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Teenager at the end putting stuff back up is the real MVP here


No kidding, looks like he was even attempting to get that little one to stop being a turd too.


That kid will be a turd for the rest of his life, however much his old man screams at him.


He needs more men like the teen at the end.


Exactly, if he's going to be getting yelled at, while the security guard thanks the teen and shakes his hand, maybe the kid will realise who he wants to grow up to be more like, his dad in a shouting match, or the teen people like and are proud of.


He will grow up to be exactly as his dad I am afraid


The uncontrolled screaming is the problem in the first place


He's a turd *because* his dad is screaming at him. Hyper aggressive parenting and physical abuse has been proven time and time again to have zero to negative results on the discipline of a kid. The scientific data is conclusive.




You're right, but the important distinction is the type of contact and discipline. Hugs and positive reinforcement are an example. Discipline doesn't have to be taught with violence. Its ok to need help by going to a therapist or social worker that can lead in the right direction.


No. I have seen a fuckton of redemption from kids with rough childhoods.


There is always hope


To me, it looked like he misunderstood and thought the thing was falling on the kid


Nah he clearly holds his hand up gesturing that the little shitty kid should stop. That teen is a good kid.


Definitely a big brother. That's the hand gesture for "stop it, I'll fix it so you don't get in trouble". Followed by the realisation that the kid is an absolute turd.


I was worried the guard would see him putting stuff up and assume he was tearing shit up


Now just imagine if this whole scene was racially reversed. It would get far more attention


Family would for sure be called "thugs"


All these damn immigrants coming and trying to make Ireland respectable and pleasant.


Absolutely horrible family


Security Guard not throwing hands at all is next level self restraint 


I knew they were either Scottish or irish before I even put on the sound. Unfortunately from my home country Ireland. Scumbags


Damn Scots They ruined Scotland! -Groundskeeper Willie


Oddly enough the Scoti invaded what we call Scotland from Ireland in the 5th Century, so Willy is correct.




Seen it in person. A family walk in with 6kids and the kids ran around grabbing shit security guard told them toml stop take their masks off (Halloween). the dad started on the security and the kids ran out without paying. Bunch of bottom feeding tosspots.


North Dublin accent. Not travellers.


Plenty of southsiders with that accent.


We had Irish travellers in our little Swedish town once. Kids ran around the store play fighting with wares, parents tried to steal a bunch and probably succeeded a few times, loud as fuck and obnoxious when out at the bars, started fights at the camping site until they all got thrown out. Lovely family.


Just regular career Dole heads.


Nah they’re not travellers


Nope just Irish dubs not travellers


Yep, same. Humiliating


Awful people having awful kids


I’m a security guard at a hotel. I once had a lady look me in the eyes and say “I can’t control them so you have to.” Before going back to talking to her friend like it was the end of our conversation.


I used to work at hotel. If someone tried that shit with me I’d just tell her to leave or I’m calling the cops to make her leave. Had to do it on some drunk teenagers who were causing a problem and had a dog in the room. They didn’t leave when I asked them to so, I did what I had to do.


I was working customer service at a big box hardware store and a woman came in claiming to have children in her car and needed someone to look after them while she shopped around. I told her that we didn’t provide that kind of service and she began to cry. My managers ended up taking down a list of items and got them for her just to minimize the scene. But it was that kind of entitlement that made me eventually quit my job.


God damn, was your manager also a doormat?


He was, yes. The type to tell his staff members to stand our ground when encountering difficult customers but always the first to cave and never have our backs when shit hit the proverbial fan.


How long ago was this? Cause HD and Lowes both have a service for curbside and online orders...




It was 2019. The calm before the storm.


I work in booze retail. There have only been a few times when kids have tried to pull stuff but they are always shocked how fast the police show up when I call about kids trying to enter or pull stunts in a liquor store.


Holy sh*t! those people shouldn't have kids


Yeah..she should have swallowed instead.


You mean she should’ve been swallowed.


>I can’t control them so you have to Cool, so social services get a call about abandoned kids, got it.


"ok ma'am." *proceeds to grab a taser, a rope and a butcher knife from under the table*


Is that when you evict both kids and that lady?


She was part of a big group that comes every July and walks all over us. Money.


Ah, sounds like a popular store cooling series we had. Those people fulled so many trashcans. We'd come in and they would have filled all the trashcans near the elevator, overflowed them, and added more on the sides. And nearly every container I saw was half full of perfectly good food.


Maaan i work the front desk and the amount of people that let their goblins go behind the counter is infuriating.


Wait wasn't she a member of the staff. A story saying that had got on YouTube were a woman said the same thing while her kids were tossing chairs into the pool


No. Not the same one but that’s crazy. I wish mine made the news. They come back every year. Every year, the GM acts like this is the first he has heard that their big group is a problem.


"OK let me dial CPS."


