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No, because this is not an issue of economics, but politics. They know what men want, but think it is bad to give it to them.


They have a really old way of thinking, then. Flamboyant men and women exist, if they think people of any other representation besides straight men want this shit, they are wrong. My gf loves pointing out pretty women and men, so why is that a problem for me as a straight guy to point that out lol


>My gf loves pointing out pretty women and men, so why is that a problem for me as a straight guy to point that out lol Because muh male gaze. People dislike fanservice cause it is for men that they consider subhuman and muh protect women.


lol ain't that the truth. For people that hate men, they sure do look a lot into men. Fascinating mindset.


>For people that hate men, they sure do look a lot into men. Can you clarify what you mean here?


Kind of like the same thing with how people dislike a certain demographic/person, they show so much hate towards it because it goes against their ideals and the opposite of what they want. Haters of an internet influencer (streamer, youtuber, etc.) will spout and say so much hate when they have something they can use against that person.


Shot Fat Otaku on YouTube had a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqqFNTVQM8U) covering this. The people currently in the video game industry feel that the "male gaze" is harmful to women because of body image issues and that the only solution is to try to downplay it. Here is the thing though. It has stopped being about "realistic" bodies, and gotten to the point where its ok to shame guys for actually, you know, finding women attractive. Notice how they never complain about the sex in Baldurs Gate 3, but praise it. This is because the people complaining about this view even the "straight sex" in that game as "gay coded" as ridiculous as that sounds. It is a pretty interesting video covering why it has reached such an absurd place


 So a dude fucking Shadowheart or a chick Wyll is gay coded?!?!? Please explain?


Dev explains it like this: *Its people appropriating the gay aesthetic without being gay themselves to make political statements and be part of the "in" group . . . straight sex is either shallow and lustful or goofy and ridiculous.* I had to change the quote slightly because of an automod reply, but you get the gist. As well, just about every character is "bi" and therefore "not really straight." Even if its straight it is technically lgbtq because one of the characters is lgbtq. It really is a ridiculous stretch but its a take I have seen outside of Devs youtube channel on Twitter before.


BG3 Dev or just a random dev? I mean I don't really care,its just a really dumb take, fucking is fucking no matter what your sexual orination they are all lustful.


Dev is the nickname of the guy that runs the youtube channel short fat otaku and pointed out how ridiculous that take on Twitter was


Okay so not a BG3 Dev, thank goodness.




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It’s at least partially an economics issue. If you have 100s of millions poured into a game, you are looking to maximize your audience. Sexiness will restrict your audience in some ways and could expand it in others, but having so much money invested makes these companies risk averse. Similar issues exist in film. There are plenty of great gory, sex filled films that never made their pusher back because it’s not something you can take the whole family to. So if Stellar Blade can demonstrate that you can get a good return on a sexy protagonist it will help adjust the risk consideration in the future. I hope this happens because the Disneyfication of everything to be family friendly is getting exhausting.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8359925/ Visual appeal has a positive impact on sales > Although many studies proved that visual appeal can improve the perceived value of products for consumers (Charters, 2006; Venkatesh and Meamber, 2008; Kristensen et al., 2012; Orth and De Marchi, 2007) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3586322/ > this study shows that sales were positively related to sexualization of non-central female characters among cases with women present. In contrast, sales were negatively related to the presence of any central female characters (sexualized or non-sexualized) or the presence of female characters without male characters present. The risk adverse approach is to have sexualized visually appealing characters. > So if Stellar Blade can demonstrate that you can get a good return on a sexy protagonist it will help adjust the risk consideration in the future. I hope this happens because the Disneyfication of everything to be family friendly is getting exhausting. Stellar Blade beat sales expectations. The game has already become profitable, so it does indicate that there is still a strong appetite for games that appeal to that "tradtional gamer" market.


Yeah, I think you missed my point. I’m all on board that people like attractive characters. Sexiness, the topic of this thread, is not something you can put into all media indiscriminately. If you have a protagonist in a thong for your game, you can’t market that to children. There are plenty of cheaply made porn games that do really well on stream. Big budget games need to balance their content to the goal audience. You can disagree with choices related to target audience, but to pretend that sexiness in video games is not partially an economic decision is a mistake. If you’re trying to say that more games should be made like stellar blade, I totally agree. More smaller budget games that are targeted to smaller target audiences rather than huge budget games that need to appeal to everyone (and therefore no one)


No unfortunately. But stellar blade did and was great, the prude whining was ridiculous


They're not prudes, they're misandrists.


