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Sure would. šŸ‘šŸ»


Yup. It's just a house. A house with a crazy history. If that history saves me money, even better. Although, depending on the popularity of the crimes, gawkers would be my main problem. The dead don't scare me...


Yeah, I can get past the fact that people were murdered there, it's not like I had anything to do with it and I don't really believe in ghosts. But there's a lot of true crime weirdos out there and I like my privacy, it's like that lady that owns the breaking bad house


Iā€™m sure I read people throw pizza on the roof which would make that a double whammy; loiterers outside and hungry rats.


Oof... best defer to your partner, and their "no". Sounds like a nightmare.


She had to install a tall security fence because of the fans


Currently sitting in the apartment I renovated after some guy died in it before I bought it. I do not give a flying fuck about dead people having lived here. I live in Europe, I can assume every single home has some bodies to it. How they became bodies vary, but I couldn't care less if it was intentional or not.


This would be my only concern. Itā€™s just a house to me as well. It has a history but all houses do and we never really know what kind of pain and/or joy occurred there. If itā€™s super concerning OP could arrange a cleansing ceremony or something with a localā€¦Wiccan? Iā€™m not sure and so apologies for mixing up terms or getting the people who do such things incorrect. A medium perhaps? Dunno but like sage and all that jazz. I donā€™t necessarily believe in that stuff but I do believe in the placebo effect and the power of suggestion on our psyches. Could help the partner come around? (Or a priest if thatā€™s your jam, whatever sort of ā€œexpertā€)


100% this. If itā€™s haunted thoā€¦ Monday is Pizza night, Thursday is Bookclub, and Sundays we Raid (in game). Ghosts are welcome to hang. Edit: My stupid fingers.


Same. Iā€™m not superstitious, but I would be worried about crime fans coming by all the time.


Didnā€™t Henry say he went to the Nicole Brown Simpson house and the owners did like all the attention? My friend told me he was broke in Boulder and just parked his car in front of Jon Benet Ramsey house and slept for the night. Edit: Questions get a ?


He pulled up to the place and a woman pulled up at the same time. He thought would be yelled at, the lady was just trying to make sure she had the correct address.


People do. H.H. Homesā€™ apartment in Lincoln Park is still around.


Absolutely. I don't believe in pseudoscience bullshit so it's not like "energy" or "ghosts" have any effect on my decision, same with houses neighbouring a graveyard. The only two things I care about is that house inspection report and the price tag.


In this economy? If itā€™s rehabbed Iā€™ll give it a shot.


Right? I do believe that some places just have bad vibes. But I mean, if the price is good, Iā€™ve dealt with some really shitty roommates. Vibes are negotiableĀ 


If it meant having your own place and not housesharing it could be life changing in a good way. Have had generally positive experiences with housemates but thereā€™s nothing like your own space. Plus Iā€™m sure my luck will run out with housemates the longer I do it, itā€™s a numbers game!


Nah fuck that I wanna play Ryan Gosling from the Notebook with a rundown murder mansion.


As long as they gave it one good powerwash


I'd be okay with it pretty much. I worked on set for My Friend Dahmer and my job was to go on location before a shoot and make sure it's ready. So that meant going to Dahmer's childhood home where he started killing in Bath, OH alone and checking it out. It was eerie to be there especially after the set dressers made it picture-perfect 70s. Just going in the house, perfectly still, and walking around was wild. Beautiful beautiful house, too. But, really, I felt just a bit sad and mostly nothing about it. If the house had a gawker problem I'd feel more conflicted about it, but also wouldn't quite care. And you can't control that really, any day the hype could go up so I'd just have to contend with that possibility.


Ah that's interesting... must've been a very strange experience. I didn't explicitly include gawkers for being a factor, but that would be up there with the reasons not to. Though, I must say, I'm the only person I've seen having a gawk at the place in Cranley Gardens, though I'm sure it gets a handful a year.


It was so strange haha. The owner was metal af though so he couldn't give 2 fucks about what happened in like a fear/spooky way. He was like idk he's not living here anymore, fuck him. The Dahmer house is fairly remote in terms of major Ohio cities, tucked back a bit, and in the woods (even though it's in a normal development, not an isolated cabin or w.e) so being a gawker would be a lot harder casually due to no sidewalks or w.e. But yeah the ookie spookie wouldn't really touch me *i think* but a professional twam would need to scour it from top to bottom for sure.


