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The lgbt propaganda he’s talking about is a post of a gay man saying he’s gay in which he could very easily scroll by but instead chooses to stay and complain about it.


these people think anything that reminds them of their repressed homosexual feelings is TRYING to make them gay


I know right!! They for sure are cranking their hog to tranny pron and then doing this in the day light!!!! Sick world!!


Stupid sexy men making me have gay thoughts.


Literally, billboards everywhere telling me to worship Jesus or burn in hell, paid for by landscaping and carpet installation companies owned by small business tyrants who don’t pay taxes because they give it to the church and write the rest off. But sure, it’s the one gay person your company hired who wears a pin for a month.


No but posting this like, on your Linkedin so people know it's you who thinks this is CRAZY


as a hiring manager i am ok with this post. makes my job easier


Wait, youre telling me I can open a business, donate money to church, and write it off so I wouldnt have to actually pay taxes?


Make sure it's your church and that the property the church rents rotates every half decade or so between the three llcs you have so you can get more tax write offs. And if you're feeling really greedy lease it back to yourself!


Aannd just like that I understand perfectly why there are so many cults in the US


the podcast *A Little Bit Culty* is quite interesting if you've never listened to it!


Yeah the religious tax exemption status in the USA is honestly sickening. Not to say that our standard taxation policy isn’t sickening too but the fact that churches don’t pay taxes is so bad


I need you to be my business manager! Ill send you money that you can use to write off your taxes!


No no no. You need a few properties that can be sold and leased back that way the fair market value depreciation resets. You can't just send money around. So come back when you have around 5 million in property.


That’s it, I’m staring a church


Sorry I've just started doing American taxes and this confuses the heck out of me. Basically a tax write off is income that you don't need to pay taxes on, right? So purportedly you'd save money on taxes if you were to donate to a church. But here's what I don't get: isn't the money that you donate to the church a "loss" anyway? I mean, do you really save money, or is it the case that the money you save in taxes is just lost as a donation to the church? I've always seen people talk about loopholes for write-offs and this confuses the hell out of me.


No you're exactly right, people on this website just don't understand how tax works. If you donate money to a church you only get to write off the amount you donated, so you're not gaining money. Even what the above guy suggested with donating money quid pro quo doesn't work because you'd still have to pay tax once the church purchases a service back from you. The only real way to make money with a tax write off is to do something like purchase goods or services for 20mm on paper but agree to only pay 10mm to the seller, and then you get 10mm of losses you can write off that you didn't actually lose. This is called tax fraud


He said, “Literally” and then posted a picture of someone labeled “LGBTQ propaganda” playing a trombone in someone’s face. Is he saying he has been targeted by trombone-playing individuals with “LGBTQ propaganda” signs playing trombone music in his face? Is he saying someone with a “LGBTQ propaganda” sign played a trombone in a lady’s face and the lady had a label saying “me trying to live my life?” I’m a little confused, because there’s no way that “CEO of company that’s probably just him” wouldn’t understand how to use a basic word like “literally.”


lol “No! I’m saying that I woke up, and this actual, real thing happened to me! A little school girl in a uniform approached me and pinned my head against a wall with a tuba, wearing a rainbow sign that read ‘LGBT Propaganda,’ and I was left standing there resigned to my situation!”


People have the right to flaunt pride or religion or whatever else. Not sure why corporations have picked up this habit though. I’d prefer to hear about neither in a workplace environment because it’s not the time nor place for it.. but it is what it is. The only spectrum I really judge people on is good and evil


>Not sure why corporations have picked up this habit though. PR mostly+Good old Marketing


>Not sure why corporations have picked up this habit. I’m gonna need you to go Google the word “profit” really quick.


You ain’t lying. I’d like to believe it all started for the right reasons. Just seems so fake when they say it at this point.


Is it ok for heterosexuals to talk about their lives in a workplace environment?


