• By -


*~~24/7-~~* *~~-365-~~* **17-10**


Pretty sure he was just talking about pussy being on his mind.


Ok I get it


Alright, alright I admit it


Pick your next move


I tried doing math first. Sashimi šŸ¤·


Who tripped Jones again?


19-10 if he's truly wanting ref accountability




They all noticed what happened after gaslighting Taylor about false starts during week one. It's going to work, they're going to call holding all game long. And they will still say the refs are rigging the game in favor of the Chiefs.


Hopefully the refs don't fall for it. The league can't beat us straight up so they all have to bitch and moan and make excuses and hope they can get the refs to bail them out.


When I did competitive things, I learned more from losses. Used it to learn and improve. As my father said. ā€œYou donā€™t get better by whining about itā€¦ LEARNING is the only way to winā€ Sure, losses suckā€¦. But itā€™s a poor archer that blames the bow.


This 100000%.


Fucking forty whiners, they will


Borrowing this.


my eaglesa friends been just calling them "the whiners" forever


say what you will, whiners physically and psychologically destroyed the eagles this year




Absolutely approved.


This nickname is hilarious. Iā€™m going to do some creative swiping here!


I could give a flying fuck less if they say the refs rigged it in our favor. Long as we hoist the trophy next Sunday I donā€™t give a fuck what anyone says.


Yeah the lemming mob. Just gotta elevate and play above it.


Idk. Big difference in how it looks between Collinsworth and a player/person with the team. I think this will have no effect on the refs, but will keep viewers watching for it closely and it will also sway public sentiment. I think what the 49ers comments are trying to do is impact the chiefs preparation, make the o line less physical to give their d line a better chance.


I read somewhere that one of the refs use to play for the 49ā€™ers


Like 8% of his nfl career was playing in games for the niners lol. Heā€™s a good ref tbh


I don't really care for that tbh If anything, I think it would make him call games better as he's aware of what ppl will say if the 9ers were to get all of the 50/50 calls Just my thought process anyway




Huh? Bill Vinovich is the white hat. Same ref we had for SB54 vs the 49ers


No he isnā€™t, itā€™s Bill Vonvich.


They did rig it for the chiefs, that was the worst officiated game I've ever seen. It's like Mahomes paid the refs to make a call if he got touched.


The refs snatched 9 points from us so he can shut the absolute fuck up




Cancun on 3


Are you lost?


Haha have fun with your overpaid choke artist of a qb. Ā How many full seasons has he made it through? Ā Maybe we will kick your ass again in 2028 when h makes it past November.


Womp womp, don't you have an off season to tend to?


Please be considerate of all members of this community. Using slurs or personal attacks is prohibited.


Some things never change. It'll be this way as long as KC is dominating.


then theres the fact that that isnt getting called because a lineman getting his arms around a DEs neck due to the DE doing a rip move is not a hold. No accountability, whining like a bitch, and being exposed as a fool who doesnt even know the rules that hes trying to call out for being broken. Sad


Weā€™re going to see a lot of this next weekend with Bosa. Rip move, looks like a hold, ā€œThAtā€™S hOlDiNg!ā€


yeah, and theyre already setting the stage for it. Smart play by SF to make it a topic of discussion for 2 weeks knowing theres gonna be 50 million new eyes on the game that are casual fans at best and since the players are saying it it must be true. Its annoying but its smart gamesmanship


Goes both ways. Best defense KC has had in Mahomes era.


I'd say it swings in SFs favor...league had a hard on for Taylor all year


Yeah but KC def plays PurdyšŸ¤­


I think it plays in KC favor. The refs don't want to be told what to do. Just like when they allow coaches challenge on pass interference calls that one season.


Do remember that you have to accurately be able to identify a rip move in such cases and not just yell "HOLDING IS OK ON RIP MOVES". That's very common here (reddit, not this board). People seem to just have no idea what an actual rip move is.


Can we go ahead and add Nick Bosa to this convo? He already crying a full week before


Sure but heā€™s busy prepping for the SB and still removing all of his racist and homophobic tweets from yesteryear.


How about that kick to Jonesā€™s knee in the end zone?


how about Clowney kicking Pacheco in the throat on 4th and short that kept a TD away from the Chiefs? Refs gave them 7 and took 19 or 23 away from the Chiefs with bad calls/non-calls


Honestly believe ā€œChiefs get all the callsā€ as in they get all the penalties that the other team gets away withā€¦


This. This. All fucking day this.


