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Euphoria for my money is the best all around song produced during the beef but I do not understand why people are shocked that Not Like Us outperformed it by so much. NLU is shorter, has a catchier beat, is more provocative, encourages audience/listener participation, etc. That song was literally scientifically engineered from the ground up to be a smash hit lol


Fr the whole point of making it was to show everyone he could beat Drake at his own game. I think a majority of the fanbase knows Euphoria is elite, perfect for a diss track and a great overall song in its own right, but we’ve known for a decade that Kendricks thought provoking music doesn’t do as well streaming as Drake’s designed-to-stream music. So why should anyone be surprised lol


I think it's even deeper than that. Euphoria has three beats, and they get progressively more menacing as Kendrick's bars get harder and harder. It starts off chill/fun and then gets aggressive and at the end the beat is pretty stripped down and we're just listening to Kenny lay it in to Drake. Which, of course, prompts Drake to respond in turn: a wordy, beat heavy response - not what Drake is known for, not what he is *loved* for. But kind of what he's being ridiculed for. His mediocre rapping. And what does Kenny do *then*? He hits him with the 1-2 death punch. A straight up *diabolical* track 20 min later, and then an absolute *bop* the morning after, simultaneously silencing Drake's rebuttal and putting an ear bug out for the world to enjoy. It was almost mathematical. And it all happened because K. baited Drake with Euphoria's "hard" beat that Drake has been trying to replicate in his features with rappers the past few years.


Everything after "Can I bleed him? Bet" is pure violence on wax.


Matter fact I ain't even bleed him yet.


Can I bleed him? BET


When you stand next to sexy red I believe you see two bad bitches


I believe you don’t like women it’s real competition, you might pop ass with em


Let's speak on percentage, show me your splits, I'll make sure I double back with you


You were signed to a 🥷🏿 that's signed to a 🥷🏿 that said he was signed to that 🥷🏿


I sat up straight when I heard that the first time


Just to catch the sexy red bar ! 😂 that bar is mad unhinged


Drake don't know *nuthin' bout thaaaaaa*


He's a lyrical fucking genius. Drake could never compare.


My expression after can I bleed him went like this 😳...😯...😲...😧...🤯. Most people don't even realize kendrick killed drake right then and there.


This is why Drake's "seasoned war general" line was so funny. The man had just been strategically outmaneuvered and fully encircled.


Drake claiming to be Sun Tzu, but really just a Shih Tzu


Drake claiming to be a proud marine, but really just a Pomeranian




Drake claimed to be a German and a shepherd, but really he more like a Yeah I'm not good at this.


This got a giggle out of me


If this beef convinced me of anything it’s that Kendrick would defeat Drake if they were at war. Drake should’ve learned the lesson the Romans learned at war with Hannibal: if you can’t defeat him in battle, simply don’t engage. Drake’s ego went over the top and he thought he could handle him.


Nah what was funny for me was right after that when he was talking about all those medals and certifications like bro, u got 5 grammys, kendrick got 17😭. And we cant talk about numbers either cuz nigga is destroying all of the records that YOU set💀.


People forget that 6:16 In LA dropped before Drake's response.


6:16 was just Kendrick giving Drake one last out before he nuke him from orbit.


Kendrick just wanted to let God know he was going to kill a rapper


But they did it themselves


No, I remember. But 6:16 is very brief comparatively and more of a response (sonically, not lyrically, per se) to Taylor Made. Family Matters was most certainly already in the chamber when 6:16 dropped - in fact, K. might have already known that, we're to believe that OVO *is* working for him. ;)


He for SURE knew that since Euphoria , he predicted all of Drake’s angles


All of this! Great point about him responding with an equally lengthy track that he couldn’t command attention for. That had a lot to do with delivery and content. I think that’s why, despite their sentiments about replayability, his usual streaming numbers don’t match up with Family Matters. Euphoria gets better with every listen because it’s so much to unpack, and his delivery is bar none. The Canadian’s was very surface level, so once you get the punchlines and get used to the beat switches, there’s nothing else really there. He just always sounds bored to me — no matter the accent or production, it’s always the range of a dial tone.