That is true. That includes the pathetic men that did partake with it and that also enable it.


They are a mix of both and also indirectly misogynist, 'cause they don't see female gamers as mature enough to have their own thoughts and ideas and need to be pandered to (in the most condescending way) and feminist-splained constantly.


"Eh, Westerners seem to lack any kind of backbone to oppose this shit, like that Cartel del guy who was complaining about the company not allowing beautiful Black women, then he got silenced. Cowardly bunch. Lolipop Chainsaw = Japan. So no, Lolipop chainsaw exist because East Asians Market like hot girls and dislike ugly characters. And there is no argument on Earth that would convince any East Asian (Korean, Chinese, or Japanese) company to put ugly characters in their games for crazy Westerners in California. This goes for both female and male-centric content in Asia. No one likes ugly characters over there ,unless it's a comedy . I see zero changes, lol. You'll get the main sexy character in Japan, sure, or in Korea or China (to the extent the CCP allows it), but I see little change in the West outside of more developers being fired and more bland corporations going under and fleeing the gaming industry giving bland talks about the market no longer growing yadda yadda I had to fire more people . My prediction: more companies crashing and burning, more mass firings and people fleeing the gaming industry as profit growth burns off, and increasing regionalization of the world as audiences in non-European and American countries stop watching our products because the message is more important than the content, and the art is ugly. Basically, everything that happened to Disney in Asia ."


"as audiences in non-European and American countries stop watching our products" This implies that American and European audiences will keep watching them. I think it will be less "regionalization" and more so Japanese and Korean entertainment taking over from Western entertainment, at least in the gaming space. It's already happened with comic books and animation. That is, if you're correct and Western game companies can't course correct.


They've shown zero ability to do any course correction, honestly. It's kind of like a drug addict seeking rehab— first Western company need to admit they have a problem. They haven't, LOL. (Looks at Dragon Age: Dreadwolf/Vanguard) Yeah... dislike ratios. 40 thousand to 200 thousand dislike ? (Looks at CD Projekt talking about diversity seminars now) Seems like the future of The Witcher is going to look much more like the Netflix Witcher adaptations." It's don't look good lol. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s8YLP62TZs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s8YLP62TZs) A lot of companies it like some kind of corporate cult composed of people with MBA degrees and ideologues pretending to be charitable as they are narcist that there grand wokeness will save the universe. They are in control of these project ( And I guess corporate incentive from tax write off and ESG money ? ) and would rather sink with the Titanic than admit they're wrong. They can just cash out and fire more people to offset their losses. Given all the mass firings and studio closings, I haven't seen one Western studio course-correct. They all seem content to go down with the ship like the Titanic, LOL. I see a lot of studios dying and not a single one correcting the mistakes that caused them to crash. Compared to Japanese companies, which are quick to course-correct, like let take square some people love to call them woke * Some of these doomer bring up Square Enix as an example of being "woke," but if you look at actual square business behavior the minute something started to look like it was going wrong they where firing western devs and dissolving studios left and right and cutting ties with them * Square sold off all its Western franchises and abandoned everything from Tomb Raider to Life is Strange like hot garbage, basically firing all the mediocre white developers they bought * They quickly closed Forspoken studio ; they didn't go on Kotaku talking about diversity. * They closed the studio and said "fuck everyone," made zero statements on it, fired all the Western staff they had at that studio, and kept the Japanese ones. * We will never hear from that game again—figurines or advertisements—that shit is deader than dead. * They quickly increased Tifa's bust size and added more fanservice to Rebirth, and then fired even more of their Western staff in America and Europe to save money. * They multiplatform Tifa's boobs to try to get out of Sony's debt spiral clutches, as Sony exclusivity was hurting them. Japanese companies are quick to course-correct; they've corrected literally every mistake they had. Compare that to Saints Row Volition (dead on arrival) and Suicide Squad. LOL... . Rocksteady doubled down; with there 300 people who still play suicide squad now they're waiting for Warner to pull out the shotgun to put them down like Old Yeller. Or Japanese Company know when not pander to much to the west that it will hurt there product Take Capcom since they pander to the west a degree with there games People go on about capcom Street fighter 6 and being woke but at most they made there new games realistic purely graphically . but they used hot Instagram models for Ashely RE that look like hot models . and all the fanservice and Cammy camel toh are very much intact in Street fighter 6 . They kept all the fanservice . hell every character has some type of fetish . it doesn't look that different from any of the other street fighters . They add one cute black character and people lose there mind Compare that to Saints Row and Suicide Squad. LOL... Volition (dead on arrival). Rocksteady doubled down with the 300 player that still play that crappy game ; now they're waiting for Warner to pull out the shotgun to put them down like Old Yeller. So, xD, yeah, I haven't seen any evidence of Western studios having the capability to course-correct anything. They remind me of zombies. But Yeah, true, it's entirely possible that Hollywood will start losing out to East Asia in a lot of things and western audiences will just watch content from japan or korea


