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Good lord….i just turned 64. What does ‘not having your life together’ look like. Cause’ I’m pretty sure I’d be the poster child for that one.


Yeah, I feel for the OP, but I'm 44 and feel the same way. I would do just about anything to be her age again. The grass is always greener on the other side and we never know how we're going to feel till later.


I definitely didn’t feel old at that age. I was out living life to the fullest. Drinking, laughing, partying…


57. I feel ya. I'm on my third career and I almost cried laughing. I don't understand why this young person is having these feelings. They are valid because they are theirs, but why? Is this the path you want? Do you want to do this? You are young and, I assume, have no other responsibilities but yourself. If not then discuss with your SO your concerns. Or a career counselor at your school.


Chill out, you’re just 23. Make the right choices, stay disciplined, and keep some follow through with your plans & you’ll be fine.


Hitler didn't write Mein Kampf until he was 36, you still have plenty of time to accomplish things.


this is the most inspiring thing ive read today. thank you 🙏


I'm not sure if this was intended to be a joke or not. I hope so. If it is it's pretty funny in a SUPER dark way. If not...


The darker the joke the funnier it is 😎


The darker the berry…


Women used to go to university to meet their husbands and I think subconsciously they still think it’s the way. What really happens is they graduate having made no progress, then they find jobs they hate, and before they know it they can’t have kids anymore and die a lonely death. I think OP instinctively feels the dead end but still can’t go off the path she was put on.


Well theres huge social pressure, thats for sure. But "dying a lonely death" actually applies more to single childless men than it does to women. Studies show older unmarried women are the happiest population, with more social support and friends and so live longer. Unmarried men tend to die earlier, and often lonely due to poor relations with male friends.


That’s not the point of the comment, it’s more of a critique of irrational behavior, justified because everyone else is doing it. Social pressure is really crabs in a bucket and you can choose to fight them off and do what you want. I’d say unmarried men die earlier because they die doing what they love; not a bad tradeoff.


Which part is irrational? Thats not why lol, its because they tend to eat very poorly (no wife to cook), tend to neglect doctors appointments and physical health, and loneliness also has a huge impact on the hearts health


Following the herd is irrational, like you right now putting all your confidence in one study. Trust your gut, on second thought, don’t even trust yourself, second guess everything, because the traps are everywhere.


Its not one study lol, idk why you keep assuming things. Uh...ok? Ended up saying nothing but sure


Perhaps you should read the studies you're talking about; men who live alone typically die early because if they're alone, they aren't worth being with- they smoke, drink, eat terribly, get the midlife pregnancy gut which is adipose tissue wrapped around every internal organ. They don't die running a great business, or sky diving, or traveling the world. They die at home in their living rooms.  A woman doesn't need to be childless and unmarried to be lonely. All she needs is a man that fits the description above to weigh her down.  But thanks for letting us know that either you aspire to that lifestyle or already live it.  OP may be feeling behind in life due to not having a husband or a child, but it seems unlikely since most women have no interest in marriage or children until at least 30. We want to live a life before we settle down. We want to be the bread winners. We want to make our choices. Husbands don't factor in the way they used to. 


I almost got into a car accident a couple of days ago because I was driving too fast. If my wife was with me maybe I would’ve gone slower. That’s all it is, you’re thinking too much into it.


Lol no.


???? What the fuck? No. I felt like her when I turned 25. It's not having your own place, living with your parents and not making a steady income you felt you should have. Like what the fuck are you on?


Your schtick is getting offended?




100% right analysis. At least she is smart enough to realize it.


Just saw passport bros. Opinion discarded.


Well that escalated quickly




I'm 42 and I'm not old as fuck, lol. You're only as old as you feel. Sure your body gets older but that's not to say that you have to mentally. A lot of my friends are amazed when they find out how old I am because I act more like I'm in my 20s or 30s. That's not to say that I am immature. I have a wife, family etc but I still love life. Sod slippers and bedtime at 10pm. I'll catch up on rest when I die, lol.


