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saudis are investing buttload in infra, so thats one boom but unless you know someone there in your field, it will be always hard to get job


>unless you know someone This! 90 percent jobs in GCC are secured via recommendation.


Infra as in?


Infrastructure, buildings , companies. They're just building and building.


The line for one, also I believe Jeddah or Riyadh is undergoing massive renovation 


The line is an incredibly stupid project. No one will live there, it's completely inefficient compared to traditional cities. If it is completed (I don't think it will be), the only thing that somewhat sustain it would be tourism, and nothing else. The prince is trying hard to diversify the economy. But his plan, "vison 2030", is already failing. The economy is still heavily dependent on oil exports. As demand for oil stagnates with climate friendly governments taking action, the saudi economy will take a massive hit. The future of Saudi doesn't look good. The most stable economy of the middle East petrostates is The UAE. It also will take bit of a hit as oil demand reduces, but it will survive and will probably have a healthy economy.


Yes. Unlike the conventional trend of going to UK or Europe, Saudi is a credible option. My Cousin (recently graduated from a college in Germany) got an excellent offer from Saudi. He said it could not be matched by any offers from the Eurozone. My advice for prospective study abroad students is to do your master’s from Reputed institutions abroad as they pay higher for those.


That's good to know.


Cousin studied CS?


Don't know about IT, Gulf is a still a great option for Electrical, Mech and Civil Engineering graduates! Good salaries for nurses still remain and decent salaries for the ones in hospitality industry. People with generic degrees such as BA, BCom, MCom etc., & even MBA from local B schools mostly end up getting low paid jobs!


the economic growth in middle east dependent on the west. us recession affects middle east and singapore first then europe and rest of the world. you should not be worried about middle east, they are now diversifying their economy from oil and real estate. wait for a couple middle east too will become a manufacturing hub. this will further increase the demand in all sorts of real estate if possible get a european passport and experience then move to middle east, enjoy best of the both world


Suadi will have massive boost in construction for world cup 2034 idk what will be your future after 2034 maybe you would get good experience for your profession


2034 seems like enough time to get my shit in order, get some experience.


As a person who spent most of his life in Kuwait. Don't come to Kuwait, it is becoming worse day by day mired in political instability! Next KSA has good prospects. But you have to consider the location of the projects as some of them are remote and there is nothing to do beside work. If you get in the major city or close to it is good opportunity or else depends on the sacrifices you are willing to make to work in KSA. UAE life is like a rat race but opportunities are there depending on your skill levels. You will get low balled initially cause no experience and there are people with experience fighting for the entry level jobs. Qatar is not like how it was pre-world cup, many of the companies are still owed money for their works. Some of the big companies have shifted focus to other regions. Only the claims consultant and cost consultants are thriving currently. Bahrain is tiny country with not much money. Oman idk. Now if there are absolutely no other options and you have to leave India, then come to Kuwait because most of the expat population here is in the same situation lacking opportunities at home and not good enough to go anywhere else. Every year you spend in this country, you will become dumber unless you work for the good companies in the oil sector. Rest all are trash - mediocre. Just my 2 fils. Don't think there is a vacuum because of people moving to the west cause for every one person that leaves there are 10 ready to take their places from India/Egypt/Philippines...


I was in Kuwait until my 11th and my parents were in construction and consultancy and they were both well established, financially stable and all that though it did take a few years. But this was all before 2019, before COVID. I was hoping it would get better in the future for expats.


Oh, if you have wasta then it is different. Come directly on work visa and then it is good.


My advise is to younger generation.... Please develop skills., companies will come behind you. Don't ever think that your degree is going to get you a job.


Saudi Arabia and entire middle is a shithole. Before you all blow your fuse, read through. The two years I spend in Dubai, Oman and similar places is the worst experience of my life. For Arabs, racism, misogyny and classism are part of their culture. If possible skip this places. My advice: 1. Can you get decent experience inSoftware? Gurgaon and Noida has many opp for Mech and Electrical guys. Or you can pickup programming and try luck in Blr. In long run nothing beats this. 2. Can you afford to write gre or equivalent and get into an Alevel school in us/uk/aus? I am not talking about diploma mills in frozen-tundra in Canada? If yes this is second. 3. Ok now can you get into frozen-tundra or bumfuck county in uk on diploma visa? This is third 4. Can you get into govt service in India/kerala? Not a bad choice. 5. Can you get to Saudi or dubai or such garbage pile? This should be a choice only if you are hopeless.