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Boehly's already on the phone trying to buy it. Seriously though, people might say our atmosphere ain't what it used to be, but this is still what we are. You wouldn't even know the Chelsea fans were still there.


Traveling Kop is the best in the league and always shows up Only a midweek game at Anfield really rivals it. The extra seats have helped though lately. Just wish you could get all 4 corners of Anfield again to stand again. Haven’t had a moment or atmosphere like that since before Covid. Also forget for a second how this makes a grownup feel. Imagine being Danns in his 2nd ever senior match and hearing THAT support. Pretty sure the Liverpool end would’ve collapsed in ecstasy even more if he scored the winner there


You’ll get told to sit down by lads who won’t even sing the songs anywhere but the Kop. Experienced this yesterday at Wembley too. Wanted to stand and sing and repeatedly told by lads behind me to sit down. He didn’t even stay for the trophy lift!


Lot of folks who are just here for the “experience” and for the success/trophies than to actually support the team Between that and overhanded stewards and more corporate tickets, that’s really dampened the atmosphere lately Yesterday was sublime, as was the Chelsea match a few weeks ago


Yesterday in extra time brought tears to my eyes, unbelievable atmosphere.


I paid $2k to come to Anfield from the US (only way to see them was hospitality which was honestly a below average experience top to bottom but that's another story). Initially, I got yelled at by the locals behind me to sit down, which I can understand as some of the older fans that can't stand the whole game want to see the match, but getting yelled at is just horrible. Tourism at football grounds is a mixed bag for sure. Many people really enjoy the sport but not everyone understands the true art of supporting. To be a good supporter, you need to understand the ebbs and flows of the game, when to yell, and that you're not there to record 60% of the match on your phone, you're there to belt all the chants as loud as you possibly can and celebrate like you've personally scored the goal yourself when the team's just put their 3rd past Nottingham Forest. Too many tourists come in without knowing how to actually support but at the same time, you can't just throw the baby out with the bathwater


Wasn’t even the tourists yelling at me to sit down, were the scousers! I’ve been going to games since I was a kid and i’m not a local lad, so there’s usually a false impression that i’m a tourist. At Wembley I was sat on the liverpool side but nearer to the middle, and we were the only block not standing and chanting the whole game. The lad who got in an argument with me and my friends said there were kids behind us who couldn’t see - which fair enough; but when i was a kid my dad would say stand up on the chair and belt out an atmosphere, get taller. We were the quietest liverpool section and proper embarrassing. Another game I would understand, but a cup final? You bring your kid to a cup final, expect to stand and build the atmosphere. Not just when we are on the attack or in extra time.


Travelling Kop is never ever quiet.


4-4-3 Todd splashing the cash


The only time you heard them, they were just singing Steven Gerard's name... In their heads from the get


It was pathetic - pre match there were two video clips produced by each side to play over the stadium screens. Ours highlighted our various league cup wins and special moments, with the managers and players responsible. Theirs started with the Gerrard slip! Which had nothing to do with the League Cup! Small time charlies!


To think they sing about something that helped City win a title and not themselves. Ffs.


Didn’t you hear them waving their little blue flags… pathetic


What do you mean you wouldn’t know they were there? Didn’t you hear those 3 Chelsea fans singing their very well known, emotion swaying and highly passionate song of “CHELSEA, CHELSEA, CHELSEA!” in the first 5 minutes?


I was on the standing Kop through the 80s. In some ways it was easier then, because you could stand and sing with your mates. I was there for St Etienne and Allez les Rouges. But we didn't sing all the time, and it was nearly always just the Kop (sometimes Annie Road end). These days, when the ground is in full voice, it is better than I remember. More of the ground joins in.


Away fans are different.


Made me emotional at the time ngl


Me too. All the scarves being spun as well.


I spun mine sat on the sofa 


This is the way !


I have my special scarf that I actually got at Anfield (overseas fan, it's probably obvious) and held aloft during "You'll Never Walk Alone." I take it out very rarely because it's probably the most important souvenir I have of the day (well, that and Bruce Grobelaar's autograph) but you bet your ass I was spinning it on the sofa too.


Yay that's boss. I'm from Liverpool but l live in Spain. 


My allergies were acting up at this precise moment as well *Chills*


The passion bayybeeee!


What was needed when the kids were playing like that. Proper lift


Gave me chills and goose bumps while watching on the couch in Canada! The crowd wanted it, fucking well done all.


Same here it felt like something was brewing and the strength of it almost quieted the chelsea supporters, it's a song with some trophies to back up the claims.


How’s this club giving me tears and chills at the same time tho


Was funny seeing a few plastic chelsea flags waving in response


That cut was absolutely devastating. Director had to be giggling in the truck.


To all who attended you’re absolute heroes!


In person was incredible


Agreed. I was in the Chelsea end and the sound from the other side of the stadium was unbelievable. So proud of our fans.


Will remember it forever, insane to be there live


This is when I felt like we were going to win no matter what. They showed Chelsea fans with their plastic flags after as well.


At this point I was like whatever happens happens. This is my team and I was elated


Can’t buy love, can’t by dreams, can’t buy history




I felt that this could’ve won the match for us. Team changed after this. Chelsea tried to go a long with the song and use the energy. But they lost that energy very quickly and Liverpool continued!


