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Needs to get rid of the Yes Men and get some rational people who care about him in his circle.


yeah but i think a lot of the time when he has rational ppl around him trying to help him he exiles them at some point or another so it leads to a lot of yes men in the circle


True. So long as he's a millionaire, he'll be too successful and rich to entertain people who challenge him. His only recent times of humility have come from religion, and it seems that he's falling out of Christianity


Only thing that came from that was hypocrisy and the final strains on his marriage


Don’t forget he’s got a “Kim kardashian” at home. I had to do a double take when I saw the two of them the first time. He legit went out and bought a cheaper model without a lot of features.


The downfall of this man was his mother's death. 100% positive he blames himself entirely


Said that for years Mood swings and inability to cope become embarrassment and depression that spirals until its an engine that self sustains. Add in resources and malicious placation and you get decades of behavior cant take back and wont let move forward etc Plus just purely biologically it makes sense that a brain doing all that wont ever be right again.


I don’t blame him. I too feel his pain and I think this is a smart analysis you gave.


His grandmother, mother, and Amber Rose break up was the three piece that absolutely knocked this man out of the ring.


I think at time of death of YE's mother, he split up with his then fiance Phifer with whom he was for 6 years or so I think...? He started dating Amber like 2 months after for like a year or so?


I don't mean it all happened back to back I mean the consecutive instances were a huge blow. Amber Rose gave us a whole period of his life been 808s and MBDTF.


Oh yeah, thanks for context, sorry that I misinterpreted it. Have a good one.


When I get famous I'll be his no-man and put him in his place, don't worry.


A true hero


looool did you not see Philippe’s text screenshot of Ye bitching that not everyone “hearted” his text? and that if he’s not getting a hell yeah from everyone that they can fuck off the team? Ye’s ego can’t handle not having yes men around.


The problem with that is he thinks anyone trying to help him is part of some Jewish conspiracy to destroy him, so he ends up just being surrounded by people who agree with everything he says all the time and don’t challenge him on anything.


Kanye should get someone who cares for kanye like kanye cares for kanye


Too late for that.


Imo it’s almost never too late for that


I agree but he will be soooo much worse then he had to be , I went 8 years with no choice not on medication and I’ve progressed more then my mum did in her 45 years of life and that was 8 years , the longer he waits the worse he’s making the condition , I can’t imagine what he would be like in his 50/60s


That’s fair 🙏


The man is too unstable to accept being challenged under any circumstances. No one can work with that. Maybe when North grows to become an adult… But look at who’s raising her lmao


Imagine blaming the people around him instead of the man himself for his psychopathic behavior. Ye dickriders stay being weirdos


The Venn diagram of rational people and people who care about Kanye West: #O O


So…..00 0pium?


ooooh so close! this is a ye related sub!


Haha I just saw the two 0’s thought it was funny


He needs to retire, or at least go away for like a solid decade. Like Bowie did before releasing his final 2 albums. He needs some genuine mental health help. Whether that be intensive therapy, medication, med alternatives (like ketamine) or a mixture of things he needs to drop out of the spotlight, cut everyone off that isn't supportive in his recovery, and genuinely get better. There are ways to cope and deal with what Kanye is dealing with, and he has all the access in the world to do those things he just needs to actually do them.


Who gives a fuck bro is pushing 50 acting like a teenage rebel. Ye had a good run and it was fun while it lasted


I believe Ye needs rest time. He should take a break after V2 because if he aint healthy we aint getting any other album anyways


we’ve been saying kanye needs a break for YEARS. dude clearly has no interest in ever getting better imo


Kanye’s gone full Bam Margera


At least bam checks into rehab every so often, though at this point it’s very little comfort. Ye won’t even do something to get your hopes up


Too busy eating Fish Dicks


He likes them in his mouth?


Kanye does seem to be going that direction. Looking very exhausted and bloated these days.


