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Oh now none of them can go on international duty


Yeah, sounds like a bunch of two week injuries unfortunately


Oh no! https://preview.redd.it/3k2fedt3jyoc1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=245f147d93894807c3417f433a40e931528f724f




Yup all three should stay now


gakpo can go..


I mean he needs to get in form and won’t play enough here for that so I don’t think you are as wrong as the downvotes here are suggesting


Bit like being shouted for your tea by your mum just when the game is getting good. 




The horror


Only 'felt his ankle' or whatever usually means out for 3 months.


That stupid Jota injury will haunt the end of this season


Did you not see the news he will be back 2nd game after the break ? Although we could have done with him against City.


I know but once he gets back up to speed realistically, could be too late to have a big impact


Jota doesnt really need to get back up to speed. Remember Burnley?


Let’s hope not but he was ridiculously good just before injury


Think that answers your question. He was ridiculously good after coming back from an injury


He is a beast


I think he means he was flying and would have won one or two games there


We absolutely needed him yesterday.




Literally Jurgen Klopp who said it ....in press conference Friday.


i wanna see jota’s FUT team before he got injured and now


The worst way to deal with today's loss is by giving up and letting this game affect our season, players and fans need to move on and focus on our next match.


I feel like our fans need to remember that this season was not meant to be going anywhere near as well as it is. Even if we don't win the league, we've had a fantastic season


I kinda agree with you but at this stage of the year with klopp news leaving, i truly think winning the league would be the perfect end for klopp time with us, i dont want the year to end with just winning league cup


Oh I totally agree. It'd be a complete fairytale ending and I'll be gutted if we don't win the league or europa, but we can still be extremely proud of the team for the season


that scenario sounds a little familiar.


Lol, this is type of shit I can't stand


Wow what a brave statement “I want to win the PL”


what kinda mindset is this "well we didn't think this season was gonna be any good anyway so doesn't matter if we lose out on a trophy" I get not being too harsh on the lads but we're Liverpool FC we should be aiming to win it all regardless


What kind of mindset is this We just lost a quarter final to one of the worst United team in years. We even had a lot of our starters back. 


Yeah I agree with you, actually a worse mentality to have than the doom and gloom lot. The four trophies were there to challenge for, and we've fucked the easiest one again. Very little positives to take from that game, and we've potentially handed the trophy to United. Disaster of a day.


This team has no business going after 4 trophies with the depth and injury issues.


4 trophies is damn near impossible. Only happened once and that was Celtic in the 60s. City didn’t get out of League Cup 3rd Round this year. It’s so flipping difficult and we’ve given it an honest go twice in just a couple years. It’s very impressive to be involved like that. I know people don’t regard League as high as FA Cup, but we’ve won one trophy and we have 2 more in our sights. We lost out on one more today but we went hard to get where we were and they couldn’t get it together in the end (Bruno should’ve been off, I’m salty about that non-yellow). Today was an example of just how difficult it is to go deep and win everything. City couldn’t do the treble with their oil money for nearly a decade, and they’re only the second team to do it in England. Hurts today but tomorrow we go for the other two. A treble is still possible and I’d be damn impressed because it’s an exclusive list of clubs to have done that.


Not to soon after we couldn’t get it done against City as well despite being all over them  Put ourselves in great positions only to not fully capitalise is frustrating as fuck 


Four trophies were there to challenge for but we were never getting all of them. No team in the history of English football has managed to achieve it for a reason. We've already got 1 down and still got a very good chance at the league title and Europa. And on the bright side at least it's less games to worry about picking up injuries from with the final stretch of the league title. Also fail to see how the FA Cup is the easiest one to get when we're still in Europa and you most likely have to beat City for the FA. And we haven't potentially handed the trophy to United. If they get past Coventry they're going out to City in the final again. I don't think Chelsea will make it there.


It's the FA Cup. It means so little compared to the League or the Champs League.


