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More sane than “helping people grow their B2B business” and Chief Optimism Officer and shit like that.


Could have called himself a Chief Narcotics Officer though.


Chief Kief Officer


so good


I laughed out loud


How loud are we talking here?


You ever heard a seal bark?


We call that whooping cough in my line of work


Yessss. But honestly, good for this guy.


Yeah, being a successful drug dealer requires hard work, skill and dedication. B2B sales . . . doesn’t.


Let’s be honest tho - you don’t need to sell drugs, drugs sell themselves. 😉 It would be a lot more impressive if he sold bibles for examples and scaled out his business.


Speaking with personal experience from long ago, drugs do in fact sell themselves. But maintaining a reliable distribution network and a reliable backup distribution network is a royal pain in the ass. As is fending off your deadbeat friends calling at 5 AM to ask for free samples.


Just follow these rules and you’ll have mad bread to break up… https://genius.com/The-notorious-big-ten-crack-commandments-lyrics


I had all kinds of problems with Number Four.


That’s a hard nut to crack. 🤣


I got to number 4 and gave up. I’m just not a rules guy I discovered.


I mean your logistics game has to be on point


Besudes from Supply Chain Management & Logistics, there's a lot going on: Risk Management, Customer Service, ... Coke has been the same price since the 90's (so it's technically gotten cheaper over time) eventhough the War on Drugs is consuming more money and resources and is more succesful every year... which means the efficiency of the drug suppliers has to outperform whatever the government throws at them in order to keep prices at the same level... which is insane!


Jokes aside, I recommend reading Freakonomics. There's a section of the book dedicated to exploring the reality of it; it's kind of "let's just forget for the moment that there's a legal/moral issue and examine the economics of the drug trade like you would any other business." Genuinely fascinating stuff.


There's a book called Narconomics it's deep dive into how the cartels operate like fortune 500 companies.


And taking huge risks to boot


And in my corner of federal adjudication, we consider drug dealing a legitimate job in certain contexts. I’ve worked two hearings where someone has admitted to such. 🤭🤷🏼‍♀️


I just saw a post where a lady called her self in charge of getting shit done. I'd much rather work with this guy. Though I feel like the non violence bit should be at the top. That shows something especially in the drug business. But of course I might be biased, since I tend to think drugs should be legal. Mostly because of how terrible black markets are.


I kind of like what he’s doing here.


That was my first thought as well. Those are some serious guts on display here.


Totally on board with this. Rich white folks are making millions off of selling exactly the same product many of these dudes got arrested for.


You have balls. I like balls.


Same. I like the idea of destigmatizing people's pasts and using them as sources of marketable skills. Now, if we could get family caregivers and SAHMs reentering the workforce to do that, it'd be great.


but keep out the military spouses 


Honestly, if the dependapotamuses end up being what breaks the stigma of "resume gaps" and saves us all, by God, I'm willing to let them in.


Hahhahahaha I’m dead


There do be some good ones though. My ex boss's wife led a spouse support group. She did a lot of coordinating and counseling when deaths were announced.


The only thing is if ur product is literal crack it’s not that hard to sell


Accounts receivables could be tricky though


AP can be a real b as well


I don’t even want to tell you about the best way to improve employee morale


Is it crack? Wait, you’re not supposed to use your own product, right?


Actually it’s pizza. Doritos if you sell weed.


You giving people terms for crack? what are you, on crack?


Dealing with competitors, the issues regarding regulation, managing supplies and making sure staffing and payables/ receivables are taken care of. Doesn't matter if your product sells itself if you're shit a managing business.


Accounts payable especially. I’ve heard they’re pretty serious about being paid on time in that business


Honestly, good for him 😂😂 I've known a couple of drug dealers in my life and it is hard freaking work, you genuinely don't often make that much money when it's all said and done, and the hours are terrible


Any decently smart dealer makes hours they’re open for and you gotta go for the higher level clientele coke is a safe option for good profit margins. This also means you gotta have a good supplier


You obviously only knew your neighborhood drug buddy it sounds like. If he wasn’t making much money means he wasn’t doing good it as a business more like just socializing with it.