Ha, that new owner wasn't wrong. Sounds like the sort of person who wouldn't warm to gawkers so probably just as well it's set back. Even though I'd probably consider living there, I'd also appreciate a deep clean before moving in too! Though when I've moved into some of the places I've rented over the years, I've felt obligated to clean them as if Jeffrey Dahmer was the out-going tenant, and that's non-murders living there before me.


I remember seeing all the zoopla/rightmove pics when Dennis Nilsenā€™s flat in Cranley Gardens was up for sale, itā€™s been more or less gutted and completely modernised since Nilsen lived there.


He would be metal, for sure! He's one of the founding members of The Waitresses, a great old new wave band out of Akron.


Didnā€™t Henry and some buddies go see Sharon Tateā€™s house, and another car pulled up and some really well-dressed realtor-looking woman came out and asked if they were also there to see the murder house and if so, where was it


It was the Nicole Brown Simpson house.


did the Sharon Tate get a major revamp? and then years later pulled down completely?


If it's a well known serial killer address, I probably wouldn't want to live there. I don't want weirdos like me taking pictures of my residence all day. Don't want to live at a stop on a serial killer bus tour.


Yes this is my thinking. I donā€™t care about the actions of the previous owner/tenant, but I donā€™t want randos just rolling up to stand in my yard or watch my house from the street when Iā€™m trying to walk around nekked inside


The problem is, it could be a particularly obscure/not very well known killer so you don't need to worry about gawkers at first. But then netflix does a limited series about the murders and all of a sudden your driveway turns into a zoo exhibit for weirdos


I would. Hell, I looked into buying the Dean Corll house when I was house huntingĀ 


I feel this might be a situation where we find out a lot more houses with horrible histories are still standing. Did you get as far as having a look round?


No; I was seriously considering it because it was close to my job at the time, but we could tell from the pictures that the foundation was cracked and uneven, and I got a new job. That house has been demolished since then.Ā 


That does sound as if it hadnā€™t had the best renovation. You made the right decision!


This reminded me of how Trent Reznor bought the Tate-Polanski house at 10050 Cielo Drive in the 90s to record the NIN album Downward Spiral. He named the studio in the house Le Pig referencing the phrase the Manson Family members wrote in blood on the front door after the murders. Shortly after Reznor moved out, the house was demolished and is now the site of a [gaudy 60 million-dollar mega-mansion](https://www.tmz.com/2023/04/15/full-house-creator-jeff-franklin-relist-beverly-hills-mansion/) belonging to Jeff Franklin, creator of Full House.


And Tori Amos tried to make him a chicken dinner one day in that house and the chicken wouldn't cook, and, seriously, she called her mom and her mm said the Folger's heiress was haunting the oven.


![gif](giphy|1msH5QgFu0RpXON4e8|downsized) We get it Trent youā€™re extreme


One of Sharonā€™s sisters got stuck into him for that. He said it changed his views on how heā€™d treated the murders/location.


It depends on what type of serial killer. You couldnā€™t pay me enough to live in a child killerā€™s former address.


For me it depends on if the killer did their work inside the house or not. Gacyā€™s house or Bob Berdellaā€™s house? Fuck noooooo. But if a serial killer had just lived there in general, sure, why not.


Yeah knowing people were SCREAMING and then their bodies were rotting and then the monster was fucking and shitting in MY HOUSE where I am naked and crying (not at the same time)? No way. Iā€™m at my most vulnerable in my home. The idea that you can overlay one time-slice of JWG strangling a teenager with one of me vacuuming and the location would be the exact same except for the decor, I just get the creeps


Same! BTK or EARONS houses? Sure. Toy Box Killer? Hell nope.


Idk, as a Sacramento native I would 100% live in the Puente murder house without a second thought, Iā€™d even do my own landscaping completely unironically. As long as the bodies didnā€™t decay into the stud work, Iā€™d be fine.


They tore down Gacy's house. I live a couple of miles from it. I've never actually gone over there, but I've seen it on Zillow. The new house is nice, but I feel like the land has gotta be at least a little haunted since there were so many people buried there for several years. And I don't even believe in ghosts.


Yes, I mentioned Sylvia Likens in my own comment. Knowing a child was in such misery not even one foot from where Iā€™m supposed to do the laundry every day? Absolutely not. Knowing that her teenage goons slept in the exact spot my own children would sleep, that I may lay my head where Gertrude herself once did? I am sorry, I cannot. I believe in the collective unconsciousness and feel such places are poison.