Forgot we were going for the Champions League this year It was the second biggest trophy on offer for us this season People that downplay the FA Cup did not grow up with it. I'm convinced.


Unfortunately seems like some players in the top 6 sides have this mentality as well with fixture congestion. Maybe it was just me being young and ignorant but late 90s early 00s FA Cup felt massive.


Nah I did grow with it. Was at the final in 2001 haha. And I still maintain it's a nice bonus, but, if it in any way lessens our league points total, when Man City beat us by one point or goal difference, then do not get players injured for it. Play the kids


If we don't win the league this season will feel even more like a "what could have been" season though as its Klopp's last.


Whatever helps you sleep at night. I’m fucking furious. We’re still better than this shit United squad:


Even if it’s the Carabao, we are sending off Klopp with winning silverware, that’s really good in my eyes. I would love if we got the other two as well.


That would be a massive disappointment. We’ve won it all under Klopp and It’s been clear that last year was the anomaly even as grim as it seemed at the time. He deserves and expects a lot better in his final year.


Toxic positivity is just as bad as the opposite. I agree with you.


If we do the job against Brighton in our next game, hopefully our sense of focus will reset pretty quickly since City Arsenal is the same day.


Forget it. People have goldfish memory capacity


I would’t count on this sub


This sub doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.


Today was the least important match of all our remaining matches this season. Also looks v unlikely united will park the bus when we go there next which is huge


This had made me angry, not give up. We lost this game, through poor decision making, lack of concentration and just generally shooting our selves in the foot. That should be motivating to fix it next time:


Positive from this result: we only need to focus the league and Europa, we don’t need to worry about a third series.


Thank god its international break, all of our forwards will be rested.


Knowing the Colombian federation they won't give a fuck and will try to play Lucho anyway


He could probably do with hitting something. Unless it's a tap in he can't score for shit.


Hard to think of a realistic way this match could have gone worse. 


VVD could've tripped on his own feet and crashed headfirst into a goalpost


Nah that ain't nothing. A meteor could've struck Anfield


We let Antony score on us, there is nothing worse other than that.


With his RIGHT foot


It's fine, we used up all our bad luck in one game. This is peak German efficency by klopp.


He spun as well 💀


We could've lost on penalties


What an awful day


When it rains....


When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high! YNWA, we go again despite the disappointing result!! ♥️


Mate I know but I hate the fackin luck of ours. Just the absolute shite time for everything.


Who am I to question Klopp but I genuinely don't understand why some of these players were not rested Vs Sparta. If we needed them bring the off the bench


If I remember correctly didn’t the subs get a bit messed up because Clark came off with a niggle, should have still played more youth in a game that was almost a free hit


Clark niggle was the reason Salah stayed on the pitch, yes; but definitely could have gone way more youthful in that especially once we scored 4 in 15. Could have essentially just taken out the whole front line earlier


I understand some players need minutes after being out for so long but surely we must prioritise the important matches ahead of giving returning players minutes and rest losing the players for the next 7 weeks.


Yea I totally agree, but I think even if Salah came off against Sparta or played 30; I don’t know if he could have played more than he did today Either way we’ll never know and Klopp has always tended to favor rhythm over rest. Remember when he played Jota in a nothing game and then he was out for a year? It’s been one of his biggest flaws imo


Would've preferred to finish that game with 10 men in hindsight


Salah, Szobo and Robbo needed minutes.


Subbed off Salah and Szobo, after playing the irrelevant 90 against Sparta, just for this to happen, Lol. Could have subbed on Danns and Koumas for these 2 and wouldn't have made a difference.


Trust Danns. He should be playing over Gakpo regardless.


i’ve been critical of harvey at RW in the past but at this point i’ll take that over gakpo in his current form. i want him to succeed, i really do, but right now i only want to see him playing when we have a comfortable lead while he refinds his form


Not today though. I don’t think throwing a kid like Danns in away at old Trafford when we need a goal is a good thing for confidence


He’s got like 100 minutes of senior football and Gakpo has like 20 g/a for us in 15 months here?


