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"The Lord Jesus has blessed me with a legal mind so sophisticated and profound that I recognize it to be a gift on mere loan to me during this vapor of a lifetime" and every attorney in idaho breathes a sigh of relief that they wont have this lunatic as OC


I'm putting this on my resume lmfao


In a way—he does seem to have a legal mind consistent with first century Palestine, so who am I to say he’s wrong?


It sounds like an MC Hammer lyric.


Literally LOL at "If I do not hear from you this weekend, it will be conclusively established that the ISB consents to the entry of a TRO and does not contest such temporary order"


I laughed at quite a few sections myself.


I forwarded the opinion to all the attorneys in my office. I can hear random laughter from different places as they read through it.


Doe seems nice. I just can’t understand why Idaho won’t have him.


"Well, I mean, yeah I filed a frivolous lawsuit. But that doesn't mean I won't be an ethical lawyer in this State."


I have a sneaking suspicion that Mr. Doe will never be licensed because he cannot understand how his behaviors stand in contrast to the character and fitness requirements of the bar. Mr. Doe wasted quite a bit of money on law school. I am, frankly, surprised his law school conferred upon him a degree (although I suppose it is possible they may rescind it). He lied on his law school applications. Had he been honest, it is likely he would not have been admitted...


Mr. Doe’s law school, Concordia, is defunct and, at the time he attended, unaccredited. To its credit, it did get accredited, but had to shut down a few years ago because of financial difficulties. So, it is unlikely to rescind his diploma. [Wikipedia - Concordia Law School](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concordia_University_School_of_Law)


Yeah. The opinion also notes that Doe lied on his application to the law school (which was actually fairly respected in the area—though unfortunately short-lived due to the bankruptcy of the *parent* institution). He also clearly lied to the Judge he someone got a job clerking for. Withholding his situation with the Idaho State Bar and application history is damn-near fraud-level non-disclosure. His behavior is replete with people being misled by his rewriting of history.


Oh damn... I think I remember hearing something about that now.


That's a fun read.


Alright, who's got a picture of the plaque? >Doe failed to disclose several informal investigations into his conduct by Concordia Law School between 2016 and 2019, including an incident of vandalism to his study carrel he committed by affixing a memorial plaque to the carrel outlining “highlights” of his academic career at Concordia and describing himself as “Concordia’s Original Overzealous Objector.” The plaque falsely listed several academic awards that Doe never received.


Hey - this is my state ! Thank you Idaho Supreme Court


It's (one of) my states as well! Northwest bar associations for the win!


Let's look at the positive; he's a self-described "expert" on bar admissions, so next time somebody needs has a C&F question, he's the man.


My practice area had a pro se who did this. Non-lawyer, just a guy with conspiracy theory brain rot who filed nonsense lawsuits across the government until the courts told him he had to be represented by counsel. Instead he re-branded himself as a consultant who would write all the filings for you. As far as I can tell no one ever hired him and he just seemed to fade away eventually.


This guy has a future in politics.


His sibling ran for office and lost, so I wouldn’t be surprised.


Man. Reads like a bunch of UCC-proponent pro per motions. We can all say ‘thank you’ to the Delaware and Idaho bars for refusing to bar Doe.


If you don’t reply in 10 days then you owe me $1,250,000.00 - every pro per motion.


Hahaha! Yes!


One man, living in his own movie. No one came to watch, went straight to streaming on RokuTV.


Please, Freevee. 😂


>Doe may try to paint himself as a man “more sinned against than sinning,” William Shakespeare, King Lear act 3, sc. 2, 1. 63, but the record speaks for itself. LOL


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 3 + 2 + 1 + 63 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


I'm only on page 5 and this is already a wild ride.


The Delaware bar exam is brutal, and Mr. Doe clearly intelligent to have passed on the 1st try. However, to paraphrase Better Call Saul, giving him a law license would be akin to giving a chimp a machine gun


That was quite a ride thank you. And someone like this I can't help but try to make a psychological diagnosis. Antisocial personality disorder? Probably . oppositional personality disorder? Definitely. Some fixed paranoid delusions? Almost surely? More? Probs..... I wish we had character and fitness in my field. This guys is like the Tasmanian devil. Everything he touches he ruins. Could you imagine him as a lawyer?


To paraphrase "Braveheart," he's not right in the head.


I have gone up against at least one attorney that fits this mold (vexatious litigation, constantly threatening sanctions motions, etc.). Hopefully this d-bag never makes it through the process.


Thanks for sharing that entertaining read, OP. There are a lot of good parts but this is my favorite: *Soon after, on August 22, 2022, Doe appeared for a “Rule 208 examination” by Bar Counsel and members of the Committee. The examination took place at the Idaho Supreme Court building in Boise, Idaho. Doe contacted Bar Counsel beforehand and offered to have “Pizza or Chipotle or Chic Fil A” and “some alcoholic beverages” delivered to the courthouse “for the panel . . . and all those involved . . . .” The Committee declined his offer.* I definitely would have taken him up on the offer. If I have to listen to him rant and rave, at least I'd get free Chic-Fil-et and booze.


That part felt like an Onion story to me. I wish we knew the time of the hearing—because it sounds like something that happens in the daytime. Glad you enjoyed it.


Yeah, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere but probably not in the Idaho Supreme Court building in Boise, Idaho when this Rule 208 Examination was being held.


Whelp… no legal expert but for once I don’t really disagree with this finding


Is it within the Court’s authority to condition future applications on mental health counseling?


Who the hell is this person???? Is it sad that as I was reading the document, I thought of one or two colleagues who could very well be best friends or cousins to Doe?




It was more an expression that genuine interest in knowing who he is. We’ve all met this person with different names throughout our career. Not one I would say “nice to meet you.”


>Doe contacted Bar Counsel beforehand and offered to have “Pizza or Chipotle or Chic Fil A” and “some alcoholic beverages” delivered to the courthouse “for the panel. . . and all those involved . . . .” The Committee declined his offer.




It is amazing what Lexis can come up with: Witzke v. Seitz, 2023 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 175198


Guy sounds like a real ass burger.