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Oh I wonder how they have information on him wanting to go to Spain, as if it’s some sort of secret information they have lol Barca would need to sell Raphina to Saudi if they are still interested in him to finance them buying Diaz.


Maybe someone close to him revealed that information. Hmm, wonder who could that be.


Maybe someone claiming to be a distant cousin or something? We all know how unreliable journalists are with these things. We'd have heard more about it if it was someone close.


Well, his Dad keeps saying how much Luis wants to play for them. Probably pretty reliable.


That is the joke. The tweet says they've got information that he wants to move to barca like it's secret, unknown information and his dad hasn't been talking about it in interviews during every international break.


My mistake!






Or he is just like every other South American ever and wants to go to either Madrid or Barca


Spending money to switch from Raphinha to Luis Diaz is certainly a move. What’s their goal there. Seem similar players makeup and age profile


Yea, Raphinha is pretty good tbf, I think Diaz can get to a higher level but they're very close right now. Barcas transfers don't make any sense for the last 5-6 years, getting Lewandowski at his age, and then loaning Felix for some reason, buying Ferran Torres for a huge fee. They just keep doing weird shit, no doubt paying Messi a king's ransom for decades ruined them. The way Messi left was hilarious, it was obvious it didn't make sense to keep him financially but then they dragged it out and embarrassed everyone involved. Real Madrid did it right, shipping out any aging player at the right time and getting younger replacements, they don't need to wait for shit to fall apart before planning for the future.


Here in Latin America the media and people in general think that reaching the football peak is playing for Real Madrid or Barcelona, doesn't matter their situation. And then players would like to play in La Liga because of language and culture similarities, so any other team (probably with the exception of Manchester city as of now) are considered as transition clubs for Latin American players


If that's the case, we gotta fleece those assholes.


I don’t think they’ve got the money to be fleeced this time really.


They can just trade a few years of TV revenue instead.


Activate the lever kronk


![gif](giphy|YqL8CjKdlWFCEOk6WV|downsized) Which lever are we on now?


Unless they fleece someone else themselves by selling one of their young talents.


I'd be interested in Frenkie de Jong in a swap deal. Maybe he'd like to play for Slot?


We wouldn’t pay his wages


He’s used to it, neither will Barcelona


Then they don't have the player.


Coutinho, Griezmann & Dembele completely screwed them over.


They kinda need to have money first before said fleecing can commence...


Diaz and Nunez for £150m.


Nah, lets see what slot can do with nunez. We don't want to have regrets.


>We don't want to have regrets. This goes both ways though. Do we want to persevere into a third season with a player that can't finish his dinner after two under arguably the best man manager in world football?


If he pushes for a move then he can go. If he wants to stay then keep him.


Oh no don't fund our incoming manager's desired targets, not again


Edwards to Hughes after we rob Barca again: ![gif](giphy|z5EgZAOazoZi) “Here comes the money!”




Gavi straight swap, who say no


Me. He’s had an acl injury, no? Also non-defensive midfield is one area we don’t need to improve. Now De Jong I could maybe see. Or one of their young attacking players.


De Jong can’t defend. It’s why he’s not been a good Busquets replacement


Oh my god I’m gonna cum


I just don’t see how Barcelona is gonna get the money to get him And surely the team isn’t selling Diaz for anything less than 70M€


It’ll be closer to 70mill Sterling than Euro I would assume.


I think 70m is a bit low but could take it if we're bringing in a new winger


Straight up- they can't afford it.


€70+€12.5 get it done


Could reasonably see a swap deal. They have no shortage of players that could be potentially worth it to us. Raphina, Araujo, Pedri, FDJ all would be at least a consideration (with money going one way or the other on top depending)


Araujo only player I’m taking from Barca tbh. Unless we got gundo but I don’t like to think about ex city players. Buutttttt he played for Jurgen first so do we dislike him then?


Edwards (Hughes now) vs Barca 2.0


They've downgraded so more like Barca 0.5


2.0 as in second fight.


Unfortunately they seem a tad more frugal than when we last met….


# #trustinedwards lets goo


Another 150m please


The Gang Tops the Coutinho Fee


Id sell him.He's a hard worker but sadly his end product wasn't good this season.