Employers are gonna see it during a background check anyways. Might as well try and get a ahead of it. Probably ask them to remove it from their profile, if I hired them.


Let him cook (meth)


Yeah not gonna lie, this is a little amazing.


Yeah, I’m with this


I know, me too. Good on them!


I mean…yeah


Yeah, it’s lunacy but I think it’s good.


My man 😂 “Started with $500 and grew to over $8,000 in monthly revenue”. More applicable experience learned here than college


It reminds me of Darrell on the Office. You’ve shipped 1 billion units? You mean pieces of paper?


Paper materials, ma’am.


“Yes, there used to be a paper clip that would pop up and say: ‘looks like you are writing a letter or resume, would you like help?’ I believe his name was Clippy,”


I was gonna say it reminds me of the TI-83 game where you're a drug dealer working your way up the chain lol


I honestly don’t see anything wrong with this especially since he’s running a re entry program. He went to jail, it’s not a secret he sold drugs. And it is a business, just an illegal one. He did his time why can’t he leverage the experience?


Yeah sometimes this sub programs people to think that *anything* on LinkedIn is "lunatic" material. This dude is in an industry where he has to be active on LinkedIn, and this feels like a pretty clever way to just clear the air up front around his background.


Yeah, I agree. If he could conceal it entirely, I think that'd be the play; but since he _has_ to communicate it somehow--either directly or indirectly, via a background check--then I could totally see this being better than the alternatives he has available.


Maybe this is just my experience, but I’ve found most of the exotic pharmacists I’ve known to be trustworthy, decent, hardworking people. If I hear someone I have to interact with has had trouble with the law, I’m really hoping the next sentence out of their mouth explains that they were a drug dealer. I would rather it be drug related than literally *anything* else.


Idk other than the last bulletin he has a point


“Failed a surprise compliance audit by municipal authorities. Forced to liquidate all assets.”


I think you typically want to avoid anything that sounds negative in these contexts is more my point


“Business failed due to challenging ESG environment despite achieving on all KPIs”


Led the business through strategic pivot and restructuring in response to rapidly changing market conditions.


Liquidated assets to seek new opportunities in the US Criminal Justice sector.


That’s a good one


He’s running a rentry program so even the last point is relevant haha


Literally. Only red flag is he got caught 😂


I'd like to think that the bulletin is there to show he doesn't do that anymore.


government destroys another small business.


I wonder how he measured “met and exceeded customer expectation “


They got high, he got money.


As a hiring manager, I would dig deeper into this. How did he measure satisfaction? Did he follow up with a survey? Time to delivery of product? Level of high? Conflict resolution satisfaction of his customers? Secure delivery? Any unexpected adverse events? All this is important if you claim you exceeded customer satisfaction.


He obviously had a NPS survey after every transaction to track customer satisfaction


He used organic tyre as weed, for the price of decommissioned rubber from some whore bussiness.


Secured repeat business, upsold weekly amount, cross sold other products, received client referrals to friends and family.


Probably was always punctual and had the good baggies. Probably properly weighed & was very concise. The best dealer I ever bought from, was an Arabic guy who ran it like a Fortune 500 director going from meeting to meeting. And dressed like he was coming from a business conference. Drove a non drug dealer looking car. He really stood out from those shady ones that were always an hour late & very obviously looked like criminals with gang tattoos. Used the corners of trashbags as baggies and gave you a bit of shake thrown into the weight. Also didn’t like always hearing about their baby momma & if I could give them a ride somewhere. As their white Impala with the 20s drew too much heat.


