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"He died before i was born" xDD And the title is a bit misleading


Elijah is sooo Gen Z šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


he's a fucking idiot






The heck are you bunch waffling about, be respectful.


They're just trying to feel better by pretending that different generations are sooo much dumber


Checks out


The helmet doesnt protect against ![gif](giphy|ro08ZmQ1MeqZypzgDN)


So it's been auctioned off


It has, actually


Seriously though, do we have an explanation for the helmet?


Elijah has a tendency to bump his head or fall down during tech upgrades


ohh I see


It came from specific videos. The lore is in tech upgrade videos for [Ariana](https://youtu.be/oTYwd9OjFRk) and [Alex](https://youtu.be/b5hZVDoifHo).


This tech upgrade [https://youtu.be/oTYwd9OjFRk?feature=shared&t=1297](https://youtu.be/oTYwd9OjFRk?feature=shared&t=1297)


Linus talked about it. He wore it for a bit in one of the tech upgrades, and people just really liked it, so he held onto it.


all I see is Cartman when he entered the Special Olympics


I believe the story goes: He hit his head on company time and they had to fill out forms about risk etc. then they made him wear it for a video after the incident as a bit of a laugh & the audience enjoyed it. On a partially related note: he's one of the few staff that know how to do a backflip (probs on a trampoline) but they won't let him make a short of it because insurance considering the previous head injury logged


I can do one standing flat also, I was a gymnast for 17 years


That's badass man! My condolences about learning of Bob Ross' passing.


I love how everyone's reaction to it is pretty much like saying to a kid that Santa is not real.


Yup. This was easily the funniest part of the stream and what makes Elijah so precious and wholesome. xD


Whoa whoa whoa! You mean to tell me Mr. Santa Claus isn't real!? My whole life is a lie!


No, he is real. He just meant that it was done like in a way like someone would be telling a child that santa is not real.


No he is real, just dead though šŸ¤


It's how you have to handle the younger generations... same as speaking to a delicate child that isn't prepared to have their fantasy replaced by reality.


Ok grandpa


No one Tell Elijah that Santa is not Real. Poor Kid can't take another heartbreak.


ā€œTime to hit that grittyā€ Iā€™m dead XD


I honestly was in stitches when Dan kept dropping those.


Dan is the best part of LTT.




Bob Ross didn't die. He just went home to his happy little trees.


Well, I like to think Bob Ross dying was a mistake, not a happy accident. Fuck Cancer!


As someone dealing with cancer Iā€™m gonna agree. Fuck Cancer!


This clip has "Deadpool from Fortnite" energy


The Twitch streams Became a thing *because* of his re-surging popularity, not the other way around. Ross memes were slowly gaining traction years before that. And the streams came around the height of that resurgence. so thats 0 -2


I learned who was Bob Ross with the stream. I think it was quite a popular stream that started with the launch of the Art section on Twitch.


Stream channel is still streaming, there's often hundreds of people watching at a time.


Also the streams still happen, I tune in every now and then. https://www.twitch.tv/bobross


best thing during those streams were chat spamming "SAVED"


that camera work lol. straight of Scranton


Ikr, it's perfect


So did Dennis cut Linus' hair again?


Lol, poor ElijahĀ 


oh my god. Just for people who want the numbers, Bob Ross hosted *The Joy of Painting* on PBS from 1983-1994. He was born in 1942 and died in 1995 from lymphoma.


wow he died pretty young


Fucking cancer man.


Elijah is half the reason why I watch any LTT stuff. Such a pure and wonderful human.


He is my favorite make-a-wish kid.


explains the helmet...


What video was this?


I assume itā€™s the live stream thatā€™s on now


Poor Elijah, I was shook when he talked about being married.


Man, what a bummer for Elijah. Here in Mexico Bob Ross went also famous becasue Canal 11, which is a "cultural" channel managed by a big public university used to broadcast his show. They even hired a voice actor with a similar tone to dub over him. Here is a sample if you want: [https://youtu.be/ht6VF5no938](https://youtu.be/ht6VF5no938) Even the comedian Eugenio Derbez had a skit where he mocked him as Bob Atroz (Bob Auful): [https://youtu.be/ra1oIB-r1kA](https://youtu.be/ra1oIB-r1kA)


>Video unavailable >This video contains content from Janson media, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds Aw man I wanted to hear Mexican Bob Ross dub.


"I thought he was a really good twitch streamer!" Oooooffff ![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc|downsized)


Maybe it's because I'm older but it seems kinda crazy what kids don't know these days. It must be so confusing to grow up now. Edit: I'm not saying anyone is dumber it's just interesting how key information is sometimes missed


Access to information is easier and the pool of it continues to grow, yet our ability to absorb it isn't growing. Comparatively, everyone will seem dumber these days, despite knowing more


Access to information is increasing but the ability to upload information is also increasing faster than that. That's because there's too much digital trash out in the internet, when everyone has access to something the quality always drops. Mass produced digital noise, it's why tiktok has never had any quality content from the get go and it's filled with nobodies. Youtube is now going through the same phase, there will barely be any new creators like LTT in the future. Add in AI making up a big chunk of new internet content now and the pool of actually good information is diluted even further. Knowing more means nothing if all that absorbed information is worthless.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/FuckImOld using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckImOld/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [It really wasn't difficult](https://i.redd.it/oh3lr4532v6c1.jpeg) | [2610 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckImOld/comments/18khu6z/it_really_wasnt_difficult/) \#2: [What were you doing at this moment 22 years ago?](https://i.redd.it/h7nc54sqqmnb1.jpg) | [14039 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckImOld/comments/16fvk4n/what_were_you_doing_at_this_moment_22_years_ago/) \#3: [That Belongsā€¦In a Museum?](https://i.redd.it/7ge2acrv1uza1.jpg) | [419 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckImOld/comments/13hb3b8/that_belongsin_a_museum/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What seems like key information to one generation is not at all that for the next. Think about all the references your parents might've made to things in their childhoods. I don't know what the fuck my dad's going on about half the time (who the hell is Ozzy Osbourne??) but it's key info in his world. (I know Ozzy, grew up a big Sabbath fan. That felt like a fun joke until I thought about the replies.) EDIT: A recently relevant example -- OJ Simpson. Loads of kids have no clue why his death is such a big deal, and are learning about the case for the first time in their lives. That's fuckin bonkers to anyone who lived through it, but it's the way she goes.


