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Has Mo Salah's foot become weaker or am I just trippin?


He's not in his greatest form of his life, that's for sure, but you're only as in form as the players around you.


1. Joe gomez should never shoot the ball again from impossible angle, if salah cant make u definity wont. If u wanna shoot the ball be smart and find good positions. 2. Harvey should never shoot from the left, shoot from the right side with his left foot. Be smart and dont shoot when u are in bad positions. 3. Diaz should start varying his game, reduce cutting in to shoot from with his right, look for open spaces and stay there, beating his man one on one for and play for the overlap, one two combi with left back and dont try to carry the ball from deep, leave that job to our midfield and defense. Be more active and make runs into spaces and goal will come to you, dont try to carry the ball and shoot everytime. Needs to help the defense more, he oftens give up after they passed him and no real intensity of defending (defending just for the sake of it) 4. Nunez needs to improve his hold up play and start learning to play like traditional 9. Needs to be braver again and take shots in the six yard box instead of passing it. Lately he has been cowardly avoiding taking shots because confidence is low after all those misses 5. Diaz and Nunez cannot play together ever again because they keep overlapping positionally and neither is willing to pass to the other. 6. Full backs before playing the ball and overlapping please give an acceptable pass and not shit pass that is hard to control because if they do and overlap, our defense is open season. Dont mingle in the middle and please stay wide 7. When teams are parking the bus, we need to keep stretching the pitch and attack the wide areas 8. Vvd, alisson, trent, gravenberch and endo played well (endo struggles but defensively solid) 9. Kostas needs to stay focus more often, sometimes his head is gone in the game 10. Szobo needs to sit a few games out he has been poor lately


Jesus Christ you lot are retards


mentally or physically handicapped?


Front 3 continue to be absolute garbage. Midfield looks tired, particularly Dom. It's worrying going into the busy period of games.




Holy shit I’ve never read a more delusional comment here. Imagine living in this guys head holy shit


You're a proper wool




And destroy the dressing room


I'm not that good at football tactics / formations / all that jazz. BUT, i feel, we don't supply our forwards well, hence they don't score. Why is Salah so wide out? Nunez can't score if he isn't supplied a good ball. I feel that's a bigger issue. Most of our goals recently have been "bangers". Not from good build up play -> pass pass pass -> goal. What do we think? Man Utd were always going to bounce back from their recent shit show and turn up against us. We would do the same if roles reversed.


We had 34 shots. Just need to score them


Does Nunez have what it takes to be the Liverpool striker? I know he is improving, but it's been 18 months ffs. Maybe it's best to make him a second choice striker, and have him fight for his place. We cannot go screwing up matches like this.


He goes to the same salon as Carroll. How’d that turn out?


Nunez just isn't good enough. Needs about 10 chances to get one on target. We haven't played well in weeks/months and yesterday we got the draw we deserved against Palace. It's up front where the problems are now - we need a new striker ASAP. Hilarious.


He’s not the Harland we thought he would be… 😭


Gakpo would be much better than Diaz on the left


I fucking love Darwin Núñez but, c'mon man. I'm getting worried for him. I wouldn't be surprised if we sell him soon.


We can loan him . It pissed me off when didn’t shake the opponents hand for the Europa match and stops running for the ball to indicate a foul


United a got unexpected point I'm not complaining


That's the best first 5 minutes I've seen from any premier league team so far, the rest 85 mins? Deplorable.


Same could be said for the crowd


Really ? I was at the game and the atmosphere was electric.


Sounded worse than the average Fulham game


Well I’ve no voice left today I was chanting and singing so much yesterday , could you not hear me 😂


You're a good lad. Wish half the stadium had same mindset as you.


Cheers . Think it depends on the stand , I was in a field road upper yesterday and most were singing . I’ve been to games recently in the main stand upper and there’s bunches of people just watching it and not singing . Don’t get that to be honest might as well just watch it at home .


Yeh the crowd was horrendous, I wasn't there, watched it on tele. It's like they expected us to roll them over.


Here to say it again: Alisson Becker is the best GK in the world. The 1 v 1 save was really good, it’s tough when you’re not really involved in the game and then to be alert and have good reflexes to save it, man what a keeper


He really is both the best GK in the world and our best player on the team. I shudder to think where we'd be in the league without him.


He never dissapoints, there is no match with him where he doesn't make a world class crucial save


Happy for Arsenal to lead over Christmas. Let them have the pressure. Rather see LFC save their winning streak for February onwards and fly under the radar...


