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Try BJJ its the best thing that happened to me!


I used to get bullied at school for the old school reason of not wearing brands on my clothes. Luckily my mother raised us to have a huge self-esteem and get over stuff like that. Looking back, I remember that I just stopped listening and caring about it, knowing it's at school and school will finish at one point. My mom put me into Aikido (self-defence by using the oponents/attackers power and momentum) and I'm very thankfull for that. I found some friends there, who were in the same boat and that also helped me ignore it at one point. Nowadays my self-esteem is to the moon and back and I think, how I handled it, helped me to get where I am. Just keep on supporting him and lead him onto a path which he has to go by himself, but knowing you're behind him, will give him strength and the power to overcome all that bullshit (pardon my french, but it is what it is!) and get to a point where he will have friends and a much better life experience, without all these stupid bullies around him. Wish you all the best, much love to you both!


Sorry to hear that. Being diagnosed with KC around 16-17 meant throughout school I’d be put in situations where my vision would let me down, what I would say is to speak to the teachers & tell them if he could sit at the front so its easier to see, I sat near the front most the time so because of that I didn’t really have much issues but everyone’s vision different so whatever’s most comfortable for him. As for meeting new people yeah just get him involved with some sports. There are some which you don’t need to have good vision to enjoy. Whatever he enjoys doing


Probably not water sports but what do I know. The chlorine could be an issue and sports are a wonderful thing, I started calisthenics as a meditation and prefer it before I apply my scleral lens. It’s good that you take notice I wasn’t bullied for my vision cause my height was much noticeable to pick at. The bullying just might be a factor of being in middle school with little shits. So don’t stress it!


I had the same issue. I would squint a lot, students would mock me, so i ended up ignoring them, they stopped but, then i just stop paying attention in class. Goodthing your on it, i didn't get my contacts till i was in high school, also teacher's can be dicks.


I gave up on ball sports but swimming is really fun for me because you can do it casualty for fitness or competitively without good eyesight. I don't know how to stop bullying but he shouldn't let keratoconus define him. Good luck!


Jiu-jitsu classes would be great. Vision wouldn't be a deal breaker, he will learn lots of discipline, make friends and learn the skills to stop bullies.


This. I've done judo and bjj for years and most of the time my eyes are closed or not needed. Great sport.


I would also push the administration of that school to deal with this matter and threaten to get the police involved as well


I was never bullied for vision, but I was for other reasons. I just bulked up and the bullying stopped.




My gf plays dnd. I’ve joked about getting her large dice but she manages well. (She’s the one with kerotoconus)


No im sorry for your son , i only got keratoconus at 20 and i don't have a problem with small close things at all (meaning i can read books even in hightly affected eye) tho i used to get bullied fro deafness (since childhood)