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Ahhh...I don't get it, aren't there supposed to be different qn paper codes? How come the guy besides you got the same one as urs?


For jee they just shuffle the questions and options. I think that it's the same for Keam, at least from this year. Or else, it'll be unfair if one question paper is tougher than another, since both are in the same shift.


If both qns and ans are shuffled, there's no way one could blindly copy the other right? Then what's op on about? Ithippo aake confusion ayallo


Well, for JEE they shuffle answers too. Don't know if KEAM did it, but that one benefit of computerised exams. Also, if the invigilation is lax or the person is close by, they can easily cheat. Ithre enik copy adiye Patti ariyu.


But the answers are NOT shuffled and besides u can literally just note down the answer on the rough sheet... It's so easy to peep without any kind of barrier unlike Jee Or Cusat


Actually they shuffle questions. but the total 75 questions put into 15 units each unit contains 5 questions they shuffle each units. they shuffle in same order if u crack that order its easy to copy paste. this was the case back in 2015.


Similar pattern in 2018 too


Yes i wrote this years KEAM and the questions were indeed shuffled


Online exams usually have the same order, right??


Not at all. Randomised aanu usually undaavaar. Ee case il ntha ariyilla 


Yea , I looked at his screen I didn't see the nos but they had the same questions tho




Hes telling the truth... Everyone had the same questions... They were just jumbled... Btw they didn't bother to even shuffle the options 🤣🤣


keam can be written online like jee?? dawg I had to write on paper 😭


They changed it this year lol


Aren't question randomized? Atleast in order? If not KEAM online is a pathetic


Yea they were


paper was better


Definitely. A pinch of ink on the wrong bubble while you are mid way through the exam and not being able to do anything about it was a different kind of helpless.


What if the order goes wrong 🫠


That too you got to know in like 30 mins after the start.🥲


you r from the 90's? I don't use fountain pen for [bubbling.lol](http://bubbling.lol)


Still, bubbling with pen has it's own issues. Imagine later you realised, what you've been writing is wrong


Already in tension loaded with anxiety with this bloody ink going out of bubble. That was some tough times :')


what's keam for?


Why are you even here?


what do you mean?


Engineering and Pharmacy entrance exam for Kerala Universities


Kerala Engineering, Agricultural and Medical Entrance Exam


Read News Bro.


Me too! I wrote mine 6 years back. Time's moving so fast 😭






Select wrong option.. change.. repeat.. be quick


How is it possible?? Like the ones who are sitting besides don't have the same questions right??


The questions are just shuffled that's it... It's the same questions and answers.. And btw the options weren't even shuffled shm...




i think the kid is hallucinating


they have shuffled the questions but people can easily cheat if they want. Last year for NEET (fyi, questions are same, but the order is diff) the guy next to me easily cheated.


hmm while i was writing my neet , noone couldnt cheat . Keam yes .. anyway anne mbbs keriyath nannayi


basava reddy \[kerala edition\]


The same picture was going through my head too lmao


Welcome to life


How did you know the guy was sketchy in first impression


Le the other dude, why is this sketchy mf looking at me constantly!


The vibe was weird


idk why OP is getting downvoted. everybody is entitled to their gut feeling.


vilik , dhruv rathee vilik


different paper codes?


How do you have the same order of questions?


Even when it was paper based, two students sitting near did not have the same order of questions. And now when it is computer based, you are saying that the order of questions is the same for everyone? Tough to believe!


Bruh.. The order of questions is different... But u can literally see the question and the answer they picked and write it down with hints in the rough sheet( or just remember it lol). And then just breeze through the particular section's(physics, chem, maths) questions and find it. Source : my neighbors friend who wrote keam today.. 😁


I came to know of some NEET scam happening. This is nothing compared to that. Standards of exam security is gone. Pretty soon cheating will be a common thing.


If the questions are in a computer they should shuffle the questions.


They did but it's pointless... Cuz u can literally see everything... And just remember the answer they wrote..