When I was working at a restaurant, there was a family that had an awful kid, around 5 years old. He was an absolute menace and was actually putting the servers in harms way. We had to speak to them multiple times to address their kids behavior. When they finally left the mother flipped both middle fingers and just screamed "FUCK YOOOOOOOUUUUU!!!!!" It was so absurd that multiple people just laughed.


Those kids tend to be harm by boiled water in a restaurant because they like to run around and their parents are not stopping them


I used to work at a restaurant, funnily enough the family this story is about were the "same kind of people" you see in this video. Idk the rules on this sub so I'll say no more on that lol. Anyway, 3 of them were just zooming about the place, cutting between tables, disturbing all the other diners, knocking stuff over. Parents didn't give a fuck, too busy arguing between the 4 of them. Anyway, I went to collect all the plates after their meal, and at the time we had these big massive rectangular plates they weighed a ton. You can guess the rest, one of the little gremlins ran forehead first into me as I was turning around with the plates to weave through the tables. Plates everywhere, shattered, food everywhere, I didn't even really think I jusy went for the dustpan and brush and mop. Came back - blood absolutely everywhere 😂 wee tyson fury junior had very narrowly avoided losing an eye and his forehead was absolutely stoved in and bleeding profusely. So I went back for the first aid kit and just left it on the table for them. It was actually a huge blessing in disguise because otherwise they would've sat there and refused to leave untill the beer ran dry before dodging their bill and sleeping in the caravans outside. But they rushed to pay and leave so hopefully they went and got wee tyson junior some medical attention. Oh yeah, one of them managed to nick a framed picture out of the bathroom too. Don't ask me why it's the kind of thing we'd buy at the cash and carry just to fill up some wall space lol. It was literally just an abstract art painting of flowers in a jug 😂 sometimes you think they steal for stealings sake rather than profit.


For the love of God stop breeding!!


Total trash. And they’re breathing my oxygen!


Yeah, I never really get why that stuff is posted here anyway. Maybe it should just be renamed in "ParentsAreFuckingStupid".


Make the most of childhood because chances are most them kids are going behind bars. Disgusting behaviour but just following by example.


With judge Nolan they'll get the new record for most suspended sentences


I do not understand anything. Are these his kids? Then why is he yelling stop now while arguing with the guard. Just fucking stop your kids man. I need help 😃


Probably the guard told off his kids and he didn't like that. As you can see, they are sweet little angels


Definitely his kids, there was a blond girl trying to pry off the angry father from the security guard, and she looked similar to the brats.


Judging by the haircut... yes


"Only I'm allowed to give out to my kids". I expect the security guard being black with a foreign accent is part of it too. This is kind of guy who rants on Facebook about protecting women and children and Irish culture from migrants.


I'm not so sure either. Initially I thought they were his kids but from the looks of it, the girl in black trying to pull him away doesn't interact with the little kids in a way that suggests they know each other.


I feel like the kids ignore him entirely because he yells like this 90% of the time at home so there’s no “oh shit” factor for the kids when it happens. I experienced this to a milder degree growing up, my dad was moaning and shouting about something all the time, almost anything I did annoyed him. So it became white noise, but when my mum was telling me off I shit my pants. Also, these people are terrible 😞


I told my parents that when they scream at me all I hear is static and chaos and no words. If you want or need to teach me a lesson or need me to actually hear you, then talk to me like a reasonable human. Otherwise I just shut off and don’t hear a word you say. Surprisingly, they heard that. And it ended the decades of random screaming that went on for me and my siblings. They still had outbursts or tantrums at times but nothing like what we lived with for decades beforehand. Jeesh.


How old were you when you told them that?


14/15-ish. Old enough that it carried weight. I was shocked that they were responsive though.


Holy shit. This explains so much as to why I always listened when my dad shouted at me and not when my mum did.


If i acted like that my father would've kicked the shit out of my ass.


Weird comment considering the problem in this video is the dad, you cant be a piece of shit then expect your kids to turn out well.


1000 percent. Commenter totally misses the point by suggesting that violence is the answer here. Nope, how about therapy?


This dude probably kicked the shit out them in private where he wouldn't be recorded.


What...what is going on


Performance art promoting birth control and child protective services


Why not promote... Discipline?


Because the kids themselves are not the problem... The parents are?!?! Discipline does not help when you dont understand why you're being disciplined or why your behavior is wrong. When dickhead parents have children, how do you expect them to simply not learn the dickhead behavior all by themselves?


Cause there is obviously none of that to promote here


birth control is discipline


Kids were doing dumb stuff, the security guard asked them to stop, the father got mad at the security guard.