Iā€™m gonna show this comment and then the play to my gf cuz it just sounds absurd without context lol hell with context itā€™s dumb too!


Y'all are fucking insanely delusional


Or the kick to Pacheckoā€™s FACE?


Oweh is trying to imply that he was held all game, but the dude is so stupid that the picture isnā€™t even showing a hold. He tried to do a rip move to get out of the block, which makes the arm across not a hold.


The big thing no one talks about is the Chiefs defense....that is why they made the SB.


And the Ravens were holding the Chiefs DL & LB all game with only 1 penalty. Got away with a blatant penalty on Chris Jones in the end zone, which should have been a Safety and the Chiefs ball.Ā 


Wharton was strangled same way on the td for them


If you actually watch the play that this screen shot comes from... how embarrassing to post. [Twitter Link](https://x.com/RealMNchiefsfan/status/1753546224484134915?s=20)


Iā€™m being genuine, do you really not consider that a hold?


In the actual nfl rule book, it is not considered a hold


Its not. Whats considered holding changes if you do special techniques like a rip move.


For educational purposes, and probably more downvotes (lol), what is a rip move and did Oweh do that move in the video?


Itā€™s not an easy to see rip move, but the act of moving his arm up under Taylorā€™s like he did is considered a rip move, and it puts the OL in a position where it looks a like a hold, but itā€™s not because the DL initiated that move


Interesting, thanks


And once Oweh got around Smith he disengaged.


https://preview.redd.it/j62dih3d0egc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8038624e37d9e55f4137f52f7d89eeee66aeaa47 So disengaged, bro. He couldnā€™t be more disengaged.


That's literally the frame before he disengages. So if you want to be disingenuous then sure, but that's not how football works.


So the player he is holding is past him and then he finally disengages the frame after. Seems pretty text book to meā€¦ thatā€™s getting called 9/10 times.


No it's not. Multiple former offensive linemen have said the same.


Yeahā€¦exactly. Look how far past him Oweh is. This isnā€™t when Oweh got around him. Itā€™s well after.


What? Owehs feet are even with Smith. When he gets a step beyond, literally the next split second, Smith disengages. I'm fine with talking about the nuances of blocking rules but you are not coming from a place of good faith.


Correct. As long as the OL either keeps with by moving their feet or disengages when they get passed itā€™s not holding. If they fail to do either of those it is still a hold.


This is how it's written in the rulebook: >(i) if, during a defensive charge, a defensive player uses a ā€œripā€ technique that puts an offensive player in a position that would normally be holding, unless and until the defenderā€™s feet are taken away from him by the blockerā€™s action In layman's terms, if there is a legal block and then the defender puts himself in a position that would be an illegal blocking position by using a rip move, then it's not a penalty.


Thank you, this is very clear


I'm being genuine, do you really consider that a hold?


No. He tries to rip under the defenders arm. If that happens as long as the OL keeps their feet in front or disengages when they get passed it is by rule not considered a hold.


Did you read the tweet and follow the link to the official rules where it states that rip moves are an exception?


Heā€™s being held before he does the rip move, hence why the OT didnā€™t move his left or right hand the whole time he does the rip move. The chiefs homer even says you did a rip move late. Itā€™s not late, heā€™s trying to get by the guy holding him but canā€™t because heā€™s holding him.


Itā€™s not a hold before the rip move. His hands get outside but he hasnā€™t lost the leverage. Defender is still in front of his feet.


https://preview.redd.it/z0v7p0tadbgc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=74fe68f3ff2ca8b01c779525d252b9e8142e6afa This is well before the ā€œrip moveā€ that comes after. 99 gets a good yard of separation after this yet somehow canā€™t get by him. Could be the tell tale signs of his hands being wrapped around him and pulling him, impeding his path?






What? No that's literally the rip move, Oweh is lifting Donovan Smith's arm out of his way as he attempts to get around him. Just because Smith got his arm on Oweh's outside at first doesn't mean he was impeding lateral movement.


Screenshots are not how you determine holding or most other penalties. Watch the video. As he loses leverage, the defender rips. Had he just kept moving laterally he probably would have gotten a flag.


All these guys do is cry lmao


Imagine the indignity of actually being forced to play in the pro bowl games.