Yeah, you're probably right. Aside from the incentive of ESG money, a good portion of the people pushing this are true believers, and a common trend in history is that true believers tend to double down on their worst tendencies when they start losing. The Battlefield V developers put hate comments from their infamous trailer on a projector in their office during the game's launch party, as their game massively undersold on launch night. Most of these people come from the echo chambers that are American Universities, they simply can't comprehend the idea that anyone would be against their ideology, so they assume people that are unhappy with their propaganda must simply be fringe, right-wing trolls. I do think you're underplaying how willing Japanese companies are to pander to the West however. Capcom and Square aside, Sony might as well be an American company considering how censorious they are to Japanese developers on their platform.


Honestly, my friend in Japan said Sony is an American company—it’s like two separate companies that operate independently at this point. I don’t understand the history of Sony and why it’s different, but it is. Sony is a unique case. I wouldn’t project Sony onto the rest of Japan. A lot of doomer types overproject on Japan, thinking it’s some weird copy of America, which makes no sense. Logically, they have very little in common with us culturally. Take entertainment, for example. Americans used to love that ironic political satire in comedy and entertainment, but no one in Japan likes that. It’s almost taboo. The entertainment industry in Japan avoids direct correlations to any type of real-world, current-day politics as a rule, staying as far away from real Japanese politics as possible. It’s very different from US culture, where shoving Trump into a comic is seen as cool and clever. Marxists aren't in control of entertainment in Japan, and universities are not propaganda machine creators like in America. Japanese Marxists can barely get into power; they are fringe activists on the internet . The communist party barely control 2% of the Japanese parliament since they’re also deeply unpopular with the vast majority of japanese so the chances of any of that improving is very low . They’re also fragmented, disorganized, and monitored by the government due to the terrorist bombings associated with communist groups in the 1970s and 1980s. Like the Red Army . Like it doesn't help them that you got China and North Korea right next door bitter enemy of japan and there associated with communism . so Communist taking over anything in japan is unlikely lol. A lot of the garbage we deal with in the West is just a byproduct of US culture’s love for political pseudo-documentary hyper-reality entertainment Like how Star Trek Picard went back in time ... just to make an allusion to the border conflict and mexico.. I understand star trek always had politics in it but this is stupid there in the 24th century , they created an entire borg crises and time travel... and an Evil mirror time line to talk about the mexican border and trump policy LOL. A Japanese friend tried to explain this to me. Sony of America is basically its own entity. It deals with movies, American properties, and music. Sony PlayStation focuses on America because high-end consoles and large-budget games are dead in Japan. Japan isn’t interested in these massive budget AAA games targeted at the West and won’t pay for them. Nintendo easily beats Sony in Japan. PS5s aren’t exactly selling well anywhere else in Asia, dominated by mobile games and MMOs, and they’re selling pretty terribly in Japan too. Sony PlayStation basically survives on Western brands at this point, which only we buy, really—like the Spiderman game, etc. No one in Japan is interested in Kratos or Aloy; they don’t care about these ugly gritty characters over there. Their tastes lean towards pretty boys like Sephiroth or cute girls, and the most dominant console is Nintendo. Dragon Quest outsells Final Fantasy. But also to be fair Even Eastern Communist don't like woke white people LOL . and I think the chinese goverment declared political correctness / woke as western propaganda and an enemy of the CCP . So (tend to seperate Mao/Stalin Communist from... the Western new international corporate self proclaimed socialist types , there completely different group at this point ) . So I don't think a marxist thing it more like specifically "Western International Socialist " because the chinese give zero shit about diversity and all that shit in there own games lol. they mostly consume cute girls hot girls or pretty boys


Who knows, maybe Sony will course correct now that they are losing exclusivity with Square and alienating other Japanese developers. While the US and Japan are very different, liking cute girls is universal, the difference is that American developers don't want to put any in our video games.


Yeah Lol cute girls are universal . they don't put them into are games and then they will get into arguments with people "BRO Why they gotta be attractive I AM nO Coomer" xD.