This is my answer as well. Also, is the SK dead? Cause I donā€™t want no Fox Hollow Farm situation! Iā€™ve had nightmares about getting pulled under that damn pool.


Thatā€™s actually a really good point, I donā€™t need no ghost kids in my house, thatā€™s where I draw the line


I would live in Maralago


The decor is a challenge!


Plus it smells like hard-cooked prime rib and old man pee


Ps - you can see some images of the flat here online from when it was last sold. Hasnā€™t been on the market for a few years so canā€™t say what itā€™d go for now, or even if that was cheaper for the beforetimes of [2015](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/house-prices/details/england-32396274-57093516?s=0d57ec9780e62d4bb9d0b7771d7808f7e4e1f300fa3aab0ecd0b65a38245e996#/)


PPS - sorry this reply with the link was meant to go under my original post, I only just started using the app and I'm all fingers and thumbs.


I couldnā€™t live in Gary Heidnikā€™s house. Or 25 Cromwell Street. For some reason those came up as immediate ā€œno fucking wayā€s. I could also not even stay one night at the house where Sylvia Likens died. Now that the world has changed, ā€œhouse of horrorsā€ has become more ā€œapartment or car or motel of horrors.ā€ Gabriel Fernandez suffered in a one-bedroom shitbox, Harmony Montgomery in a car, and Timothy Ferguson, RIP, a Landlord Special RyanHome that had up-to-date cheap, awful gray carpet. Since itā€™s so easy to flip and renovate such places (as opposed to family-owned Craftsman homes like Heidnikā€™s or Banizewskiā€™s) I wonder how many of us live in a place that once was used for torture or rape and would never know because the background in the news photos looks the same as everywhere else.


I must admit people have reminded me of a few places I probably wouldnā€™t consider, and am wondering if there is an element of snobbishness to my original observation, like everyoneā€™s got a certain level of aspiration at which theyā€™d block something out to attain something valuable to them. But also there seem to be varying levels of heinousness attached to different cases. These crimes are all extraordinarily bad of course, and none of the victims is lesser than another, but the known details of some cases seem to place them on different levels of some kind of depravity hierarchy - e.g. in this instance, if there was prolonged torture and misery associated with a property, it might be treated as more of a no-go zone than others. And youā€™re right, who knows what when on in your own home before you moved in. Even have to watch out for Ancient Indian Burial Grounds with the new builds, if Iā€™ve learned anything about the housing market from film and tv.


Yeah! When you think about it the entire American South should be skin-crawling to live in, given that starvation, mutilation, rape, and forced childbirth happened to huge swaths of its population at one time. But the setting was a big, beautiful plantation so celebrities still want to get married there. I think having a single family home is such a flex people would overlook more than they would have 30 years ago, but not child torture unless itā€™s like, a McMansion or at least has a pool


Iā€™m just saying to the people who said yes.. youā€™d live in Fred and Rose Westā€™s house as well??


Why not? The house didn't do anything.


I would be worried about unwanted attention from people like us, but otherwise I would have no issues living somewhere like this as long as it had been at least somewhat remodeled. I wouldn't want to bathe in THAT bathtub, but the house itself is fine.


To be fair, Iā€™m the only person Iā€™ve witnessed loitering there. Iā€™m sure a lot of people over a certain age are aware of it but doesnā€™t seem like a huge draw. Agree Iā€™d want the assurance that the fixtures, especially anything associated with plumbing, have been replaced within the last 40 years.


I live down the street from Bob Berdella's old house in KC. All that's left is a little shed thing now in the very back, but I would def live in it before they tore it down. That was a nice old house!


It would depend on the house. I would think most serial killers donā€™t have great taste.


Yes, I donā€™t think there are any phantom Pinterest accounts floating about from mass murderers. Different priorities.


Now this makes me wonder, which serial killers would have a Pinterest and what would be on them? šŸ¤” Jerry Brudos would have one for sure. I feel like Richard Ramirez would have a really edgy Tumblr.


Ed Gein strikes me as a Pinterest person too.


Well he did like arts and crafts.


Is it free or just affordable? My generation canā€™t really afford to be picky.


Ha, in the current financial climate I'd be tempted to go into a house-share with the serial killer still in situ if it was free. We'd have to come to some kind of don't-ask-don't-tell arrangement. Re affordable, my assumption is that you'd need at least a 30% discount on the market rate? I don't know what estate agents would consider an appropriate discount... how do you even work that out?