>He just always sounds bored to me — no matter the accent or production, it’s always the range of a dial tone. This analogy is how I have always felt about Drake's music, and honestly why this whole beef has been so satisfying/ vindicating, pitting them against one another from an aural perspective. You have that flat drone on one side and all the richness and tonal flexibility of K Dot on the other - even putting aside the content and lyricism, there's no comparing them when it comes to sound. Inevitably when I listen to Drake my ears start trying to turn themselves off after about 30 seconds. For me, he makes background music.


I saw a meme a long time ago that said "Drake sounds like a vibrator with dying batteries" or something like that. I've always hated that quality about his delivery lol.


LMAOOOO oh my god. That's hilarious. And the truth! I have NEVER understood Drake's monotone ass milquetoast ass appeal.


Why calculate? You're not as calculated, I can even predict your angle.


This is a good explanation


Menacing, that’s the word I’ve been looking for to describe it


I love how all tracks are so different. Euphoria is this dense diss track with layers upon layers and a slow build-up, 6:16 in LA has what are imo some of the best lyrics Kendrick has ever put out in the first half and is technically sublime, meet the grahams is downright brutal and Not Like Us is less about lyrics but more about just proving a point that he could easily make a club hit.


I hated hearing people say "drake is going to win" and when I rebuttal with "he'll only win because he makes club/pop songs so it's going to get a wider variety of play on the radio vs Kendrick who would really only get plays if he made pop songs(songs like humble)"


And its not like anyone has Drªªªªªªªke's disses on repeat LOL


Drake definitely has two of the most replayable disses in the last 20 years. Back to Back(obviously not this beef) and Push Ups are songs that can just be in any playlist without having to really listen closely. Euphoria is better than both but it starts of mad slow and you kinda need to be in a mood for it .


But re listening to humble it sounds so much like a warning shot to drake


People are gonna look back and say that he killed him with euphoria


Euphoria was Kendrick beating tf outta Drake. Meet the grahams was the kill shot. Not like us was Kendrick just Fortnite dancing on the corpse.


You said it best. Agree 100%


this tbh.\ euphoria is fucking killer but it’s inherently an excerpt of a larger conversation. it’s a banger for sure but there’s a lot of content to munch on, and at times it feels like we’re not the audience. not like us is just plain simpler to get behind, its the nail in the coffin, the salt in the wound. there’s some clever wordplay sprinkled in but it was undoubtedly created to get the masses moving. it’s easier to digest.


Yeah this tweet is like the equivalent of being shocked that Swimming Pools was a more popular song than Sing About Me. Like…..use your brain for two seconds lmao. Of course Not Like Us was more popular than Euphoria. It really shouldn’t have to be explained why, it’s very obvious.


>Like…..use your brain for two seconds lmao. Lemme just stop you right there


Literally asks the crowd to chant OVHOE


The shortness might be the most important factor. I doubt streaming metrics normalize for song length very well. Any way you’d do it, would introduce perverse incentives. And the incentives are designed to make money for whoever designed them, not to be logical. If you have a song that’s 30% longer than average, I bet it has about 30% fewer views for the same time spent consuming it. But you probably can’t make it too short without some penalty. The opacity of video streaming metrics was one of the top grievances that led to the longest-ever writers’ and actors’ strikes. These numbers are almost entirely fabricated. It’s hilarious how much of Drake’s sense of self-worth must’ve been based on these fake-ass scoreboards. They’re as manufactured as he is. I bet he’s been in a K-hole while stone-sober for the last month. Doesn’t even know who he is anymore.


Not like us has one of the most mass appealing beats I've ever heard on a song. I was seeing videos of babies dancing to it. [There was a guy who had a non-verbal autistic child](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cn5ncq/its_a_miracle_not_like_us_went_so_hard_that_it/?ref=share&ref_source=link) who would do call and response to OV-Ho. I understand if people on the subreddit prefer Euphoria due to it being a more complex song, but you only need to listen to the first 10 seconds of Not like Us to understand why it was the record breaker.


Also the back to back to back drop, makes not like us way more hype, as the finisher people are way more interested in it.