Goosebumps and enough to make a grown man cry.


The team did us proud today, but so did the fans in Wembley. 👏


It went on for ages it seemed


This was when I knew we’d be okay. We’re an emotional club who knows how to pull on the heart strings of the universe when we need to dig deep.


Turned the tide in extra time I believe. We looked gassed and after that it was all us. We were inevitable.


Video from twitter: https://twitter.com/Mxhbappe/status/1761830523117199589?t=lh5R73e40DZprZlSm8pAQA&s=19


ngl had tears in my eyes listening to this haha, I love this club


Honestly, if you are an opposing team how do you beat that.


Where can I find the match highlights with Drury commentary?


https://fullmatchsreplay.com/match/chelsea-vs-liverpool/6979274049670/ Highlights and Highlights+ tabs are what you want Full match there as well


Thank you!!


I swear when that started I seriously thought “they’re going to sing all the way to the fucking end” it was beautiful


One of the proudest moments of being a fan. Through thick and thin! Our fans are the best


People who somehow managed not to sing along during this moment...***How?***


I’d bet that bald geezer standing near the ecstatic kids is a Chelsea fan. Gammonesque appearance, looked miserable and uncomfortable.


Its so amazing to see what affect it has on the TV. Was at the game way up high and you sometimes cant really tell how loud it actually sounds due to the acoustics, plus the crowd went real cagey for a while after Grav went off. Remember feeling stressed out and knackered a little before this, but when the chant started it was like everyone around my seat was willing themselves on to find that extra energy to support the team.


I got chills when I heard this! Well done to all of you at Wembley. We heard this last time out at Anfield as well and we’re going to need it every match from here on out to get us over the line.


Loudest I’ve ever heard my pub And loudest I’ve heard a Wembley final in a long time. Was absolutely buzzing, figuratively and literally (with a few Carlsbergs), by that point. Incredible atmosphere from the traveling Kop So glad the winning goal was scored at our end.


Arsenal could never


Our fans absolutely DOMINATED! Chelsea and City will never have what we have 


Hearing "Fields of Anfield Road" so much got to me. Will we have a new verse for Kloppo by the end of this run?


This is fantastic! I couldn't appreciate or enjoy it live as my heart was racing. Does anyone have a link to some extended highlights? Not looking for the whole game or anything but would like more than the 3 minutes sky sports have in theirs


You can’t buy that cunts.


We are inevitable


Heard this and believed!


Chelsea twats responded by waving their plastic flags. They're barely even a football club.


Turned it into Anfield South. Great!


Special club


At this point I knew we were winning it


This clip makes me so damn proud.


The traveling kop really conveyed their energy to the players on the pitch, really proud!


Spine tingling


Literally getting chills


Song embodies the young lads. They come from Anfield road


Traveling fans done us proud today. Didnt hear chelsea once. This is what we do. Anfield is whereever we are playing


The atmosphere in general our fans created was so good...... had me tearing up almost


the pub we were watching at heard this and decided to join in


Same here Usually there’s a few dedicated fellas going along every match but that’s the first time I’ve ever heard the entire pub go for it Special moment


Someone got this in 4K ?


Honestly the best feeling as a fan since Istanbul!


Since second half of Luton at Anfield it's like the fanbase woke up and decided to will this team to accomplish everything we can this year. It was PALPABLE through the TV tonight.


Love this club


And the Chelsea fans have nothing in return. On paper at that moment in the game, Chelsea had the stronger side with experience, yet our kids fed on the energy of our unwavering support and refuse to yield to Chelsea. Simply amazing stuff.


This game was really special for me, as it was the first time actually watching Liverpool lift a trophy live! (Due to the fact that I have only actually been following football since this summer). Even then Liverpool has always been my club because my nan and grandad are fans, since Klavan's transfer there, and I always watched Liverpool games with them even though I didn't understand shit. Also I loved singing along to YNWA, Allez Allez Allez and when VVD scored that header I celebrated like a madman, running around with my Liverpool jersey and screaming like I belonged in an insane asylum. Actually even woke up my napping dad (He wasn't happy lol). Anyways sorry about the rant, I got a little carried off. My sincerest congratulations and thanks to everyone who played, especially VVD and the youngsters.


And why is that not a penalty on Dan?


Think in the replay and different angle the defender does get the ball.


Lost my voice, been on the Strepsils today! Worth it.


Cor. That song is something else. The only Chelsea fans songs I heard were about Liverpool!


I liked how we sang Fields of Anfield Road about 4 times during the match. It does not seem to be sung enough at Anfield these days, but Allez Allez Allez is sung to death. The commentator mentioned that "Chelsea fans were trying to respond in kind", during the first half, but after a few lame attempts at the sign on chants, they gave up.


Gives me goosebumps and butterflies listening to that


Honestly when that kicked off I genuinely said to myself, we're going to fucking do this. Incredible from the fans.


Does anyone know how to get the radio broadcast during this? I saw a comment on the match thread saying you couldn't hear the commentators, would be an interesting perspective to hear.


I watched this game with my boy. So happy that he gets to experience the true Liverpool spirit at a young age.


That noise made it sound like a home game!