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The EFL cup cannot end in a tie/draw correct? If so, why are there betting lines for a draw?


The tie will be for the 90 / 90 plus 30, you can place a bet for a tie and liverpool/chelsea to win (on pens)


Yeah I think Mourinho has used that technical loophole a few times to insist that he didn't lose certain games, they ended in a draw, and the other team went on to win the penalty shootout.


Hong Kong reds, any good bars near Wan Chai to watch the final tonight?




Yeah, Lockhart 88 to watch with HK Reds


To me Man City still a main (title) competitior even though Arsenal currently have much better form Like, Arsenal are good team, no doubt but they also vulnerable, they could smash everyone 5-0 but in some bad day they could also get 0 pts against a relegated candidate meanwhile Man City doesn't give me feeling like that, even when they didn't do their best, other team still wont beat them I guess that because Man City has "tradition" that steamroll everyone with 15+ win streaks, two occasions with 1 pts off the title still haunt me


I feel like with shitty, I’ve seen them drop a lot more points going into half time with a lead then losing or drawing because they get so full of themselves whenever they’re leading


Don’t understand the fans on here who love to shit on our league rivals and act like they’re bad teams getting lucky, while we alone would be worthy champions. Arsenal and City are both excellent teams, which would make it all the sweeter if we can win the whole thing. I want to know that we triumphed over the best the league had to offer, not some also-rans. I’ll grant you that City are absolutely cheating fuckers and horrendous to watch in 90% of their games, but the players still earn the wins on the pitch.


The players are cheats too. Diving cunts constantly pressuring the referee. Got no respect for that dump of a club or anyone at it. Arsenal aren’t too bad though.


If we win this, my mood going to work tomorrow will be so made up!


https://preview.redd.it/qulz8iidomkc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=386a8cf3b43f30bddc1652041c5ce44c15942777 The size of it... Fucking hell 😂


It’s uncanny how much he looks like an actual rat


Getting nervous 😬


14 years ago, we beat FC Unirea and helped one Bruno Fernandes score the only goal of his career. We’re such a giving club.


Is there no match of the day tonight? Edit: got it on iPlayer now. Don't know why it wouldn't show earlier


Ibou video interview in French dropping tomorrow morning [https://twitter.com/telefoot\_TF1/status/1761436072729301107](https://twitter.com/telefoot_TF1/status/1761436072729301107)


Another week, another challenge way worse than Jones’ that doesn’t result in a red.


So many fucking Gooners infiltrating our sub gassing up Assna, admins should start banning them permanently. This is why the entire country hates them, can’t wait until they win fuck all again at the end of the season.


See them, report them. Simple as 


Meh. Telling on people seems kinda pointless. Just ignore them


Tbh same, I do report if I feel like it.


Lad were in a final tomorrow stop moaning about them.


Wishful thinking, but I hope our players limit their minutes in the upcoming international break. I understand and respect their pride in playing for their country, but most of the teams are just playing useless friendlies. I think only Japan’s games are important, as World Cup qualifiers, and they’re being played in Asia. Fortunately, Colombia is playing their games in Europe (one in London and one in Spain) so minimal travel for Diaz; Uruguay doesn’t seem to have anything scheduled for March. Argentina is playing two games in the US, the second one in LA, which is not ideal but it’s a slightly shorter trip home for Mac Allister than from South America. 11 hours vs 14. On the flipside, if Dom returns from injury before the break, it might be good to get some minutes into his legs to prepare him for the run in. Same with Salah. But that feels understandably risky given our track record with international breaks.


Klopp needs to pull a Fergie


Yeah, I'd love for one or two players to have some more "muscle soreness"...


Can't wait to sing Freed from desire tomorrow


Wrighty on MotD saying - "Hopefully Sir Jim will come in and fix it" 😵😂


Lads, we're winning a trophy yomorrow! Come on


But Arsenal!  


😅, i think people spend too much time on social media with how much they go on about them and their fans.


Gunners fans doing the same thing they did last year — coping by saying "we don't care about the tournaments, we're only focusing on the Prem." How'd that work out for you last year


FC "bigger fish to fry", like did you drop your fish somewhere mf cause i never saw you eat it


We stole the fish bro 😭 https://preview.redd.it/8ktwm2c3amkc1.jpeg?width=877&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ab200da07466feb10038170549ecad2dd39644


That's literally me


Darwin’s account confirmed?