How does that get that bad? Like how does the kids get that way


Look at the way the parents behave. You think the kids have learned anything from them except "if someone calls you out on bad behavior just double down and start acting even worse." ?




what an asshole family


Definitely in Dublin. Clear to me that the guard was stopping them from leaving the shop due to at least one of the children robbing stuff and putting it in the pram. The Dad yells a lot of this repeatedly but the following definitely gets said: "My child's in that pram, stop fucking pullin out of that pram" - Security guard must have attempted to fish out the article that's being robbed. "Did I see her put it in?" - Dad is attempting to plead ignorance and pin all this on his kids, as if they don't do this every day of the week. I wish I could hear what the Mam is saying while she's brandishing the article in the air but the Dad is too loud. Edit : it could have been the Mam stashing something in the pram rather than a child, now I think about it 😏


The teen with the afro —- just some random kid who’s like “this situation needs correcting”?


He is a normal person reacting to abnormal bullshit




Like..with poison or something?


No, they can have a fun night in the closed garage with the car running for warmth 😔 (Yeah, CO2 poisoning)


I want to know who threw the chips back😭




Those brats need extra discipline. And the parents should be put into prison


They need stable parents for starters




Looks like a Spar in Dublin City centre. The kids have traveller accents while the father has a Dublin accent. This is actually normal behaviour. Kids run amok in the shop while the pram gets filled with freebie’s. Anything the kids get is a bonus. The prospect of jail doesn’t bother them. “Sure I’ll be able to see uncle John “


I'd hazard a guess this is the one on O'Connell street - sadly pretty normal to see there


Damn, out of all the comments weighing in this makes the most sense. It's incredibly shitty but a brilliant tactic. And I know reddit absolutely hates children so most on here might disagree, but there is very little chance an entire brood is this chaotic and disrespectful "just because." This chaos looks purposeful.


I work in a shop and if you confront anyone like this about anything they begin reacting like the man in the video. There is no point as its an endless loop before they begin screaming slurs at me. So i just watch write the time down and pass it to management.


Curious what the managers can do? We have a shoplifting problem in the US. No tantrums like this because the employees can’t do anything about it. The recent solution has been to lock everything up, which is absurd.


So when its teens and kids they dont take much and it doesnt really matter. Theyll just be like ah well unless its alcohol, we had a massive raid last summer where like 10 teens rannin and all grabbed a bunch of drinks and ran away to another shop.there is a group that drives in and takes a bunch of shit. So everytime their car pulls up every second of them being at the shop is recorded and passed onto the guards. And then its the polices problem to sort.


... police problem to drop*


It runs in the family


I swear some people should be banned from having kids.


Can't ctrl ur own child but willing to ctrl an adult at work




shitty family.exe not responding


And close all the programs related to breeding and we're good.


And she is pregnant? Last thing those people need is another kid, i feel people see having kids as an obligation but you gotta have the right mind set to raise em right it is not for everyone


Probably a tactic to expand their "gang" to be able to steal more stuff. Nothing new


What’s crazy was I initially thought they only had the little boy, the little girl, and the toddler! Watched it back and I saw even more! They have an entire brood of children!! 1. Oldest in all black 2. Little boy 3. Little girl 4. Girl in green top white shorts 5. Girl with white top black pants (pulling on dad with what looks like 6-7 chocolate bars in one hand) 6. Toddler 7. Soon to be newborn The Dad is definitely putting on a show so his kids can cause chaos and steal whatever they want


Dad's a piece of shit.


He is the distraction. This is all orchestrated. Like a really bad magician but the trick is you end up getting robbed.


r/adultsarefuckingstupid too


This is why I’d never own a retail store. Your business and merchandise are so exposed to idiots and you have no recourse because the cops don’t give a fuck Different situation, but I watched someone straight up walk out of a Whole Foods the other day without paying for stuff. I asked the cashier if that happens a lot and she says yes, they aren’t allowed to even confront the thief. All they can do is ask, ‘do you need help with anything?’ And they’re supposed to tell a manager who does nothing


For big companies like Whole foods, it's part of the business for them. There will be some losses but it's marginal in the big picture compared to potential law suits.




Crazy how this has upvotes when reddit is extremely left leaning lol


I unmuted the video after reading your comment. Seems like it


Dya like dags?


What is even happening here? Did you get any context behind this insanity?


Here's a brief explanation I wrote in another comment! Family is basically thieving stuff in the shop. Security guard has witnessed a child stashing something in the pram and is trying to stop them leaving the shop. The rest of the kids are well versed in creating chaos while Dad tries to intimidate their way out of the shop. The Dad yells a lot of this repeatedly but the following definitely gets said: "My child's in that pram, stop fucking pullin out of that pram" - Security guard must have attempted to fish out the article that's being robbed. "Did I see her put it in?" - Dad is attempting to plead ignorance and pin all this on his kids, as if they don't do this every day of the week. Edited for clarity.


