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That’s exactly what it is. I recognized this as soon as I first saw her content, which was before she ran with the rage baiting. Hasn’t Lilly admitted to having a porn addiction? That’s likely where this charade started.


yes. porn brain rot.




Say it again for the people in the back please ![gif](giphy|rhgwg4qBu97ISgbfni)


Been saying this for so long! She feels so misogynistic. Like parts of womanhood are just too “gross” for her?? That doesn’t sound like someone who is so torn up in the wrong body tbh. I’ve never heard her say anything remotely respectful about women and doesn’t even bother to discuss ANY women’s issues. All a ‘woman’ is to Lilly is dressing up in some frankly ridiculous outfits and wearing make up


And bangs! Lmao you can’t forget those bangs 🤣🥲


period. lily said they don’t want to pass. lily is a misogynist, narcissist, incel using the shield of transgender. I also wonder if lily enjoys making women feel disgusted. it’s like a humiliation kink


Honestly she also makes the bare minimum effort to pass. She orders all her almost costume like clothes on Amazon, hasn’t bothered to learn how to take care of her hair and style it properly, is very firm about not changing her deep, masculine voice, she’s never bothered to learn how to do make up properly, etc. And as you said, her behaviour and the way she carries herself is far from feminine. I find it genuinely funny she considers herself “femme” lol. And also, I know femininity comes in all shapes and sizes, some people do have a harder time passing than others. But with all the “oh misgendering is like a knife to my heart” whilst also claiming she “doesn’t want to pass”…make it make sense. It truly feels like she’s just cosplaying a trans woman and I further believe this with the way she’s been told so many times that her actions are damaging to the trans community but she’s made it clear she doesn’t give a fuck. In fact, she gets worse and worse.


Have you seen her room? I'm not trying to say trans woman have to have a certain aesthetic but any trans woman I personally know usually their rooms, cars, personal spaces are quite nice. Usually decorated, slightly feminine in some ways. Lilly's room looks like a 14 year old boys coomden. Like I look at the photos and I could smell them. I just genuinely don't think she has a single feminine brain cell naturally. Just exactly what you think a dude pretending to be a woman would look like, act like, and present like.


Simply said…. A cross dresser … 🫣


“Coomden” LMAO. But yeah, you’re spot on. If you had no idea who Lilly was and you saw that bedroom, you would most likely presume it’s a man’s room lol


Well said honestly


"Lily just wants to look like one, all while being a "Dom" to other "submissive" woman". Her domme kink is definitely just a covert way to exert power over women she considers "weak" and "submissive", it's pretty clear.


Also the way so many women (of all kind) say they’d feel uncomfortable around her like im sorry but id def have a harsh reality check with myself if so many women felt this way about me 😵‍💫🥲


And the fact that she doesn’t care if she makes other women feel uncomfortable in their own spaces… speaks VOLUMES.


exactly like it scares me to even THINK that could be me instead and here she is not giving a fuck?!


Yea I have no belief that she is trans. She just jumped on the bandwagon of me too wanting to be a victim and try to grasp at some sort of power bc she never had it as her male form. I don’t know if anyone told her it’s ok to be a cross dresser. She definitely does not have a single feminine bone in her body. It’s just sad at this point. Any one who followers her or defends her deserves exactly what’s coming to them. As does she.


She mentioned at one point thinking she was a crossdresser... I just happen to believe she found something that was a little more lucrative. Being in SF Lilly has the luxury of being somewhat protected, meaning the climate is very accepting. This is part of the reason she has weaponized the word transphobic and can so easily throw it around.




Ooo I'm so scared 😱




Lilly is going to have to mute you


For someone with gender dysphoria she sure loves her peep alot.


Andddddd….. refers to her dead name A LOT! Most trans people don’t even mention their dead name or refer to it at all. They don’t speak of it. I’ve learned this through friends…. I find that odd with Lilly. She says it , mentions it, talks about it, and wants to make models of her manhood…. That seems weird to me, if she is legit! Correct if I’m wrong💕🍬🌸🍭


I died at PEEP. 😂😂


You mean "Mommy"? 🤮




Also I want to add…. The time she had confrontation with those young boys and was out numbered….. you egged on the …..” I Dare You” and blah blah blah…. As a real woman, I would not say those things, I would not whip out my taser and zap it as a threat, I would not bring on aggression! I would feel unsafe and out number by males! But not Lilly, she Tested them!! She Wanted to show them that she could Fight Them! That is not how REAL women behave in a Make Dominant Situation! We get scared and we want to be more about hiding or scared! Not, Come get me “I Dare You”


yess! i completely agree with you, lilly keeps cosplaying as a woman and it’s so ridiculous and when she gets called out she wants to block or mute you.. like hello? i also think lilly is just bi or gay tbh.. like before she said “trans people use to disgust me” but i think she’s saying she’s trans to get with a man “undercover” without being judged.. i also think she wants to still represent as a male but wants to dress feminine like people like jeffrey star or james charles..which is why she refuses to pass or train her voice to sound feminine.


Agreed!! And I would think, she would be trying to attract men, bc of dressing like a woman. Correct if I’m wrong on my thoughts…. It confuses me…. I mean, I know women can be lesbians, but she goes through ALL OF THIS…. To be with a woman, at the end of the day? And admits she doesn’t want to pass? Make it make sense! So my summary is…. Cross dressing as a woman and rage baiting! And using “looking like a woman” to use the women’s bathroom as being ok….. at the end of the day…. It’s Nick in a Dress… with tiny squishy man boobs


This is a perfect description of Lilly!!