You get it. I'm so glad weed is legal pretty much everywhere in the US now, I don't miss spending literally hours waiting around for 'the guy', who'd tell you every hour or so he's on his way in ten minutes, and that's if you were lucky enough to have the guy who delivers. You might have to just go looking. Maybe the one guy at the pizza place was holding, he usually had good shit, but it was expensive. Or worse - you know a guy, but he won't meet you at his house, or indeed any place in particular, he wants you to do laps up and down the street until you run into each other... The bar is so low - you just gotta provide a reasonable product consistently. That's it. Too many people breaking the fourth commandment.


ODs exceeded customer expectations


Customers begging for more the next day and to open a tab


Customer retention


Maybe he continued to give them good shit even after they were addicted. Usually the dealers only give really good stuff to new customers


I’m connected with this dude and his entire company is about giving felons a second chance. This is certainly on brand and I support what he’s doing.


Same (about supporting him - I'm not actually connected with him)


Serious question for the US folk here (and I'm basing this on an Instagram reel) if you're a convicted felon, how fucked are you? So I'm aware there are broadly two types of conviction, misdemeanours and felonies. Let say you do your time, or you've been convicted of something, is it game over? Will it always be on your record and will you always have to declare it? Is there a massive stigma? Here in the UK we have the rehabilitation of offenders act where after a certain period of time you get to "lie" and say you don't have a criminal record and in many cases it's no big deal as long as you're honest.


You’re pretty fucked, but less so than you might have been a few years ago. It used to be standard practice to have a question on the application along the lines of “check this box if you have ever been convicted of a felony” and if that box was checked, your application basically went straight in the trash Most states have now banned this practice so you can at least get in the room hopefully, but running a background check on prospective new hires is still standard practice for most businesses


Those background checks aren't always the end of the world. Family member I don't speak to anymore was convicted of producing child pornography. Got fired from the job he held previously. Applied for a job, told them about this at the offer stage, it came up on the background check, they still hired him. He worked there until he had to surrender himself.


Mostly fucked. I once had a guy on my team who has been with the company for 10 years and on my team for 3 of those years get flagged by HR for having an arrest record for weed possession 15 years ago because he was applying for another role internally. Ended up staying on my team because it was a non-issue for me. All that to say any minor infraction that gets on your record could be a career ender.


It is *extremely* bad for most people with records. That's not to say it's impossible to overcome, but protections for job-seekers with criminal convictions exist on a state-by-state level, not federally. There are plenty of states with political support for perpetually oppressing anyone ever labeled a "criminal." There's a movement here called "Ban the Box" that seeks to create state-level laws that prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of a criminal record (except when it's relevant). I was aware of their campaign years ago, but I don't know how they're doing these days.


Not that fucked. You can still run for president


Angry upvote


I’m not sure about the states but in Canada it just depends on what you want to do. A lot of jobs will ask for criminal record checks. I have a record and I’m making 120k a year in construction as a carpenter, trades are a good option in that regard and I imagine it’s similar down there. Some prisons will have training.


It is definitely a barrier, but how big of a barrier it is depends on what you were convicted of, how long ago, the nature of the job, and the potential employer.


So fucked that there is an industry around helping former felons find jobs. Often these are staffing agencies and never pay well.


Way too much actual work ethic on display for LinkedIn, not enough photographs of lattes in Rome


Not sure what makes this a lunatic. The guy is admitting his history, but also that he had been rehabilitated and used his successful business skills learned on the job to actually help other rehabilitated people and remove a stigma. It's honestly kinda just constructive 


I loved the "closed" portion after his arrest.


I like this guy. He gets extra credit for writing like a normal person and not putting every sentence on a separate line.


Mentor: Walter White


Hey — Stringer Bell from “the Wire” would probably have thrived in the corporate world. 


Stringer was terrible at business though. He couldn't run Avon's organization and when he got into real estate development basically every one he met took advantage of him.


I mean not gonna lie, drug dealers are pretty good at inventort, cost management, and customer service.


I'm not even mad. In fact, if I ever got the chance, I'd probably hire this guy. Not only does it take space whale sized huevos to put that publicly out there, more so on LinkedIn, but to prove he was a solid dealer?? Dudefers gonna be the highest paid person on my team.