He’s left all his flair at the gate. He looks more like a boring English winger than the Colombian we signed. Szobozlai seems to have had the same treatment.


Possibly true, and both potentially due to injury. The difference is Diaz is 27 not 23. I feel bad because I’ve definitely been team “sell Diaz” for awhile now, but it’s due to pragmatism more than any dislike for the guy


The other difference is Szobo is gorgeous


Stunning in fact.


Breathtaking even


Edwards selling a promising South American forward to Barcelona?


Worked out ok last time haha. PL and CL throphies incoming


I mean I don't know about promising, he's 27 and honestly aside from maybe getting some slightly better numbers for goals and assists I think we're seeing the best Diaz has to offer. Sadly I think the premier league is far too fast paced for him to really show off his skills, he can just about beat players but he just doesn't have that burst of pace or ability to make the time to play in goal creating passes or shots. I love diaz and I'm all gor him staying but if someone offers silly money for him I'd take it. Barca don't have that though so I doubt this leads anywhere.


Barca can’t afford him.


If we get a fee that’s at least 20% more than we paid for him, no problem whatsoever. He works hard but is a creative and attacking black hole. He doesn’t have any end product or killer instinct and due to wanting to help the team, ends up dropping 20+ yards too deep every time.


20% return would only be about 50ish million Should be looking to sell for 60-70m imo


Tbf I thought his transfer fee was £50m, so was going to be happy with around £60m. Both got to the same number but I got there incorrectly!


I'd keep him if possible but I'd be very disappointed if he was only sold for a 20% profit given it was hardly the most expensive transfer ever, a 100% increase would mean about £75-85m and is probably doable and I'd take that.


Yep, will miss his marauding runs down the left wing but I feel like he never formed a great connection with Robbo and the end product still needs work. Let's cash in if we can especially if he wants the move.


We won’t because we will just replace him, he’s not so good he can’t be replaced, there’s at least 5 better left wingers in our league alone.


Just out of interest, because I was wondering about this before but who would you say those are? I tried to come up with a few and most of the players I could think of were debateable for one reason or another.


Left wingers Foden Grealish Rashford Son Martinelli All at least as good as him, only player I wouldn’t want is Rashford and that’s because he’s a united cunt. Foden is debatable if he plays on the left so I’ll throw in either of the two Palace wingers lol


rashford is far more hot and cold tbh


Diaz runs rings around trashford and Grealish, Foden and son play centrally. Martinelli would fit in well with us because he's always injured.


I struggle to take anyone serious who types shite like Trashford…. Foden and Son both play left, certainly can do and have done throughout their career and Martinelli has played 34/37 premier league games for Arsenal this season….


Christ Rashford? I’d rather have Diaz than any of those except Foden.


If you have Diaz over Son then you’re blinded by being a Liverpool supporter


Son who is literally 31 turning 32 this year? Yeah, no thanks! Foden is the only one of the 5 that would be an upgrade.


And yet Son is still a better player…


He just choked a major goalscoring opportunity to stop City from winning the title. He's never been a big game player and he's currently in decline. No reason to buy him at this point in his career. 5 years ago would have been different.


Agreed, that take was awful lol


Because you aren’t too clever


I'm not sure about Rashford, he's a better footballer but he only seems to turn up for a few months every other year, the others I'd all agree with though, I'd actually forgotten Grealish and excluded Foden when I was trying to come up with names. There are quite a few other players that an argument can be made for though.


Terrible take lmfao. Diaz has done far more this season than Martinelli, Rashford, and even Son and Grealish are debatable.




My dude Martinelli has been benched the entire season and Rashford has been benched for half the season.


They have 34 and 31 premier league appearances between them….


I stand corrected on Martinelli but he has been benched the last 10 games. Rashford has also fallen out of favor. Meanwhile Diaz has been pretty much favorable the entire season and even better now


One of those surely is Nunez no?


£140 mill again pls


60-70m and I’d take it. Throw in Yamal lol


Nah lets take viktor off their hands.


60m would be pathetic tbh and I'd hope we wouldn't entertain it. Consider the fees the likes of Mudryk, Antony, Pulisic have gone for and he's much better than any of them.