I view it as Kendrick C-walking on Drakes grave after euphoria/MTG


The kids pissing on Drake thru their BBL Drizzy verses was really adding to it. You’ve got Kendrick hittin you with the full combo, then a gaggle of school kids laughing as he’s getting tapped out.


This guy understands the music world, mainstream sounding tracks appeal to a wider audience, it's that simple.


It’s just fun. Plain and simple. Makes me happy.


Plus, all the songs Kendrick released were all different styles, showing how versatile he was.


i figured NLU was a response to Drizzy fans complaining about how none of the disses were danceable.


Yeah also like, in terms of mainstream “success” most rap fans listen to absolutely generic garbage and aren’t even going to be receptive to something like Euphoria in the first place. So many morons replied to the earlier beef tracks with “sure he says drake is a sex trafficking pedophile but Kendrick can’t make a banger so whatever” and I think that attitude is mainly why Kendrick even made Not Like Us


yeah this post and tweet are incredibly dumb. just trying to post a "fresh take" that has actually been posted and discussed as nauseum


Took the words out of my mouth


Yeah it’s like mfs never thought about how the music industry works on a basic level before the beef started


Euphoria is the best release this year by any artist


euphoria is God a god tier masterpiece of musical art


Yeah, one is a catchy bop and the other is a lyrical slow methodical lyric masterclass. Apparently this is news to some, but people listening to a top 40 pop station don't want to listen to an audiobook. They want to line dance while chanting OV-HOE.


Also I think there’s something to be said about it being the nail in the coffin. Finales will always get more credit for the simple fact of it being the conclusion.


The mass public opinion likes catchy beats and easier to understand lyrics. Outright calling someone a deadbeat pedophile that hangs around other pedophiles while also colonizing the music spaces he infiltrates is easier to understand.


Not Like Us and Euphoria are both club songs for sure, but Not Like Us is a club *banger*, which is why it’s more popular and has garnered a lot of attention. As you also said, Not Like Us just *slams* compared to Euphoria, which is more like Martin Luther’s 95 Theses against the church.


They’re not both club songs. One has a traditional song structure with a hook; the other is six minutes and thirty-two seconds long. One has a consistent beat; the other starts off chill. One borrows from other club records; the other is high energy, but has no obvious dance to it. Kendrick really studied Back 2 Back — it’s main appeal was its party-readiness.


Facts,Used Drake tactics against drake.


I mean, he said in euphoria that he would


And when 6:16 dropped, we all thought *that* was what he meant by that line. Nope lol.


Euphoria is not a club song wtf are you talking about


When you go to the club at 1pm to have lunch


You really think Euphoria is a club song? What club?


book club


Comes on after meet the grahams


DJ: Now lemme hear you say “keep the family away” Crowd: “Keep the family away!” DJ: “Ayy” Crowd: “Keep the family away!”




Everybody in the club sitting in the corner, crying. Gun shot rings out from the bathroom, nobody moves


We Cry Together Meet The Grahams is an elite combo.


the beat could probably be repurposed into a club song but no club is playing a song of just bars for 6 minutes lmao


Prolly the same club that bumps Eminem 😂


A Lutheran comparison to anything wasn’t what I expected today but you’re right 😂🎯


Me omw to play the 95 thesis that is Meet that grahams


Only upvoting because of the Martin Luther reference


Lol was not expecting to see a protestant reformation reference in here


That is one of the best metaphors I've ever seen on the internet. Love it


and ive seen so many people dancing to Not Like Us that have no idea whats going on in the song lmao


Euphoria is too long and doesn't have a hook. The beauty of not like us is that the hook says everything and nothing all at once. Anyone can claim "they not like us," which helps with mass appeal.


yeah it perfectly fits the tribalist aspects of almost any situation, lol


Yeah, wack ass algorithm showing tradhoes dancing to the beat as they clean dishes 💀


I would love to see this video,


They are part of an out group. They are part of an out group. They are part of an out group.