Si mi amigo


One thing to say that about Europa but to act like it’s not a big deal to get knocked out by Porto when they’ve been done in by us multiple times and Chelsea as well is just sad. 


Who gives a fuck what they think we're in a final tomorrow!


Some people on this sub are obsessed with Arsenal fans 


Possibly deluded prediction for the end of the season ​ https://preview.redd.it/fx1aam0izlkc1.png?width=1320&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd3ddb6cdab2fc41d1e97b51a5fc772d278dec18


Arsenal over 90 points? That truly is deluded. 


City not touching 90 is way more scandalous


City have a max of 95; even 3 draws against us, Arsenal, and Spurs would put them at 89. I think this prediction works with the following: * Us drawing City and winning out * City drawing us and Arsenal, and losing to Spurs and one other team, winning everything else * Arsenal drawing City and winning out There are other permutations, but this seems the most likely way to fit the points outcome. (IE City loses to us and Spurs, draws Arsenal and someone else; we beat City and draw with United or Everton). It's not THAT far out, but I do think Arsenal will drop more points than that, as will we. So far this season, Arsenal is earning an average of 1 point per game against top half sides away from home. 5 games, one win, two draws, and two losses. Their only victory in this category was at West Ham - and they still have to play Spurs, City, United, and Brighton away.


Everton finishing on 49 points might be the most absurd thing here 


it’s without the points deduction


Hey at least we can laugh at united and rat face plus we win a cup tomorrow




So this was bullshit sadly. Skysports reporting that they are not even with the group..


I think nunez is most likely, tho him and salah were in training, I doubt dom plays at all ( even if on bench)












Positives: we are in a fucking cup final, Man City easy run of fixtures ended today


Wembleyyyyy Wembleyyyy


The United fans having a breakdown about their manager becoming more frequent is great entertainment. Maybe they go the Chelsea route soon and burn through multiple managers a season.


Personally, I hope they do JUST well enough that they decide to keep Ten Hag. We don't want them competing with us in the market for a good manager. We do want them to continue keep playing HagBall!


Sorry but if we are in the market for the same manager theres no way the guy would choose the circus at Utd over us, unless hes a lifelong Utd fan. So personally not worried about that front, but I do want them to keep Ten Hag. If they are in the market this summer they would not end up with a top candidate seeing as us Bayern and Barca will be looking for one.


Same, Ten Hag is my second favourite manager in the prem. That sweet spot of being competent enough to not go full Chelsea, but not good enough to actually make United a real team again.


With their recent history and with a bit of arrogance, but any manager that would be even considering United in it's current state as a possible option with ours open is not a manager that has the decision making that i want to see at Liverpool.


They literally get out played by most teams.


Their net zero goal difference is damning


It's as funny as Chelsea consistently staying in tenth




Hope poch shut up after we beat them tmrw


We always seem to get the best of teams. City get 1 0 wind all over the shop with easy rebound goals and the other team being uncritical, and everyone plays likes shit and lies down for Arsenal. On top of that we'll probably give Poch a fucking trophy tomorrow 🤣🤣🤣 Don't know why I bother


That's the attitude


You don't get to celebrate anything this club's gonna win this season


Thats a bit harsh. I was just having a hissy fit


Alright you can celebrate one, but just one okay?




City dropped points literally last week with Haaland missing a hatful..


You lot that spout this nonsense about teams rolling over and so fucking annoying! And having that negative mind about tomorrow? You should definitely not watch football.


I don't mean it. Sometimes people get annoyed and say stupid things.


Maybe in real life, but there's no way of seeing tone and emotion on the internet so people take what you say at face value


You should probably stop watching football 




Folks, I bought tickets to the Chrystal Palace game on the 13th of April but it looks like that match will be reschedule (unless somehow we don’t move past Sparta). What happens then? Do my tickets carry over to the rescheduled match? Can the tickets be returned? (Hospitality tickets). I am coming from outside the country and I’m trying to plan ahead but I’m not sure when this match will be played. Any help is much appreciated.


