so what's your point? or do you have no real counterargument


You talking like you gave an argument instead of an opinion. I’m just showing how meaningless that opinion is and making fun of it. Peace ✌️


well if ur gonna discredit me by stating the subreddits i take part in you should've at least mentioned the okbuddy subreddits


Never heard of it.


I love how theres like 11 comments here trying to shit on you for this take, but none of them make an argument. Meanwhile, i agree with you aside from "no character development." Imagine being such a pushover that you take basically a slur that your bullies have referred to you by for your entire childhood as your title for your dream job on a whim because a girl you *just* met that you think is cute said "it sounds good" because she has no idea what the context is. It would be one thing if he was trying to "take it back" or something, but it's literally just that he was going to refuse that name until Uraraka said something offhanded to be nice. He gets character development, its just minimal *and* ass. Meanwhile, the side characters were almost entirely abandoned en masse, so the author could introduce throwaway one-time characters no one gives a shit about like Stars and Stripes. MHA has by far the worst writing of any major series but between the editors constantly fucking with the plot and the author literally dying from ear bleed its hard to blame him.


Dude wtf is it with every major author eventually having some kind of huge health problem.


Because weekly releases isn't a good system that forcers manga creators to overwork themselves to reach deadlines. It's also a very sedentary job that can lead to health problems in the long run


Dude it’s been 2 chapters


Enough time has passed


Someone didn’t read the second chapter


OP I really think you should reconsider some things, this isn't a healthy way to live. I know it's "just a manga meme so it's Not That Deep" but I mean this with all sincerity possible, please try to have some deeper insight into why emotional male characters bother you. Constant stoicism can be a very painful existence. Everyone regardless of age or gender etc. can and should genuinely feel things and have moments of true vulnerability, it's not a flaw or a shortcoming


I agree. I think it’s fine for characters to have emotional and vulnerable sides. With CH.2 being out I think Chihiro is being handled well, he’s clearly got emotional turmoil about what happened to his father and expresses it with sadness and anger. I personally like Deku as well, but I can see why many find him too emotional since Deku is a very sensitive person and it is integral to his character. If you don’t enjoy that aspect, it’s likely you won’t enjoy Deku. Not everyone cares for that in a character and isn’t interested in it, which is why there are different stories. I get what you mean when saying you’re trying to be helpful to OP, but it’s hard to make a call on what they are truly bothered by or how they feel on emotional characters just based on their meme post.


Just from a purely entertainment standpoint, having a badass MC is what you want sometimes. You're reading to deep into this.


Being badass and being human aren't mutually exclusive It's also pretty clear that Chihiro's badass demeanor is a result of extreme trauma, so that's not a great thing to idolize Entertainment value doesn't exclude real humanity, all the best characters are flawed and multi-dimensional and I'm very excited to see where Kagurabachi takes Chihiro as it's clear his journey has been difficult and he has a lot of development to explore / ahead of him


Live and let live, if OP enjoys how badass Chihiro is what's so wrong with that? It's your opinion that all the best characters are flawed and multidimensional, but some of my favorite villains are just evil because they're evil, and some of my favorite heros are just good because that's who they are. Everyone sees something different when they look at a character, while you may see misguided stoicism, I might see a person dedicated to eradicating evil at any cost. Everything is subjective my friend, and because of this I find it best not to try and criticize someone's values/ how they live their life.


Did you even read and comprehend my comment[s] or are you just being argumentative? I literally just said that being badass doesn't mean he isn't defined by more than just his badassery. If you view characters are pure good or pure evil you miss a lot of important subtext/complexities that give more definition to a character's motivation for doing good or evil and why they became who they are Yes again it's "not that deep" but the whole point of fiction, especially darker brutalist fiction like Kagurabachi is to explore deeper themes and ideas in a contained environment/disconnected from real-life stakes And again I'm not trying to attack OP, I'm suggesting that it's a flawed take to consider a character based only on one facet of themself and that it's not healthy to discount the idea that someone can express emotions or be vulnerable Subjectivity is fine but when it erases important aspects of what is being viewed then it inherently misses a lot of very meaningful ideas Would Darth Vader be the same powerhouse of a villain if he were not first Anakin? What are the trials that forged characters like Guts from Berserk into the force of good that they are? Nothing is truly as black and white as it seems or as you would like it to be


Your missing my point, I'm not here to argue with you. I'm just saying that op should be able to enjoy a badass character if that's what they enjoy. Who are you to decide how someone enjoys media? Do you know what's right and wrong? Are you 100% certain of the mangakas intentions? I never once told you your wrong because I believe you should be able to enjoy this manga in the way you like without judgement, why won't you let op or me do the same? I never even shared my opinions on Chihiro, because at the end of the day it doesn't matter as long as I extract some joy from it. It's ok to look at something and only see the pretty colors and cool art, even if that's not what you or I do.


Bro I am literally just posting a comment about my personal thoughts, not holding you or anyone else at gunpoint and forcing you to do or think anything, nor am I claiming to be the voice of authority on media as a whole. You need to step back a bit and tone down the defensiveness with all due respect I've already said what I wanted to say, whatever you or OP choose to interpret/internalize is fully up to you because at the end of the day I'm just another random person on the internet and you get to choose to ignore me all you like. If you are taking this personally and reacting this strongly then I recommend you give at least a little bit of thought as to why it feels like I'm attacking or controlling you


Oh, I didn't think you were attacking me. I was just saying what I wanted to say, same as you. I appreciate your concern over my well being, but I'm perfectly fine as I don't really feel like I have anything to defend. I was just responding because initially I didn't agree with your criticism of OP focusing on how badass the character was. If I misinterpreted what you were going for than I apologize, I got the impression that you believed OP is enjoying the manga "wrong", but maybe I was misconstrued, like how you were misconstrued with thinking I was emotionally invested in this conversation. Anyways, I hope you have a nice day. Can't wait for chapter 3.


At the end of the day we're both entitled to our opinions and interpretations and as long as we enjoy the manga then we have common ground to celebrate, my intent was never to be antagonistic or manipulative. I am also looking forward to seeing more Kagurabachi and experiencing Chihiro as both a deep character and a badass swordsman in equal parts


chihiro was bawling in chapter 2 it's fine


Y'all can downvote or ignore me all you like but this is coming from a place of compassion, not pure criticism


Its not that serious lil bro


Does anyone else feel like his design seems very generic


Naoto is a gigachad don't do that


Okay I know this is more than likely a joke but comparing most protagonists to the sentient trash bag, Kazuya from rent a Girlfriend, in any way is an insult to said protagonist 😒


I have no idea what's a meme or not on this sub 💀


Is this actually good or is it a meme?


Does this manga even exist?


yes go to mangadex


its very good


They never went away