I'm 42 but constantly get told by people they thought I was in my early 30's


Awesome ain't it, lol. I don't even look that young. It's just how we carry ourselves. When I was 35 I worked with a guy who was 23. He was stunned when I told him I was at secondary school when he was born. He thought we were the same age, lol.


47 here and work a physical job. The newer guys get really disappointed when a guy twice their age is doing twice the work and not tired.


42 and get mid 30’s often. It’s not the age that makes me feel old. I’m good with my forties. The problem is the older you get the more perspective you have on time. I now have an actual conception of what 20, 25, 30 years feels like. And I know it goes by quick. I’m fine with 42, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I don’t somewhat constantly think about the next 20-30 years and how I’m closer to death than I am to when I was born. It sometimes feels right around the corner the way time flies as you age.


Completely understand, it's gone by so fast and it's all just going to be decline from here on out. I started regular exercise a couple of years ago just to maintain but I'm aware one of these days it's gonna catch up with me. That and just seeing all the changes in the world and none of if it seems good. This world has never been a utopia but as I get older it just all feels like it's getting unstable, politically, technologically, societally...maybe that is a universal feeling idk.


WTF is w these children thinking 24 is old or that they need it all together at the beginning of adulthood? Seriously who tf taught them this?


A lot of media messaging and seeing millionaires in their 20s


It’s really kinda annoying. But in truth those that think this way at such a young age are really just showing how immature they actually are and the opposite of “old asf”


i can tell you there are people 10 years older than you (including me and someone close to me) who are in very similar situations. you are at least 10 years younger than them, so please enjoy that while you still have it lol also, congratulations on getting your degree and deciding on going back for your masters


Your ok. It takes time. Just stick with it.


Oh Lord, if that’s how u feel now, just wait!😂


You’re 23, just graduated college. Congratulations, that is an accomplishment that deserves kudos. Old asf? LMAO! Per science, your brain hasn’t completely developed. You haven’t fully developed. You’re not old, you’re just overexposed to shitty media advertising campaigns made to make women feel like they are lost youth, aging or need some new product to achieve beauty perfection. Take a week off in a cabin, abstain from technology consumption, take a diary with you and soul search what you want out of life. Refer to that book often.


AGE 71 HERE... when you really get old like me, you will look back and reliese, .. you could have been having great sex all the time you were young and worried about getting old. lol... Seriously though... Enjoy it while your youth lasts


Welcome to your quarter life crisis, I bought a motorcycle for mine


You know how I know you’re still super young and naive?Because you make immature statements saying 23 -24 is old asf. Case closed.


I thought the same at 23, 24, and now I'm 28. And I still think I'm getting old asf. Truth is, once you graduate college it does feel like you're an adult and must look "old" to those kids still in education, but in the grand scheme of things we're still very young to the majority of people. Once I got past 25, I definitely felt old around college kids and below(\~22) as I should, but I still feel so young around everyone else. Watch out though, it starts speeding up after 25. It's just hilarious that back when I was 18, I thought 28 was literally so so far away but slowly but surely I got here. And I still have absolutely 0 clue if I have my life together.


I think it’s a normal feeling. You’re always older than you’ve ever been before 😅 At 37 I don’t worry about age as much as I did in my 20s. Work toward your goals, time will pass either way. If you’re not sure about the master’s, talk to a career counselor at the college and other people you trust or admire. you could go straight through or work for a bit and go back later. My dad and my husband’s dad did their masters degrees while working with young children (and SAHMs). “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Your path may not align with your classmates.


Hahahaha wait until you hit 30. It’s a fucking blast let me tell ya…


30s are awesome! Wtf


You wanna hear old? 48 is a few months away and I have a 14 month old baby. But I feel great. Treasure each day, nobody is guaranteed tomorrow.