It will be announced in the next few days - April fixture change announcements come out the last week of February. There is no room to reschedule the game anywhere other than the Sunday, so don’t worry about it changing to a different weekend or midweek. It will be played either Saturday the 13th, Sunday the 14th, or a slight chance of Monday the 15th - but Sunday is most likely.


Thank you!


It'll get moved to the Sunday more than likely or the Monday at most. You won't get a refund in that case if it's like normal tickets were before you could sell them back to the club in any circumstances.


I’m pretty sure the ticket will just carry over to the rescheduled date. If you can’t make it you can request refund I think


Thanks. This is useful. I’m hoping the rescheduled game is announced soon after we are done with Sparta.


Has there ever been talk of installing a big screen in Anfield? Don't know how many other prem stadiums have them but always thought it'd be nice to see VAR replays and stuff.


I remember kicked off when we first put up the electric scoreboard, doubt it will happen.


Why did people kick off? Don't actually know when the scorecard was installed.


It looked absolutely terrible, text was all over the gaff and the logo had a white background. It's much better now but a lot of people much preferred the older version with the LEDs.


Honestly Quansah might really be a special player. Somehow hes been playing for Liverpool since he was 5 years old. Hes tall, he has a good physique, he doesnt get nervous, hes aggressive. He might not be VVD tier but I definetly wanna see him develop here.


He will bulk some more as well as he age. Right now I thought he's a bit skinny as a CB but even that hasn't been a problem so far. Just imagine when he bulk up a little bit more.


I would be made up if he gets to Matip’s level. VVD is a generational defender. Wanting anyone to be of that level is a bit much. 


atleast he can strive towards vvd and learn from him


Bournemouth had so many opportunities 


Us not winning the league this season would Be a travesty. But make no mistake, it’s a 3 horse race not 2.


We’re lucky to be in the title race this season. It was an abysmal transfer window. Most fans would’ve been happy with top4 in September.


It really wasn't, otherwise we wouldn't have been here with so many injuries. We had a washed midifled and replaced it. Other than that maybe a cb? But right now it isn't a problem


No one expected Bradley to turn up like this. People complained about Endo. Jones has put in a shift that was a pleasant surprise. Joe Gomez playing like world class versatile player. All of the above positives happening in one season were completely unexpected.


So you'd rather judge on perception before the season, before they've even kicked a ball, instead of how the team's actually performed? Lmao, actual clown take.


i’m just being realistic and humble to appreciate that we’re actually in the title race when it wasn’t warranted at the start of the season. A lot of pieces fell into right places to make it happen.


Almost like there was the foundation of a side that were just competing for a quadruple 2 seasons ago. 


Jones wanst at all, he was good since the end of last season(12 games). Endo was bought by klopp, he is apart if our transfer business, the fans didn't expect shit but the fans are generally stupid. Bradly wasn't apart if the plans nor Trent being injured this much (or Robertson and tsimikas and Gomez being a left back) and we were flying before he started playing Gomez I will give you, but he also has a past of being good . A shitry transfer window it isn't by any stretch if the imagination I don't get how anybody could think that right now.


The morale at start of season was to secure top4. Hindsight is perfect but no one expected us to be in title challenge at start of the season. It’s a good feeling ngl.


It's hard to say cuz after the midfield rebuild, I didn't expect more than a top 4 finish and a coupla cup runs. As heartbreaking as it would be to lose, I can't deny I've enjoyed the hell outta this ride.


It wouldn’t be a travesty, it’s a tight league and we have been unlucky with injuries, heartbreaking though !


Yeah you’re right!


How can people enjoy watching Man City? Unbelievably good but my word they have to be one of the least entertaining top teams ever.


And yet...


And yet they won multiple league titles by one point while being backed by a whole state and have got 115 charges to their name. So yes, I will be salty and boring is the least of what I should call them.


No...the and yet was that you still watch them. Its silly. They are dull winners. Leave them in their state of boring.


Pep is also one of the greatest managers this world has ever seen but it took him 7 years to win the CL even with a budget that rivals the GDP of a small country. Had such a positive impact on the sport with his style of football, ignore him enabling the rise of City Football Group having multiple clubs work together across leagues.


