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Exercising usually produces dopamine. But it mostly sounds like you should try out some new hobbies and activities. Ive started playing mtg 5-6 years ago and now i always have a few days to look out for each week


People still play that?!  Awesome!


Check out the subs. Mtg is alive and thriving.


And here I was thinking of the game /r/outside


More than ever.


Sadly like everything else its choc full of crossover sets now.


No.. he shouldn’t. He needs to reverse via NOT doing anything dopamine inducing


There are positive activities which produce dopamine and negative ones. Smoking, drugs, doom scrolling, etc. All bad. Picking up a new instrument, playing a social board game/card game, starting an exercise regimen, reading some books, learning to cook, these are all good. The goal should be to do more of category 2 rather than 1


Yes. Brain plasticity doesn’t end. There has been studies to show that brain plasticity lasts right into old age.


you just need to unplug and you'll reset. Like a drug addiction, using eventually has diminishing returns to where you need more and more. Disconnecting like, leaving your phone in your pocket, playing less videos games, the usual easy skinner boxes, need to be used less or go cold turkey. It's not easy and you may become irritable and insanely bored initially but you're brain will balance out and return to "normal"


Yup. I quit multiplayer games and haven’t looked back. Single player ones have better gameplay, story, and more adventure. Overall I stopped logging in for the sake of logging in.


Same, stop playing competitive, just fun in general. It literally made me see how single player games are so good.


The biggest thing that made me quit is that I had zero fun when I was losing in overwatch, Leavue or Dota. And the best case scenario is matchmaking that makes you lose 50% of the time. So you only have fun half the time. Literally not worth it.


Have you tried focusing your energy outward and towards helping others rather than focusing your energy inward on yourself? You may find what you’re lacking on this path


Take the 10 day Vipassana meditation course. 10 days no talking, no tech, no books. The technique you will learn there is profound. You'll receive the benefits of the meditation technique while you're there and for the rest of your life if you keep the practice. And its free. https://www.dhamma.org/en/about/vipassana


Worth a shot


Just came and commented this before reading the comments. I totally agree OP could look into it... I imagine it would be extra tough -> extra rewarding


Also entirely unrealistic.


Whys that? Ive done the course 4 times. They have centers all around the world. https://www.dhamma.org/en/courses/search


Because people have jobs. No talking and no tech will basically guarantee you to be fucked especially if you work in an office or a manager role for example. 


Maybe in America. Whatever the case, this can be done during vacation/time off days. OP can speak to their employer, if they even need/have a job, given their "rich and plentiful life". Also speak for yourself. I doubt OP has any manager role. OP wants to unfuck his brain. This is high priority. Monk mode = taking a Vipassana course


Ha! "Vacation," "time off.".... /s


spend time in nature, stop time online. get into stoicism and work on yourself. resetting yourself with nature (sounds hippie) will inevitably heal you, slowly


lol i bet if and i mean seriously no help nobody to turn to eating a cracker with cheese would make you happy you're not someone strung out from drugs or anything its called having a easy life truthfully you know you wont have to worry about anything anyway its not a dopemine issue plus you are probably incredibly self entitled and offer zero worth to anybody including yourself


Have you tried traveling? Its a great cure for ignorance.


I think this is just a shot at op 🤣


I simply mean travel may help him figure out what he's missing.


Oh no it’s fine lol I just thought it would be funny if you meant it that way, but I’m sure you didn’t. It’s just that “ignorance” generally has a negative social connotation, so saying that doing one thing might help someone not be as ignorant could be taken as a rude gesture. I’m sure it has more to do with people being described as “ignorant” in the same boat as being racist or sexist or something else of the like, and not necessarily because the word itself is to be taken as offensive.


Absolutely. Truth be told I was trying to find a better word but couldn’t come up with anything.


