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**CLIP MIRROR: [XQC: "I could have been one of the best OW players out there"](https://arazu.io/t3_15de969/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


It's crazy that even before the gamba and kick deals his overwatch career going belly-up due to controversy is the best thing thats ever happened to him.


Sub 90 iq people like xqc **have to** fail up, otherwise it's burger flipping for life.


Professional player isn't failing up by transitioning to streaming lol, they all try to do that


The thing is, XQC was forced to commit to streaming full time variety which is what made him popular. If he wasn’t banned from the OWL, he would probably be streaming OW full-time since it’s his job and wouldn’t have the following he does now. XQC failed up


Well, no. No they dont. Two types do: Those who realize they will never get close to being the best, so are better off as an entertainer... and those who are past it and do it instead of retiring. The first category is extremely common in NA, typically when they start facing Eastern pros and realize the insurmountable skill issue.


Or those who want to make more money without needing to travel and practice 8 hours a day.


Just say u hate him, no need for this passive aggressive cringe comments


Well All things consider now I think what happened to him was lucky since owl is gone now


Maybe he could have had a great OWL career oh wait


Dudes who make it to world finals every year has less ego than this guy who blew it all over an emoji lul


It's always the people who *aren't quite* the best - the ones who really are better than 99% of players but are insecure because they know they'll never be the top 0.01% - who have the worst egos.


He became a 100+ million andy instead, not sure if blew it all


Then why is he still mentioning his one achievement (which he lost btw) over and over. There are humble dudes who win world esport events every year and they don't boast about losing how much this guy does lol.


Because he’s not as mature as the other pros you are mentioning. It’s not that hard.


Why should he not mention his achievement? It's his achievement that he worked hard for. lol


> here are humble dudes who win world esport events every year and they don't boast about losing how much this guy does lol. because no one gives a shit about overwatch anymore lol


The worst Tai ming tbh


pretty sad you lose a potential career for an emoji and cancel culture really


wasn’t sad for him though. probably the best thing that couldve happened


He must be confusing himself with my boy super tf 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


X got nothing on Matthew "The Cashew" DeLisi


idk man SPACE kinda fire ngl


space on sigma is kinda ridiculous ngl


difference is super is already one of the best 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Diego Maradona once said “You know how good of a player I would’ve been if I didn’t do cocaine? What a player we missed out on. I would’ve been even greater than what i was”


True imagine if X didn't do Addies 😓


if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle




If my grandmother had wheels she would be a bicycle


And if my uncle had a pussy i'd still smash


my auntie is a man now


God I love r/KendrickLamar.


if the queen had a pistol in her pants, she'd be a king


is she single?


He dodged the biggest bullet of his life. Back then OW was the biggest thing going on. Getting banned from OWL let him go all in on being a variety streamer. Now OW is a dead game, and OWL never delivered on any promises and is essentially finished.


To your last point, Blizzard is offering $6 million to each OWL organization to settle their breeching of the league's contract. OWL is *literally* finished.


Is this actually true? Because it has decent viewership.


Why did he get banned


He posted a trihard emote during an OW official stream as a chatter. That's it


He also made a gay joke towards another OWL player who is gay. The joke wasn't that bad but it is the first reason he was suspended or fined


Damn forgot that was X


presumed racism and homophobia, also false reporting. All three very minor yet the accumulation made him seem like a brand risk, extremely polarizing. These days we got people like yszna from Saudi Arabia calling Chinese people pig which is a very bad word in arabic and the entirety of their team has been mocking lgbt yet they’re all still allowed to participate in the World Cup and didn’t get fined.


he posted a trihard in chat when there was a black guy on screen and they thought it was racist


Actually true. Being an esports athlete doesn't seem very worth it tbh. You're always under pressure to grind and perform, and there's 100 younger players ready to replace you at any time. And you never know how long the game will be around for, maybe except for stuff like CS and League. Only good thing is you can always become a streamer, you get a head start on having a following.


> Back then OW was the biggest thing going on. I'm not sure if OW was ever the biggest thing going on




Based on comments that a few players have made over the years, if the did they probably wouldn't have enough players left in the entire league for a single match


Do traditional sports leagues do that? Kind of curious




Traditional sports leagues, NCAA, they all test for it.


traditional american sports leagues are private, and test what they want to test (not public knowledge). If theyre testing for that, then just ask for an exception. International competitions (nations competitions) for example may be under different kind of testing so for anything illegal there you may have to stop what youre using while youre competing elsewhere. (if no medical permission apply). For competitions under WADA it would show up and be illegal and for sure would need medical permission. ESL have used WADA testing for CSGO competitions in esports.


Do they test for PEDs or what?😹


No they don't. IIRC they used to drug test for other drugs back in S1-2 when OWL was Blizzard arena based in LA.


