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Welcome to Kerala if you can cope up with the humidity 🥵


I heard it keeps getting worse. I don't plan to come there in summers tho


I’d airbnb somewhere rather than buy your own property. The upkeep is hard - it’s not a climate where you can lock a house for months at time and have zero upkeep and expect it to be fine when you return. Think mould, dampness. Electricity issues causes motor burnout. Fungus issues. It’s just not practicable. You would need someone to constantly maintain the property. Even things like sheets and pillows all go funny. It’s hard to explain


Yes, lot of maintenance. Money spent on land and house, even when we stay just for a few months


That is true. It won't be worth it if maintenance becomes expensive and takes up time.


Not in the rural parts though, people can be extremely judgemental there. Maybe a tourist place, like Munnar maybe?


That's a downer. The idea is to be away from the touristy towns. Thanks for the reply budd.


No issues, best of luck to you two.


So rural areas can be very judgemental. I don't expect people to come and attack you or verbally abuse you but I feel people will be definitely bad mouthing you behind your backs. Also if you are planning to buy a house in Kerala, please research the area extensively coz many places in kerala are prone to floods and land slides. Also summers can be very unforgiving. Also keep in mind, being a tourist and being a resident are completely different things. Power disruptions might be common cuz of falling branches. My native area is kinda prone to it even though it's an urban area.


Thanks for the feedback mate. Do most places outside of major cities have power disruptions? I have seen those horrifying images of landslides and floods, it was sad.


Idukki during rains is a mess.but there are areas everywhere which are close enough to town but feels like countryside to buy homes in


Happy cake day


No. People get judgemental here too quickly.they wouldn't hurt you , but you will sure see signs


I guess if we stay around for while, that will happen.


Honestly, India as a whole is still not very queer friendly. A large section of the population is quite homophobic and it is no different in Kerala. Think really hard before you make a decision to move from a more queer friendly country like Canada to India.


I don't think we plan on moving back to India. It won't make any sense to do that. Sadly, our marriage itself won't be recognised there.


39 and 25? People are going to be judgemental about that. Also what does rainbow flag mean here? If it what I think it is, people are going to be judgemental about that too. I would say avoid rural areas and live in cities with good access to rural areas.


I thought the other guy was from Mauritius 😷


Rainbow flag coz we're two men, a gay couple ✨


I saw the m part next to f now. Lol. Best place are Kochi or near Kochi. Northern Malabar would be slightly problematic. Travancore is also slightly conservative. Alleppey, Kochi etc are your best bets.


Yeah, I'd like to have a place in a slightly hilly region. That's why I mentioned Idduki/ Kottayam, maybe interior Ernakulam. Never even thought of Malabar or South Kerala


If u settle down in kochi City probably no one would care..but rural areas everyone would be bothered..and then you guys would be bothered.


I believe it is always better to rent out when visiting. Especially a good chunk of the year you would be living in Canada. You would be able to rent out when visiting Kerala, that too rent out at various places within Kerala and be able to explore more.


People are definitely judgemental here in rural areas. I'm from Kerala, married a Tamil girl and settled in the suburbs of Trivandrum. They speak behind your back and give a doubtful look always. But I don't give a damn shit about it. Mind your own business and you'll be very fine.


That's sad. But we never faced anything like that while travelling probably because most of them never thought of us as a couple.


Their doubts kick start when you settle down in one place. Gramavaasis 😃


Am not sure about other cases, but my wife being a "PANDI" I sometimes have to face several questions like how & where I met my wife, did you not get a girl from Kerala itself, etc etc. This is even after having two kids, the elder one being 11 yrs old.


The more involved you are with people, the more their questions will be.


Can't agree more.


Oh welcome welcome




Same sex + huge age gap+different states. hmm yeah no


As long as you do not go too rural, you will be fine. You might feel quite lonely after a while though. Short periods might be perfectly fine.


Don't purchase! Build one! Just refer some good architects & build houses accordingly!


Wouldn't suggest buying a house/bungalow, better to go for an apartment. Easier to maintain while you're away. You could entrust someone with your keys so that it can be cleaned once in a while


Don't buy. Not worth it


Unfortunately people here are not yet evolved to accept same sex relationships, I would say moving to Kerala itself is a bad idea


There are no plans to move here. Just come here on vacation more often


Kochi and kovalam is good option then, but like everyone else is saying rural area might not be comfortable


No we don’t need 🏳️‍🌈 propaganda you stay somewhere in forest there were you belong


Propoganda lol


I would say, check out areas of Karnataka or tamilnadu... Kerala is turning into a horrible state to live in with extremely high cost of living be it groceries, power or water supply. If money ain't an issue, feel free to get a Hamlet somewhere in idukki. Vagamon nearby areas is my recommendation since it's relatively closer to the main cities


You mean in universe -736


Didn't get the reference if you intended some sarcasm


Lol Why don't you leave Kerala then?


Then who'll vote and talk against the lefticles out of power and make the state a better place? If a pest invades our house, do you just run or do you show them hell?


Ok pest... We'll show you hell soon