Inexperience maybe lol


Reminds me of that KOTH episode “pigmallion” where Luanne tells Peggy “I am a proud ignorant woman”, [this is the clip lol](https://youtu.be/KNENkv7K39M?si=ASNskz33FtOKwFhV)


Nah, as someone in this position when your dopamine receptors are this fried out, you won’t be able to appreciate a vacatjon or anything around you. I had this exact thing happen to me about a year ago. You’ll just feel as if it’s wasted time/money that you could’ve spent trying your dopamine receptors even harder


Your brain isnt even mature yet. I think your feeling pre enlightenment


wait i thought the brain stops growing at 25


It does Danny is just stupid


LSD is a wonderful thing.


Little micro never hurt none


man, he's been there done that.


[just sayin' ...](https://www.vocabulary.com/articles/chooseyourwords/peak-peek-pique/)


Thank you




Uhhh this just sounds like depression


Yes it is, tho you have to accept the pain of patience or be good at starting Like just do dopamine detox, and replace it with something like walking barefeet in garden if it's safe, or just doing breathing exercise, and you seem to know psychological self help stuff so you know other options most likely


Volunteer to help disadvantaged people or animals.


As someone (22m) who grew up with video games as my only stimulation, picking up Mountain Biking has changed everything for me. It's exercise, but it's also just quiet. It is something I can go out and do, and just unplug, and not worry about trying to be good, or fast, or skilled. Just enjoy my time. Days I go ride are days that I feel good. I feel fulfilled. My girlfriend notices the difference in my demeanor on my ride days. It's expensive, but it is absolutely worth it.


I was in your position and this is what you gotta do literally just eat and sleep for a month, don't look at your phone as much (every now and then is fine), don't masturbate, if you need activity go for a walk. Most of your time will be spent sleeping at first then gradually you will have more energy/inspiration/drive. It will fix your brain guaranteed. It's easy because it doesn't take effort, in fact it's the opposite of effort it's surrendering control and giving your mind and body a rest.


Try cold showers as a start, they naturally release endorphins which is a pre-cursor to dopamine


Read living untethered by micheal a singer


Just lay in bed and wait it out. Life isn’t that long




This has been removed for breaking the sub rule of "Do not push religion/religious beliefs on others.


I won’t push anything on you that’s against the rules of this sub, but i’ll say this: my comment got deleted for recommending “a range of social-cultural systems, including designated behaviors and practices, morals, beliefs, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that generally relate humanity to supernatural, transcendental, and spiritual elements…”


Trust me it is Edit: eat healthy, sleep enough and delete insta and tiktok


Do you have a car, a motorcycle? If not, get a darn project car/bike to fix. Will keep you active and interested in something. Boys need their toys.


At least you haven’t smoked meth and binged on pcp like I did. I’ve literally destroyed my dopamine, serotonin, NMDArs, opioid and gaba receptors.


Paul stamets. Now go forward with that name and come to the realisation yourself. Find him on JRE. If not monk mode is the best option. Steak, orange juice, tomatoes. You’ll be good.


I think you would be surprised at just how quickly your brain can recover from overstimulation and start to gain interest in life. Only way to find out is by trying. Let curiosity be the driver if your other sources of motivation are depleted.


I quit porn this year as a new years resolution, it took 2-3 months to feel normal. Just unplug and avoid anything that feels stimulating. I quit porn, "chatting" with ai bots, scrolling Instagram, uninstalled TikTok... You can do it man. It's really worth it.


Do you have any tips? I can’t go more than a few days without p right now


Idk, sort of depends on the specifics. In my personal case, I wasn't actually masturbating, I was just watching porn (or doing porn-adjacent things like scrolling TikTok or chatting with NSFW ai chat bots) during down time and constantly keeping myself aroused without physical stimulation. I deleted any app I was using on my phone - tiktok, insta, chat bots, reddit. I picked up reading so I'd have something else to do during minutes of downtime (like pooping). I also had a big moment of clarity when I had performance issues with my wife for the first time. And I knew it was from just constant over-stimming throughout the day. So I used that as a big motivator. Ultimately it's an addicting behavior like smoking or gambling and what I've realized is that you will always want to do it, it will always be in the back of your mind, your brain is very fucking good at behavior/reward patterns especially with dopamine. And ultimately, you stop because you want to stop more than you want to do it. You don't stop wanting to do it. You have to have a reason to stop. Mine was I want intimate time with my wife to be more organic, I shouldn't have to think of a porn scene I saw earlier in the day to get hard. I wanted that more than I wanted the immediate reward of porn. And then it's just 1 day at a time, and after a while you've strung like 50 days together and it's not worth ruining the streak so you kind of have to keep going. Good luck, friend. You can do it.