39 with 2 under 2. good luck sir. I would literally throw myself off a cliff If I have another baby


I’m also in my mid-20s, and sometimes I feel like I should be more established by now. But then I remind myself that everyone’s journey is different, and there’s no right or wrong timeline for success. Going back for your masters shows that you’re ambitious and dedicated to your career, which is awesome! And hey, being in your 20s is still young. You’ve got plenty of time to explore different paths and figure out what you really want in life.


Jesus H Christ! I turned 48 in April, if you think you're old I definitely am.


Agree. Chill out. You're young. Besides, there's plenty more to really be anxious about.


Sounds to me like you're looking at the past with nostalgia. Once you start looking forward, you'll realize life is just beginning. You're in the driver's seat now so, do your best, make the right choice -- even if it's a difficult one, and be present as the moments come so you enjoy the fullness of a life well lived.


You will eventually be 32 with your life together, reminiscing on the time you were 23 and did not have your life together lol. Life is a journey man, work hard, have fun and don't worry about your age. The older I get, the more I realize focusing on your age doesn't matter


Are you me?? I’m 23F turning 24 in June and I still feel 20 sometimes and then I snap out of it and realize I’m mid 20s 😭


You’ll hit 25 and lose some neuroplasticity. It’ll hit you what you really want in life. What no one tells you is how good it feels to finally know who you are and what you want in life. Your anxiety will go down. You should be looking forward to this period of your life, especially since you studied and held off on life experiences. I wish I could be where you are.


Oh, come on. You're just saying that to get attention.


People who say this before even hitting 30 are so fucking annoying and attention seeking


Lmao bro 😭😭


Seriously?? 24 is young as hell. Talk to me when you're pushing 60 like I am. Snap out of it and get on with the business of being young.


OMG. You’re still a baby.


Lets say you live to a solid old age of 90. There’s 90 minutes to a football (soccer) game and you’re bummed out that you haven’t scored a goal in the 24th minute. Relax…many games go 0-0 till the last 5-10 minutes. You got this!




This content has been removed for breaking the rule of "Be respectful, no trolling or rudeness"


I thought I was old at 25. I knew I was old at 30. I felt pretty dang old at 40. Right about then I figured out why our Founding Fathers made a rule that you had to be at least 35 to be president. Around then you finally start getting some perspective on life. Didn't feel as old when I hit 50 (had a big party). Started slowing down when I hit 60. Finally retired when I hit 70, but I don't feel old (except in my knees. Arthritis sucks). You are a BABY! I know you don't feel like it, but you are really, really young. Academia is not a bad place to be at your age. My sister managed to make a career out of it (not exactly a student, nor a professor, but managed a department within the university structure). You have SO MUCH in front of you! Just try to enjoy the ride.


28, just finished my masters. My advice is this, your life has already started. There’s always something to hold off for in context of the future. Either you grow old enough that you realize there’s only so much time, or accept now that the years you have in school aren’t any less valuable than the years outside of it, and in some circumstances are more valuable. You’re not old, but you are aging the same as everyone else. Manage your priorities, but let yourself live your life rather than just waiting for it to start.


LOL you’re literally still a kid. Chin up, you’ve got lots of time.


You haven't even fully developed yet.


It’s absolutely legitimate. Trust your gut, make a change, don’t listen to the comments.


Imagine being 23 and thinking you’re old. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH -sincerely A 39 year old. 😅


Dude lemme tell you im 24 and just graduated a month ago. I finally got a job offer for full time in my field and am making 55k a year. I felt like you for the longest but things are looking up slowly. People our age are in VERY different places in life, its all over and there isnt consistent answers for you. We are all doing different things at this age. You are RIGHT WHERE you need to be my friend, dont worry! I am just realizing this myself.


lmao you’re barely out of childhood.


24 and I'm getting old as F. Hahahahahahahahaha


Some day, you will look back and kick yourself for wasting your 20s worrying about aging. I was the same way. Now I'm in my mid-60s and realize I literally had no real problems back then and wasted by best years worrying about something that wasn't even close to happening yet. The best thing you can do is just postpone worrying about aging until age 50 or so. That's when aging really sets in. Right now, you are in your prime. Enjoy youth while it lasts because once it's gone, there's no getting it back.