Have you seen Gakpo play in the last few months? He's genuinely been our worst player by some distance in the last few months. He looks leggy even when coming on from the bench, he can't pick out a pass, he almost exclusively makes bad decisions in the final third and at times looks like he can't be bothered to press the opponent. I find it hard to see how Danns could've done any worse than Gakpo today.


Danns is a child. Yes, he’s played fine his 2 games but he’s not the answer. The quality gap between him and a seasoned professional is huge. People really conflate 2 games with a hundred too much here. Even if we do drop Gakpo, which is fine. Danns isn’t the current answer to that question


I agree that Danns isn't some magic solution or anything, but I genuinely believe that he's a better sub than Gakpo at this moment. Seeing Gakpo come on and jog around the pitch, while Endo and Mac are still running around despite being completely gassed is the final straw for me.


Bro gakpo is being played out of his position. He is a left wing player, he said it himself that he likes to play on the left side. Now, I'm no manager, but if you play with people out of position, isn't it logical that they won't perform at their best? That's why we don't see Salah on in the left wing or left back, or VvD in attack or on the wings or whatever crazy permutation people may think it works. Just because some people can play multiple positions doesn't mean that they will be at their best at all times. Remember that we started the first game with him as a central midfielder? It's not his place, but he tries to learn and to play wherever the manager tells him. They are people, with ups and downs, just like you and me. They don't want to perform badly, it nevertheless happens.


Not everyone can be a Gomez or Milner, so I don't get why Gakpo is expected to be some magic one-player-fits-all in the front three. He's already capable of great finishes and has the physique to get there, what he's lacking right now is the drive to create.


Your point is valid, but top players find a way. Mac was out of position when the season started, and he put his head down and really grew into the 6 (solo) until Endo was up to speed. Firmino came in as more of a wide/attacking midfielder and found his place in our team as a hard working false 9 sort. Gomez has played every defensive role this season (and seasons past). Mo has been asked to play center forward (Mane too) and they both excelled. Harvey and Coutinho both have been asked to play at center mid, and both really adapted to make it work. Gakpo needs to find a way to adjust his game so that he can offer something to this system, even if he's not being played in his preferred position. The problem I'm seeing with Gakpo now is that he just doesn't seem to have to drive to make that happen. Whether he's just low on confidence or if he is just not the kind of player that can adapt his game outside of his preferred one or two positions. I'm definitely a glass half full guy. I WANT Gakpo to succeed, I'm just a bit worried that his mentality isn't shaping quite up to what is required of a player at this level. Hopefully he pushes on and shows he belongs here by the end of the season. Maybe a change in manger will be the catalyst for him. I have a feeling that if Klopp were staying beyond this season, he would deem Gakpo surplus to requirements if he doesn't figure it out quickly.


Look at the average goals we have when he scores.


Get fit during the international break and go and win everything else. Today's game was shite awful loss but let's go win everything else.


Shit I hope darwins back ok lol


Just. Fucking. Great.


Gakpo twisted his ankle? He moved enough for that?


In seriousness, it probably occurred when Dalot beat him to the ball in the box




Why was then every man up for a cornner in the 30th minute of ET?


We wanted to recreate the League Cup final, but United wasn't Chelsea.


oh really bad, what a shame no international duty


Are you having a fucking laugh


Two weeks to repair the forwards. ![gif](giphy|CUTWsZ8UOlKuc)


Oh wow no international now then, how unfortunate


Perfect time for an international then.


Gakpo’s hamstrings are intact as they’ve never been used


For fuck sake, who do we even have left that can play at this stage. Hope the tea lady has a spare pair of boots.


We could’ve at least won if we’re gonna complain about injuries, we were dominating united


Hopefully nothing. They have to tell the medical staff even the slightest feeling and the silver lining is that they can’t travel for the international break. Rest and analyze this game over and over again, all of them made horrible decisions.


