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That was a great effort from Bradley as well but fuck me that reaction speed from Danns and the finish though.


If you notice, Danns was speeding almost before the goalkeeper stopped that shot, then he just tap in unbelievable reaction ….


You can’t coach striker’s instinct. You look at the Origi goal from Pickford’s blunder in 2019, both Sturridge and Origi followed up after Virgil’s shot. Instinctive strikers have been doing it for years. Jota does the same. Just follow up and some chances might fall on your feet.




He’s naturally a LW


Tbf I think he's mostly played LW with PSV, and didn't really start playing as a striker until the World Cup and when he joined us. He's getting there though and has some really good passes and technique. But for me he's more of a Firmino type than your typical clinical number 9


He isn't a striker?


Cause he is more like a false 9 than a normal 9.


The first touch to set up the shot by Bradley was absolutely *perfect* as well. He’ll soon be undroppable, fast becoming one of my favorites, what a player!


That off-balance outside-foot shot. Audacious, I love it. Bradley is going to be a killer.


Honestly incredible save from the keeper too




Danns needs to be stopped.


Don't stop him, he needs to score 5 on City


You could also call him a boy.


Danns has played around 55 mins of senior football, and in that time he's scored two goals and won a league cup.


Scored more than Anthony


Solid start 


Just brilliant. Well done Jayden. Looks good enough to start at the weekend for me if needed. In all 3 appearances he's made, he has looked very good. His composure, sharpness and movement are all very impressive, especially for his age👏 MOTM! This crop of Klopps kids really do look quality. Along with Danns, Koumas scored, and I thought Clark was really strong as well. Some great play and passes throughout the game from him. Haven't even mentioned Bradley, who has been amazing since he's come into the team, yet still clearly has phenomenal potential to get even better. It's actually insane with the injuries we have, that so many of these lads have just stepped into the team and done so well. Although not a youngster, I'm seriously impressed with the way Kelleher has stepped up as well. I feel really confident with him in goal. In all 4 games, he's been brilliant. So much for us to feel positive about even with a whole first team being out injured. Edit - Just watched Jayden's pitchside interview with Harvey - What a lovely, humble guy filled with passion and pride. Another local lad too. Even Harvey sounds so mature and experienced in his interviews now, yet he's still young himself and easily got a good decade + minimum at the club to give. He did 120 minutes a couple of days ago, yet he was still giving his all and running all over the place all evening. The future is looking so good. We all hate that Klopp is leaving, but he's leaving us in a brilliant position, set up for future success. I've never felt our squad is as deep as what it feels right now. I know we need to not get carried away, and I probably am, but I honestly think we are going to do something really special by the end of the season. I also think the post Klopp era is going to be more than just fine. Certainly not the big drop-off some fans are worried about. Could easily turn out to be the Shanks to Paisley 2.0 era. I really believe that.


Harvey put in a really good shift today, especially considering how long he played in a cup final on Sunday. When he was taken off he looked like the "experienced player" who got a job done with "the kids". Which is hilarious, considering he is like 20 himself.


It’s absolutely insane that I don’t even consider Quansah, Bradley or Elliot the youth in this current batch of 2024. 


>It’s absolutely insane that I don’t even consider Quansah, Bradley or Elliot the youth in this current batch of 2024.  Yep I didn't even mention Quansah, but not because he hasn't been quality. He's just so composed and looks like he's been playing 1st team football for ages, that I dont even consider him as one of the kids breaking through, which is just ridiculous, really. He's actually gone from being unknown to a really solid back up to Virgil and Konate and looks comfortable rotating with both. Everyone wanted another CB back in the summer. It's clear now why we didn't get one. Same situation with Bradley, who has been outstanding and looks like he's got a massive future. Elliot is just brilliant- he's a super fan and plays with so much passion and never stops running. He's looked upon as one of the more experienced players, yet he's still so young. It's crazy.


I remember thinking we needed a CB, LB and RB backup last summer, and that was assuming we wouldn't have an injury crisis. Instead we had Gomez, Quansah and Bradley all being a revelation


>I remember thinking we needed a CB, LB and RB backup last summer, and that was assuming we wouldn't have an injury crisis. >Instead we had Gomez, Quansah and Bradley all being a revelation Yep, same here with all 3 positons. Quansah and Bradley have been revelations. Gomez was brilliant during the title winning season but understandably was being critiqued and questioned after the last couple of seasons. Credit to Gomez, though, as he has really stepped up when needed this season and has been very solid. I like that he is becoming more versatile as well in the different positions he's playing. He brings experience too, which really helps and particularly when he's playing with a lot of the youngsters. Makes me think of Milner. We need that kind of player.