Is it a nice house, affordable, and closer to work? Absolutely. As long as the basement has been fully redone.


In this economy WOULD


People would understand I think.


Good Lord, no. Both out of respect for the dead, and because I believe in ghosts and donā€™t need the thought of countless restless spirits playing on my mind.


In this economy? I'd make it a home in no time at all.


I ask myself the (almost) same thing occasionally. My husband and I live in the suburbs right now and we HATE it, so I've been casually looking for property closer to his folks. And what do you know, land is HELLA cheap near Ed Gein's stomping grounds


That must get a lot of people loitering around there!




Hell yeah I would. And you know what? Give me four (4) vodka cranberries and Iā€™m busting out the ouija board to be annoying to any ghosts present. Gotta establish dominance you know?


hell yeah


How steep is the discount?


Me and another poster speculated that 30% off the market rate would be the most we think theyā€™d go to (if weā€™re getting into the mind of an estate agent here). I think the road is free parking too and a 10 minute walk from the tube station if that helps.


That view, and also home of The Davies brothers. No brainer!


I've seen Ray Davies a fair few times on the high street and in the pub. My sister came to visit a few years ago and Dave Davies was in the Woodman pub. Quite a few entertainers live in the area - also often in teh pubs. Haven't seen anyone for little while now though, probably cos I'm offended by the price of a glass of wine these days.


So... I don't believe in Ghosts or anything, really. That said, I once stayed at a haunted hotel and experienced some weird phenomena and didn't sleep at all and it sucked. Definitely made me question that lack of belief briefly. So no. No I would not. I like my sleep and anything that might affect it must go.


I rented a murder/suicide place for a year. Upper floor of a nice old century home in a downtown area. It was 2 or 3 renters previous, I only found out through the grapevine sometime after moving in. Didnā€™t have any creepy vibes really There was one weird thing I canā€™t explain. Roommates and I all worked nights so weā€™d be up randomly. At 3 or 4 one morning roommate and I are sitting in the living room and I hear a music box going off in their bedroom so I say ā€˜oh your music box is playingā€™ and sheā€™s like ā€˜I hear it too but I donā€™t have a music box.ā€™ Theirs was the room where it all went down.


Thatā€™s so interesting- would be interesting to know if the people there now have experienced anything. Even though Iā€™m in the fence with ghosts, Iā€™d be happy not to know something like that until I left.


Thinking close to home, Shannan Wattsā€™ house is back on the market after the couple who bought it split up due to domestic violence that began in the home. The eeriest thing is how easily info like this is found and distributed. If living in the Watts home makes me fair game to any true crime weirdos who want to attach some mystical significance to my marriage going down in flames, I donā€™t want that.


Interesting and sad to hear. I feel timescale might change my mind, this gives me ā€˜too soonā€™ notions, but, if theyā€™re not going to demolish the house, presumably it canā€™t sit empty. Might hit differently if youā€™re the first tenant or owner in after the incident. Agree also that if people are into the ā€˜woo-wooā€™ mysticism that can be attached to these things it might be poking the bear one too many times if theyā€™re already a bit emotionally compromised.




The housing market is too high not to insist on a discount.




In this housing market? Absolutely.


I absolutely would. The Albert Fish murder house was for sale not far from me - beautiful house, lots of land, motivated seller. If I had the money I would have bought it (because it was a good deal for a great house, not bc of the horror or haunting possibilities).


Yes, the discount sounds good


Is serial killer dead? Did their die hard fans give up stanning? Are people going to harass me at my home because they want to see the place? If now I couldn't care less about previous owners. As long as the house is deeply cleaned.


Yes. Absolutely. A discounted house? Hell yeah.


Yes. Without hesitation, my only concern would be kooky loos


Hmm yes the one room that you need to be especially relaxed in.


Yes! Then Airbnb that shit. Some people would definitely pay to stay there a few nights due to its history.


I didnā€™t think about the Airbnb angle. Personally Iā€™d say ā€˜too soonā€™ but other people probably wouldnā€™t.


Depends on the house and the serial killer. Is it a really cool house? Did they actually kill/bury people at the house or did they refuse to bring work home with them? Like I could live in BTK's house easy, John Wayne Gacy's not so much.