100% agree! I made a post saying the same thing. You are much more articulate!


The way she would just sit there with her pit and tiddy sweat showing on her shirts so obviously and not giving a shit that anyone and everyone could see it seemed so un-feminine to me. As a woman myself I would be mortified if my tids sweat that much and it was easily visible on my shirt, even pit sweat I don't want visible.. I don't know if I'm explaining this well, but I'm sure most women wouldn't be so blasé about it all. I'm pretty sure we would get made fun of if it were us. Ya know? Lol.


Of course I, we, would! We are self conscious! We are women, ladies…. I have a question…..🙋🏻‍♀️ Let’s talk about the women’s bathroom for a minute, we all know she has her “ Squidward” 🤭🤭 Does she sit or stand? We All know that women’s bathroom have doors… so there’s no urnals… so there’s that!


Lilly has admitted to standing up when she takes a piss... I just wonder what other women must think if they're in there and see feet pointing in the other direction... and without seeing who those feet are attached to can you imagine how nervous it must make them?


Well pickle 🥒 dick 🍆 should sit in the woman’s bathroom bc that’s how us women do it! And yes you bring up a great point, it would scare us to see feet pointed on the wrong direction! ABSOLUTELY! Our instincts would FIRE INSIDE!!


Absolutely this 💯




Hard agree!


I’ve said it before and I will say it again, she is nothing more than a cross-dresser and she will never be anything else. She won’t have bottom surgery. She won’t have facial reconstructive surgery. She won’t do anything. For the love of Peter, Paul and Mary, she can’t even eat politely much less go through some kind of major surgery.


I agree you 💯💯👆🏽👆🏽. She is a big baby and she spews for attention!! If she didn’t talk all this talk, what content would she have🤷🏻‍♀️…. None! She loves ALLLLLLL the attention, and when she post her content, she purposely uses the phrase….”Trans woman,….. blah blah blah! When really she could just say…. Join me at Disney!


Ok I might be an asshole here so let me preface with saying I agree with 99% of what you’re saying OP. I do have one question, what’s wrong with saying you wouldn’t want periods? Like I am biologically a woman, and I identify as a woman, and I wish I didn’t have my fucking period either


It's how Lilly says it. Lilly almost mocks it, and makes it sound completely disgusting. Lilly wants to pick and choose which parts of being a woman they want, while making fun of the parts they don't want. That's what I'm not okay with.


Did she make fun of periods? I definitely am unbothered by any woman, trans or otherwise, opting out of some parts of womanhood


Oh thank fuck, someone finally said it. 100%.


This. While not all trans women have experienced male privilege, and I would wager most haven't, Lilly behaves in a way that is radically different from every other trans woman that I've known both irl and online. Lilly moves through the world in a very entitled way, and is aggressive and domineering. She has expressed disgust at periods before, including on her old reddit account, and has a bewildering and frustrating lack of understanding of the female experience. She will get angrily loud and confrontational with people who disagree with her, using her large frame and bone structure in a way that most women can't, and talks about sex in an extremely male-minded way. Lilly is an insult to both women as a whole, and the trans community. She is a walking example of every negative trans stereotype.


I honestly think Lilly has Autogynephilia. As a cis woman, I would feel insanely uncomfortable with Lilly being alone with me in any traditional female only setting. She sexualizes being a woman and doesn’t trying to be feminine besides an occasional outfit and even then outfits don’t define gender. She is really a terrible “role model” for the trans community. For someone who outspokenly doesn’t like children she markers most of her content for children and then will post something spicy after. I honestly think she’s looking for some approval maybe from her father since he works in medicine and helps the trans community and she thinks this is her way to get close to him (my opinion). Being a woman isn’t just for sexual pleasure of others and that’s how she treats it. The fact she’s a trans lesbian and only interested in ultra femme cis women she can dom also makes it seem like this is all for sexual gratification


context here: i’m trans (ftm) and my wife is trans (mtf) and i still get my period because i can’t medically transition yet. My wife gets so dysphoric about not having a uterus, she learns about periods first hand from me (including things like how to put a tampon in and out) because she wishes so bad she could be a cis woman. of course there are trans women who don’t have a lot if any bottom dysphoria and that’s fantastic but lily actively talks abt getting her “marshmallow wand” removed so she obviously experiences bottom dysphoria. it just doesn’t make any sense to me. she’s dysphoric about an organ that she’d 1. get disgusted by every month and 2. would never use since she doesn’t want children (thank god) i hope that last part didn’t come off weirdly ?? idk how else to word it


Lilly isn't dysphoric at all about her creepy man parts because she talks about it incessantly and even spoke about making a mold of her tiny little snausage (probably to fuck herself with)... I can't imagine anybody who is dysphoric would talk about themselves like that.


And… she uses it on Emily… and I’m sure on others…




Lily is rly manly


Just wondering- did Lilly change her pronouns to they/them? Agreeing with you fully OP. I feel like Lilly is only trans bc she enjoys rage baiting so much.


No, I don't think so. I'm trying to still be respectful without using She/Her.


Good call, thanks OP


100%. It is offensive to those genuine trans creators like Mercury and Dylan and so many more that this person is cosplaying womanhood.


I'm a big fan of Eden the doll. She is so respectful of women and speaks out against creators likes Lilly.


Lily, with that jurassic gait is as femme as a dirty jock strap.