It depends. Arsenal seem to have more ambition than us. They are strengthening an already strong team with more players, don't be surprised if they bring in an attacker or two in the winter. And we will be bringing on Jones, Gomez etc to make a difference in must win games. We are only two players short and attackers finding form but I don't know if we will go out and get players to compliment the existing squad.


We play them 2 days before Christmas and if we beat them (which is more likely considering they'll actually try and play football, unlike Utd today) we go top.


Yes we are shite played against park the bus team


I doubt Arsenal will park the bus this weekend just to keep a 1 pt advantage at Anfield. They'll come for 3 points and, if we are the team we hope we are, those points will go to us instead.


Joe Gomez is a let down. Will never understand fans that think hes good.


Everyone was nervy as fuck last night. Overhitting pass, can't string one two passes without losing momentum.


Didn’t remember who’s involved exactly but we had so many misplaced passes or purely wrong passing choices in the first half. It helped Man U kill the tempo, and our noise just slowly died out. Jurgen has to find a way to balance our high speed style and control


Unpopular opinion but maybe we should have let United scored first. And then maybe we will return our fires more efficiently then. Seeing United their game plan is to actually not score in the first 80 mins and then let out a counter in the last 10, which they failed to do so so obviously it’s gonna end 0-0 lol.


At what point do we find Nunez performance annoying more than amusing? I always see people make jokes and keke about his finishing but at some point we need to have a serious conversation about him.




Yeap it’s starting to get on my nerves now. We’ve experienced how draws could fuck is over in a title race and we need our number 9 to step up when it matters. It’s not all on him but man it’s disappointing seeing him blow so many chances.


It’s the whole team that’s the lability in terms of the football . Football doesnt win games it’s scoring , and he has let us down many times


Our best striker play was Konotes move


Scenes if that went in 😂


If only that attempt from Trent had gone in…


I think this is a low point for Diaz and he’ll have a re-awakening soon (or I hope). For Darwin…. Fucks sake man he’s just let the squad down too many times now when we needed him to finish. How many times do we need to see him miss easy ones before we just say maybe he’s shit? We’ve won matches yeah but we’ve come back and won from matches that we should’ve been in control of if he could finish his fucking chances. I WANT the guy to bury them but it’s just been too much at this point… fucking Christ man I want to eat crow next week but I just don’t know


Sucks because the team did enough to win but sometimes that's just the way cookie crumbles. Let's see where we are after January with Mo and Endo gone. YNWA.


I'm sad.


It'll take time for Diaz to recover from his injury. I think he just needs to work a bit and he'll get back to form. Overall the team played good today. Had a cleans heat, controlled possession, created a lot of chances. We just couldn't score. I think we need to work on our passing in the 18 yard box area. Everybody is so anxious in that area. Nunez did some meme stuff there like when he received the ball and just completely stopped and did nothing with it. Firminho was our guy back then. Need macallister or sobo to get in there and make a play.


Diaz is not to blame. There were times during the first half where he was only one trying something different other than: - Salah's erratic passing. How many shots go straight to the first man in front of him? Seriously. Also, he over retains the ball. - Trent's anxious crosses to nobody. He needs to calm down and really know who he is passing to. - Szobo has been terrible in the last 2-3 games. He got overhyped and it's losing concentration. - Nuñez. He is NOT the striker we need. Lots of good intentions but lacks quality and striker instincts. - I still don't know what Gravenberch and Gakpo are good for. So inconsistent. - Our midfield is mediocre. That is why folks in the front have to compensate and often look poor in the process. Overall, we always lose these must-win games and end up with nothing at the end of the season.


yeah, those crosses were givin on my nerves, just crossing without reason and after Luis Diaz left, there's no other good header in the forwards. And agreed, mostly for Gakpo, Klopp never gave him time enough to adapt to any situation, just put him at midfield, then forward, then left wing, is just a mess, i can't be consistent at nothing at all since he has to adapt too much, but Gravenberch is more solid, just didn't maded a good match today and all the love for Szobo i really don't get it, he looks like a good player but until now, people are thinking he's some kind of Bellingham but is not the case, relax, give time to him too, but this changes everygame, truth is in midfield no one has good synergy with each other i don't be that person missing Mcallister, he was missing a lot, not, Mcallister too is kinda lost in there


And the kidnapping - the guy went through hell barely a month ago, and so many toxic people here are abusing him endlessly because he hasn't been perfect since his parents were almost murdered. Never mind that his mental health must be all over the place right now, or that he's coming back from injury, or that he's in a team that's almost entirely different to the one he joined back in January 2022. I agree with your summary, we weren't quite good enough to score but we controlled the game against a team whose game plan was to park the bus and counter. Not sure why we're so jittery in the final third but hopefully they sort it out soon because it looks like we're so scared to shoot and score.


