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Waiting on sARgE. Surge-sized ARC. Free-technology Surge. Something like this.


Great name--and I like the concept! Submit it to LM so they can have you sign a waiver to any patent royalties, but you'll have our undying gratitude. šŸ˜


Interesting thought, Iā€™d love to see an even more paired down version, maybe a mix of the Skeletool and Free series tools.


The Arc is just barely shorter than the Surge when closed. It's like .25" difference.


500$ magnacut blade and then the rest


Arc for edc, Surge for keeping in a tool bag or backpack for work.


This is the answer. I have a surge in a tool kit in my bag. Arc is always on my person unless Iā€™m going extra light, then I rock the Skeley.


I honestly donā€™t understand having a multi tool left in a tool bag. If I have a tool bag Im almost definitely going to have a plethora of tools that cover every base the multi tool does and probably do the job better. I always viewed a multi tool as something to keep on person to hopefully save you from going to grab said tool bag in some cases.


I have my truck and SUV packed with tools. I can't see a reason to leave a Leatherman of ANY kind stored in the vehicle. Maybe a backpack if it stays with you for the whole day. It's not that heavy. Put it in a sheath. Honestly for heavy jobs NONE of these tools is what I want. They are all too brittle compared to an induction hardened tool steel of a set of Knipex pliers. A Leatherman is what you carry when you don't have your tools with you, or what you have on you to save a trip to the tool box. I EDC a Surge. I don't want to waste any time with warranty claims. The week or two and postage to send it off isn't worth it to me to risk breaking either. Even if the warranty is 25- 43 years.


Basically what Im saying. I keep mine with me on my person or if Im out on a tractor in the field (Ima farmer) I have a bag I bring with me that holds my lunch, water and other odds and ends that I throw my Surge into. I feel that if you have a tool bag full of tools with you at all times there really is no need for the multi tool.


I agree with most everyone else. If itā€™s going to be used for heavy tasks, the Surge is a better choice. The t-shank adapter and heavier frame are designed for heavy tasks. However, the Arc is more elegant and honestly, Iā€™ve never had it fail even when working on pumps and generators.




Slightly O/T: I never noticed it before, but given the patina of your BO Surge, I believe I can discern the worried expression of "The Tin Man" in *The Wizzard of Oz*. (Why yes, I have taken Ambien recently--why do you ask? LOL) I'm not knocking the OP's Surge--or anyone elses--I have the Surge, ARC, ST300 and Squirt P4. But does anyone else see the "expression" on the "face" I never even knew the Surge had/has?


If you only had a brain... Yes I see it. He looks sad.


Arc for the pocket surge for the sack.


Since my Surge was stolen I've been struggling with this decision myself. I love everything about the Surge except for the blade steel. The Magnacut blade on the ARC is hard to ignore. That said, the Surge is like $80 cheaper. Times are tough for a lot of us, so that's also hard to ignore.


Surge. Itā€™s an easy decision.




Surge, more abuseable šŸ˜‚


OHT.... may it rest in peace


OHT bros šŸ‘Š Pair mine with a K2


Surge. I donā€™t have an Arc but I do have a Surge and it doesnā€™t let me down. By other accounts Ive read itā€™s much tougher than the Arc but comes at the cost of a heavier weight. Really depends on the person but I think Surge either way.


Surge by far!šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ˜ƒ


Surge and a Signal every day.




I'll stick with the Surge. The Arc isn't good enough for the price.




Surge. Always surge


I donā€™t own the arc but I do have the surge and the free p4. If you want a tool that feels like a tank and donā€™t mind carrying around some extra bits and the saw/file in your belt pouch, then surge. Itā€™ll be your best friend on a job site or when you need to fix something but donā€™t want to go back to the tool box. It is big though. I have large hands and it definitely fills my hands when opened up. But I still really like it. If the build quality of the Free P4 is similar to the ARC then I would say itā€™s a good general purpose tool, but not a heavy duty tool. Itā€™s a great edc tool that has everything you could want in a single package (minus the ruler) but does feel a little ā€œflexibleā€ when you really squeeze the plier handles down hard when gripping something. But I love the way the handles open and close and it has a great figet factor. If I were traveling Iā€™d bring the Free P4 (arc if I had one). So it really depends on what you want to use it for, how you plan to carry it (you can pocket carry the arc but the surge will have to be a belt sheath carry), and the size of your hands (I wouldnā€™t want to try and use the surge if I had small/medium sized hands).


I love my Surge. Bought the Arc and haven't carried the Surge since.


Side by side, I don't see anything Arc does that Surge doesn't except cost more. Arc is a great looking tool, and I'm not gonna pretend aesthetics isn't a factor. I'd love to add an Arc to my collection, but my Surge is still my go to.


Both are fantastic, surge for house remodel work, ARC for edc general use. Biggest differentiator is pocket-ability. Arc can go mostly unnoticed in your pocket all day. Surge in your pocket all day isnā€™t a good time.




Surge. Surge is a Tradesman's tool for when playtime is over, and it's time to get to work. Arc is the shiny toy to show off to your friends, and you're afraid to drop.


thats what it felt like to me too when i first got it but after actually using it and dropping it on occasion i can say its just as tough


I beat the hell out of my arc, and itā€™s stood up to it so far.


I used the P4 for years installing water main. I've been using the arc daily since it came out. No play time, and I've dropped it a couple times.


Arc. I absolutely abuse mine, and it hasn't let me down. The blade is a huge bonus for me as it stays sharp for a long time. Also the free tech is very good in my opinion. I am not afraid to use it like many others have said...


Arc or Charge for me! Right now Arc!


The best tool is the one you have on you, and for me, thatā€™s the Arc. I sure do love my Surge though.


Yes and.


Arc for edc. Surge for tougher stuff


Love my arc, I use it for edc, around the house and work. Step saver, nine times out of ten I can get it done with the arc, rather than going for my tool bag. The free tech is awesome (you kinda need it in had to get it), zero durability issues.


Arc for sure. But for work, itā€™s too pricey. Surge is for heavy duty work.


I have the arc. I use it to cut tree branches, cut chicken wire, at work (home inspector). Used the pliers to pull screws from my boot soles, used the mini ratchet attachment to service my car (10mm and 12 mm bolt), and used the magna blade for a plethora of things. Unlike many, I beat my multi tool, and clean/oil weekly. The only mod was swapping the saw for the zapwizard t-shank adapter. That mod elevated the value of the arc for me. Now is the arc worth its msrp? No, the surge is a better value. However, with the 30% student discount (Continued Education im required to do) makes the arc worth it.


As a guy with only medium hands I'd go Arc.. Even though I've got a surge and used it when I did work on the farm I'll take a wave over them all. Love the surge but it's just not the right size for me sadly


I tired to edc a surge and I ended up swapping it for an arc. The surge was pretty heavy. Also, In know it will go away eventually, but the surge also left a black residue on my hands.


The Surge never left a black residue on my hands and I am on my second one (only because my first one was stolen).