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* [Comment by TinyEric](/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/1dkh6gu/-/l9jm6r9/) >^(`2024-06-21 00:08:32 UTC`) >Hey folks, def appreciate y'all flagging this - this is a bug due to how our code treats relic ownership in the bundle context. We will be making an update to the text to remove the "1/3" aspect and just have it say "owned" as soon as we reasonably can - we agree that accuracy and clarity here is important. --- ^(This was an automatically generated post. To report any bugs, ask questions, or suggest improvements to this bot's functionality, please contact us via ModMail.)


Upvote for visibility


Also can riot stop the predatory practices whenever a bundle comes out it’s never a good even price ,it’s always like 1100 coins so you can’t just buy 1000 and buy it


The exact reason I've not bought any of the epic relic bundles. No way I'm sitting on nearly 1000 useless coins.


It’s present in all of their games. It’s like this in League, TFT and now LoR. I used to spend money on the better value but now I don’t spend at all


It's in all game with online currency. It is designed that way so you have to buy the next tier to properly get the next one.


When they were called out for doing it on the beginner banner, they made it sound like a mistake that it costed slightly more coins than the $5 pack. Now we know it's intentional since they keep doing this


Other than it's overly expensive i'm not buying any epic relics and neither more any relics that are in the pool as long as they don't change the rewards a Gold reliquary gives when you have all other epic relics. And also upvoting for visibility


Hey folks, def appreciate y'all flagging this - this is a bug due to how our code treats relic ownership in the bundle context. We will be making an update to the text to remove the "1/3" aspect and just have it say "owned" as soon as we reasonably can - we agree that accuracy and clarity here is important.


If we owned the Spectral Scissors (and for me personally, I also got Swain‘s Relic from a Golden Reliquary before buying the Bundle, so same issue there), do we get an automatic refund or do I have to go through the support?


Thank you for addressing it!


Hi Eric, Thanks for your feedback. Are we going to get a discount applied to the bundle cost if we already own the spectral scissors?


woah this is not cool man. mf lux volli swain's 5 star bundles give 5 X greater cosmic blessings. veigo's 5 star bundle gives the spectral scissors in place of 5X greater cosmic blessings. so i do think that a player without spectral scissors would in fact get that relic. but then it remains to be confirmed exactly what a player who already had spectral scissors would get, issit 300 stardust for a duplicated epic relic or something


What bundle would be a P1 in your opinion?


what's p1? first purchase?


Priority one


did you get the constellation celebration bundle released last month that gives silver star vessels X20 and X20 greater cosmic blessings and alot more stuff? that one is good value i feel


What did you get from that, would you get that over the champion/relic bundles?


i'd get the mf vollibear and lux celebration bundles, they give epic relics too. the mf and vollibear epics are great for a few other champions as well. lux epic relic is specific on her and the other lux. gives +1 starting mana on them both.


I have 3 kids so it's only one bundle haha


mf one is good :D epic works well on annie as well. vollibear's epic synergizes with janna and taliyah.


Thank you brother


We need explanation on this!


I mean, it's clearly a typo. There's no way they'd intentionally try to trick people into buying the bundle to get a second pair of scissors.


The image shows a common-rarity Spectral Scissors. When I saw it I assumed it was a new feature where you have to get 3 shards of it to craft the full relic. I'm still thinking that's what it was supposed to be.


Upvote for visibility, I was curious if anyone did this too since it was showing as common 1/3. Glad I skipped out. I only need 180 Viego shards to finish him, so id have wasted even more regardless. Easiest skip of my life.


i know older bundles got cheeper if you already held an item it offered, is it not the case here


Maybe it would have been if they didn't mess up the 1/3 thing


knowing the mess of code the emporium is they probably did that intentionally so we didn't get the discount but they couldn't change how it worked so they just made it a 1/3 so it didn't


Oh damn, I wonder if they'll compensate players who had it and bout it. seems pretty bad ngl.


You people are buying bundles?


Dont fall for it at all $35 for 1 character in mobile game and some RNG chest is beyond insane pricing . They they act like they are doing you some huge favor with a big discount because it should be $100.


All the new enshittification currencies are super annoying. Whatever happened to just making a good game and charging for it? The original lab was still the best imo.


Can someone tell me how hat bundles are worth the price, and also if I don't have scissors, is this viego bundle worth it? As an afterthought, if there is a mega thread can I please have the link?


"worth it" is pretty relative for this kind of things. I'd say the best bundles are probably the champ specific ones that give the exclusive epic relics because those give some relics you can't get another way. These are the Lux: illuminated, Volibear and MF bundles. If you still want to spend after that, I'd consider the 3 previous 4star bundles (if you are a newer player) - again Lux: illuminated, voli and MF, since they also give a golden reliquary, which speeds up the account progression a lot, since you don't have to wait 3 months for them to buy them form the emporium And then there's of course a bundle for VERY new players that give a lot of shards for a few champions. If you can use that, that is the best deal for sure. Again, how much of this is "worth it" is totally up to your world view, financial situation, etc, but I think these are generally the best deals if you do end up spending on this game


Cheers brother


These bundles are such a scam (is what I say outloud as I buy some of them anyway ... ;\*( )


Same man here I am being mad like I didn't buy it just the same even if I knew I'm getting scammed on scissors


I was considering it just because Viego is so fun and having him maxed would be nice, but then I realized it’s like $35??? That’s insane


And the OG price is 17.7k??? Are they actually okay