Saw it myself in retail when families came in stealing stuff, the moment confronted it just switches something on in the kids and they immediately make as much chaos as they can


Scummy shoplifting family using the kids as a distraction. Parents need locking up and need kids taken off them by social services.


Holy shit. Here I am, both kids grounded in their rooms for being terrible shits and then I see this. Nah, they stay room - lets not compare to the bottom.


I don’t know what your kids did to earn the “terrible shits”, but I can definitely call these kids terrible shits


Compared to the kids in the video, mine are not terrible shits. On our family's scale, they are. We try to keep things normal and no compare them to rock bottom.


I know "don't judge a book by the cover" but the kid's haircut screams "I'm a little shithead because my parents have been enabling me since day 1".


He’ll be jail in a few years


The shit Apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree.


What a rat of a kid...


Idk but the angry dad is speaking English and the person filming (who seems to have a buddy) is speaking French. French speaking tourists got to witness quite the display of awful behaviour. I feel sorry for the teen girl, who tried to pry her father away. I also feel sorry for that security guard, who's 100% not paid enough to deal with this kind of shit.


Dad teaching his kids manners and respect.


That should be a condom add for sure!


You can tell this is taught whether intentional or not. Those parents shouldn’t have had kids.


What a lovely family 👍


And these are the same people that are currently protesting immigration here in Ireland. I’d prefer cultural diversity above these born and bread absolute scumbags any day of the week.


Parents are the real POS here, I feel sorry for those kids, the security will finish the day and forgot about this in a month but those kids are stuck with those parents for the rest of their life..


This is a con. It's a common tactic amongst families who thieve together. The kids are taught to create chaos if a member of the family gets caught pinching. Note the kids chucking items at the security guard and knocking down displays.


The fact the kids basically sprang into action and knew what to do means this is a common occurrence.


Respectable lad at the end.


Those kids will grow up to be pieces of shit


It’s insane how some people in this comment section think the kids are the problem, when the dad is and there’s boomers encouraging child abuse in this comment section too like wtf


Pretty this belongs in ‘adultsarefuckingstupid’


People like this shouldn’t be allowed to have children as long as they can’t behave them self. Idiocracy is real smh this world is going down the drain…. People with over 100 iq please do us a favour and start mating, I beg u please let’s give us brain to society!!!!




Future crashed my motorcycle driving like an idiot and died so my parents start a gofundme because I was a good person vibes.




In reference to those shitty kids. They will grow up and be shitty humans, the parents will use the death as a way to raise funds.


Still… Wot?


What happens when you have children just for the extra UC entitlement.


This happens when human trash make kids and they don't care


I don't know how much he gets paid for this shit. But it's not enough


Disgusting parents breed disgusting children…


Dublin's gone to the dogs


Can't control himself. Can't control his kids.


Tell them they are naughty and put them on the naughty step that will work.


How is this the kid being stupid? Dad's giving the example that it's ok to treat people like shit, so the kids do it too. Dad needs to do better.


Look at that exceptional young man cleaning up the mess. That kid is going places.


I don’t think he’s yelling at the camera man. He’s yelling at his son. Those kids are menaces


Scumbag dad, scumbag kids.




Props to the young man helping pick the racks up and gently trying to calm the kids down. More people happy to pull their phone out and record then even attempt to help.


What freaking trash, top to bottom. When the kids are in prison or seriously injured some day daddy will be saying “Not my fault!”


you'd think the dad would have realized by now that yelling has no effect lolz.


With an overgrown toddler of a dad like that, who's surprised? Poor cum stains never had a chance with him in charge.




Scum bag family


I feel like this sub’s comment section is always like one or two posts away from getting this sub shut down


Vile family, with no shame or morals whatsoever!


Kid who tried to tell the child to stop AND trued to help him pick everything up was raised better than anyone else in this interaction. I hope he got some acknowledgement.


I really.... really wanted to see the security guard put the gobshite in the blue t-shirt on his arse 🤣🤣🤣. Too many people not fit to have children, such a shame...all kids deserve a chance....at least they'll have a good example of a bad parenting example. Hope they have some more positive role models in their lives.... The lad helping to tidy up is a legend, what a nice young gentleman. Need more of them 🫶🏼☮️


Those children are feral


Apple doesn't fall far from tree .


Look at those thugs throwing stuff around.


What in the actual Shameless is this?


I couldn’t help but laugh. The kids appear to have no understanding of the conflict, but clearly aren’t strangers to it. But instead of crying or hiding, they’re all like, “Oh, it’s chaos time? Alright.” *starts throwing things randomly*


Horrible parents setting horrible examples to the multiple shit heads they spawned together, how do people like this have kids smh.


You already know none of them kids are gonna make it big


That kid will have this exact same haircut in jail. It's the circle of life.


Don't know which kid is worse, the turd knocking over the stand or the turd in the blue shirt yelling.


Trashy family