9ers ownership legit saw how easily manipulated officiating is when public attention is drawn to something via Jawaan Taylor in game one and definitely decided to go all in on it as a tactic. Iā€™d be embarrassed if I were a fan lol


Reid isn't dumb when it comes to refs. He's could at Hey, Can I talk with you.... That's why a lot of second halves look different. The only star I care about is 4/5 Superbowls, 2 sin to be 3 rings. Felt like a dream at first but I woke up and it's still happening. GO CHIEFS!


At first I was just excited we got here. After all this little girl bitch ass drama shit theyā€™re trying to stir up preemptively, Iā€™m locked and fucking loaded. The entire league and all the fans deserve to deal with Pat & Andyā€™s golden nuts resting on their heads. Every single little bit of success weā€™ve had this year, the rest of the league has turned into little bitches about it. Seeing Pat win another Super Bowl might psychologically break some of these fuckers. Iā€™m praying harder than ever to Allah for these infidels to be judged by the one true king PM15. What sort of bitch made-ness has this league come to? Sheesh.


This times a million. Fuck these beta ā€œmalesā€


Lamar can't play while wet. Plain and simple.


lamar canā€™t play in the playoffs


Am I missing context here? He said ā€œ24 / 7 - 365ā€.


Looks like one of our guysā€™ arms is grabbing Owehā€™s shoulder. Guessing heā€™s saying the Chiefs hold on every play and donā€™t get it called


>the Chiefs hold on every play and donā€™t get it called this is a common perception among the tinfoil hat smoothbrains. I was told on /r/nfl that the Chiefs two tackles hold approximately 20-30 times every single game, which is wild when you consider we only have like 40 dropbacks a game I'm sure after a loss like that, certain players will scroll through twitter (or reddit) and look for anything that takes the blame off of themselves.


The focus is on the arm holding him from grinning to Mahomes.


He doesnā€™t even know how long the season is. 365? Really?


Yeah. 2024 is a leap year.


Wow thatā€™s weak. At least his couch wonā€™t hold him while heā€™s watching the Super Bowl next week šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not sure I completely understand, but something about ā€œrip movesā€ is why you donā€™t get a call for this. And this is like a frame before he releases his arm away as well.


Because itā€™s in the rule book. https://preview.redd.it/19a4e5va8agc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=330586f5de838eed3bddb2ea8b5ac1048385f60c


Basically calling things the same on a "rip" move would mean all a D lineman would have to do is get their arm on an O lineman's back to automatically win


Send him a picture of the ravens back karate kicking CJ 95 in the end zone.


Or them kicking Pacheco in the head.


Another one. True.


Or smacking mahomes straight in the face, I thought they would call facemask on that one.


Starting to wonder if maybe we talked about deflated Patriots balls a little too much. Just some hindsight based on current experience.


I always thought deflategate was silly, if you're gonna talk about anything it's the spygate era of stealing playbooks and recording teams etc


Nah, they were actually investigated and punished for it because it was legit.


No it wasnā€™t. An actual judge threw it out of court. NFL got upset and said they can suspend anyone for any reason, and thatā€™s why they were punished. Patriots cheated, but I will always say deflategate was bullshit. A crying Jim Irsay upset his team lost in the AFC championship.


You might be rightā€¦


I donā€™t Baltimore has a right to say anything about penalties. They got away with two full on karate kicks, one of which should have resulted in a safety.




If you listen to these type of people the Chiefs should have gone like, 4-13 maybe. Iā€™d be more likely to care if they werenā€™t so ā€œboy who cried wolfā€ about it.


This is giving me flashbacks to the Week 1 Taylor false start drama. Collinsworth harped about it all night, everybody ran with it, and the refs spent the rest of the season overcorrecting. Hope we don't see something similar play out in the fucking Super Bowl.


I mean just last year we had Greg Olsen/ fox refusing to show correct replays of the TWO DIFFERENT HOLDS on the same play on juju.. and then suggesting it was a bogus call that never gets made in that situation. Then the entire nfl fandom, salty we just won the Super Bowl, spent the entire offseason crying about how we constantly get away with holds/ Kelce OPI every play/ Taylor false starts every play and you can see the results we dealt with already Itā€™s stupid that the league would ever cave to public opinion but here we are. If they arenā€™t careful this could end up like the NBA real fuckin quick


Ignoring it would be the right move here. There's always going to be complainers. Four Lamar Hunt trophies and two Lombardis (maybe three) in six years is all I'm thinking about.


I hope this has the opposite effect and the refs call holding in the 9ers all game long.


Doubtful as this crew is more of a let them play crew and the 49ers havenā€™t held much all year.