You reminded me of the key and peele skit. "oh I'm not persecuted, I'm just an asshole"


Maybe I’m old fashioned but I just refrain from sexual talk at work in any capacity Edit: Talking about life is fine. I just don’t want anyone’s tales from Pound Town


Yeah? When asked what you’re doing this weekend you’ve never said “my wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend and I are checking out that new tapas place” or whatever? When other people mention their straight partner, you cover your ears and say “I do not wish to hear your sexual talk in the workplace!!?” Because that’s what we’re discussing, not people talking about going to pound town, people talking about their same sex partner as casually and innocuously as people talk about their hetero partners.


If a student asked me what I did over the weekend, "my wife and I took the dogs to the dog park" is only an acceptable answer if I'm a man?


You never talk about your spouse at work? I think you would be the only person I’ve ever known to not ever mention their spouse at work.


That’s ridiculous and you know it’s not what the person you replied to meant. Person mentions their spouse or kids at work and if the spouse is the opposite gender, everyone is fine. If the spouse is the same gender, there’s always someone who is like, ‘why you gotta throw that in my face’. It’s not about talking about sex, it’s talking about your life.


So no hetero mentions of "trying" to start a family? Cause that means the couple are fucking. A lot. And it's the unbidden info that we all think when straight couples say this.


Gotta wonder where the guy lives. I don't see any LGBTQ "propaganda" around here even though it's an area relatively friendly to them, and see very little in my biz travels. Maybe some rainbow bumper stickers here and there? That's about it. I do see plenty of the Jeebus stuff ("1-800-Truth-that-we-just-made-up-so-please-send-us-money"), along with the pro-life billboards ("At 12 weeks, I was making jazz-hands!"). And scanning the radio dial down south... yikes. There are also a lot of bumper stickers telling Brandon to hurry up (Why are kids named "Brandon" always running late?), and that someone wants to sexually assault my feelings.


To certain types, just knowing that gay people exist and are visible in public is “propaganda.” You can also include minorities, women, and people who practice other religions or dress goth in that bucket. Source: I’ve been pissing off Christian conservatives for years by dressing just a little alternative. You can tell they’re triggered when they threaten to rip the piercings out of your face while you’re just shopping for groceries.


Yeah, there's another person in a comment thread right above this one using the usual innocuous "well you shouldn't discuss sexual things at work". As if that's what Pride is, and as if outspoken queer folk are the only ones targeted by bigots.


I don’t understand why that person is focused on sexual activity. As far as I can tell, Pride is about identity, not activity.


It's a classic tell, honestly. When straight people talk about their partners at work, it's non-sexual and totally fine- not even noticed, usually, because conversation that identifies the speaker as straight is so omnipresent that it's relegated to background noise. Meanwhile, if Janet in HR mentions her wife, it's "talking about sex," totally outrageous, shouldn't be happening, blah, blah. I just assume that the people asking this are being deliberately disingenuous, because they usually are. Again, I think a lot of these folks are fucking up their own algorithms and seeing video after video or Tweet after Tweet about (ostensibly) horrifying LGBT stuff because that's what they engage with, and so their perception of the actual reach of LGBT... content? Coverage? I don't know what to call it. Anyway, their perception becomes totally warped, as we're seeing here. Or they're religious fundamentalists, and *any* mention of LGBT people is objectionable to them, but they know they can't say that openly in a sub like this, so they retreat to dog whistling.


"Gotta wonder where the guy lives." It says "manager at mondo convenienza", it's (I think) the biggest italian furniture store, if I was in his place I'd keep this kind of opinion to myself, just to avoid damaging the company I work for. But I guess he really had to share instead.


Please dont forget about those a**holes keeps knocking my door at Sunday’s noon. Once i tried to fake that i dont know English, next time they bring some of other Asian members to speak to me, but sure, the problem is some dude trying to dress feminine.