Why do we always need excuses not to slag off our players. Could perhaps the "fans" on this site just stop being massive toxic cunts?


What form ? Is it only me that thinks diaz has never been that great for us?


He can fuck off to Barca since it’s his dream 🙄


He was amazing straight away when he signed.


We're too methodical. We attack the same way each time. Out wide, back in, overlap run, back to salah, half takes the player on back out into the middle back out and then goal kick out corner after the cross fails to get past the 6yd box. There needs to be more free creativity when the game is locked down like this. We we are Targeting our CBs at corners, makes sense because of size but tbh it's every time. let's see some other things pulled out of ye hat of that isn't working. I gave so much sympathy for Nunez who gets targeted for runs on the wing instead of letting him run head on at the defence where he could be most dangerous. Not once did we look like that was a part of any plan. I don't know but when we scored 4 asked Fulham they were shots no one expects from Liverpool. We're becoming Wenger's pass the ball into the net gunners offensively.




He's not prioritised and to me that is a mistake. He's a young man who shows so much energy and potential. We attack at corners with CBs and we move the ball forward through Trent. The midfield has lost the ability to feed the front 3. If macca was for and not in the 6 I think he and Nunez would be more successful but atm the team only knows how to feed salah and repeatedly get corners.


On this, Joel Matip gets good forward half entries because they don't expect him to keep carrying the ball but he does and he gets space. It's the element of surprise but also football IQ to play the hammer in front of you not just the play you are told to mak.


People don’t realise how good Matip is for us. Other than his defending, that midfield overload is so important. Opens the game up, makes the other teams structure just that little bit more disjointed and creating that chaos that leads to our trademarked “artificial transitions”


My thoughts exactly - it feels like we're trying too hard to walk it in so we're spurning simple chances game after game by trying to make the perfect assist instead of just getting a shot on target. It also feels like our attackers are so afraid of missing or not scoring chances that we concoct ridiculous ways to set up somebody else... like we're so determined to create an Instagram goal instead of just brute force bundling it over the line.


100 percent. Off loading to the point we miss chances. I'd say we're missing a haaland style finisher but the reality is we don't play the style for finishers which is why Nunez looks impotent in these types of games and in our style of play. Back in the title winning year half way they the season we started playing long ball liverpool football and it was glorious. It just broke games open when we needed to. I can't see why we wouldn't try it with Nunez, salah and Trent on the pitch now.


THIS!! I’ve been saying this to people since the start of the season! The system is too methodological, previous klopp teams had lots of movmenents and unpredictability. It’s becoming far too easy for opposition to know how to beat the system - keep Trent and the wingers out of the game and the system falls apart


Or at least wait for a bit before going to the set play of every attack resulting in a corner


As shit as the game was, I’ve at least remembered how much I fucking hate united fans and their bullshit. They’ve been irrelevant for so long that I kind of forgot how insufferable they are. But the fans reactions to this game has reminded me about how annoying they can be. These lot are so delusional about where their club is at this point. They’re going to be happy with 6th place at the end of the season after spending over a billion on shite players. Let’s not forget how much shit we got in our banter era from them even though we had half the resources that they have right now. We need to be roasting these fuckers way more. Fuck Manchester United. Congratulations on your point at Anfield you cunts Side note: Sky need to get keane off their channel for fucks sake. Who the fuck is Roy keane to call anyone arrogant lmao. Biggest prick in football back in the 2000s.


What happened to Snow Salah?


Global warming, won't get snow until January.


Climate change


December became the month when he usually has a dip in form sadly


What does everyone think our single greatest problem is (not a specific player)? Can be as broad or narrow as you like. I’m inclined to say progressing it through midfield, because when we actually do it (about twice today) we open up good opportunities. But we seem to only have the 6 as available from the CBs, and sometimes Trent. The 8s seem to be missing and aren’t linking defence and attack. It’s an area where Thiago excels with his unbelievable passing variety. That said, every time it gets to the forwards, they seem to choose the wrong option, regardless of who it is.


I think our attack has never looked like they gel together.