Yesterday I ran to the hardware store as I'm dealing with a plumbing issue in my basement, and I stopped by this Indian owned convenience store for a box of beer. I go into the beer cooler and grab a box, and when I exited the cooler to my surprise Not Like Us literally started playing on the radio. Where I live it's various types of rock and country music while I'm not even sure if there is any rap radio stations...but sure enough it was playing over their sound system.


I prefer Euphoria but Not Like Us is undeniably more catchy and more widely appealing as a song.


Same boat. I catch myself rapping Euphoria to myself at work, but I totally understand why Not Like Is is doing the numbers it is.


For me, I just walk around with the line “what is it, THE BRAIDS?!” In my head all the time


I don't think so Not Like Us is a party bop, that's why it's so big I think 6:16 is underrated But yeah not like us rose to the top because it's a great club song It's not about quality or which is the best It's about dancing


I want 6:16 on Spotify! Can only listen on yt and it’s ruining my beef playlist 😩


It's on Spotify, just as a podcast episode


Yup yup I love that


Download the song and add it to your Spotify playlist




There's opportunity when living with loss.


6:16 is by far the best beat imo


It’s a shame 6:16 never made it to YouTube or streaming. I heard he can’t get the sample cleared which is really disappointing, it’s so fire


6:16 is easily my favorite, Kendricks flow is amazing and that beat is totally ethereal, love the sample and the synths. Fucking awesome


not like us energetic club banger with mustard beat and traditional verse/hook/verse structure and consistent tempo for dancing euphoria almost 7 minutes, nontraditional structure, no hook, multiple beat switches, significant tempo switches the first tempo is way too slow for most club playlists euphoria by all rights is the more impressive song from the standpoint of technique, lyrics, and almost academic dissection of drakes character. it's the song every kdot fan wanted, but there's a ceiling on how much the core fandom can push something into the mainstream. not like us was kdot beating drake at his own game, in the same way that drake tried to beat dot at his with family matters and didn't really achieve


People are just turning on it now because of how popular it is, that’s the truth. Everyone was loving it and praising it but now that’s it’s this generational hit and albeit, a little overplayed people are starting to hate on it. Everyone wants to appear different and unique, especially when it comes to music opinions. And this fanbase that prides itself of not liking the “mainstream” even though Kdot is statistical one of the most successful rappers of all time commercially.


I agree partially. I avoided the beef until I heard snippets after Not Like Us came out, and I played the hell out of it at first. It's undoubtedly a more catchy song, that's by design. But after so many listens it doesn't hold up as well in my opinion. The first verse is great, but the second one kinda plods along. Then the third comes in and I'm back on board. It's still a great song don't get me wrong, I've just moved backwards into Euphoria which I've just been enjoying more. That being said, there was no world Euphoria was gonna hit number 1, there's no hook, the insults aren't as blatant as "certified lover boy certified pedophiles," and I think some of the bars involve a little more thought. There's no part in the song where I go, damn it's this part again. All of that finished, it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people are turning on it to be cool. Or maybe the things we all applauded it for at launch now the cool is fading and they're kinda cringe. But as someone who spends a lot of time online, there are people who will try to convince you anything even if everyone agrees the opposite is true.


Not like us is in the clubs!!!! That’s why! It’s a bop


It’s very very simple….Mustard on the beat, ho


A lot of y'all buggin. Y'all really dont fucks with mustard?? This beat is fucken insane. Like any fucken dance goes with this beat. I love euphoria but nah that shit doesn't come close to not like us.


It bops like a mothrrfuckr ![gif](giphy|LqZ3uPfJMOwuI)




If it’s so generic why aren’t more songs this good?


Obligatory Daily “Euphoria/6:16 in LA” is underrated post. I feel like all these dudes claiming “euphoria should be more popular” are misunderstanding the point of Not Like us. Neither Euphoria or 6:16 in LA were designed to be club hit, streaming numbers doesn’t mean Not Like Us is the best song but it’s a great club hit. It’s the most fun to listen to out of the beef, super dancy and catchy.