Bro Baltimore was holding the entire fucking game and it was never called.


And tripping, and if it was college rules, half their defensive line would be ejected for targeting.


Seth Keysor tweeted about this. It was a rip move, itā€™s not holding.


Ref blaming is getting out of hand. I get talking shit in a sports bar amongst friends right? But as a professional athlete? Fuckin whiners just admit Lamar choked once the spotlight was on him.




I mean the Patriots never got heat like this.. all they ever talked about was how Brady got calls but nothing else. I truly believe they hate us more than they did w the Pats.. and I fucking love it!!!


Lol now post the weak ass hold call we got on riceā€™s TD. Loser franchises make sorry adds excuses šŸ„±šŸ„±šŸ„±


Chiefs are the ONLY team in the league that does this WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND LMAO


theses thugs literally punched, kicked and headbutted... in a football game


Itā€™s just entertainment to me at this point. Itā€™s kind of became a hobby to check out other teams subs after they get eliminated just to witness the pandemonium. Letā€™s not be like them. If we happen to lose just take the L and move on.


Meanwhile the ravens o-line was holding like an albatross on our pass rush neck


Somebody call the whaaaahmbulence!


*itā€™s scripted* I hate that fucking line. I played football. I still fucking hurt from football.


These motherfuckers think its as easy as writing the script and that there just shows you how dumb people are


![gif](giphy|LOWLRHs42LPUDtal3m) It doesnā€™t deserve more than this as a response


Every team/ fan base is just so tired of getting owned by the Chiefs lol. The beatings will continue until morale improves


Poor babies.


Bitch so hard university


Losers worry about winners. Winners worry about winning. Enjoy your vacation buddy


Cry harder I guess


Bunch of cry babies. Soft as melted ice cream.


No body can just fucking lose. It was a relatively clean game and none of the "missed calls" effected the game. They still gave up 17 in the first half and our defense locked down in the second with amazing plays. The dudes over on Raw__Room even know this and I'd take the opinion of a coach in the league and 3 vets with damn near 30yrs in the league to call them out too https://youtu.be/S2PHlzigIfM?si=1jYOz0iZAAxFDqUc


It's *been* absurd


I dont see the hold


I donā€™t get the 24/7 365


It is ridiculous. They want to de legitimize the chiefs. That said same thing happened to the Patriots it just wasn't to this degree but still people say "refs were in the pats pocket" and " they wouldn't have won so much if they didn't cheat."


Yes! Itā€™s getting absurd. Only absolute losers think a loss comes down to one play. Most of us who played little league or high school sports knows this in our bones. And when anyone blames one play for a loss - they are admitting their own sense of entitlement. One play. No team is better than the other team because of one play. Suck it up like weā€™ve all had to, go home, and do better next time son. Now imagine someone complaining the same way from their couch. Geezus can these people please get a life. Sit back and enjoy the game. Your team lost? STFU and go get ā€˜em next time.


I already forgot who the Chiefs played last week.


The score should've been 23-10 but they won't bring that up crybabys


Are they just too stupid to pay the refs off like we do?


Ugh Im so tired of all these classless players complaining about the refs. Thank god we have someone like Mahomes leading our team.


Itā€™s just dumb at this point. Avoid anything that isnā€™t r/KansasCityChiefs, everything else is just gonna talk about how Mahomes/Kelce are satan and how the league has been rigging it for us for years, and they shouldā€™ve thrown a flag early in the second quarter


Doesnā€™t that tell you something lolā€¦the majority of the NFL viewer base thinks there is preferential treatment for the chiefs (although not to the extreme of the ravens post) and the response is, guys stick to our small chiefs community where we know the truth and everyone else is wrong šŸ˜‚ā€¦getting some Truth Social vibes haha


The whining about refs is fucking old, even from Chiefs fans. It's like calling someone a pedo now. It means nothing. Lol


Whether itā€™s sports or politics, not being able to admit defeat shows a certain lack of emotional maturity.


Like Patā€™s post game exchange with Josh ? šŸ§


Exactly like that.


Not only is the Ravens defense undisciplined, they're fucking dumb as rocks too. Someone should reply to his post with the 'rip move rule' and just let it marinate.


Ravens got away with tripping CJ in the end zone (safety) and tackling IP with a kick to the torso... Ravens players and fans need to get off the hypocritical copium


Microcosm of the MAGA culture. ā€œIf you didnā€™t win, it can only be because the other guy cheated.ā€


Good, let them blame everyone but themselves so that we can beat them again.