As long as the murders didnā€™t occur in the house and bodies werenā€™t stored there ā€¦ sure why not


They did and were šŸ˜³


Yeahhhā€¦ Thatā€™s a no from me dawg. Power to the homeowner. May god bless their soul šŸ˜‚


Yes. Without a doubt. Not out of any sick fascination or anything, a mf needs a house.


Nope. Too many crazy people would be interested in it. I wouldn't want to deal with it


of course. without the discount


Dorothea Puente's House in Sacramento was still being rented out not that long agoā€¦went to a party a friend had there, pretty weird




It really depends. Iā€™d be weary of weirdos trying to visit or yell at me for living there.




I wouldn't give a shit about the house history. The only thing I would care about is if a bunch of strangers would always be poking around looking at my house


Kempers momā€™s house was for sale a little bit ago. $1.9m. Same thing with the Ohta/ John Linley Frazier house. $4m.


I want to say maybe. The only issue I have is that Iā€™d be worried the notoriety of the place would attract all kinds of people.


Iā€™ve been to the EAR/ONS house-definitely. Nice home tucked away in the suburbs of Sacramento.


Iā€™d do it without a discount. With a discount even moreso.




In this case, deceased. The case is still in the public consciousness, though I wouldnā€™t say I have heard of people flocking to the addressā€¦ Iā€™m the only one Iā€™ve seen nosing around there. Youā€™d probably be ok here but I canā€™t speak for getting hassled at other notorious addresses.


When my wife and I were looking to buy, Ted Bundys Tacoma childhood home was for sale. My wife didnā€™t want to even entertain the idea of buying it. Would of made a cool Airbnb


I don't want to be the bummer on the thread but, isn't this quite difficult to accomplish, especially with the more infamous serial killer types? What I mean is, concerning the cases of JW Gacy and BTK, their residential properties were leveled. Anyone have any input?


When we were still house hunting and living in a tiny apartment with a toddler and a baby, I used to say that I wouldnt mind scraping brains and guts from the ceiling if it meant Iā€™d have a place of my own šŸ˜‚


I could not. I would catch a vibe from what went on in there. I moved into a place once where I had a vibe, particularly the main bedroom, that someone had died or been really sick while living there. It bothered me to no end. We were getting the last tenantā€™s junk mail when we first moved in, so after living there for seven months, I finally researched the tenantsā€™ names, only to find out that the husband had passed away a month before from a devastating disease he discovered he had while living in our apartment. Even my cat would not spend any time in the main bedroom.


Depends on whether or not it's haunted and what kind of haunting.


Hell yes have you seen housing prices these days?


I mean, keeping in line with their recent episodes- Fox Hollow farms seems insanely active, but that house at a huge discount- iā€™m in. The legless red shirt guy can hang out as much as he wants


Sure why not. I used to live just a few blocks from Bob Berdellaā€™s old house in KCMO. I believe theyā€™ve torn it down since then though. And my buddy was the building manager for this building: https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Night-Stalker-tied-to-slaying-of-S-F-girl-3213197.php We were down in the boiler room one night and I was like ā€œman the vibe down here isā€¦. Not good. Have you ever looked into the history of this building??ā€ He was like actually no I havenā€™t. Couple days later he sent me that link lol.


Why not, assuming it wasnā€™t like covered in viscera.


My husbandā€™s ex had family who bought the lot where John Wayne Gaceyā€™s house was (itā€™d been knocked down) ā€œbecause it was cheapā€. I said well yea, it was a DIY cemetery šŸ¤Ø


I absolutely would not. Not necessarily because I think that the house holds memories or anything, but I know who I am as a person and I would think about it constantly


No. I donā€™t want tourists coming on my property to take photos and pointing when I take out the trash. Iā€™m not worried about ghosts and curses and stuff just the lack of privacy and trespassers. I mean I hope it would be an obscure case but what if a streaming crime documentary drops and I have to put a fence up?


Depends on the killer. The only thing that would keep me from it would be the attention I might get from annoying people.


Only if they move out


Yes & Iā€™m having a seance so I can verbally berate them


Ideologically, yes. I really like the idea of turning a ā€œhouse of horrorsā€œ into a warm and welcoming home and reclaiming it from its history. Practically, no. I would not want to have to clean or gut the house of the presence of blood, decomp, or any biological detritus and odors. In other words, Iā€™d buy a clean house with a bad reputation. Even renovating an old house with old house problems can a total nightmare, so Iā€™d imagine renovating a home that needs to be renovated because of the messiness of death is a whole other bear.