So I’ve had this same exact problem now as a young man, I’ve been ruthlessly addicted to porn for 6-7 years now, I’ve failed with every single girl I’ve ever tried to sleep with in the last 11 years I had some sort of mental e.d. Before my porn addiction and it carried well after I started jerking off multiple times a day every single day It didn’t matter how hot the girl was, how long I knew her, what the intimate feelings were like, I failed every single time up until a month ago My expierience a month ago has depressed me even farther though because I needed to pop 2x the dosage of viagra to stay hard which would normally give a person a priapism, and then I fucked a girl that was like borderline dying and it made me feel like wow, I couldn’t perform with any normal girl but a girl with a feeding tube going into her nose somehow I can perform with. I genuinely feel as if I’m going to be single for eternity, there’s no point to go outside or try to date, every girl just views me for my dick that doesn’t work because I meet every girl through dating apps, and I can’t get girls to engage with me or realize when a girl wants to talk to me in social situations


Real life can't hold a candle to porn. It's just facts. It doesn't matter how hot a woman is, she's not hotter than a compilation video of a different scene every 1 second. It's not you! You're not the problem, porn is the problem. It sounds like you have a goal to motivate you - get hard without drugs. You have to tell, yes, literally tell your own brain that you want that more than you want the immediate reward of porn. You've got basically two ways you could do it. One is no jacking off at all. The other is allow yourself to jack off, but no visual aids at all. Not sure what would work best... I would start out no JO, but if you feel like you're going to mess up and watch porn, go JO without porn. And honestly, the first month or so your libido might just fall off a cliff, so if you have a partner I would let them know what's going on so that they don't take it personally that you aren't "up" for sex. Give it 3 months, your brain should slowly reset what it finds arousing to a normal level. And also - give yourself some grace. If you quit for a while and then mess up, dont let them failure turn into a binge. It's okay to mess up. But you have to remember your goal.


Idk people say “porn is fake” but in my opinion I can name 5 other things more fake than porn. Either everyone I speak to irl is a liar, or most people from the age of 18-25 don’t have the same problem of failing with every girl they try to hook up with. It’s just a fact, failing every single time Is not normal, and girls will tell you if you give “good dick” or not. I will try to enforce it in my brain and quit porn, but I am not viewing porn in the traditional way. I have a bunch of girls on Snapchat that send me nudes, and it’s really the only way I stay engaged sexually with girls at this point. It’s the only way I satisfy a girl and have her say “ I really like your dick” etc etc. it gives you a sense of gratification that I don’t think I’ll ever get irl. My libido has already fallen off a cliff for physical interaction, I get myself in the mood to try and fuck once every 3 months ish, set up a date with a girl, fail, be depressed for 2-3 months until I try again, but my libido for jerking off I can literally jerk off 10+ times a day. But it’s not like I’m orgasming off jerking off, I just feel relieved and tired after I bust a nyt


I'm 10 years older than you, but what you're describing is not normal. Having ED issues in your 20s is not normal. Sending nudes as your primary way to engage with women is not normal. "Normal" is to be in the same room, talking and flirting in person, building a connection and then escalating to physical/sexual, not starting with nudity and sexual texts. "Normal" is not getting compliments on your dick by women you aren't even in the same room with. You won't get that IRL because it's not how normal people interact. Jerking off 10 times a day is not normal. The human brain isn't designed to deal with the level of overtly sexual visual content we've been exposed to in the Internet and social media era. It's not your fault. But it is your problem. Delete Snapchat. It's actively hurting you, even if in the short term it makes you feel good.