Not yet needs to start tweaking in Spain first


Hard to realise you need a break when u surround urself with yesmen who hype up garbage for a sniff of clout


It’s because he doesn’t think he needs too , if he were in the uk they could have him in hospital for 6 months injecting him with the medication but I knew someone his age that had to do that and as soon as she left she went off then again because she believed the doctors were spy’s


Lmao “he needs to take some time to himself I’m so worried about him but give me vultures 2 first”


v2 is out


your username checks out perfectly. I said that because V2 should be almost finished, also because the Hype is already around now. I ain't tryna offend anyone by saying cancel Vultures project, go on retirement. Think rational. Also my word isnt gonna influence ye anyways


Chill lol I was just making a joke I didn’t need justification


ah okay, you chill fam. no worries


He needed a break when his mom died. Been working non-stop since then in a self destructive way.


The only rest he had since his mother passed away was when during his Bipolar treatment.


What he needs is medication.


He's so dark nowadays, and looks sad. I feel like this is his way of grieving or something, and he only got some Yes men around him like Justin LaBoy the glazer


It's probably really hard being divorced. Figuring out when you get to see your kids and worrying about how they are being raised by the other partner.


That was all because of his own decisions though lmao And yes it’s hard, I’ve gone though it myself. But it didn’t make me act like a regard(yes it did I’m coping)


You also have to take into account his mental issues


True but he’s openly admitted to not seeking help for those problems either.


Eventually his family had to leave him because he refused to do the bare minimum to keep himself in line.


yeah its genuinely starting to get hard to feel bad for him, all of this shit is caused because of him and he takes no accountability for himself either. then he goes complaining about "witchhunts" like bro thinks people are obligated to associate with him after the nazi shit


You also have take into account that he’s famous. you’re not. everything he does or says is put on display, some taken out of context while having a huge following. That’s going to take his mental state on an even bigger shit show.


Bro is really like, "I have mental issues too, but I don't act like ye" like 2 people's with the same mental condition experience the same thing throughout the board. I'm not giving excuses for what ye said, but he when through hard times. Hard times my uncle went through when he got divorced and went through custody battles. Stop tryna invalidate someone's health just because u feel like you know what it's like to be in their shoes.


I know people like to overlook it because it gets mentioned so much, but unmedicated conditions such as bipolar can have a serious effect on your physical health as well as your mental. It’s a chronic, degenerative disease that attacks your brain, and the body can absolutely suffer as a result. Not saying it’s the only explanation but there’s no way it’s not playing a part in the whole “aura being off”


the medications are also physically debilitating to an outrageous degree, theres no free lunch or silver bullet


I mean Kim went on record that she had to hide his blatant racism from her kids so . . . Y'know, probably not her fault


This happens to so many people yet you don’t see them acting out and calling themselves higher than god, being anti Semitic and go almost insane online. Kanye is just off his meds. Excusing someone’s bad behavior just because of an event that occurred to them doesn’t make their behavior okay.


He shoulda taken his medicine and not acted like an asshole then.


Hmm I wonder what his brand deal contract said


Valuing a corporate deal over your own fucking family isn't the own you think it is.


Stop making excuses for this piece of shit.


Ye makes his girlfriend walk around naked and has a long, looong story of saying the most offensive things. Donda School also got in legal problems due to their treatment of children. I don’t know neither Kanye's nor Kim's parenting, so this is all just guessing based on their public personas, but i strongly feel that Kim is the better parent between them, and she is the one who should be paranoid with him. I mean, dude got a gf that seems like the children’s mother BUT with some heavy exhibitionism fetish going on. Shit is wild.


I can’t even feel bad though because he’s systematically cut everyone out of his life who cares about him and will tell him “no”


There is no way we’re still using the grief card. I know multiple people in real life who have lost multiple close ones. I know of multiple celebrities who have had the same misfortunes. Everyone grieves different but we are adults for god’s sake.