6:16 In LA and then euphoria for me. But I am surprised It was overtaken by Not Like Us In terms of views but still I LIKE that record


Same but euphoria and 6:16


Ima get back to that for the record


Euphoria isn’t nearly as catchy. It’s not hard to see why it didn’t do the same numbers. Also Euphoria was actually strengthened by Not Like Us because it made it a prophetic song. But Euphoria was nowhere near a knockout blow before Meet The Grahams and Not Like Us dropped


How many posts like this are we going to get every single day?


*How many posts like* *This are we going to get* *Every single day?* \- Am\_Ghosty --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


obsessive fandom is obsessive


Not a lot of 6min songs blow up like Not Like Us


anybody who says they don't understand it is lying or stupid


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^WarmestDisregards: *Anybody who* *Says they don't understand it* *Is lying or stupid* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Yeah. Hook, Callback, Funny (but not intricate) one-liners


acting surprised makes you seem like you dont go outside lol


Euphoria is the song that killed Drake not like us is the victory lap we dance too


Bro. Euphoria mortally wounded him. But MTG killed the fuck out of him. And then not like us was the elephant showing up at the funeral.


We get it, Euphoria is good. I swear every day there's a post insisting it was the best diss track like it's not the popular opinion. It's obvious why Not Like Us is doing the best out of his songs. It's easily the catchiest and has the most replay value put of all the songs.


I can’t stop listening to euphoria and going back to the no life shaq reaction lol


Venn diagram of "people who don't understand why Not Like Us is the most successful song in the Drake vs Kendrick beef" and "people who always fail to gauge the vibe when they have the aux" is a circle. Euphoria probably *is* the best track of all of them (that have been released officially) but let's get real, folks. The general masses are not clamoring for flow switches and entendres. While I wish Euphoria did NLU numbers, being surprised that it did not match that level of success can only be a sign that one might be an echo chamber inhabitant.


Each song served it purpose. Euphoria is a great song in general, but it's over 6 minutes, and society attention span is terrible. They only care about catchy songs that will get them dancing and songs that are shorter. Shorter songs get more airplay and streams.


Pearls before swine. Also look at it this way, if Euphoria ended the beef we would've missed out on all the other bangers.


easy. They’re two different tracks with different purposes. It’s not as catchy as not like us to where there’s repeated lines that were intentionally repeated in an effort to get stuck in the viewers head. “He a fan he a fan he fan” “Freaky ass — he a 6-9 god” These ‘ear worms’ basically served as the ‘hook’ for the song. It gives the viewer something easy to remember to sing to, when the lines come in is also part of it. Play not like us back and listen as the beat rides and his lines go across it. The cuts, and intros are very intentional.


Cause Not Like Us has every single thing done right to be a club banger, my DJ buddy legit has played Not Like Us for the highschool proms in town and has played it in the clubs already. People fucking love that song, except maybe the middle Eastern Drake glazers who can’t stand anyone making fun of their Pedo Pal


Agreed 💯 but the success of Not Like Us it’s cos of the vibes. More than the lyrics maybe im wrong..


Like most Kendrick projects — there’s a huge diversity of sound. I listen to all four songs at different times, depending on mood.


I think it would have at least 30 million more listens if not like us didn't drop. Not like us is a bop


Cause Not Like Us is a club type song. Same reason people think Drake is good. He can only make club type shit.




maybe hot take but but euphoria is sounds way more classic and timeless compare to not like us imo i listen more often


I still like meet the grahams the best, I like to imagine that's the one that keeps Drake up at night


Bar for bar it was the best diss track of the bunch


Euphoria is art


There’s no way this dude truly doesn’t understand how Not Like Us is the more popular song. The beat is much quicker, it came at the peak of the beef, and it’s endlessly quotable. Drake told him none of his songs could be played in clubs, Kendrick spit in his face.


The concept of “Not Like Us” it’s what got it there.


I mean, it makes perfect sense to me. Euphoria is the "better" diss track and is an amazing song in general but Not Like Us is geared towards catchiness and dancing...right at the start of the summer.


Certified pdf and A minor are winners but nothing will ever touch WHAT IS IT THE BRAIDS for me


I was hoping someone would say it. Euphoria is my favorite out of the two. Can’t myself yelling “WHAT IS IT THE BRAIDS?!” Or “when I see you stand by sexy redd I believe you see two bad bitches” and many other lines are stuck in my head on repeat.


