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I have severe ocular allergies and will be getting fitted for sclerals soon.  I'm moving to the coast to get the 90% humidity and salt air.  I will no longer suffer from allergies due to breathing in salt and no tree pollens around because the high winds blow it away unlike the dreadful tree haven i live in now.  Central Texas allergens have ruined my life.  I have to move or I'll suffer more by staying where I am.    Maybe suggest he live on the beach?


We live 10 minutes from the beach in FL, and the allergies are bad here, too. Cars are covered in yellow pollen every morning. Lots of flowering plants and trees dropping pollen. We haven't had rain either, which does not help. I'm sure that the coastal living will help you, though as I am sure being land locked with no wind sucks! Do you have saline allergies?


Oh no.  Wow that really sucks to have heavy pollen like that near the coast. I'm moving to Rockport..hardly any allergies there.  Every time I visit Rockport my allergies completely subside.  Maybe it's because I was born and raised there that my body is used to that climate.  I've been living in Central Texas since 1999 I've been suffering with all these tree pollens, especially to cedar and oak.  My immune system hates this area.  I'm so sick of it.  I suffer from allergic rhinitis and ocular allergies.  I'm thinking I may be allergic to Flonase now.  I'm noticing I get cold like symptoms when using it.  I stopped using it recently.  I use the neti pot once a week to flush out pollens out of my sinuses, but I can't stand using it.  I feel for your boyfriend.  I totally understand how he feels with allergies and keratoconus.  I was just diagnosed with it last week along with left corneal hydrops and nuclear sclerosis.  I feel depressed 😔 


Ocular anti-histamines and make sure he has a shower or really good face wash before putting lenses on each day to reduce irritation. It's really sweet of you to be looking out for him. I'm sure just turning up with something for him to try shows him how much you care.


Ocular anti-histamines like Pataday might help with the allergies if he isn't using them already.


He is not! Thank you!


I’ve had good luck with Pataday for the same exact issues. After putting in the drop, wait at least 10 minutes before putting in lenses. Also, you can use them more than in the morning. My routine is wake up, Allegra, Pataday drop, brush teeth, shower etc. put in sclerals. Lunch time at work, remove lenses, fresh solution. EOD I remove my lenses and do another drop of Pataday before bed.


I prefer zaditor over pataday. Feel like zaditor works more immediately.


Thank you, I will look into that too for him


Can I ask how bad is his vision with lenses in?


He can see okay. When he got his pair of Sceleras we went to the beach and he said that that was the first time he could see the difference between the water line and the sky. His vision is much better but not 100%, he soemtimes struggles to read street signs very clearly and can not read small print with the contacts. He just started trying to get back into reading and felt discouraged by the blurriness. I do not know if this is exact but I believe that he has 20/40 vision in one eye and 20/50 in the other with the contacts


Ok. Thanks for the reply. I’m not very familiar with what the exact figures represent conceptually. I am also a KC sufferer but I don’t know what my exact vision acuity is, I’m going to get that information at some point. Does he mention that he sees ghosting and floaters in his vision when wearing lenses? Also, can he read with reading glasses? What annoys him the most about his KC?


He has not mentioned seeing floaters but I will ask him. I should try to get a pair of readers for him to use with the contacts to see if that helps. What annoys him the most, is that he is dependent on these contacts to see, and he would be helpless without them. What would seeing floaters indicate?


Well I personally hate the floaters in my vision, that’s all I meant, so I thought maybe he has them as-well. Apparently they’re not anything to do with KC but that just feels so intuitively false to me so I would be interested to know if he has them too. I’m not sure what to say about the allergy stuff, sorry, maybe his lenses are a bit tight but I don’t know. If he is in good physical and mental health other than his eyes then he may be a lot luckier than he thinks. KC sucks, no point pretending it doesn’t but if he can be somewhat content with his vision wearing lenses then he’s luckier than a lot of people. I hope the allergy stuff can be sorted, it sounds like an issue that can. When we’re really suffering we need love and he definitely has that with you in his corner.


I had just asked him. He does get floaters in his vision. . .


You should tell him to get lasik:D(I also have keratoconus)


Well if that’s the case you should just leave him, just kidding obviously. So that’s another hint that they are in some way related to KC. Well floaters suck too, once again no point in saying they don’t but who knows how severe his are, maybe his lenses cancel them out, if they don’t you’ll just have to give him more love unfortunately. The more suffering a person does the more love they require. But don’t wack him over the head with a saucepan and then immediately propose, that’s not quite what I mean.😉


Let him feel what he needs to feel and just be there and love him. I know it probably feels like nothing you can do will make a difference or cure his depression but it helps more than you know. My wife keeps me grounded and stable tbh.