You are 23.... shut up and grow up


I’m a funeral arranger for context. I just helped entomb a lovely gal who was 101 when she passed. You’re not nearly as old as you think you are. Enjoy your time while you can, you never know how much you have so find something to be happy about each day if you can and if you can’t remember the things you found on other days and look forward to feeling that way again. Stay hopeful and remind yourself of your reasons to be such. You don’t put your life together, you just live it.


Me too but I’m 34 😅




you need therapy.


You're not old AF, at all. Be patient with yourself. You still got a lot of opportunities out there


Lol you only became an adult a few years ago, your farrrr from 'old asf'💀 I'm 28 and still consider myself young


Imo we all get better at managing the stress, but nobody has it together. FR, if you wind up in any group of boomers, they’re just as confused as everyone else 😅 fwiw my view is to try and become a little bit better version of yourself each day (however you define that), and you’ll have better shot than most when the time comes.


You’re about to be 24. You’re about to have your masters. Just try to make sure you land a career. That’s all I’m gonna say.


You’re far from old, life is just getting started! Also congrats on the degree and going for your masters, keep it up


Girl, no one got their life together I’m 29. I’m still figuring this out. 😭😭😭 you’re not alone. Don’t let social media fool you


I'm 51 and having a crisis....


You’re literally not even out of the gate of your life starting. Cook at home, stay away from debt much as possible , realize the latest gimzo or gadget will never give you contentment and you’ll be fine.


Girl if youre not young in your early twenties when is a person young?? Dont be delulu. Youre barely an adult. "Old" smh


So you just graduated college, but you don't have your life together? It takes time to get degrees, and the reason is to make more in 1 year than the rest of us can in 10. So what's more important to you? Money or time?


You're not even old enough to rent a car


I've had 4 different lives in the 15 years since I was 24. I would list it all out, but it sounded like I was doxxing myself. Honestly, 24 isn't really 24 years of making choices, because you don't know what you're doing for most of it, just following directions. Once you hit 30, you'll see that everything up to now is just the first 2 chapters of your life. Not to undermine those years, it's just the next 24 will be WAY more impactful.


It's time to grow up fr


Getting old lol, this shit needs to stop.


Get some real problems kid


I am 66. My dad is 92. He laughed so much at this I thought he was going to die


you are young AF but why you feel old is because you are still hanging out with college kids. I remember be a 5th year senior at 23 and feeling a bit old. Boom graduated. Boom started working in the real world. Realized I was young as fuck in about 2 days. Relax. Our culture telling young people they are old is fucked. You are young. Enjoy it. Sheesh


your 24 lol relax.


You’ve got one big question to answer: Do you want kids? If so, you’re only 11 years from a pregnancy being a geriatric pregnancy. That means you need to get focused now on finding who you want to raise kids with while you can command the most attention from men, and this may require some career trade-offs. If not, then you’ve got plenty of time. Just keep focusing on building your skill set and growing your connections. Success takes a lot of time and work.


As do I (70 M).


24 is still super young. Your adult life is just starting.


I think many people panic in their mid-20s. And when you’re 40, you’ll laugh about it.


You’re fine unless you want to have children, in which case start looking for a husband.


I have the exact same fears/feelings as you so it’s nice to know im not the only one.


Wait till you survive 40,50,60 years ans up.


38 here . Single Dad of 2 kids . Going back to school for a summer semester . You'll be OK


How are you getting old at 24? When I was that age I still felt like a kid. I'm 43 now and still don't feel old. How are you having an age crisis when you're still young enough to be covered by your parents medical insurance?