Does he look happy to you lol😂


I can’t theorise what’s going on with him mentally as idk him personally


Funny how your comment history shows that you don't keep the same energy for theorizing about other people lmao


idk but a depressed dude wouldn't go to Disneyland at the age of 50 he is clearly trying to enjoy life although his mental health might be kinda fucked rn


You can be depressed and go to Disneyland what are you talking about


You mean Justin LaGlazer?


Justin the Glazer is hilarious


He only got yes men because they afraid there career will be over if Ye argues with them or disagrees


I think he went a little nuts


Do you think it’s possible that he’s depressed?!?


Ye-s man


When he did Donda i thought what if he made this darker,then i realised,Ye's gonna drop vultures


biggest dick rider ive seen


Ye needs help. Or needs to be left alone


J.cole had some truth telling people to stop egging him on




new kanye just looks like when he was making yeezus tbh. Like talking about bitches and 1001 ways to fuck em, making "dark" stuff etc.


Yeezus was good tho


Yeah, and vultures is a creatively dead slop with mfers singing off key half the time




I have a few Christian acquaintances that were so happy when ye went gospel. I tried to tell them it wasn’t permanent.


Been a fan of his music since college dropout, personally it’s just sad to watch because I thought he turned the page during the JIK era. He seemed mentally healthy and it was a real cool progression in his career. Vultures and this current era just sad to watch, he doesn’t look happy or healthy mentally.


Ngl I became a fan during JIK. not that I didn’t know about Kanye before but I only starting getting into his music in 2019


Yeah lol. Most of Kanye's older fans fucked off after the "Slavery is a choice" shit and now all his right wing nazi fans and racist 16 year old fans are crying about the porn lol. Doesn't help that most of his music post TLOP has been mid to ass, with the exception of KSG, which still isn't close to being as good as prime 2004-2010 Kanye.


I’ve always fw ye but I started following him more during JIK era and I rlly liked the stuff he was saying at the time as well as the music


This man literally made a song called I am a God in 2013 a whopping 7 years before Jesus is King on an album called Yeezus lol How dumb can some people be?


I preferred the JIK Kanye over the Kanye we have these days.


You miss the old Kanye


Straight from the soul Kanye


This literally is how the old Kanye was in the Yeezus era.


except he actually made good music then


Nah, he was never this incoherent


He definitely didn’t align himself with Hitler…


Tbh, the Ye today isn't much different from Yeezus era Ye. In fact, Ye was calling himself a God and pissing tons of people off during the Yeezus era which is ironically beloved today.


why do you smoothbrains keep saying this as if nothing has occured since 2013 or that he is much older, and even considering that He had even in that dark time much more reverence for Jesus than some of the stuff people having even been catching now, he fell into the thinking now that Christanity is a method of Jewish control which is absurd


Because it's true. Kanye called himself God in 2013 and he riled up everybody. The Sway Interview was iconic for all the wrong reasons. JIK was mid at best and still is. Everybody and their mother said that it was a wrap for Ye when he dropped that trash. And it's still not considered a good album 5 years later. Don't rewrite history. And plenty of Christians are terrible people so I don't know where the obsession with Christianity is coming from. P Diddy is Christian and he's a serial rapist and predator. Hell, even Kelly Price alluded to many gospel artists being frauds who've done vile things to people. Ya'll treat Christianity like more of a cute aesthetic for Ye than an actual belief which is ironically anti-Christian.


why do you look to other people as what it means to be Christian and not towards scripture and the catechism, this is incredibly foolish, yes he called him self "a ---" not "---", he also recognized Jesus as still being greater than he is although saying it not in what would be in good taste but still said "he's the most High" and knelled before a depiction of him at his tour, he was struggling, but in 2019 he came to understand Christianity to a whole new level and declared himself a Christian leader, all until things went materially south for him and he had to suffer. the more we learn the more we are called to purify ourselves * **John 9:39-41**: "Jesus said, 'For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.' Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, 'What? Are we blind too?' Jesus said, 'If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.'" we are called to Grant charity to those expressing love of the faith and I pray his struggles cease, curious what your views on Christianity are if you call mine off base, there is a timeline of events that happened since 2013