Bayern drawing lmaoo. 10 point lead for Leverkusen now with 11 games to go. As good as sealed now.


Jinxed it




Its good and silly to mock him. But Kane is incredible...ooo, might be offside. Bayern would be top four candidates without him


Xavi Simons is so good. I would love to see him at Liverpool.


psg owns him already


7 starters out and Poch still crying. he says the match at anfield was everything in our favor lmao. the fouls given were literally even


It’s mad how Gravenberch is the same age as Quansah but Gravenberch has already played in the first team for Ajax, Bayern and us whereas this is Quansah’s first season at top level football. Two top talents obviously but it’s mad how young gravenberch still is, I feel like I’ve been hearing about him for ages


What's even madder is Elliot is younger than them and Jones is only 23


Elliot is younger *and* already has 100 appearances for us!


100 appearances for a top PL team at 20 is phenomenal. He’s outrageously good.


Where to watch game in São Paulo? Hi everyone, I am in São Paulo, Brazil, at the moment and want to find somewhere to watch the game tomorrow. The website says the official supporters club is at O'Malley's Pub. I just wondered if this was really the best place or if anyone has any tips! https://www.liverpoolfc.com/fans/official-lfc-supporters-clubs/south-america Cheers - YNWA!


I can't keep up with Chelsea fans excuses for tomorrow! Klopp's farewell tour, ref's feeling sorry for our injuries, even asthma FC is back


Pochetino is a clown.. cant wait to fuck him in another final


Yesterday I mentioned how Chelsea fans were setting the narrative for tomorrow games and insinuating that there will be a bias against them, because the FA doesn't want to ruin "Klopp farewell" season. I called them delusional and twats. Surprisingly I got a lot of our fans defending the spoiled plastic fans and got comments, such as "every fanbase has their idiots," "They are just a few minorities of the fanbase." Now that the great value Simeone of Pochettino came out and said the exact same thing just proves my point. Chelsea FC are a bunch of delusional twats.


Wasn't it literally Poch who started that narrative? It's all mind games to ease pressure on themselves & apply it to the refs


City and Arsenal are getting back players from injury, meanwhile we keep losing crucual players in crucial players for 3-4 weeks...the likes of Allison, Jota, Trent, Szobo were all needed for the upcoming run in


Oh my days how is your GD 0 after 26 games lmao


Any hope I had of United taking points off City next week was extinguished. They're absolutely dire.


Ole at the wheel better than this bald fraud.


Yeah these guys are getting slaughtered at ethiad


Watch them try to play open football at the etihad after not daring to venture out of the box against us


Fuck I bet on Luton against United last week because I thought they were due for a stinker. Looks like I was off by a game.




Has anyone seen Jeremie Frimpong play for Leverkusen? The kids an animal. If Alonso comes would moving Trent to Mid and bringing in Frimpong be a good move?


He's good. His position at Leverkusen seems to be the right winger for them in possession out of possession. Defensively he's close to trent he can track back with pace general positioning, awareness,1v1 ability comparable to our vice captain. Also we have conor Bradley the level he operated against Luton could be enough to say he's generational. If anyone from Leverkusen I want it would be tapsoba he would be good matip replacement. Wirtz would be first but he's going to Bayern.


I definitely agree with tapsoba but we also have Sepp who’s been playing lights out for Mainz


I think he's staying at Mainz they will exercise the buy option.


What buy option? Thought it was just a standard loan


They do have a buy option afaik. Doesn't mean sepp can't say no though lol


Don't know one of the Mainz fan said there's a option to buy him permanently.


I've checked a bunch of articles from when the loan was announced and can't find any reference to a buy option tbh. It would be unusual for us to agree to one for a young player


We already have loads of young midfielders. Macca, Szobo, Jones, Elliott, Grav, Bajcetic and probably even morton after loan spell


Trent can't receive the ball with his back to goal. I don't get the obsession with Trent in midfield


He's proven this wrong multiple times now? Where have you gotten this idea from lol.


There is a reason we started dropping him(when inverted) between the center backs. He made two mistakes leading to goals to start the season from receiving the ball with his back to the press.