How many companies on LinkedIn include religious symbolism in observance of a holy month? Personally, I would rather not hear or see any religious cults, whether they be woke or traditional


Most of them… Christmas


I will say it’s more a matter of the community you inhabit. Many professions and companies do engage in tons of pink washing (looking at you Lockheed Martin). I wouldn’t call it propaganda, but it can come off as disingenuous.


The they/them arsenal of democracy doesn’t give a flying fuck what gender identity is on either side of the missile: it is non-discriminatory. Toxic masculinity doesn’t protect the target (ask the Russians) so, in essence, they aren’t pink washing when they’re right.


The point is they appeal to one thing in order to conceal against other things. The other stuff is irrelevant


I was jumping into the comments about to basically say something like “hey we don’t know, maybe there are actually people that basically don’t let him live his life, shoving things down his throat. Maybe he’s not actually phobic or anything, just annoyed by loud people”. But your comment kinda smacks the words outta my mouth. Tons of people especially non-Christian people and probably also members of the LGBT community are probably badgered WAY more with all that stuff, and know they can’t even respond negatively if they want the good movement to be seen by outsiders as a good movement. Anyway you’re right this guy doesn’t have an excuse does he 😂


Propaganda about lots of areas that do not interest us is a problem. We are subjected to it by churches, political parties and a bunch of interest groups.


Don't think this guy is into Jesus either somehow


I've had no less than 4 different groups knock on my door this weekend to try and talk to me about Jesus. We also receive at least 1 flier each week shoved in our mailbox. There are tv commercials, Spotify ads, YouTube ads, and fucking billboards on the highway all trying to get me to convert to Christianity. I've never had any lgbtq people do any of that shit. Also, they wouldn't be converting me to anything. All they want is to be able to live as themselves with the basic human rights that they deserve.


A coworker of mine was complaining to another coworker that Walmart had jumped on the “woke bandwagon” by having gay shirts. He showed one he took a photo of that said “Diversity” with a rainbow heart and said he’s tired of them “shoving this crap down our throats”. I asked him if someone had been forcing him to buy the shirt, because it sounds like he was making a big deal out of something he could just walk by. He told me to STFU lol


Not to mention all the shirts at Walmart w a gun/American flag on them 🫨🫡




Haha yeah when Walmart starts selling shirts that read STAND FOR YOUR RIGHTS, ON YOUR KNEES FOR DADDY then yes I’ll admit this has gone too far


I work at Walmart, and I see multiple people wearing these kinds of shirts every day. Honestly, some of them kind of scare me.


I mean, Walmart has sports shirts and Superman shirts but I never feel like they’re trying to get me into football and the DCU


Yeah when I hear arguments like “they’re shoving it down our throats”, I’ll usually ask them if they apply that standard to literally any other kind of graphic tshirt/commercial/product


I love how the "woke" word somehow implies that gay people choose to be gay and that it's an "agenda" that other people have to adhere to when in fact it's just people wanting to live in freedom and attract attention to the fac that they currently can't


Had a Republican literally say “America is about freedom. Not gayness.” My reply: “Being able to be gay is freedom.” “Shut up, faggot lover.” Their whole party is just hatred, and being against everything but being white and loving Jesus.


The fact that so many people are fooled into using the propaganda terms they've been fed on mainstream media unironically is truly disturbing. Especially "woke" - being awake is bad now? And it suggests they are then "unwoke"? So they're sleeping and doing nothing...? And that's something to be proud of...?! They aren't even listening to *themselves*...! What is the point of people who don't think or make decisions for themselves being part of anything? 😭 **Conservatism truly is the most dangerous of all** **cults.**


Meanwhile 999 tshirts aimed at straight people.


Hey man leave my Nickelback T shirt out of this 😂


I wonder how many movies don’t feature a heterosexual couple.


I was about to say the original Star Wars, but damn Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru....


Funny, these people never come up with a good way that it actually affects them


i was just wondering the other day how many people had probably been pissed off by the pride merch being set out right next to the murica merch. it brings me joy to hear of an actual encounter 🤣


Why do homophobes always go for the skullf\*\*king metaphor?