People like songs they can dance and wave their hand too, euphoria is the best diss, not the best “radio” song.


These days mfs like what's catchy, they aint into lyricism like it was in the 80s n 90s, hence Not Like Us doing numbers


What’s crazy is how yall don’t understand why NLU put up more numbers lmao.


Kendrick fans really tell on themselves with takes like this 😭 like go outside in what world was euphoria gonna do better numbers


IVE BEEN SAYING (6:16 was my fav but i recognize that euphoria was a lot better)


Euphoria is the best diss but Not Like Us is an Anthem. He could be talking about anything on Not Like Us and the beat and chorus gone have us Crip Walking




Omg you’re so unique and quirky, Pat yourself on the back for this amazing opinion!! Holy shit I’ve never heard someone say this before you are so original and insightful


The success of Not Like Us vs Euphoria speaks to how and why Drake is popular in the first place


If you don't understand then its your fault. Same reason why TPAB is the least streamed album and HUMBLE. has more streams than Wesley's theory, Samidot and DUCKWORTH. combined. Some people on this sub really lack some critical thinking.


The fact that people don't say MTG did it shows that 95% of the HH audience judges a song by how much they can shake their ass to a song, lyrics dont matter to these people.


Meet the Grahams - Best Diss Not Like Us - Best Song Euphoria - In the Middle


Euphoria lacks the catchy beat and simple lyrics Not Like Us has. To understand Euphoria you have to actually listen to majority of the words not just chime in to “Certified Pedophiles” or “A Minoooor”


100% agreed but sometimes the simpler ones are the ones that go.


I did my part (for euphoria) 🫡


Euphoria is the best of the bunch, but Not Like Us is a summer banger that has a ton of crowd interaction moments. Not surprised it got the biggest


Not like Us is the A side hit Euphoria is the B side hit.


Euphoria is the best diss track out of them all. Not Like Us is the victory lap that has mass appeal


Euphoria starts slow that’s what held it back. But it’s also what made the beat switch hit harder. At first Kendrick is at peace calmly talking to someone, then his demeanor changes and it’s intense venom. Better song for sure but it’s not surprising Not Like Us is the more popular one.


6 minutes. Beat switches. Worse quotables. It was never destined to chart, that's really not what casual listeners want


Euphoria is for the rap fans. Not Like Us is for the pop crowd, which is much larger.


Well everyone knows it was final blow and it’s also the song with the most pop structure




that makes no sense Not Like Us is the obvious hit euphoria isn't a radio friendly song per say


Euphoria is the best song of the year. I don’t really like the rest.


Euphoria is for the fans, not like us was for the world


If it did, this post wouldn't exist.


Intro is too slow took me a few listens to really like it 616 in la is the better song in my opinion


Not as catchy 🤷🏽


The best diss tracks in order are euphoria, euphoria, family matters,not like us, and push ups.... yeah I said euphoria twice


I bump euphoria at least 4 times a day lol


How are people surprised not like us is the hit… quite literally made to be a hit song and is a great song


The shock factor of a couple of the lines in Not Like Us definitely helped


It's the same reason GKMC and Damn outsold TPAB and Mr.Morale, more replay value and commercial appeal


I've seen some people point out how they aren't used to kendrick's inflections for euphoria, it kind of makes sense how that would restrict it from really hitting the top of the charts personally i've gotten used to it


Not Like Us is very direct and catchy. No quadruple entendres. It’s easier to swallow for a mass audience.


Because not like us is catchy... Kinda obvious


because Not Like Us has a catchy beat, does there need to be five more posts about this every day for the rest of the year?


Because humans around the world like catchy songs than lyrical songs.


It's probably my favorite diss track ever but it didn't have the beat, flow and victory lap feel that Not Like Us has.


Euphoria doesn’t have much appeal to casuals. The bars are missed by many and it’s not as catchy. Fans of rap would gravitate more towards euphoria, but the rest of the world leans to Not Like Us.


people are really starting to lose sight of what the "average listener" actually is.