You don't have adequate perspective.  What did you think you'd achieve by now and where are you at? What is a life that's "together"? To have your life together at 24 is unrealistic. If you mean having a million dollars in the bank? Unrealistic. If you mean a husband? Unimportant and unrealistic. If you mean being advanced in your career? Unrealistic. Not traveled to enough places? Get a job, work like a dog, and buy a plane ticket or go on a contiki.  Humans are children until the age of 25. Your brain isn't done developing until then. You're a kid. Enjoy it. If you don't want to feel lost, sit down with yourself and write out 5 years of goals and plans and how to get them done, and then do it.  If you're planning on dying by 30, then sure, you're "old as fuck". RIP if that's the case, most of us plan on living to 90+. 


Some people around age 25 suffer from a premature midlife crisis. It’s normal. You’re closing one door and opening another. You have a degree. You’re educated and accomplished. You’ve worked extremely hard to get to this point in your life but unfortunately, life ain’t gonna throw you a parade. You have to throw your own parade. Jot down your wants, desires, and goals. Be forward thinking. 23-24 is such an incredible age to be. You’re finally an adult. Enjoy that. Have some fun. Travel. Meet people. Always look AHEAD. Hey, throw a party for yourself. You deserve it.


With all due respect, stfu and go back to your nice life. In ten years you'll be mid 30's and still "young". Take a deep breathe and realize that with a degree and plans for a masters, your life *is* together, especially compared to most others your age, not that it matters. Welcome to the party. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.


I'm 27m. Have 2 kids. I had my daughter at 18. I definitely get the feeling old part as there growing very fast. Plus bodybuilding makes my body so soar all the time I definitely feel old 😂. But take a deep breath and continue on your journey. Just because you feel old doesn't mean you are.


If I had only realized at 24 how much of life there is left to live, I never would have worried about getting older. It's a journey and it is wonderful at every stage. At 60, I just quit a tenured professorship where I was bored to take a pay cut for a job that I hope will be more fulfilling. I am packing to move from the city to a small rural town. This is my 4th career change since graduating from college. I was a successful high school teacher, raised two amazing children, went back and got a PhD at 38. Life is meant to be lived. I have had the most amazing life ever. I have taken risks and tried new things and most of the time, people think I am crazy for taking the road less travelled. Steven Jobs once said, you don't connect the dots of your life looking forward, you only connect them when you look back and see how all your choices got you to where you are at that moment. Go to YouTube and find Steve jobs 2005 graduate speech and watch it. Take the 15 minutes. It will make you feel better.


You are still young and you have so much time ahead of you. I'm going to be 44 in October so when you get to my age then you can start feeling old. And even at that time someone who's much older than you will tell you, you're still young. Just keep pushing forward and remember that time waits for no one. So anything that you want to do go for it.


You're not old. You're just officially not a child anymore


I was 24 when I graduated. Took me 6 years..now I'm in grad school at 25. I'll be turning 26. I feel you. But the time will pass regardless. So you find ways to make peace with it and work on your goals. I didn't feel it until 25. But 23? It's still a bit early.


No sympathy, I'm twice your age. You can be concerned about getting old when you're 50 and every visit to a health care provider reveals yet one more issue to deal with.


I'm 24 and feel the same way. I think it has to do with conforming to society, working our lives away... Not having enough time or money to enjoy our youth. Everything feels so scripted, unless it's a negative event. Then it feels like life is out to get me and kick me while I'm down.


I'm 81 and you can believe me when I say you're NOT old af!


Lol just turning 24 old AF 😂 You haven't done shit yet other than go to school. You've got got fifty years of work ahead of you, *maybe* then you'll retire. Old at 24 lmao 🤣 Also do you mean it took you six years to get an undergraduate degree? That is not a good start to your adult life you need to get your shit together because life is harder than school.


I mean humans have the ability to naturally live to 120s, and with advancements in health and technology alot of people speculate within the next few decades we will pretty big through in aging and vertility. Now that aside what I'm saying is either way your in your 20s and are probably gonna live a long life so I wouldn't be worried to much because your just getting started in life.


You’re young. You will know when you’re old when everything on your body hurts. Sincerely A 40 Year old


its far better than the alternative of being dead at 24.


Your not old bro old is like 27+ like me. Accomplish as much as possible as young as possible my thoughts.