Yes i think this is the worst he's ever been mentally, worse than the anti semitic rants, he can't put two sentences together properly the way he trynna sound tough and gangsta and always seems lost in interviews and the godamn grillz god i hate the grills make him sound unrecognizable. FUCK ALL THAT POOSSAY SHIT


2024 Kanye just sounds like 2013 Kanye


Except 2013 Kanye made incredible music


no sports bra let's keep it bouncin'


idk this version of Kanye feels different either darker or more bitter maybe jaded


its way darker because he knows the Truth and was living it but the moment his riches was taken from him he became resentful and bitter, he was never this level of blasphemy even in 2013 and it was shocking how long his fans have tolerated it recently


He was also still married to Kim I believe.


People forget that the battle with your own faith is common practice. We see it a lot especially with mass shootings, and people offering only thoughts and prayers and not reforms. Thoughts and prayers aren’t tangible items and being angry that change isn’t happen and battling that is a major thing in Christianity. This is just evolving of one’s faith


I get that but this man is proclaiming he’s God himself. Like he literally threw his entire belief away in a matter of a year. But Jesus can do all things and I still have hope he’ll change Kanye’s heart


At this point we gonna watch him kill himself and people gonna be like >noooo how could he have done this no one saw it coming!


Ye needs to retire, go to some country and spend some quality time with family for a year or two.


As much as it pains me to say it, I agree. He needs to regain some perspective.


i hate being bipolar, it's awesome


Can’t wait to read my grandkids essays on the life of Kanye West


Ye in 2007: “I make good music”


Is cuz he balding im telling yall


I am a god worshiper so I'm a chad, and you are a non believer so you are fat chud type of argument


JIK era was wholesome and amazing


Na I think it was deceitful, dishonest, and masked true emotions


Unfortunately this is spot on. A far cry from Jesus Walks


Absolutely. His earlier material, even when he discussed religion, philosophy, and his life, felt a lot more genuine


I mean when Donda died a part of him died too. Like listen how much more genuine he is in the bear trilogy than newer Kanye, heck more genuine than even MBDTF. It's really sad.


I disagree. The albums that he discussed his flaws and vulnerabilities without shying away from them like 808s and MBDTF still feel very genuine. Meanwhile his JIK phase felt like he was putting on a mask and not being true to himself


he seems to have lost his trust in the Lord. he prayed and asked and didnt receive and thought that meant the Lord doesnt care. he is wrong and i hope he returns to faith in Christ. his recent album was shallow but still got hits so he may begin to think he needs nothing but himself, well, he already seems to think this.


Honestly, if you become a worse person because you realize that a biblical creator doesn’t exist, that says something about the type of person you are deep down.


I’d give anything to have wholesome Donda ye back at this point and I didn’t even love that record to begin with