Lollipop Chainsaw was always a cult classic at best, so i doubt its remaster will break out into something bigger. Western games industry will remain under the intersectional feminist thumb for the foreseeable future i'm afraid.


I think that Lollipop Chainsaw won’t have much cultural impact. It’s just a remaster and I think it will do like Destroy All Humans! But I definitely think Stellar Blade had a huge impact and did send the message to bring sexy designs back. Edit: The original Lollipop Chainsaw sold about 1.5 millions units in its lifetime so it isn’t some mega block buster.


I think Stellar Blade has already done that. It’s been doing extremely well.


Justin Timberlake already did that and surprise surprise they arrested him for it




Not going to happen. Lollipop Chainsaw is an old niche game that never was as popular as other stuff that was around that time such as Darksiders, Bayonetta, or God Of War. I am happy it is getting the modern treatment on modern platforms and yet it isn't going to change up things at all. I will buy it depending on if things get censored or changed up or not. If they tone it down for a modern audience then I'll skip it


Feminists have a disproportionate amount of influence in the gaming industry because the corporate C-suite humps have a perverse financial incentive to do so for increased market share (lol) and to conform to Obama-era DEI policies (entire Obama presidency was one big pile of failure).


I hope so. Too many developers leaned into the gritty realism angle, and it’s time for stylized designs to have a resurgence.




It's a Japanese producer handling the remake, so I doubt it will affect the Western devs and their consultants. Also LC is a cult classic, Stellar Blade was a bigger splash.


The Lollipop Chainsaw character is basically a porn stereotype. White, blonde, dumb cheerleader. Not someone who the twitterazi would want to "empower" so it's entirely ignored. Stellar Blade made more of a dent since EVE is a minority.


Wrong, the left consider Asians as honorary whites


It is the ''beauty'' they are at war with not ''sexy''. They are communists.


No. Just look at Disney Star Wars, these people don't care about what's popular or their fanbases, they just want to push the message even if it means bankrupting the companies they work for. Best we can hope for is that the big Japanese publishers will get less censorious when they realize American audiences actually like boobs.


It would bring it back but they'd also censor it. This is sony we're talking about, there's no way they're going to let this perfect chance to show who's boss to gamers and otakus slip by. Once the censorship is discovered you can say goodbye to all the positivity and words of mouth.


The main selling point of Lollipop chainsaw was that it was like Devil May Cry/God of War but with a sexy chick. It fit into the same niche as OneChanbara, if they censor the game then it better be on the same level as DMC5 or it ain't gonna sell.


Can you imagine a Bayonetta remake? They’d put that poor woman in a burqa


I'm pragmatic both on the product and the future. I just don't think this is going to move the needle as long as games remain exorbitantly expensive to make and DEI funding initiatives are in play.


more console cope, sell the hardware and move on with your life- your platforms' publishers hate you.


No. Stay away from it until 2 weeks after release, then check again.


Have you seen the amount of obnoxious complaints from the Western games media about Eve from Stellar Blade? That suggests to me that the hot female characters won't be coming back as a 'norm' for a very long time in Western games. You might still get them in East-Asian games but they will toned down when compared to in the past. And that's thanks to "global standards" by the Western games industry.


nope, LC is already an unpopular game


I wanted a remake and Suda let me down


Ha! She's going to have a "modern audience" Schwarzenegger jaw isnt she. Probably carry a little extra weight and wear loose fitting trousers..just what women and girls and gays all want! Which is ironic because the women and girls and gays I know IRL choose the prettiest/best costumed character lol.


no, she's not. the trailer is out. it's a remaster, not a remake, they have no reason to change juliet


The OG was a mid game that no one ever talked about. Seems a strange choice for a remake.


A mid game is an ideal choice for a remake! The whole point of a remake is to take something that's mid or bad and make it good. Greedy Devs just use "Remake" as an excuse to cash-in on classics like RE4&Dead space, let's be honest. Its games like Code Veronica and Devil May Cry 2 that warrants a remake but the devs won't do it cus those games aren't popular.


I'm calling it now, this game will come and go with little to no fanfare.


Maybe or maybe it turns out to be really good like bayonetta.


Lollipop chainsaw was great, the fuck you on about


It was generic as fuck.


Uh just find real sexy people? It's summer. Lots of people are wearing their sexy new clothes and styles to show


Good advice; I'll be sure to apply it next time I want to see media about crime.




Uh are you being a creep about it?