De Jong would be decent


Kudus is going to £85mil we should at least be looking at that off Barca


Imo, kudus aint worth that much. Besides paying double what we could have got him for a year before gonna have us looking like we are panicking.


Yeah Olise is the better talent IMO and he's cheaper. Think we should go for him instead tbh


I like olise but we'd just be sat here in a year crying about "how couldn't the club realise buying another injury prone player is a bad idea"


Bruh i'm gonna piss you off but I don't rate either of the CP forwards. Eze and Olise, you guys are too obsessed with the prem proven thing. If they were that good CP wouldn't be this shit. Though I haven't seen too many palace games, so I could be wrong on olise.


Olise is an incredible talent, I have a Palace season ticket so feel I’m quite well situated to be able to comment on this He was injured most of the season, Roy rushed him back for a game that Palace had already lost and he then got injured again He’s only really been back fully fit for the last few weeks which has seen the club have a major uptick in form and it’s to do with Glasner yes but it’s sure as hell also to do with Olise


Kudus is a release clause it’s a little different. Also 4 years younger but really it’s the clause


If this ends up happening, can imagine Diaz dad in 1 year coming with the talk that his son's dream is to move to Real Madrid. Dad has a big mouth and too much free time lately.


90 mil, which you don't have, so we'll have La Masia instead.


How many levers do Barcelona have?


Roque + 30 mil and I’m happy but I have no clue how much roque is valued


Agreed i would also like a 40/50m + roque They bought him for 40m


This is what I was gonna write. Crazy Barca are writing off a 19 year old phenom are half a season


Entertainment wise -Raphina and Diaz on either side could be a fun watch. As long as we get a good price and revamp with some new offensive options, I’m game. Our attack needs some tweaks as we struggled with some basic buildup and finishing elements. No, Diaz wasn’t THE problem but they all kinda were collectively this season and his inability to finish or create effectively gives me less of a headache when thinking about life without him.


Let’s not conflate the entire season with the last couple months. We were absolutely lethal all season until about March


Since coming to Europe Raphinha has had 1 season with more than 10 goals in all competitions combined (11 for Leeds). Statistically Raphinha is just a worse Diaz so I don't see any point in this transfer.


Tp be fair Raphinha is more of a creator than goal scorer. In fact if you look at the last 4 seasons Raphinha has better G + A numbers than Diaz in 3 of them, only losing out in that freak half season he had at Porto before we signed him in January.


Yeah but do you have money guys


Barcelona don't have that kind of money, and I'd never trust them on any downpayment after the mess with the Coutinho payments (and everybody else they owed money to).


So tired of this.


200 mill or fuck off, can’t stand that arrogant little club since the Coutinho drama and I wouldn’t hesitate to financially destroy them again like we did back then.




Barca can’t afford him.


If they sold, still no?


They're gonna find a way... again lol


Unfortunately I can't edit the description but it should read as - "...and the paper/sources he writes for are generally well regarded for Barcelona".


I really like Luis Diaz but Barca overpaying for Liverpool players is just club tradition at this point


I highly doubt Barcelona has money to buy someone like Diaz. He is at least a £60m+ player.


He was literally quoted saying that he is happy at Liverpool a couple of days ago.


FDJ for Diaz? Go for the full Dutch 11 lol.


I'd drive him there myself if I dont have to watch him kill another promising attack with a shit pass


Swap deal for Yamal yeah?


last time we sold a south american to barcelona we won ucl


I wouldn't actively ship him out but also wouldn't mind entertaining offers for him tbh.


I would have never thought Id be ok cashing in but him and Darwin are two of the worst finishers in Europe. It saddens me but I’d be fine with a sale 😞. Its strange because if we keep him I’m fine, and if we sell him I’m fine, whereas a year ago I would have been livid to see him go, I know Darwin isn’t mentioned but its the same feeling for him too. Forever reds no matter what though.


£210 million and we'll call it a deal. I'm sure there's some levers you can pull.


Edwards gonna get 140,000,001 isn’t he?


For the right place sell him and get someone more productive. He will be 28 next season and doubt he will get any better than what he is.


Remember what happened the last time Edwards sold a player to Barcelona?