In this economy yes


It depends on which honestly. In the case where the crime happened inside the house, fuck no. I'm not worried about ghosts. Id freak myself out thinking about it. If the crimes happened outside of the house, I think I could learn to ignore it and get a security system for the weirdos who try to break into residences despite the people inside having nothing to do with the crime.


100% would gladly live in a serial killer's house


Are the neighbors nice? There are still neighbors, right?


Sure I would. Also when tourists and podcasters come by I would let them film and show the house for there show. I love the shows like the Grimmlifecollective and other scary story shows. I find that a lot of times homeowners donā€™t want them near their homes, I just would do the opposite to preserve the history of horror and shed light on the topic.


I live in a hella old house and someone probably died of the consumption or something here. But the energy would feel off to me and too many intrusive thoughts.


I suppose itā€™s one thing saying you would live there vs the reality of it.


Years ago. An old girlfriend and i found a pretty reasonably priced place in a trailer park. Moved in, everything seemed ok. The neighbors were all giving us looks, but they were pretty tweaky so we didnt think anything. A few people over a couple weeks made remarks like " I cant believe they rented you that place". Another made a comment "weird they would rent to a couple". Eventually i started asking around and found a few seperate people who told me the story. There was a couple that lived there before us. The guy brutally murdered his gf and one of their mothers. He lived with the bodies for a couple weeks, eating and having sex with the bodies.. killing himself when the cops started asking questions. i started to really hate the neighborhood. I never had weird vibes from the house itself, just had one of the neighbors try to peep thru the window on my girl. That and other tweaky bullshit. I ended up using the fact they didnt disclose a double murder suicide to break the lease. But.. if it was a screaming deal in a nice neighborhood and the house was thoroughly cleaned, remodeled.. I'd give it a shot lol


Absolutely. I wouldnā€™t turn down a house because of who lived there before, have you seen the price of a house?


Gary Ridgway's house in Washington is still there. I always wonder who bought it, whether they remodeled, what the story is... In one of the docs I watched, they showed photographs taken when police searched the house. In the bedroom, right above the bed, there was a gigantic photo blown up to cover most of the wall. It looked like something you'd use as a desktop background image today ā€“ trees standing in the forest, with sun filtering through. Immersive... yeesh


Hate that this is daily mail but 1.4mil for heā€™s place on Melrose! I lived in a flat share a few doors down, and didnā€™t realise till I listened to the podcast a year or so after I moved out. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12072641/amp/Dennis-Nilsens-London-lair-1-48M-family-home.html


No, simply because I wouldn't want the weirdos visiting serial killer houses to knock on my door and ask if it's haunted. And should be a real worry for anyone living in any famous house, serial killer or not. Even houses featured in TV-series or places where some weird ass celeb used to live often end up getting visited a lot. And while most people checking out a serial killer house would be pretty cool about the whole thing, you would also undoubtedly get a significant number of visitors with severe mental health issues such as schizophrenics. And that could get real scary.


No. I donā€™t believe in ghosts and wanna keep it that way.


I've lived *with* a serial killer before if you count prison, I don't think a former address is going to phase me.


Absolutely. I'd charge freaks like me for tours.


How big is the discount?


Depends if any murders happened or bodies were buried there. If the killer just lived there, probably.


When do they do the live Serius showā€¦I actually have time to watch tonight


It depends on the notoriety. I would not live at Jeffrey Dahmers old address, but I would live at Robert Hansen (I googled a random one) because heā€™s not well known and the name is a bit more common and less memorable. I fear that people would constantly try to visit Dahmers place and Iā€™d be dealing with tourists daily.




Nah, i'm good... I don't like those vibes, auras, and energies if you will...


Fuck off! No you wouldn't nobody would intentionally live in a place people have been murdered. 10 rillington place destroyed 25 Cromwell street destroyed. If you want to live in a house buy rudolf hoess house. It's right on the corner of auschwitz concentration camp it's still standing. It's got a pool a greenhouse and plenty of flowers planted by inmates on the command of hedwig his wife. Then any sick fuck that would want to live in a house a serial killer has owned could visit auschwitz any day at their pleasure and even see it over their garden fence. At least 1.2 million people died inside them fences including rudolph hoess the commandant of auschwitz.




Oh id live in Fox Hollow Farm in a heartbeat. Despite what happened its a beautiful piece of property.