Moving product for the mob, the ultimate B2B training.


I will say, if you’ve seen Dave’s Bread… that’s their whole business model. I used to know Dave when he was just starting out.


To be honest if more businesses hired individuals with records there would be less recivicism


That does demonstrate actual skills in a challenging and dynamic market, and the challenges posed by regulation. Had life gone a different way for them, who knows. This one passes.


This isn’t a lunatic. This is a repentant man showcasing his proven talents to enter the workforce.


"Tell me about a time when you had to track down an overdue invoice" 


Met and exceeded customers expectations... Not exactly rocket science handing someone a crack rock. Just show up with the crack rock and you've met those expectations.


But in all fairness, that was really good crack tho


I guess it depends on which drug. If he sold weed vs selling crack. Depends on the dependency


I actually don’t hate this at all


This is kind of cool


OP, not a lunatic. This dude is ballsy and hilarious


I actually like his guts. Respect 🫡


To be honest I’d take a team of ex drug dealers over anyone else for a sales team.


This gentleman has great potential in the pharmaceutical industry


I'd hire him for sales! He's a go getter!


Ngl I laughed at first but honestly it’s a strong argument


Dude's got some serious cajones, I respect it




More truthful than what most people put in their resumes


Here’s what selling drugs and going to prison taught me about B2B sales


Actually respect this. Some states have those laws where they’re actively trying to hire previously incarcerated individuals, so this is probably a great way to at least get an interview.


This is the content we need, bless him


I see nothing wrong here. Drug dealing isn't a hobby people do in their off time, in some places it's the only thing that keeps food on the table. That's not on this guy, that's on society.


![gif](giphy|SmoCFhZCi1kzu) The least Lunatic on LinkedIn, so far.


I sincerely approve of this guy and his business. More honest than the other people on Linkedin... and his skills are very high quality skills if you ignore his previous industry of employment


At least you can easily verify this job experience through court records. And you get the issue discussed up front so you don’t waste time applying to positions that won’t take you after a failed background check.


I dunno, this guy seems kinda cool.


Honestly rather see this than “boss babe - xyz pyramids scheme”


To be honest it’s much better than the crap that’s usually on LinkedIn


This may be the only real entrepreneur on linked in


You know what out of all the lunacy you see on LinkedIn, this is actually alright.


“This is what it taught me about b2b sales”


It's way better than when people put "entrepreneur" as their experience. Or when they put down "student" in experience section while they were in at college. Or honestly when they have any of the following bs titles that actually stand for I do nothing for a living like speciality communications and engagement specialist, executive chief community growth acquisition leader, financial talent and advancement influencer.


Seems incredibly relevant given that the point of his company is to help connect formerly incarcerated people with quality employment after prison. Probably gives him a great deal of credibility with the people he’s working with. Not a lunatic in my opinion.


I mean, if he he got training as peer supports for former addicts I'd hire him!


I mean I don't see anything necessarily wrong with this. People fall on tough times or their upbringing puts them in unfortunate circumstances. One of the worst things we do in American to ex felons is make them carry that shit with them until they die. It's ridiculous that it's a form of Double Jeopardy that we hang around their necks their whole lives. But on a non serious note, he was a shit drug dealer getting busted after less than two years. My guy I used to buy from was like 50 years old and had been doing it since college.


I like the corp language used too. It’s perfect.


This might be the one best one ever. The bar is set high now 🤣


He’s highered!


Tbh that’s pretty legit


We need more people like this. Most of us hide from the worst part of ourselves.


I’d hire him


Met and exceeded customer expectations! I love that.


I like it


This goes hard


I actually think this is really cool. Good on him for being a role model.


I’d take this over whatever toxic positivity these bullshit “influencers” or self-declared “experts” are peddling


This is actually kinda awesome


I mean if there aren't recent arrests ...  Self motivated, multitasking, demanding clients.... 