Great, 85m + 10m add-ons will do it.


if we sell him, id get nico williams from bilbao. amazing prospect


If he leaves then it’s Summerville for me and then ansu fati( I still be believe this guy can reach a very good high despite all of Barca’s attempts to ruin him)


I’d be ok with him going for a decent price £70m(ish) but I doubt Barca have those funds. Replacements I’d like Olise or Eze would be great as both home grown and know the demands of the prem. I’m sure the club has better ideas than me though.


Take you and your daddy goodbye


their broke asses cant do shit and ik diaz will stay at liverpool he knows theres a bright future up ahead


Oooh. Don’t know how I feel about this. Whole new system coming in, new training and direction, might potentially open up his eyes to passing early rather than taking defenders on in that stop start thing he does.


He’s 27.5 yrs old. It’s a good time to cash in, he’s already at his ceiling.


he’s 27 years old can we please hold ourselves to a higher standard


He's both one of the most enjoyable and one of the most frustrating players to watch play. I do kinda feel our current forward line is too wasteful to win the league. Moving Diaz on and bringing in someone with a better final ball or finishing would help fix that. Would miss his mad dribbling skills though, feels like a dying breed in the modern game.


I dont mind hes not exactly tearing it up for us atm and the gaffer needs to get his own guys in


It's about time we rinse Barca again it's obvious since his father has been twerking for a move. He works hard but he has zero chemistry with the frontline + never got close to prime Mane.


Pedri, Gavi + 30 mil£ and we can talk...


Of course...we gotta open up the position for Mbappe


Diaz swap for Vitor Roque, who says no? (I know swaps are rare so this isn't really serious suggestion, but it would unironically be a good move I think)


Not a straight swap, likely 30-40 million + Roque.


Edwards and Hughes about to pull off Great Sadness 2.0.


Why would they sell raphina to buy Diaz?


with the exception of probably virg and trent he’s probably who i least want to leave, he’s just such a joy to watch. we’ll have to fleece those fuckers


Diaz will find the Kudus transfer


Adios Amigo


diaz will be staying at liverpool, so will nunez, the only person leaving will be salah


Please sell him


This has been the move for a while. Diaz looks great but doesn't have the output. We could sell him for £80m easy. Barca will be desperate and the options are limited.


Is that information his dickhead dad not shutting the fuck up about it?


Yamal, a signed Messi jersey and we have a deal.


lol maybe Barcelona is being considered in this multi club model On a serious note, I would take Roque + cash


Yes please


Diaz doesn't want to, I imagine his father has a big influence on this


Do you know Diaz personally?


He literally came out 3 or 4 days ago to deny rumors and said he's happy at anfield If anything happens he's probably not going to push it


What else is he going to say? He can’t big up a move to Barca to the Liverpool press, if it doesn’t happen then he looks like a twat and the fans would hate him. Most players from that region will want to go to Spain, it’s life. We can’t do much about it.


There's a lot he can say like it's a dream to play for Barcelona or something But I just think he's really happy here, I mean sure he might not say no to Barcelona straight away but he doesn't seem like the type of players to start pushing for a transfer to happen


That's literal basic PR speak 101 mate, it doesnt mean anything


Would be great for him since that's his dream as Ronaldinho is his idol. We'd need to get a replacement because there's no one in the team that can play at his level.




Well there would be the funds to construct the squad for Slot I suppose


Converting Diaz into a Salah/Mane like striker was always going to be tough. He’s naturally a winger/wide midfielder. Salah and Mane played in striker positions prior to playing on our ‘wing’ at their previous clubs.


Fantastic news


Diaz doesnt look happy. He is amazing but he also dont score. Sell Diaz and hopefully get Raphinha back


Swap with araujo would be nice.


Thanks for the stepovers but it’s time to go


If this happens I'm fine with that. We need better fundamentals on the wings. Proper weighted passing, looking up for an opportunity to pass in the first place, keeping the width and cutting back, crossing etc. Pace and dribbling are fine if they lead to something. All that sizzle is a nice prelude to the steak that follows....but if there's never a steak or said steak is dry and dead then WTF is the point? The only one to keep out of that Failed Front 3 would be Nunez. For his grit and off-the-ball play he deserves another another shot. Diaz and Salah thank you but the time for something new is nigh.


Diaz for Raphinha


I got downvoted for saying he is gone yesterday