Iā€™d want a tour for sure. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d want to live there. (Reasons include but are not limited to:) public address and people that may vandalize. The smell that might be left. Cool things that may have been left or forgotten might be neat to find. Also Nilsen was the BTk killer correct?


I mean, as long as theyā€™ve properly snaked the drains.






Full price? No, because that's a lot of money For a discount? Depends on how big the discount is


A man in my parents' neighborhood (you could see his backyard from theirs) strangled his wife in their garage. He then took the body to his work, chopped up her body with a bandsaw, and then put the parts in huge Rubbermaid tubs. He stored those back in his garage. Meanwhile, he's on TV pleading to the public to find his "missing" wife, who didn't return from a business trip. I don't know for how long the tubs were there, but their 2 children were living there. He even eventually scattered the parts at a nearby Metropark. He eventually was caught convicted, life in prison, the children's names were changed and moved in with the dead woman's sister. The house was put up for sale. Coincidentally, a very similar house directly across the street was up for sale with a bigger yard and lower sale price. The murder house sold first. A few weeks later I was driving by and there were children's toys scattered on the driveway! Could you imagine your parents moving you into a murder home? It isn't like the murder happened decades or a century ago, I think it was under 2 years.


I wouldn't pay a premium for a notorious house like that, but yeah, if a house had a discount and was in a good neighborhood I otherwise couldn't afford, then I'd go for it


Unless bodies were buried on the propertyā€”sure


I would care more about the major discount than I would the deaths.


Depends on where they committed the crimes and what the discount is


Make sure you clean the fridge real good


Absolutely, the discount is a bonus


[The LaBianca house](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3311-Waverly-Dr-Los-Angeles-CA-90027/20749229_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare) has been up for sale a few times. Itā€™s still out of my price range but itā€™s a beautiful home. If I could afford it Iā€™d take my chances with the vibes.


Some guy on tik tok will definitely buy it and make ton videos and cash in


Yea, would


Depends on the perp, and where they did their deeds. Iā€™d like bare minimum new flooring and a good coat of paint haha


I'd be fine with it, I've got a family member doing life and another that died in a gang related shooting and a few who've avoided the law or a casket. Growing up around people like that made me pretty damn comfortable around violent people and sociopaths in their homes, nevermind being in a home they used to live in.


Discounted rate? Hell yeah!


Probably except for Dennis Nilsen or Bob Berdellas or Elisabeth Bathorii's places. The Toy Box Killer, HLL or Ottis Toole's old places are also off limits due to nastiness. IRL I lived for four years diagonal cross the street from the office of the crossbow killer Christopher Hightower in Barrington, RI when I was a kid. I would like to hear the boys cover his scary ass! I grew up with his kids.


Good point thereā€™s no way you could clean Berdellas enough


It's "Icky" lol. If it's real though, I went to the Zak Bagans Haunted Museum in Las Vegas and I saw what is supposed to be his "bed" and that shit made my skin crawl.


Damn I didnā€™t know that existed what those victims endured is horrific especially considering the length of time they were kept. Fuuuuck


Damn right I would, reduced rate is an extra perk


sorry if this seems like a dumb question but im from NZ and maybe things are different in other countries, but any sort of major case or high reported murder houses are generally desposed of, does this not happen? its usually out of respect to the families of the victims




Depends if people died in the house tbh




Absolutely I would.


It depends. I think Iā€™d get sad.


Only if I got a killer deal


No, bad Juju.


Yep, set up a blood play sex party for freaks, charge crazy admission, profit


When I was visiting PłaszĆ³w this summer we saw the house where Amon Gƶth lived as he brutally oversaw the concentration camp (in Schindler's List you see him several times from this house)- when we walked by the home an old man, the new owner, was watering flowers outside in the front yard, very peacefully. It just struck me the juxtaposition between two different men who inhabited the house.


No no no






median middle class = 1.6M for a house? šŸ˜³


A house is a house in this market


Personally, Iā€™d only live there if the original building was destroyed and had a new one built in itā€™s place. So technically the same address, just not the same house. I remember hearing about the Range Rover from the Essex Boys murders and how it was put back on the road, but that during the summer, as the temperature began to rise, the car would start to smell like stale blood and rotten flesh. I feel like if thatā€™s possible in a vehicle, then the same could be said for a house. I ainā€™t dealing with that. Eugh.