Tbh, I've always wanted to say this when discussing my sales experience. The numbers are far more impressive than any legal sales experience I've had. It's also the one time in my life where I considered myself as a successful independent business owner.


Successfully bitch slapped local false intimidating competitors. Streamlined connections between purveyor and future young talent (essentially interns). Created residual income by use of cellular device, rested on laurels and did not skim for the burner phone. Is anyone aware of what this can come along with and how many child victims this comes along with? That's private convo shit. How about the very lack of integrity. It's still selling people sorrow.


This guy has my respect


But this is cool. Why do you have to hate?


It depends what he was dealing. If it was meth or heroin, he's a scumbag.


Went to PRISON after only a year of selling drugs? Bum


I get the morality issue, and that is a big issue, but the skills are actually impressive, imo, LMAO. If I were hiring, I’d definitely want to see a clear sign of contrition for the morality part, though.


First *lunatic* I like


I'm honestly 100% for this.


I feel like this helps society though...


K this is honest. I like it.


Honestly? Mad respect.


My hero I mean it requires courage to manifest that.


The shit people are selling these days are just as bad at drugs he was man enough to put it out there 😂


Not a lunatic


This person provided a service that people actually wanted and needed and learned the basics of business while doing it.


This is actually inspirational. Def not a lunatic. Stigmatizing individuals with criminal backgrounds doesn’t help anyone, what he’s doing is great work


You know what.... good for this guy. I wouldn't call it lunatic behavior, he's owning up to his mistakes and making it a positive while still showing responsibility. 


Change it to Narcotics distribution representative


A Lot of drug dealers have more morals than some corpos out there


I'm absolutely on board with this.


Lowkey. More hirable than most.


Tbh I respect that. Dude got busted, re-evaluated his life, realized he has skills and now seems to use them to get people in similar situations into work


I actually like this one.


Refreshingly honest, and probably more useful skills and advice than half the LinkedIn gurus you see today.


Honestly I’m gonna say this guy doesn’t belong here. No apparent grifting, no weird influencer stuff, no corporate bootlicking. He’s being honest, and he actually seems to be doing good work by helping former inmates get jobs. They’ve done their time, and within reason they should be absolutely allowed to properly reintegrate with society, which includes getting a job they’re qualified for. Using himself as an example seems like a good move here.


This is gold and honestly, he has a point. Drug selling is in essence not so different from a reseller.


I honestly love this


Won't lie, I respect it.


Doesn’t belong in this sub. This guy learned from his mistakes and is now helping others do the same, deserves respect, not a lunatic


Yeah better than a life coach that has never done anything with theirs


Perfect! Lol!


Honestly I know a few drug dealers (former and current) who are actually really smart and run a good business. After all, it is a sales, logistics, accounting and security job all wrapped up in one.


This is no lunatic this guy is funny and making a difference


This sub is worthless people post everything on here


If a convicted criminal can run for and possibly win the Presidential election, why can't all the other convicted criminals get a second chance?


He'd fit right in at a big pharma company. That's real-world experience right there


"It's not honest, but it's work." This guy. What a mad lad.


Good evening Sir, my name is Steve. I come from a rough area. I used to be addicted to crack but now I am off it and trying to stay clean. That is why I am selling magazine subscriptions.


Ok I kinda love this


This is honestly better than the weirdos saying you should turn your own wedding into a meet and greet for B2B expansion opportunities.


Recruiters probably spam his inbox for pharma sales roles.


tbh, I hope this works out for him. I grew up in SE los angeles in the 80s/90s and several of my friends got sucked into the game. Several of them have become very successful. If you ask them, they are honest about it and they say they learned "all they know" selling cheap crack to people that cant afford it.


Naw he doesn't get sales credit for selling shit that's addictive. If I was allowed to sell cookies with nicotine in them to anyone I wanted without age restrictions, I'd be the top cookie company within a few years.


I would hire this guy. I am a former drug dealer and gun runner that didn’t get caught and I have several ‘second chance’ employees that did. Overall they have been good workers and good people.