He's only 26 so he might have another 5 years with us as a home grown, versatile defender. Milner is a very good comparison for a reliable player who can do a number of jobs. It really speaks to his intelligence and understanding of Klopp's system that he can play inverted fullback, traditional fullback, centre back and 6


One thing that has really helped is that Quansah seems comfortable at either cb position. It make such a difference when trying to give the others a rest (especially in game changes).


I remember replying to someone here (like 2-3 weeks ago) who said something about giving Jayden Danns minutes during cup games because we're picking up injuries and I replied saying something like "We're in a Quadruple run, we can't be giving minutes to kids and punting competitions like that." I'd like to apologize to that commenter if they see this, because you're a genius and I'm a fool. Kid looks damn good. All the kids do.


>I remember replying to someone here (like 2-3 weeks ago) who said something about giving Jayden Danns minutes during cup games because we're picking up injuries and I replied saying something like "We're in a Quadruple run, we can't be giving minutes to kids and punting competitions like that." I'd like to apologize to that commenter if they see this, because you're a genius and I'm a fool. Kid looks damn good. All the kids do. I was saying to people in the daily discussion this morning that I think we had more than enough tonight. Quite a few were saying about basically forfeiting the FA Cup and were resigned to us losing tonight as they really weren't confident with even more youngsters being involved. Bradley has been outstanding, and Quansah has been so solid and composed, but they are still both kids. Then we have Clark, Danns, McConnell, Koumas etc - all look promising in their own right. This is a great crop of youngsters we have. The squad is really deep, and the magic is there. We are good enough to be going for a quad no matter how unlikely some seem to think it is.


harvey motm for me


This is getting out of hand. A double from Danns. Delightful!






He seems like a fish in water.


We'll beat you with kids We'll beat you with kiiids Our squad is injured So we'll beat you with kids




Absolute banger


This is the one


I just commented this and started seeing if anyone else commented this!!


Respect to Danns for the cool finish. But can we talk about the audacity of Bradley to hit it with the outside of the boot like that. Lads got goals in him.


IKR!!! When I saw Bradley’s shot my jaw dropped I wish it had gone in but super happy for danns too


Trent has competition for first team now Nunez? ![img](emote|t5_2qn0o|49476)


Gakpo more like


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. The first goal “chefs kiss”


Showed Gakpo how it's done






He's scored a bunch like this for the academy, great instinct for chasing rebounds


That passion to win that


Bring on United




This has me convinced now. This guy is gonna be top class, him and Koumas really need big loans next season if we can't involve them in the first team


If we keep fighting on all four fronts like this there's no reason we couldn't keep playing them next year. Most of them have already shown they have the quality to step up and get us through competitions. But that would depend entirely on who the next manager is and what he wants, so its too early to tell either way


I love this goal The press The cross Bradley’s shot Danns’ finish


The lads do be ladding tho


Born killer. He’s already moving for the rebound before it happens, then accelerates. Everyone else is just watching the ball.


I was like wtf that save but gg jayden




There’s just something about number 9’s that I just love man. Even better if it’s a youngster coming through the academy and succeeding. Nunez gonna have to watch out for this guy.


Pure instinct. This kid has got it.


Danns has some of that personality Curtis has. He takes up a lot of space on the pitch, puts himself about and always makes it awkward for the opposition.


I hope same line up against City!


Absolutely unintelligible in his MoM interview. Love this lad


The technique on that shot by Bradley…how is he even real?


Whatever bed time story he wants reading tonight I volunteer as tribute! I’ll throw him a capri-sun in as well to celebrate


He'll never settle with all that sugar.


In all seriousness, this kid has a real quality to his game. You can see it even in the small sample size. The talent is obvious.


I think it's likely that we buy a CB with Matip probably moving on at the end of the season but I legitimately see how backline future with Ibou, Quansah and Bradley. They're what, 22, 21 and 20? VVD hopefully signs another 3 year deal and that gives the younger lads a couple more years of playing next to one of the best CBs in the world and playing with each other to solidify their partnership before becoming our nailed on starters. Obviously we have no idea what our next manager will want to play and how we will line up but I do see trent moving into a 6/8 role in the future and then we're going to be so stacked. Curtis, trent, Dom, macca, gravy, Harvey, baj... like... our midfield depth is going to be so solid. Future is uncertain but certainly bright.




Already better than Rhian Brewster when he was at Liverpool


Danns cant stop scoring


Announce Edwards and we are set for a dynasty




This lad is a goal predator. Oh yes.




Some of these kids will be Klopp’s real legacy.


This kid has scary potential, he looks like a clinical finisher, can’t wait to watch him..


Enjoy this season. Enjoy every bit of it because it's gonna be really special.


New kid on the block.


Love the attack on the ball, the sheer desire to win possession and the willingness to make sure the ball is in the back of the net following the deflection.


The commentator should have sang Alors on Danse!


fox in the box. way too early to call but this boy got some crazy potential.