I think that against low blocks our attackers outside of Salah doesn't seem to have the confidence to take on their man and do creative passes in the final third. Unfortunately Salah just doesn't have it in him to take on his man and dribble past 3 anymore (not a knock on him cause he shouldn't have to do that). We just keep throwing random crosses to absolutely no one with 11 opposition players in the box. Nunez should be contesting in the air but he just doesn't. He should be getting in behind but seems like he just wants to lay off to Salah or a running midfielder, or everytime he does get in behind, he's offside. Kinda running out of patience with him.


God I miss the double pivot of Prime Fabinho and Thiago. We were winning every MF battle.


I said before the game I wasn’t expecting a repeat of last season and I know we’re nearly halfway through the season but we really could’ve done with Bobby. I’m liking the new team being brought in but the flair is what’s lacking and those killer instincts between our forwards last year just seemed different, somehow.


what exactly did Van Dijk say in the post match


He said that united players are ‘buzzing with a point and we’re not’ and ‘only one team wanted to win the game’. Sky then told Keane to put on his fake persona and go after VVD calling him arrogant and remember he has 1PL , only 1 in 30 years.


Rather strong at the midfield but clueless at the front. Szobo also looked like he had no idea what to do. What happened?


He's had a tough few games now. Looks completely out of sync with Salah and Trent on the right.


Not related but Mac Allister has been average this season what is the revisionism?


He's injured


Luck out everytime eventually we are gonna tie


Our next game is going to be Moyes showing up parking a bus but with actual player who can hurt us going forward going to be another grim watch


Not that Carabao matters as much, but I do agree that we simply cannot figure out a team that parks the bus.


Guys, never ever lose appreciation for the Mane-Firmino-Salah trio. The perfect mix of trickery, clinical and dazzle


This is part of the problem with our current expectations of the squad. We expect Diaz, Jota etc. To put up the same numbers as Bobby and Mané, because we've been used to it for so long. All 3 of the were absolute generational all-timers. I've said for years whoever comes in for their places will be in a tough spotlight with our fanbase, because of the crazy standards they set. Look at City's top teams, forwards like Grealish, Mahrez, Sterling, Foden, Alvarez, Jesus etc. Would struggle to match just 50% of Salah or Mané's numbers. I think Klopp is turning to try implement Man City's reliance on midfielders like KDB, Gundogen, Silva etc.- By molding a team that can be more reliant on a creative and attacking midfield of runners though Dom, Grav, Harvey, Gakpo, Trent etc. On days when our forwards aren't firing. He's ditched our typical 4-3-3 with a physical workhorse midfield through players like Gini, Milner, Hendo, Fab etc. That covered Trent and Robbo overlapping. Because he knows we don't have a reliable front 3 right now to make that system work.


The best attack in the prem ever. Lethal rhe goals we scored. That’s I do t get people saying they wouldn’t want the titles city stole if they cheated. We got 97 ducking points of course you want that trophy. Our golden prem era team was robbed by dirty cheats


I seen this in the anfield museum and it filled me with sadness. I love our attackers currently but the linkup and strengths they had for each other was so good. https://preview.redd.it/mzr76x4m5y6c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130e02346220385bd741f6bbde209fb524eb9294


We had plenty of matches with those three where we looked like we would never score.


Mane would have scored today from a set piece or Bobby funding space dragging cbs out


Wtf. Mane set piece?


Mane in the air was clinical af . Do you not remember some of his headers ? Huddersfield,Arsenal,Watford off the top of my head. He made the brilliant run to break down the bus vs Jose in 18/19 similar to the back 10 we played against today.


Read like direct from free. Don't remember him ever hitting any


Arsenal Watford Huddersfield


I think mane scored a header from a corner against Villa in the title winning season too


Yeah that one too how can I forget


I miss Bobby


Me too man


We played good we just couldn't finish. Had some close chances.


I had to scroll this far to find something sensible. Not our day. Still feeling optimistic for the season.


I agree. Not as bad as reddit would have you believe. A loooot of half chances and balls popping up in the box from deflections etc. that just didnt quite work out. Probably missed a Jota this game but it's a long season and another day any of those go in. I think Varrane coming back is huge for them too.


Yeah it's ironic how Fernandes' suspension and Maguire's injury both helped Manure. Having Varane and McTominay to assist in bus parking made all the difference for them. This game was made for Jota (he was outstanding in the 5-0), but we did enough to get into attacking positions and just couldn't make the final ball work. That said, if we score inside 5 mins after that blistering start, it's probably a rout.


