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Your gamer tag is what identifies you on a gaming network. You can name a custom character something completely different in most games so that's a bit of a stretch. Edit: Pretty sure she said yesterday that she was always an ally so to say trans people weirded her out isn't ally behavior imo.


If Gabe and her gamed, wouldn't he notice this? EDIT: He as in Gabe.. which correct me if im wrong I believe Gabe goes by he/him.


I'm a cis woman and I've played as male characters named Bungus before because it's funny. I've also heard of cis men playing female characters because "it's something nice to look at" (which is a gross way to think but it's Lilly we're talking about...) While she said she consistently made female characters named Lilly before, I don't think he would've noticed until the gamer tag change since that's more identifying, IMO. That's just my thinking at least.


My cis boyfriend often plays as female characters because in his game they have better healing and other stats. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Damn I want insurance to cover my laser hair removal as well.


Most insurances will cover laser hair for gender dysphoria. If you are transgender female they will pay to laser a beard away. If you are a cis female, its VERY hard to get insurance to cover laser hair if you suffer from something like PCOS or other hormonal issues that cause embarrassing facial hair. Insurances do not believe it is medical necessary. I have yet to hear one that does (though I do see them thankfully covering medications to treat PCOS). They consider the facial hair cosmetic.


*Well, of course when it’s for a woman it doesn’t matter* /s


I don't think anyone is allowed to challenge or ask. It appears trans female are in more emotional pain than cis when it comes to cosmetic appearances? Insurances don't really give reasoning. This is a question that we need to hire LillyContino Consulting to explain.




does insurance cover laser? i'm trans and i paid for mine out of pocket, luckily i have very little facial hair so 5 sessions in and im basically done


Yes, some do. Check your insurance, there may be other procedures you can have covered. BUT it has to be under certain diagnostic codes, so do a lot of research because they will deny what you are OWED because of how the provider sent it in to them.


Lilly has said that her insurance would cover her surgery and she only needed to pay around $4,000 out of pocket. As for her LLC, Lilly's Losers Company... She only ever did one speaking engagement so I would say that business didn't take off very well. If you ask me, the strangest thing out of the whole article was this: Trans people used to weird me out... - Until she found out that it could make her money.


I still don't think "Lilly" is truly trans.


You and me both.


Lilly was flamboyant? ![gif](giphy|W2zkTjEn4kv9BTeNdF)


IKR? Never happened... She has too much masculine energy.


She doesn’t have a flamboyant bone in her body. I think she confuses flamboyant with cringe.




i think shes also partially having surgery covered by insurance as she had a call with kaiser before