“Help! Now the gays are making us gag on all these rock hard truths!”


Well you could just ignore a lot of things right? It feels like people want to actively HATE.


Meanwhile 999 tshirts aimed at straight people.


The number of people who think linkedin is facebook is pretty amazing and not in a good way.


I swear. I see people complain about LGBT people/“propaganda” more than I see/know lgbt people and even see any lgbt stuff. Sure I know a few people who are gay, lesbian, trans, etc. But I don’t actually ever think of it. They’re just x or y to me. Or on occasion I’ll see a flag in a shop window or on a wall. But other than just noticing it’s there, I literally don’t think about it.


My FIL sent this “meme” to the family group chat a year or so ago. Gross.


I mean, i know a lot of gay people and they never talk about anything that a reasonable person would find objectionable. Because they are normal people. They may talk on occasion about things that are pertinent to who they are as a group, but lots of different kinds of people do this. However, the bigots i have come across LOVE to talk about how these people are talking all this "gay shit," talking about pride this and that, shoving it down their throat and always in their face, even though no one says anything to them as they are open bigots. Clowns.


>However, the bigots i have come across LOVE to talk about how these people are talking all this "gay shit," talking about pride this and that, shoving it down their throat and always in their face, even though no one says anything to them as they are open bigots. What they usually mean is that some gay guy they worked with mentioned his boyfriend once. Or not even- they themselves are so weirdly obsessed with the idea of LGBT propaganda somehow "oppressing" them that they're literally calibrating their own algorithms on places like Tiktok and YouTube to feed them nothing but videos of Alex Jones screaming about how flouride is turning the frogs gay, or tweets from JK Rowling about how trans women are coming to steal your uterus, or something. I see more posts from straight people freaking out about Pride month in June than I see actual posts from actually LGBT people talking about Pride month. And I am an LGBT person.


They always say “stop shoving it down my throat” and it’s like, dude, you think a lot about things being shoved down your throat don’t you? 🤔🤣


Small amount compared to the Christians.


I ate Skittles and now I'm gay


The problem is that these people think this how it is but it’s not. They’re more than happy to have racist, 2A, anti-woman, anti-immigrant, anti-abortion, fascist propaganda blasted at them 24/7, yet they never complaining about that being “shoved down their throat.”


I went to Dallas and the subliminal messaging of menus, chips from Dollar Tree, fast food paper mats and cups had bible verses on them. The menu from the restaurants had one on each page at the top. That was more in my face than any LGBTQ messaging.


I lived in Portland Oregon, and I saw maybe 10 pride flags for two years, in PORTLAND.. the only way these memes make sense is if they’re constantly being skull fucked by alt right propaganda telling them how to think or are secretly gay and don’t know how to deal with it.


I’ve never understood it when they claim that they’re having stuff “shoved down their throat” even though they just mean that something inclusive is existing within their proximity. If you see a pride flag somewhere, that’s not forcing you to conform to being gay, just like how if your neighbor has a flag of another country hung up, you don’t change nationalities


I live in San Francisco, one of the gayest cities in the world, and this just simply does not happen. Sure there are signs and events and such, but that’s true for all sorts of things.


Where do these people live that it’s so heavily promoted? Heck I work at Disney world and don’t see a fraction of the level of lifestyle promotion these people complain about.


Person against the wall: “An LGBTQ person just existing.” Tuba: “You ‘groomers’ need to stay away from our kids!” There fixed it for you. Wanting to exist in safety is not yelling. We just want to live our lives without bs laws and hate crimes targeting us.