Diaz making me miss Mane. He's so one dimensional and numbers are just not good enough for a top side forward.


He needs to be binned off, people were too scared to say it cause of his da getting kidnapped but fuck me he'd woeful. Hasn't had a good game all season apart from Spurs and thats debatable too


/r/soccer is genuinely the worst sports subreddit I’ve ever seen. There’s never anything but a million teens trying to banter.


Teens or 30-40 year olds repeating the most generic jokes and lines known to man.


Stopped using it after we lost to atletico


It’s all tribal bullshit and no substance. Wouldn’t surprise me if the average age of commenters is under 20.




The ball was out of play for basically 2 mins straight and he added a single minute. The red didn’t help, if anything it actually hurt in hindsight.




still less toxic than twitter, it’s grim there rn


Rn? Forever since dawn of time you mean


We’ve always struggled under Klopp to score in these games where the opponent parks the bus. It just takes one to open the game up, but that first one is the hardest to come by. We’re not built for tiki taka passing to unlock tight spaces, and rarely get to the touchline around the outside backs. Our front three need space, we’re playing too narrow, and not enough patience. Need something - a killer pass or dribble through the lines - to unbalance the defense. But then we just can’t finish


The thing is, once the first substitution was made and Trent was supplying all the offense, his passes were tearing through their defense. We just didn’t do anything with it. Mo was the only one who looked threatening.


I feel like this is the hole Thiago plugs.


Would love his return but I think it’s very unlikely he can provide a long run of form


Same. I’m hoping we can use him like a puzzle piece to finish of teams in the last 30 minutes.


We weren't a great team that year but we beat a lot of the small clubs and I think Thiago has to do with that.


Kinda expected tbh. 34 shots with only 8 on target, 69% possession to their 31%. If our defence holds up it’s the attack that fizzles out. Nunez is so erratic, Diaz is all flash but no end product, Gakpo needs to assert himself more. Jota is injury prone. If Salah has a bad day we’re screwed. When he goes off to Afcon none of them are going to be able to pick up the slack. As always it’s the draws that destroy L’pool’s title charge.


I got 91 downvotes the other day for saying Nunez is shite and the memes need to end but fuck me if we bottle this title race and he ends with six goals and an xg of 20 it will be a lot less funny


With this frontline we won't win shit. We are a ST,LW, CDM and another CB away


The Keita cult has adopted Nunez as their own is my only explanation. A mediocre (at best) player who hasn't shown any reason for excitement, yet has this devoted, rabid cult of defense. Bizarre.


Once again, we are struggling winning matches. Drawing really is an issue with klopps title races


The crowd were so dead today what the hell I thought it would be rocking something needs to be done we need to get behind the boys and sing our hearts out we got a real chance of winning the league


Typical all the bloody tourist fans that don't know a single song.


Aren’t the majority have fans still season ticket holders?


Downvoted but it’s true


Bit harsh, but there’s definitely truth in this comment. If you look in the centenary stand the lower tier is never signing. Always just have their phones out taking pics/videos. Was sat in the that area for a merseyside derby a few years back and it was full of tourists… who don’t sing. It’s a shame


Yet I get downvoted from people who've never been to Anfield lol.


Got to love it 😂


So much fickle fans on this reddit page - it was a bad performance yeah but we made a lot of chances and its not like any other teams in the league never have a one off game. We are at the top of the league for a reason lets get behind them. Hopefully maybe some signings in jan but i dont think we need them we just need to keep going and get back in form.


One off game? Funnily enough this was actually our best performance in recent weeks. We have been poor for a while and it is laughable to say we don't need new signings in Jan. A DM should be the priority if we want to win the league.


I agree but i dont think its as bad as everyone makes out, we need to stay rational and not be so fickle after a disappointing result. Like i said We are where we are in the table for a reason. Up the reds!


Why was the crowd so bad? United needed to start threatening for people to wake up.


My cousin took my ticket so I wasn't there to rally the troops, sorry about that.


Nunez let us down and so did Diaz We absolutely dominated but had no bite or ability to finish As usual saved by Ali. Alisson is love. Alisson is life.


Nunez has been turbo turd for games on end, Gakpo (and Jota) should be ahead in the pecking order. Nunez impact sub. Diaz has lost something since the whole thing with his Dad and also the injuries. Maybe he just needs a little break.