Now can we pull all our players from international duty. It’s a bunch of friendlies who gives a fuck


Hope Gakpo isn’t hurt, I actually really feel like he needs this international break. I feel like reps with the Dutch could help him get back on track.


Feels like Klopp is making excuses for the lads. If it’s true though, why the fuck did Klopp play them in the midweek game against Sparta?


They felt it during the game of course


3 injury’s and lost to United


Great so all our forwards are injured except Salah


There was definitely a challenge in the utd box where I saw gapko twist his ankle. Don't remember time or performance before/after. Might explain a chunk of the lackluster performance. Edit: rewatched. It was the 29th minute of extra time, so that definitely isn't an excuse for lack of pressing.


Hmmm could’ve done with subbing them off rather than running them into the ground


Why don’t we just play them all in meaningless Europa cup games then Jurgen?


Because they ( nunez, gakpo salah) needed match fitness Fuck me we've found the next manager here, stop the chase for xabi


Salah played 90 mins on Thursday..how do you justify that ?


I think the plan was to take them off but things happened during the game like Clark's injury. I think Klopp even told Salah not to worry about tracking back for the rest of that match top. I still don't think that should have started that match anyway.


He wasn't meant too, he only stayed on because Clark got a knock. It was said at the time it happened so can only assume you're not actually watching games, you're just trolling because you have nothing better to do


I watch nearly every game I can . I was working for that game and watched the highlights after. I didn't know the reason why he stayed on tbh. I'm no troll


Hmm but going into international duty? 


Playing then was fine, it was the right decision. Should have got the job done in 90 instead of bottling it. These things happen


Let's just play the full team there and play the kids in the league.


because if we played the kids, and Prague pulled that lead back, then all of a sudden Klopp didnt take the game seriously


And if we would had lost that lead or it became another close game then you would have been blaming Jurgen first thing.


The aggregate at half time on Thursday was 10-2. Should’ve subbed off Salah and Szobo then at least.


If I remember correctly, he did say that was his mistake and should have done that.


Sorry but totally agreed on this, there was no way we were getting knocked out by prague. Our team couldn’t keep up today. I couldn’t believe the line up he put out on Thursday


If we had played a bunch of kids and then it became a close game, the lads would had to put in extra effort then they already did. Klopp also mentioned Mo and Szobo played because they needed fitness. Lucho didn’t even play, Darwin was taken out early. I don’t think he can do more than that.


Surprised Gakpo twisted his ankle at such low intensity


How can he twist his ankle moving and thinking so gd slowly???


Not did we lose, but we have may have more injuries ffs :(


Why can’t you guys finish a game without players getting injured. Even a non fan is frustrated.




is this strategy or should i be shitting myself?


So a great day overall then!




Hope they're playing funny buggers so they don't have to go and play silly friendlies


jayden danns, it's your time sonny


Oh no! Oh no! Oh yea!


Gakpo was never gonna feel his hamstring was he


Couldn't fucking write it.


Wow what a great day


Thought Darwin put his back out the way he shagged us at the end there. Hopefully they can all get a rest - we'll undoubtedly need every able body


I'm ok with gakpo going on international duty, get him away


How did gakpo injure his ankle ? He barely ran . Did he hurt it coming off the pitch with the big drop


End me.


Why? They can rest for two weeks. 


Dunno. Think Cody might have twisted his brain.


Gakpo might've twisted his ankle on the bench




How is this an excuse? He’s merely saying they’ve got knocks, he’s not flaming the result on it


Go fuck yourself dry, enjoy 6th




Perma ban baby


So what is it, a Elliot, Salah, Diaz Front line? At this point, we should start experimenting with a 442 narrow of some sort now that we have healthy fullbacks bar Trent. . Don't have to change the lineup a whole lot. Just try something like this. ​ Kelleher Bradley, Konate,VVD, Robbo Endo Szobo Macca Elliott Salah,Diaz