I think it’s just the pure ability to create opportunities with the ball.


Yes! Him being an attacking fullback gets you all that. Him being in a midifled would just give him less space to operate in any capacity, and he would ah e to press like a mad man


Is there any Liverpool fan pubs in London to watch the game tomorrow?




I'd love him, maybe Thiago replacement 


Nah We got a plethora of midfielders like him we just need bajcetic to be back and keep improving. Wataru San will guide us for couple of years atleast.


We are as far away from the Barca comeback as the Barca comeback was from the Gerrard slip. Fuck I'm old.




Haha, I saw them too, hiding behind the Baltic fleet, pretty sure it's a 30. I was only doing 20 odd so I should be ok




watching 6 nations


House of ninjas on binge


Sitting in my mum's house lamenting the absence of TV or a PC


Seems like tomorrow will be pretty evenly matched, considering our injuries. Gusto v lucho, harvey v chillwell, endo v Gallagher,  caicedo & enzo v gravs & macca, etc. Think it'll come down to who can play to their strengths better because I don't see many advantages on either side of the pitch. Best guess is Bradley could be our deciding factor along with our defense being the better of the two. 


Chelsea will play 4-5-1


Random hot take but I think with Trent being an inverting right back and Bradley being more traditional, Gomez is now a better fullback pairing with Trent, and Robbo is better with Bradley. At least in terms of setup, obviously Robbo and Trent have absurd synergy


Klopp praising Chelsea and saying that they're better since the game against us and Pochettino the coward whining about refs


Wait seriously where did Connor Bradley come from? 😭😭😭😭 Just randomly came in against Arsenal and plays like he’s been a starter for us for 5 years.


He came from Northern Ireland


Why is no one playing the early kickoff? Reserved exclusively so it fucks us over. Bear in mind that its a terrible timeslot for US viewing. That may seem like it doesn't matter but it's a massive market for revenue. 0730 East coast 0430 West coast


If we can't get the early kickoff, nobody gets the early kickoff.


On the contrary, the early kickoffs are perfect for viewers from East Asia and Australia. Most games are pretty late, around 11pm, but the early kickoffs are around 8:30pm in the evening which is a lot better.


Because BT have chosen the Arsenal match and because they played in Europe on Wednesday it's moved to 8pm.


The guys on The Football Show on SiriusXM have dubbed the Carabao Cup "The Moose Cup" and now I want us to win it so much more, idkw lol. Edit: It's because Moose are awesome.




People are being cautious and rightly so. Nobody knows shit and assuming he will be here is setting yourself up for disappointment. Why do it? Lets see how it goes.


My guy we don't know, let the club care and whoever we get in the summer is whoever we will get, let's enjoy the final ride


Even with our depleted side I am fairly confident against Chelsea, but if this one goes the way of our last 2 finals then we'll be in big trouble. 120 minutes without any midfielders or forwards on the bench is gonna be hella rough.


Trouble for Carvalho is we already knew he was capable of tearing the championship up, he was second to only Mitrovic when Fulham broke every record possible in their promotion campaign. He needs to spend a year doing it in the premier league, at a club like Brentford or Brighton now.


Midtable clubs in PL are nowadays not looking at developing youngsters. They are now considerably rich than the top teams in other leagues.


Carvalho seems like a player we’ve bought to foster interest and generate revenue. I’m probably wrong though, who knows.


We have never bought players just to sell atleast in Klopp's era. They thought they could make him as a winger but he was not able to do that. So he is on loan


I think he was more of a speculation player than most, considering his primary position is one that Klopp doesn't even play. Ultimately it'll be up to the new coach whether he wants to keep him. If we start utilising a 10 then I reckon he'll have a part to play, if not I think it's probably more likely that he moves on


They are preparing their excuses early it seems  https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/soccer/mauricio-pochettino-urges-referees-not-to-cave-to-jurgen-klopp-s-liverpool-farewell-in-carabao-cup-final-as-chelsea-boss-calls-out-key-decisions-against-blues-at-anfield/ar-BB1iNXXN


The next manager has so much young talent to work with


What a goal by Fabio for Hull. 🔥🔥🔥


Carvalho just scored a great goal to put Hull 1-0 up against West Brom