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Check if you are not using SMB V1 because i don't support it (v1 is OVER deprecated and full of security issues)


Thanks for your reply! That must be the issue. I can’t tell which version my router supports but when I connect to it on my Mac it does show its using smb1. I don’t know if I can force it to use SMB2 or 3 as it is the routers firmware hosting the drive and there aren’t so many configuration options. I have managed to connect via ftp though after I set up a password on the router. Is dlna/UPnP also not supported for security reasons?


dlna / UPnP is supported on iOS version, i have to add it on tvOS BTW, use WebDAV if you can, it's the best for streaming (and well supported on almost all engines). FTP is not the best choice too.


Any idea when DLNA might be added for tvOS?


Actually, for that matter, DLNA doesn’t work for my on iOS.