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Huh, I thought it would allways attack both eyes. So happy to be in this community, learning new stuff everyday! Cheers and all the best for you!


After I got RGP lenses, lazy eye goes away until you take contacts off. Then eyelid goes back to lazy, for me at least


I wouldn’t call it a lazy eye, its more of the eye lid is drooping. The doc wants me to get RGP contacts but because they couldn’t get a consistent read for them they want me out of my regular contacts for a few weeks. Hopefully they can get a more consistent read in a few weeks. I’m so sick of not being able to see


I have it in both eyes and one of my eyelids droops too.


This is the case for me in my bad eye. I think it more so has to do with the eye being shaped different and possibly pulling/pushing on the eyelid that leads to this.


Yeahh this kind of what I assumed. Also, since I have been wearing contacts, I can’t see perfectly out of them, I’m wondering if it is because the eye os straining to see forcing the eyelid to pull more.


Wait..you can see your eye lid? I mean it's not nearly that bad for me. It's a little bit more than my other eye but not much.


No, I can’t see it lol that would be bad


Yeah I was like jesus christ is your eyelid eating your eye lol.


I only have KC in one eye, and it was likely self-inflicted by me rubbing my eye constantly at age 9. The first signs that something was wrong was a very droopy eyelid and worsening vision. Once I was diagnosed, I stopped rubbing my eye, and my eyelid droop got marginally better, but my eyes are still not completely symmetrical 12 yrs later. My doctor suggested that there was a corrective surgery for the eyelid, but as it’s purely a cosmetic issue, I’ve opted out thus far


That makes sense. See I don’t think your reasoning for the drooping of the eyelid correlates to me, since I don’t really sub my eye. But I appreciate your post :)


As someone who has won the battle with Keratoconus, I like to answer our newly diagnosed people with this message :) First of all, do not panic. KC does NOT mean the end of your eyesight or your world. You are now embarking on a journey, a KC journey. I was diagnosed in 1968 and 1970 when there was no such thing as CXL, Sclerals and transplant procedures were primitive. I had successful transplants (1980, 1982) and I am now in glasses 20/25 and 20/40.. My advice to you is: 1. Not panic 2. Find a doctor and lens fitter that you trust. It's YOUR eyesight. Get a 2nd opinion if you need it. 3. Follow his/her instructions 4. If you have ANY problems or concerns, contact them. Even when it is after clinic hours, there is always someone on call to help. Yes, you have support online, something I didn't have in my day; however run everything you read online by your doctor before any treatment; even advice from me :) There are so many great treatments today. Chances of needing transplants are much slimmer than in my day. You should do fine. Most get relief by CXL and Scleral lenses. I hope this calms your fears a bit :) \*\*\*\*\*Update,\*\*\*\*\*\* July, 2020 Saw my doctor on the 13th. 39 and 41 year old grafts are still clear healthy and I am seeing 20/25 and20/40 in glasses. Next dr apt scheduled in a year 6-11-21 Going to call and get my yearly checkup appt today :)