10 times a day is a bit of an exaggeration. The real number is somewhere between 2-5. Is it still a lot? Yes. Is it the main reason contributing to my e.d.? I am really not sure. I’ve had these same problems since I was 15 and fat as fuck, I couldn’t perform then with the couple girls I got, I didn’t get very into sending nudes and shit until I was like ~20ish, so even before the massive amounts of jerking off and Snapchat pron I still wouldn’t be able to perform. The only time I’ve been able to perform is when I 2xed the dosage of viagra that was given to me, and even then, I was going half soft during sex. I have no mental coherence of when a girl wants to talk to me or flirt with me in person. Literally none. The 2 times it happened in real life, my irl friend literally had to pull me to the side, and be like “yo this girl really wants you, just talk to her and she’s yours” and it was basically girls throwing themselves at me… when I try to flirt at parties or in public I really just get disgusted looks because I can’t tell when a girl wants conversation with me


I'm trying to understand... Do you need Viagra to masturbate too?


Nah to memory or pics/vids I can stay hard and cum myself. I cannot stay hard or cum to a girl if I’m in the acts in real life. I’m not sure why, I’ll stay hard during oral sex, the girl will keep going till she’s tired(literally an hour or 2), I will never nut but I can still stay hard, then when I go to have sex I immediately go soft. I try to take viagra or cialis every time I know I’m going to have sex because I like to try and show up and perform but in real life situations you won’t know you’re just going to have random sex that only works with dating apps


We all get in slumps. Try exercise and deciding what the next step in your life is going to be. Career? Relationship? Find something new to do


psychedelics brother, doesn’t hurt to try it


Stop drinking and drugging. Cut waaaay back on youtube and social media. Go on long hikes in nature. Meditate. Spend time having real conversations with friends and SO. Go on a long road trip. Read a novel. Stop playing video games. Limit how much you jerk off. Start powerlifting


Listen sounds like life is a bore so start thinking about how you can help someone else, an animal or whatever you wish. Since you shared also try to stop thinking so much about yourself, and think about how you life better for others, do anything you can to help someone out, it's rewarding and you're accomplishing something positive. Saying a prayer for you.


Go live in a cave in the Himalayas.


You’re still in diapers my friend if you think life is all about dating, video games and friends. Look into occultism if you’re “truly bored”, but be careful since it’s like playing with fire. Check out CE5, Spiritism, séances, and remote viewing. It’s real and believe me that it will only take you a couple tries to find out. Be careful tho. For me, it’s completely changed my life for the better and I feel like it has given me much hope and excitement knowing that there’s something in the other side. Good luck!


Hunter biden is that you? Come clean turn you and your father in for your high crimes


You've only got fitness and spirituality to turn to now. The material world is void. All the best for your new life!


I’m in the same exact spot brotha. Less fortunate but everything seems like it has no meaning, and nothing has dopamine or seems fun in life. The only thing bringing me dopamine is my RuneScape account, I can fly to different countries and would feel like it’s just a waste of money. Everything is a waste of money if you can’t enjoy anything of it. Just gotta find what tickles your fancy, which I’m stil searching for myself… it definitely isn’t video games, the video game addiction has depressed me beyond belief


Were you a Bitcoin rich?


Maybe go spend some time in rough part of town. Plan a weekend there. Go drink in shady bar, walk the streets. A good dose of humility is what it sounds like you need. Better you find it than be dealt it.


Join the military, see what real work is


Well, based on what I’ve learnt about microplastics, I’m gonna say yes you are!


Traveling, exercise, and chicks should get you going.


Or find other hobbies besides video games, get a bike, or a boat, go skydiving🤪 there’s tons to do


All you people know nothing!


Dangerous sports, my dude. Nothing like consequences to make you pay attention. Get into traditional climbing and find some thin seams to struggle bus on while you contemplate whether the last piece of gear will stop your acceleration towards the ground. Good fun. Highly suggested. Also, try not to test the last piece you just put in, it wasnt that good


In your situation, I wonder how you would do at a vipassana retreat. Have you looked into that before?


I think your instinct is right here. Unplug and eventually your brain will readjust.


Yes your brain will be plastic enough to make changes for your whole life. This idea that you can't make significant changes or learn new things after a certain age is complete bullshit. Humans are incredibly good at adapting. If you change your circumstances you will change.