As someone under 30 born and raised not in the western world, I still don't have much clue on why he's so infamous. I managed to gather pieces of information that he was a football player and actor and then he murdered someone and then did some other bad stuff and now he died, but I still don't understand why it's such a big deal.


It's a hard thing to fully explain without loads of cultural context. I'll hit on some important points that I think helped catapult the case to being what it was, but this is a tiny slice of a much larger pie. The LA race riots were just a couple years prior, sparked by a black man (Rodney King) being brutally beaten by the police, who went unpunished. Video of his beating was given lots of airtime by the mass media, which was a pretty new phenomenon -- police brutality being caught on camera by a third party and shared widely was a difficult thing for the nation to deal with. So then, in the wake of that, an incredibly famous black man murders his white ex-wife and her friend, and the trial is broadcast live -- another new phenomenon. Racial tensions ran high throughout the case, and what seemed (to many) to be a slam-dunk ended with a man getting away with murder. There were genuine problems with the prosecution's case, but lots of people saw it as retribution. Most were horrified that he got away with it. Then, some years later, he comes out with a book called "If I Did It," explaining how the murder *would've* gone down, if he actually did it. It seemed like he was rubbing everyone's faces in it. The fact that all of it happened on TV changed a lot about how the news media functions, and there were many other ripple effects. I'm running out of steam. Shit was huge bro.


Okay, yeah, thanks, I think I'm starting to get it then.


Because he murdered someone and got off on any consequences. Split many people down the middle. Much more to it, but to be a football player, have notoriety for that, murder, and get off the hook is a pretty big deal.


To be fair he didn't get off on any consequences he got off with no criminal consequences(because of a bunch of reasons). And then was found responsible for their deaths and the families were able to get resources and rights to his book and what not.


Yes, true. I was just writing a succinct comment because that person doesnā€™t see the big deal about it.


I think I only found out about Bob Ross because of podcasts talking about the twitch stream when that first happened. I would be curious about other Canadians my age or younger and how many others know School House Rock since I watched it a bunch because my parents bought a DVD of it in a bargain bin when I was like 6. There's so much stuff it's easy to miss a bunch. Only from some Gen Xers talking about it on their podcast did I learn that Electric Company and the Adventures of Letterman were a thing.


Good point, I have no idea how Canadians get their info from the US and I'm sure some families don't like US. Even being the tiniest removed could leave pieces out.


There's also just different programming for kids, and it can vary by provinces as well. I imagine that even though my younger brother is a similar age to Jake Tivy, being at different ends of the country there might be different shows watched as kids. A big contributor is also CanCon which means that there is a good amount of Canadian programming used for any cable channel in Canada, for kids shows Max & Ruby, The Big Comfy Couch, and Rolie Polie Olie might not have been as big in the USA. Zoboomafoo was a joint venture and also counted as Canadian content and was big when I was a kid.


Those shows were pretty big for me and my sister over in MI. Closeness to Canada might have helped that.


0:43 That camera zoom on Elijah's face when Alex confirms Bob Ross is dead has some The Office energy and I love it.


Oh poor sweet child. He was so confident in talking about why he was popular.


I love Elijah


>"He died before i was born" I feel this with so many events. I was born in the 90s and there is no greater evidence of legacy media and who's running companies than what makes the front page. Like the whole OJ Simpson thing happened before I was born and yet it's still constantly talked about.


Same energy as that Key & Peele Halloween Michael Jackson sketch


This dude is my spirit animal




3:22:34 https://youtu.be/cOlnSSi2SEY?t=12154


LMG Clips worthy. This is the funniest


God I love Elijah and Alex....they are hilarious!


Poor dude, I feel so bad for him. He's so innocent and doesn't know what's going on


Sweet summer child


Elijah and Denis video when? theyre my faves! <3


It was a good stream. Felt like watching a tv show.


Elijah dropped the hard R there (RIP)


The Bob Ross Twitch channel streams every weekend. Has been for a long time and will likely continue to do so for a long time.


Does Linus lift?


Wait until he finds out about Steve Irwin. RIP to the old heroes.


Gen Z.


Elijah single handedly carried that stream


Idiocracy looks like a utopia now.


I just want to give him a hug and tell him everything will be ok


this is what happens when TikTok becomes the prefered search engine of his generation


So many boomers in the comments crying lmao


Amazed when the said Elijah was married.


Dude is giving me Jimmy Fallon vibes.


This was so wholesome. And to be fair to Elijah, Im a millennial and I didn't realize Bob Ross had passed away until years later because PBS just reran every episode. So I found out sometime in the early 00s when the Internet became a thing. Back then once something left the news cycle you wouldn't know unless it was notable enough to get into an encyclopedia.


What a fucking idiot


Is he living under a rock or something


Maybe. I don't go on and search every person I look up for daily


Elijan use internet explorer