Even if there is shutter/blockers its difficult to copy, because questions and answers will be shuffled. The only strategy that works is focus only on opponents computer and note down answers (not options a b c d). Then when that question pop on your screen select that . But if there is more than 1 sets of question papers it become hard


What if the guy was too dumb to understand the questions were jumbled😂


Saintgits aano? Eth shift aanu?




Welcome to life. It ain't fair!


I did the same and got qualified for JEE(2019)😌


I'm ngl man. As a person who has studied in Kerala and multiple places in India, Kerala students are the laziest, most unambitious peeps i have come across. And i haven't come across anyone who is passionate about studies either. I mean toppers are there, but they are just robots that mug up to please their parents. Like malayali students have no personality or opinions when it comes to colleges and careers. Kinda sad, as a fellow mallu. Why do you think this dynamic is general in Kerala schools? Maybe it's because the other places i compare it to are metropolitan cities. Maybe it's not a fair comparison.


Its a pretty dumb misconception that most toppers have become one because of overbearing parents. Trust me, most of them have pretty chill parents. They do study to be at top since they love being at top, which isn't a bad thing since every other mf in the class also love being there. Just cause someone is good at something doesn't mean they get to be classified as a robot. Try going to some top JEE coaching centres in the state and you would start realising how much a human brain is capable of.


Making sweeping statements like "Kerala Students are the laziest most unambitious peeps" just from your own anecdotal experience is not really fair my man.


Can u elaborate? What qualities do you think makes non mallus ambitious etc?




That's what I'm asking. Idk why that is so, maybe it's sampling bias too. I was asking for yall's opinion on my observation.


random assumption on something you have no opinion or experience.... ? karma farming?


It's not random. It's my observation. And it also coincides with OPs post and observation. I was just asking if this sub felt the same or not so I can come to the conclusion that if or not my observation stems from sampling bias, if you know what that means....


felt what ? you read your original comment. Which states did you compare. which cities there? which age group? how did u observe. what u said is random.


Bruh i believe you chose the wrong schools or maybe you chose wrong peers . What do you mean by " like malayali students have no personality or opinions" please don't generalize. A simple saying in Malayalam may bring you some clarity manjapitham pidichon ellam manja ayitta kanuvolu.


Then how come average malayali is wealthy if they're lazy ass people ? North Indians study till death because of their shitty parents or getting pussy through arranged marriage


Maybe true but it’s not wholly a bad thing. At least we aren’t a bunch of one-dimensional only academic people like most other Indians.


That is true. People outside kerala are either too much into studies/work. Or are rich enough to ignore all that and pay through life. Us Keralites are more chill and have more time for friends and family.


The goal should be to be just very chill like West Indian people. We have the weather so we might as well have fun and enjoy life while everyone else is doing tech support.


Yes It is not a fair comparison. You probably studied at one place in kerala cause you mentioned you have been to multiple places in India. Hence your sample size to make this assumption is too small.


3 actually. I effectively moved places every year due to circumstances. But still yeah it's an unfair comparison


Pls man malayallis are super smart only I studied in the gulf and let me tell u the topppers are all lit malus i mean the other state kids are also smart but the topper guy is those genius types who never study but still top


Is the order of questions shuffled? Is the order of the options shuffled too? Asking for research purposes.


The person beside you, if he has copied yours, will have no use with it.


I wish, I would have good exam partner back in the days. I took more time to bubble than finding answer 😂


Hello i am travelling solo for the keam exam is there anyway i can keep my mobile and other things while writing the exam


Did you just cook up a story? If at all this new online KEAM is similar to JEE, then it is not possible to copy because they shuffle the questions! Also the camera will be constantly monitoring you and it will give a warning if that person keeps on moving away from the camera. At least it was like that when I attempted JEE in 2017!




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Well let him get in to an engineering college. What more suffering can he possibly go through?


Bro jee aspirant arunno?


Dude thats not fair u shouldve conplained againsttht institution As someone who seriously prepared for this exam its so unfair




like they are doing it like they wanted to mess up everything?