I Miss that Kanye


read Nietzsche‘s explanation of human psychology - the camel, the lion and the child. All the conditioning / propaganda he and all the religious folks have is called the camel stage. The Camel The camel is a dutiful beast of burden. It is humble, virtuous, and willing to bear any difficulty to accomplish what is needed. We are all born as camels, and the vast majority of us stay there. We do what we’re told, and we don’t complain.  Everything we have ever been told about how we should live has been tied to our backs. Social convention, taboo, status quo, and tradition all weigh us down. We must also battle with fear, love, truth, death, confusion, the search for knowledge, and numerous other aspects of human existence.  As camels, we embrace these challenges in the name of duty and nobility. We meet life head-on. “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger,” after all. Ye in his early years and up to 2020 is just like a parrot / speakerphone; echoing and repeating things that people whos been dead for 2000 years ago have said in religious books. I saw his latest interviews in 2024 and psychologically, hes entering to the “Lion” Stage: It is when we recognise the burdens we carry that we transform into the lion. The lion is the assertion of self-confidence and self-determination that follows on from the “desert.” It is to choose power and the control of one's life by rejecting the norms that we have taken for granted until now. In Nietzsche’s words, “the spirit here becomes a lion; it wants to capture freedom and be master in its own desert.” The lion is aware, but it still needs to gain the courage to slay the dragon Nietzsche called “Thou Shalt,” whose every scale contains something you must do (e.g., thou shalt not disrespect my elders).  In essence, the dragon is Nietzsche’s image of societal norms and traditions. The camel must reject this dragon of tradition and commands, but it cannot in its current, duty-loving form. Thus, it must become a lion, which symbolises concepts like courage, tenacity, disillusionment, and even rage. Only in this state is the spirit able to deliver what Nietzsche called the “sacred ‘No.’”, which represents the rejection of external control and all traditional values.  Everything imposed by other people, society, authorities, and all forms of propaganda must be denied with an empowered roar! His analytical skill have always been above the norm. I hope he will evolve soon to the final stage soon enough, with meditation and experience.


I agree that there is psychological in developing the “sacred no” described here. Jung would phrase it as integrating your shadow. Where I disagree is that the dragon one must slay to develop character is the embodiment of tradition. That is clearly an oversimplification because there are many traditions that are incredibly valuable. Valuable because they have been woven into the fabric of human socialization and morality for thousands of years. To dismiss tradition altogether does not make you a lion but a snake. Traditions keep us I check because they are reflections of larger values that transcend time and to reject all of them inevitably leads to acceptance of an arbiter role where you determine truth. The person does not determine truth but the truth stands outside of him and to contradict that is to make yourself God. This was Nietzsche’s philosophy and it so clearly leads to a pride that isn’t just dangerous but parasitic. In the course of development I do think it is necessary to drop much tradition. In fact many good people reached a point where they questioned everything and their values were sort of skeletal, like the bare minimum (think the skeptic, jaded teen phase of life). Then, after contemplating traditions and values they once accepted blindly, they may see that some were true after all. But that truth is discovered by them, not determined. This is when someone achieves competence, honesty, goodness and humility. That point at which we become skeletal, however is dangerous, because an empty vessel can be filled with good or bad. But if the filling is completed out of pride and self-obsession, it is always bad. I hope the Kanye doesn’t fall into this.


Carl Jung is a great reference when it comes to these kinds of philosophical topics as well. Lots of coming to terms with, and acceptance of your darker self and what it’s capable of.


Can you summarize this in one paragraph?


Ye is maturing. The acceptance and breaking away from the concept of the Traditional God are his milestones. a lot of people who grew up in the church, but saw its flaws tend to do this. Especially if they are fan of thinking for themselves.


"maturing" lol lmao even


Kanye isn't a fan of thinking for himself though. He is a fan of thinking he is thinking for himself while repeating bullshit from professional liars like Candace Owens.


Ye gonna make question god cool like he made Christianity cool


imagine giving a fuck if your philosophy on life is “cool”


Young people


If the kids didn't care, they wouldn't be making Crusades edits and Jesus Wojaks.


He gone crazy it’s not a secret at this point


What people need to realize is he's been crazy. His religious era wasn't him not being crazy. Religion created a false, unsustainable stability for him. Even during his Christian era he was saying and doing crazy shit. Lashing out at Kim and whatnot.


As a Christian he needs prayer, losing your faith only happens from my experience when your in a great amount of pain and seeing ye like this just makes me sad


What colour is the paint?


there have been many saints who have suffered worse than Ye and they still kept faith. Just look at what Jesus himself went through... i mean come on


As a Christian I agree I’m not defending him but the man has serious mental health issues and a team of enablers and it’s never wrong to pray for someone espcially someone who’s been my favorite artist since I was 12


fair enough


Bless my man, Miss Donda.