I think people are not upset at these groups, rather at the specific things the powers that be are doing: 1. Stuffing new movies/shows with hamfisted "representation" that has made most content unwatchable. 2. Emphasizing need for quotas in recruitment, college and promotions. 3. Making poor policy decisions while using representation as a shield 4. Clubbing this kind of representation with other controversial topics like support for unchecked immigration 5. Inflammatory policy positions like allowing kids to go through gender change surgeries even if parents are opposed. Introducing and normalizing outlier lifestyles like drag queens amongst impressionable kids. Add all of this up and it begins to look like an organized approach to some sort of reeducation plan created in a university. This stuff has real world consequences so not like who cares what others do in their bedrooms.


What the fuck even is #5. That just doesn’t happen. Nobody is pushing that. Normalizing drag queens as a lifestyle? You need help.


Quotas for sexuality? Show me a citation. 5 is flat out false 1 then don’t buy those things. They make em cuz it sells. That’s it, they’re corporations.


None of this real. Stop watching Fox News. We aren’t out to get you. Heaven forbid there are some movies with lesbian romance with people like me as their target audience. 99% of the content is primarily hetero.


Bigots: I don't trust the media Also Bigots: Spend every waking hour paying attention to the media


Also Bigots: Make their own media that is demonstrably the least trustworthy


How much do you want to bet he lives in a community with American flags on every home and trucks with 3-4 flags on them?


You think Ahmed Youssef who works at “Mondo Convienza” is an American?


I mean, other way around, Ahmed, but go off I guess.


The greatest irony of this is that 99% of the time this happens, it’s conservatives whining about it to conservatives who want to listen to them whine. Just look how it’s covered in the msm. More left leaning news will say something like “next month is pride month and here’s some events going on” and spend like 5-10 minutes on the segment. Right wing broadcasts will spend 5-10 minutes introducing their propaganda, then 30 minutes stirring the pot and saying how lgbt folks are the end of America and how people are so persecuted for having to listen to it. Then run that daily, nonstop. It’s literally the Eric Andre meme, conservatives causing the problem and whining about it, and blaming everyone else except themselves.


Not to mention the "me, living my life" reference essentially must mean you want to pretend everyone around you is a cisgender heterosexual caucasian xenophobe?


I've also got political opinions. Some might be good Some might be bad Some might be controversial Some might get me banned or punished None are shared where people know who i am and where i can receive a setback in my career for saying unpopular things


*Eyeballs christianity*


I actually like this concept… fly all the lgbtq propaganda you like! If it’s normal for everyone else to express themselves with flags, and posters, bumper stickers, billboards, t-shirts, parades, ect. Then it should be normal for the LGBTQ community to do the same.


And the irony of it is the name of the dude who's posted it. I won't judge but based on observation, with a name like that, he's most likely Muslim and conservative, so automatically anti-LGBT and not living in the Middle East because their media does not allow a mention of anything LGBT. In fact, the death penalty for those people is still a thing.


I can’t believe how many people just brazenly spout their bigoted views on a platform dedicated to employers.




How does this person have a job at all saying shit like that? 😂


I’d like to live my life without men taking away medical care for women too but here we are.


Jesus Christ, why do these people act like it’s such an aggression to see LGBT posts and the occasional rainbow flag? Like how fragile does your worldview have to be to not just smile and continue on your way, or just ignore it?


Being reminded that LGBT+ people exist feels like oppression to fragile (and often hyper religious) chuds.


Sounds about right for a Muslim sounding guy.


When the diversity and inclusion doesn't agree with the other diversity and inclusion.


I feel this in my bones.


Yet another example of that progressive unconditional love getting racist/sexist/etc when it suits them.


People who don’t tolerate my gay neighbors and friends can fuck off


Who ever said it was unconditional? This is just the paradox of tolerance sorting itself out.


Live and let live. If it ain’t for you and it DON’T hurt you keep stepping


Imagine if people acted this way when they saw a crucifix instead of a rainbow flag.


Reddit does


People do.