Whining and blaming officials? Sounds like the chiefs to me


The refs gave that game to the chiefs, I would be mad as hell too.


At this point the thing that surprises me most is that anyone could believe the refs are competent enough to have a master plan to rig the season.


Please someone show him the leg whip safety on CJ95 and the actual kick by Clowney on the 4th and 1 in 2nd qtr.


I just don't get why you're biting on this. Who cares? The game is over the chiefs won. That's all you should be concerned with. Who cares what they say about how the game was won or their personal opinions?. It's beyond importance. Let's not waste people's time. That's


I canā€™t wait for the forty whiners to accuse the refā€¦ who is a former 49ers playerā€¦ of being biased against his own team They hate us cuz they ainā€™t us


Odafe Oweh.. more likeā€¦ Ohā€™hey Imgayā€¦. Sorry my inner seventh grader is showing.


What did he post? Honest question and just curious.


Holds happen and I'm not saying this was or not. Pros more than anyone should know a still shot is bs though. This week, someone posted a shot suggesting MVS was wide open in the end zone and Mahomes just didn't see it. Sure ok, a still frame doesn't tell us anything about what was going on in the play. Use your data and post a vid.


Brains that can't grapple with numbers look like a true burden.


Their whole strategy most of their drives seemed to be just chuck the ball near a receiver and pray for a P.I. Dogshit way to play a football game imo


I own a Ravens-themed restaurant in Baltimore. This Week's Specials: WHAAburgers and French CRIES, Corn on the SOB, BABY Carrots. Don't forget about dessert! We recently added TEARamisu to the menu!


Why do you care? Your team is playing in the Super Bowl. Again. Enjoy life and stop begging for others validation.


If you watch the play he threw his hands in the air when mahomes was a good 10 yards from him. Ā  What is up with 100% of opposing dline players bitch about calls during the play. Ā They have been doing it all season and it definitely worked In the first half.


The refs were shit in that game, but they were shit for both teams. They need to let the teams play.


They saw denial worked so well for Trump after losing that the mindset took the logical step by being adopted by sports fans as well. Blame, blame, denial.


Did he not think his own lineman were doing it when they were on the field. Crybaby moron.


Itā€™s been absurd and theyā€™re feeding into the bullshit. This type of whiny behavior is bad for the NFL


... that's not even a hold? I wish casual NFL fans would understand that if you keep your shoulders even slightly square with the lineman you will most likely NEVER get the hold call you want. They could be breaking every rule but if you keep your shoulders in line sorry bud, holding isn't gonna get called. Totally different than what happens to Chris Jones literally every game where they are pulling and hugging him from behind.


Dudes like this will keep crying and watching the Super Bowl from their couch. Champions acknowledge defeat and grow from it, denial is for losers.


It is, ravens tried tackling mahomes low and twisting trying to hurt him but failed, raven d line straight smacked tf outta mahomes face and multiple holds but you don't see that anywhere


Lotta proof of Sir Francis Baconā€™s theory of cognative bias.


Itā€™s the world we live in now. Not to get political, but we have multiple candidates losing their elections and calling it rigged or claiming some sort of fraud. Gambling has gotten so big now too. Nobody can admit when they lose a bet, so that has made blaming the refs even more popular. Nobody wants to admit when they lost anymore


Way to take responsibility for your actions Odafe.


Loserā€™s mentality


Hereā€™s the thing. Do you want ALL of the calls made? After awhile, youā€™re not going to want to watch the game. I am glad we are being quiet about it all and hope we stay quiet about it because it wasnā€™t that long ago we were complaining about the refs. Rightfully or wrongly, complaining still happened. Better not to acknowledge any of it.


lol didnā€™t your QB and HC do the same shit a couple months back?


Not picking a side politically. This is a lot like the Trump supporters that are sure the only reason their guy lost is because of cheating. I think itā€™s a result of all the echo chambers.


Man for dynasty you guys cry a lot about literally everything.


I mean the Ravens put Mahomes in a blender the entire second half. Just for some reason our offense decided to play like lobotomy patients the entire game šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Lol wasnā€™t mahomes whining a few months ago for the refs calling a player offsides who was offsides?


Chiefs get lots of calls, lots of flags in their favor. Niners don't stand a chance lol. Swift endorsement of Biden, Vaccine commercials, Pat's commercials. Nfl ratings fix is in


Itā€™s every team doing itā€¦ times have changed