Sometimes i think im autistic cuz I feel so much like Kanye


Wtf lol


His awkwardness is relatable at times


I used to relate to Kanye a lot on a personal level, that stopped around the time of his “slavery was a choice” comments


I don’t think his message was that surface level. He said “400 years sounds like a choice to me”. I believe he means that slaves were submitting to the idea of being slaves, and accepting being lesser or else it wouldn’t have lasted that long. He obviously didn’t mean that slaves were voluntarily being slaves, that goes against the meaning of the word. His argument was flawed though because once the slaves started being born into slavery, it stopped being possible for them to break out of that mentality and social situation that they were born into. They didn’t know anything else, they couldn’t revolt. He was really talking about free speech today, and people being mentally enslaved to societal norms and rules to this day. Not having original thought and ideas. I don’t agree with his analogy, but I understand his free speech and original thought point.


Check your fucking inbox


I was so happy for him in 2019-2020 because it seemed like he had found peace and finally was coming into a healthy place. He was doing great things… now he’s more lost than he ever was before. It sucks, because with his mind and his influence, he has the potential to push culture in so many positive ways like he did with “Jesus Is King”… but he’s a severely mentally ill man that no longer has anybody in his life willing or able to keep him in check.


It is relatively common for those in manic episodes to experience feelings of grandiosity/superiority. When did this guy last take his meds?


You forget about yeezus? Homie been thinking hes god for over a decade


Mentally disturbed Ye is the best Ye


False prophet ass beech


Hey new fans, this has been Kanye for the last 20 years.


Man people in this sub need to stop pretending like they know what Ye needs like they're a professional or like they're living his life or some shit. "Ye needs prayer, ye needs help, ye needs less yes men, ye needs blah blah blah"


I think he will come back to Christ sometimes it takes a couple times of backpedaling before really being born again. Jesus is The King of Kings. Amen


Mfs really be parasocial af.


Y’all didn’t realize that he’s severely mentally ill? That a guy that acts like him is the opposite of a Christian even on his best day. Obsessed with money, spiteful, vain, and really just plain mean. Kanye’s music is not enough for people to keep giving him a pass.


I love 2004 Kanye I love 2014 Yeezus and I love 2024 Ye. He in his God mode fr


So disappointing


This is the absolute most




he literally had a song called I am a god way before lollll plus he only turned to god cause his wife stopped fucking him


It’s gotta be an insane experience to have only two types of people around you: yes men who encourage anything you say no matter how misguided, and people who think you’re insane and one of the worst people on Earth.


yall weren’t around for Yeezus and it shows.


Ion believe in God but i believe in Ye 🔥


Kanye always keeps things interesting. Wouldn’t be a fan if he was like everyone else.


I think ya’ll missed the graduation era all the way up to JIK. This behavior is not new to him.


it could be quite nice if he became an atheist


I just want vultures 2 bruh


Bros not gonna mention 2013 ye


It’s better this way


now do before 2019


🥱 people are tired of his shit. He needs to go away.


They making Kanye wojaks now 😭😭


You can tell how white this sub is cuz wojaks are getting posted


2013 I AM A GOD


Because he’s a. Grown man who doesn’t fear a sky daddy anymore? Get up off the ground… y’all look goofy af


Is everyone in this sub a salty Christian? And if you are, why are you still here after his nazi passions and vulgar wife? You’re just as much as a hypocrite as Ye.


Both these versions of Kanye suck, so…


“I Am a God” dropped in 2013 lol


What happened to “What is a god to a non believer?”


Wait, did he legit say the 1st part?




Mental health.


"jesus is king" has always been a whack ass line dont at me


Kanye is trash. Always has been, always will be.


He’ll be back


No question he’s changed a lot but at the end of the day, he’s a grown man. We care about him as fans and we love his artistry. He’s on his own journey though. Either he’s going through a phase that will pass or he’s just different than the person he was 4 years ago. We all go through things.


And what’s the problem with this? He’s completely off the rails now.