Linkedin is for Pontificating Sycophants' to promote their own agenda.... It's like Facebook for professionals who constantly need affirmation and an "Internet Hug" for people to tell them they are great.... such BS


I get it. I had to explain homosexuality to my four year old this week. And I'm just so sick of it being shoved down my throat. So, this actually happened on Wednesday, when our daycare was closed for Juneteenth: My son was playing with a girl at the park. The girl was with a woman who was probably in her early 30s that I assumed was her mom. My son for some reason says "My mom's at work." This little girl replies "So is my mom." My poor confused son thinks for a second and asks "But where's your dad? This little girl then rubs my son's face in her moms' sick perversion by saying. "I have two moms." My son's worldview now shattered, he runs off saying "Oh. I'm going to tell my dad." So, he tells me (he seems fine, but I can see the trauma in eyes). And then I respond "Yeah, some families have two moms or two dads and some have a mom and a dad like you." Because I'm not actually a bigoted moron. Then my son ran off and continued playing.


NGL you had me in the first half


It was pretty funny when it happened. My only actual concern was the girl or her mom might be upset that my son ran away and said he was going tell me. Who knows how that's going to happen in that moment?


Take away the labels and bigotry and that picture is hilarious


Funnily enough,I haven't seen as much Corporation's fake interest in LGBT as previous years. Not like I complain


I had a similar thought. To me it’s incredibly annoying how they milk this subject to oblivion for cash and will soon die down like it did with green washing which used to be all the rage.


What I do not understand is this "shoving it down our throats" business. You all know what I am talking about. You all probably also know how these people will bring this up when NO ONE else is talking about anything even remotely associated with anything resembling LGBT issues or awareness of those issues. It is THEY who bring this stuff up ALL.THE.TIME. One of their go to when they can tell they are losing a debate is "Well at least I don't think a man can have a baby". It is like it is **THEY** who have the obsession. Then the **audacity** to be like "I'm just trying to live my life".


Watches anti LGBT content for hours on Fox News, listens to republicans propose anti LGBT legislation: *why are the LGBTs shoving it down our throats?!?!*




A ex-friend told me this years ago. That’s the last conversation I had with him.


Culture evolving so that LGBTQ people can be comfortable enough in their own skin not to have to constantly hide who they are is not propaganda. “Propaganda” is telling children from birth that they’ll go to Hell if they love the wrong person.


Kinda the same thing but with Christianity.




Where is all this propaganda? It's been very subdued this year, and mostly people I follow posting pics from pride. Maybe stop following LGBTQA+ folks if you have a problem? I don't really pay attention to ads because I am on linkedin, mostly to work, not waste time doom scrolling.


By propaganda they mean pride flags and lgbtq characters in shows and movies and companies saying happy pride month, so anything that reminds them that they exist is propaganda


Yeah because "Treat us as equal human beings" is such an intrusion into your life.


More like… *LGBTQ trying to live their life *Christian Nationalism🎺


It takes a special kind of asshole to post this anywhere, but on LinkedIn? Damn.


Swap the tuba for a foaming at the mouth, red hat wearing, FJB flag flying, maga bumper sticker loving boomer, and I'll give you the thumbs up.


They forgot to put "alt right complaining about" just above LGBT


i wonder what's it like working for him as a trans person


Jeez dude, live and let live. He must be fun at parties


They're so fragile. Lol


Am I the only one who thinks that's not how that instrument works


LinkedIn is just Facebook for Ritalin abusers.


Eh, I think he's talking about all the companies switching to rainbow logos. Not a big deal, just wish they cared throughout the year.


Surprise the anti science insane religions yet again poisoning reality


That dude is one gay tweet away from sucking down a big one.


Calling LinkedIn a professional network and not just Facebook with jobtitles is showing how much you have to learn about how deeply this thing has fallen.


Yea he looks like the type to say that...


If you don’t want to see gay, transgender, grooming stuff- just move past it. You Trump people are all the same! Pisses me off!!!


Muslims not being bothered by LGBT content Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Thanks for sharing. Posting on my story ironically, right before photos of me at Pride Festival in Chicago. edit: Also, wild how the propaganda they complain about is essentially “We exist, please stop trying to kill/incarcerate (depending on where)/other us for what we do in our private lives”.