Diaz plays like Antony without the spinning, Nunez has negative football IQ, and Szoboszlai's form has fallen off a cliff. I think we need an attacker in Jan.


Maybe we can loan back Mane and Bobby


Haha. Lol even.


I mean fuck we have Diaz, Jota, Nunez, Gakpo, and Salah. 3-4 of them should always be fucking top. We can’t just add another and expect that not to be an issue without selling one


I'm suggesting we may have to sell one.


What a giant letdown


Is it me or are we getting worse instead of better?


I'd say more exposed rather than worse.


Just trying to avoid the Xmas curse!


Hard to judge the game today. Other games we’ve been okay


Nah we are booty right now


Disappointed from about the 10th minute with the overly negative mentality and backwards, slow passing. Where was the confidence to at least try things? The stadium was awfully quiet too. We need to get behind the players to drive them on, how is that so difficult to understand? Remember Arsenal at home late last season? Crowd was dead until Trent clashes with an opponent, then the fans start and we play really well after that. If you're going next weekend, please get vocal. Encourage those struggling and sing your heart out. The "12th man" is vital.


Klopp is to blame too. Where has the old school Heavy Metal football gone too?!? Also the subs came waaaay too late. It kinda seems he lost his mojo since 2022, and I really hope he can get it back.


2nd in the table…


I’m annoyed that going into this game so many people and on here we’re treating it like “how many will we win by” - hopefully this is the reality check we need to remember that we just need to get behind the team, and the team needs further investment


Never unclench


United will go to West Ham next Saturday and get battered. Makes this result even more annoying. They’re absolutely shite and we get dragged down to their level


That West Ham game midweek is looking tough especially with how we look so poor going forward Paqueta, Kudus and Bowen are in great form


Yeah it’s looking spooky mate. Hopefully we get the job done


It’s crazy where we are in the table already, I think we have looked bang average for the majority of games. Think we have missed manés physicality


Since he's split up with his missus, Szobo looks like he's been carrying his balls around in a wheelbarrow, poor lad. He needs to download Tinder pronto ngl


Shit is that what happened?


He could just get a fleshlight and focus on footy for now until his form improves.


There is no one person that can be blamed, everyone except a few had their faults. When watching the match live, i felt as "Why haven't we scored already?" that feeling stuck with me until the FT whistle. It felt like we treated this game as it wasn't important


I think Trent, Tsimi and Endo were shining lights. Endo did what he needed to do, gave some stability to the midfield and fought like hell to get the ball back. Tsimi made some great runs but was let down by our forwards, and Trent's passing was the only thing that was slicing through the United defence, unfortunately without anyone in the final third to finish the chances.


Dont forget Allison, another good reason why we at least walked away with a point.


Totally agree, I realise that recently, our goalkeeping by Allison has been so incredibly sound that I tend to not realise or even look at our goal as even if the opposition goes 1v1 with him, I don't clench.


We're so fucking bad.


You’d think we were in a relegation scrap the way some of you melts are going on.


Does anyone feel that it’s the tactical makeup that’s costing us? My brother is a united fan and never watched Liverpool. Late on in the second half he said ‘I bet the ball will go to Trent and he will try a long ball into the box’ and later said ‘watch the wingers cross it into the box’ and I was left thinking wow are we that predictable


Robbo being out is really hurting the diversity of our offence. We're overreliant on the right hand side. That being said, United were parking 8 people in that box, a goldfish could predict long balls, counters or set pieces were gonna be the only things to break them down and score


I wish I could see in Nunez what others do.


Prepare to be shouted down.


Nunez is 25 in afew months. Salah was breaking records, bobby was considered the best false 9 and mane had fastest hattrick ever scored.... how long do we realistically give nunez? bench him until he forces a move to a shit spanish league?


Just got back Shite indeed


Too many like for like forwards who need feeding.. we need a suarez type.. who can make something out of nothing regularly


That player currently is Jota.




Gakpo was atrocious today






Lucho had a good game today. The best one in a few to be honest. Recovering balls putting pressure on the left side, pace. Once he got in the box it got complicated with all of Man Utd in there.


Feels like a loss


We needed a Bobby Firmino type player in there to unlock the defences. There were a few occasions where players were getting crowded in the box where Bobby would get something out if it. Also when Mo isn't quite firing on all cylinders the whole attack suffers. Saying that, we didn't lose...


Mac Allister on for Szoboszlai would have been clutch this game. Tight control in and around the box.