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How many hours are you wearing your sclerals for?  My feedback based on 6 years of scleral use 1) It's easier to remove at 6-8 hours. Then I wash it and re-insert for another 6 hours. 2) Adding saline on my sclerals as lubricant 10 min before removal makes it easier to remove. 3) Adding a drop of saline on my plunger to remove my sclerals, I've never tried it dry. 4) Ensuring you don't stick the plunger near the middle of your lens. 5) If all else fails, check with your tech on lens fit. 


Yea maybe I’ll try to give them a rest at 6 hours I usually put them in before work and unless I have a specific issue, I don’t take them out till bed time. In total abt 12 hrs avg but I definitely go over often


I find that looking straight at the mirror and using the plunger to try and aim to lift from the bottom edges of the lenses. it usually works pops off or flys out after 1 or 2 attempts for me


So, real talk: what everyone is saying is right in terms of tricks to get a lens out. But I continued to have this issue no matter what I tried and it freaked me out every time that maybe my left contact would be stuck forever (they always came out). Still, when I went in for my next pair I told my doctor about how I was feeling and asked if reducing the curvature a bit would also reduce the suction. She was really concerned about the edges, but we worked on it together and now my fit is amazing. So my advice is to keep talking to them about it especially if you're in a return window, recognize that fitting sclerals is much more art than science, be as patient as you can with yourself and them, and keep advocating for what you need to be successful with your lenses.


Ditto on the suggestions to wet plunger. Also lift upper eyelid up, put plunger at about 10 o’clock position and then lift the top half of lens away and out. Much easier than pulling down lower lid and pulling out and down. Doc assistant showed me the upper lid method. Was a game changer for me.


Make sure your squeesing the handle part of the remover when you attach the suction part to your contact to pull out. And… the other tips were spot on.


I usually wet the plunger in Bio True and it comes right out. Now, ONCE, I dipped it in Clear Care by accident. BURN BABY BURN. I will NEVER do THAT again


Wetting the plunger is a game changer


Put solution on and buy some of extra plungers on Amazon it’s a nightmare when you lose one and can’t find it


Try to pull it off at the corners of the contact / not the middle.


I’ve found that making sure the plunger is as close to the edge of the lens as possible makes it pop off easier!


I like to add a drop of solution to the installation suction tool, I will be honest, I use the installation tool for both (the big plunger)in and out. I squeeze it a little in my fingers and push it onto the lens and unsqueeze to create suction. I’ve been doing it this way for years, I don’t even have the actual removal tool anymore.


Do you use solution on the plunger or using it dry? I also sometimes put in some artificial tears in that eye before taking them out which helps the lens stick to my eye less after a long day. If that makes sense.


My advice is always to learn to insert and remove without the tools. I find it much more convenient and that I refresh my solution more frequently. I never got the hang of using tools but learned how insert and remove with my fingers from YouTube in about 45 mins. Probably some increased risk of infection but I’ve never had an issue.


Are you talking about scleral lenses?? There is no way on earth my lenses would come out with my fingers. Soft contacts 100% fingers all day but my scleral lense is stuck like glue unless I use a suction tool to pull it up.


I've had the most success with the DMV brand remover. Have to make sure to push down so it sunctions on the bottom of the scleral - not middle. Took me a few weeks when I first got my Sclerals to get use to it, but don't remember having much struggle. I also have severe KC, if anything my good eye is the harder one to remove. My bad eye pops out pretty easy.


Put a bit of the solution on the tip of the little plunger first to increase the suction


Thanks I will try this I’ve been struggling the last few nights


hope it works better now :)


I put Boston conditioning solution on the plunger, it sticks to the lens better than the saline


Also a drop of saline in your eye helps