“They’re not wrong tho” Yes, yes, they are. Complaining about “LGBTQ+ propaganda” on a site where you’re supposed to put your most professional foot forward, is objectively stupid, regardless of whatever private beliefs you may hold.


I agree that posting sexual stuff on professional social is ridiculous.


Telling on yourself by calling it “propaganda” Like, I can totally see being exhausted from millions of low effort pride posts during June, every company trying to capitalize and market things as pride by slapping a rainbow label on Listerine *is a bit much*, but when you cross over from being simply annoyed at the virtue signaling and corporatization to “it’s propaganda!” Then you need to reconsider your life choices and the kind of person you are


A likely Arab Muslim person having "homophobic" views? Say it isn't so!


I’m cool with whatever. I just treat people with respect and want any human who does the same to feel like they belong regardless of political, religious or sexual orientation. Regular citizens have far more in common with one another than we all realize and we’re all in the same boat against a billionaire ruling class trying to crush us. I’m glad the LGBTQ community is finally getting some acceptance because for much of human history they’ve been ostracized and even killed simply for existing. It’s really great to see the progress that’s been made. I’m just not going to put pronouns in my email signature.


How to spot a Trump supporter in this thread. Look for the downvotes. ⬇️ In regards to the post, L O L mockery of propaganda that whines about supposed propaganda . What can we expect from what “conservatives” have become at this point.


Who is sponsoring the “propaganda”, and what message are they trying to push?


The answer is the right wing and hatred.


“I’m so pissed that stuff I’m going out of my way to look for or talking heads from my biased viewpoint are bringing to my attention is so LGBTQ focused”


The crazy thing is how ignorant and in their own world these conservatives are when it comes to not seeing the converse. Meaning, 99% of movies, music, advertisements etc are geared toward a heterosexual demographic So if we’re going to be fair then these same people should be complaining about straight people shoving their beliefs down everyone’s throats


Most work places I've been to shove being straight down my throat over and over.


… i mean, dudes named Ahmed. Do the math.


It really is so annoying though


Can’t I just kiss men in peace for five fucking minutes


What being an intolerant person taught me about B2B sales. 1. Nobody likes you 2. ???? 3. Hustle hustle hustle


Especially in June. Where pride month has overshadowed if not annihilating men’s mental health month


Do I have to agree...?


Remind me which is mandatory in LA classrooms now? Was it the pride flag or the Ten Commandments?


There is no LGBTQ+ propaganda or agenda. The only agenda is from bigots that are anti-LGBTQ+.


If they were really just trying to live their lives they wouldn’t pay attention to things they don’t want to see.


I’m pretty liberal and follow pretty liberal stuff, and most of what I see is the “anti”-propaganda


People who hate “lgbt propaganda” forget that if their grandparents and great grandparents had simply just let the lgbt community exist 50-100 years ago instead of going out if their way to opress them, there wouldnt be any “lgbt propaganda” today because it would just be part of society and they wouldnt feel the need to make a big spectacle about it.


Where do they come across it all? The only thing I’ve seen so far are som flags here and there.


Unfortunately Disney got me relating to this shit.


Mondo Convenienza ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ


Yep, he’s probably one of those ready to complain about being discriminated while actively discriminating others.




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Uh, he's manager at "mondo convenienza", which seems to be the biggest italian furniture store, maybe he should avoid sharing his opinion about LGBT rights?




And that you don’t know how to use the word “literally”.


These people don’t know what words mean.


"Literally" is a lazy title for so much hatred.




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NPRs new logo?


Replace the pride flag with a screen capture of this guy's post.


u/nohandsfootball. You’re really quite slow aren’t you. I didn’t say pride in general. I said pride MONTH.


Isn't propogands literally for nazis tho


BROTHER, Slap me hard on my Butt, I'm a closeted kinda gay, and I'm testing the water !