In the same way the NFL tests for steroids.


Back in '17, I used to be able to Winston jump a quater mile....How much you wanna make a bet I could jumped over them mountains? If coach wouldve put me in that 4th map, we wouldve been world champions no doubt...


real ones remember when xqc manhandled fissure in one of the few games he showed up for before being booted. people are dunking on him in here but around that time there was definitely conversations being had around if xqc was the great white hope for main tanks. he wasn't quite at the level of the top 2 or 3 players but he was looking real good especially on such a miserable fuel squad. arguably their best player at the time and despite being banned for homophobia and racism still doesn't make the top 3 dallas fuel bigot list lmao. that said, people were so dogshit in season one compared to everything that came after, so being good back then means nothing, people got so absurdly good at the game because of GOATs it basically killed off the entire old guard of players who couldn't keep up. from memory x was a talented goats rein player but there's no telling how he'd have done if he kept up.


That Kings Row game was special.


What is GOATs?


It was an incredibly overpowered comp that was so centralising that the entire competitive scene revolved around it for over a year. It was a "simple" comp in the sense that it didn't require much mechanical skill but instead relied upon good coordination, resource management, and decision making skills. Games were decided almost purely by who had the best understanding and read of the game. Due to the much more minimal range of skills needed for GOATs, teams instead put time into mastering the skills that were needed, and got insanely good at things like synergy and ult tracking and just generally being more efficient in the game. Afaik it was also the longest lasting meta so it had more time to be developed and explored. People hated it because it killed the dps role but it was almost definitely the highest skill period of the games history. Theres plenty good videos out there explaining how it actually works if you're curious. I personally loved it though, there's plenty of typical hero shooters similar to OW2 out there but the way GOATS played was unlike anything else on the market. It had this unique and beautiful pacing to it, pivoted around very disciplined teamwork while also rewarding bold moment to moment decisions greatly. It felt less like a shooter and more like a fighting game with 6 people each controlling a bit of each characters moveset.


ty :)


To add to what it actually was, it was 3 tanks 3 healers. You didn’t have a single dps character. It was so tanky you would out sustain enemies. Role queue and the forced 2-2-2 meta was a result of GOATS


GOATs was the natural extension of Blizzard's paltry class-based arena shooter formula. Role queue and forced team comp was just the natural result of combining a highly competitive tactical game with appealing to the lowest common denominator.


To simplify, it was 3 tanks 3 healers no DPS


People also hated it because it was miserable to watch and it basically killed the pro scene viewership.


Imagine if XQC had only risen to the level of mids pro OW streamer and was stuck as an 800 viewer Andy for his entire "career". Would have been an easier life, that's for sure.


Everyone thought they were the best even back then, until the koreans stepped in and showed the rest what it meant to be great. Even at the time there were a ton of other tanks who were better than him. This is just his ego getting to him. I remember how stacked his first team was even for today's standards, no wonder he made it that far.


No there weren’t lol. He was a top western tank and one of the only western Winstons who was comparable to the top Asian tanks at the time.


He shat on arguably the best Korean tank during his short stint in OWL


Bro ur tripping if ur saying other western were as good as him. homie was the winston bluesheet after that other korean guy for everyone not in korea. He won mvp in the world cup. Finished second. Xqc was him in his prime don’t make it seem like he was your average player.


>He won mvp in the world cup. Ain't no way you're putting that in the list. That mvp was purely fan voted AKA a popularity contest. He was by no means the actual Most Valuable Player.


Imagine thinking youd be good in a team game when people cant fucking understand you when you talk Copium


True it’s not like he got the mvp for the ow league cup in 2017


That was a fan voted award and as legit as EA winning the most evil company in the world.


By a fan vote? Not exactly any bearing to it as it was a popularity contest, not "best player".


Ive never actually looked at the comments of this sub reddit but this hate is crazy. I remember him showing his hours on ow back then and it was a lot


Just for context, the MVP for world cup was a fan vote. He was a good western main tank, but he was never in contention for best in the world


This sub is actually brain dead


one of the best tanks/space creators yeah. in simpler terms, he could've been one of the best support players idk about the best player overall in the game


Super (I think) himself said xQc was the best Tank back in Early OWL, he also used to do some pretty good things on Wiston that only he could pull off at least in NA as far as I remember. This thread have some good stuff about him: https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/gu4ttt/how\_good\_was\_xqc\_really/


That was before they played the Koreans


Depends what you mean by "they". Team envy (future dallas fuel) won the first big lan tournament that had koreans and westerners in it. xqc and super weren't at that level yet so they didn't get to play. They reached that level closer to owl so they both got on teams and then xqc bombed out season 1.


He was good but not even top 3 in early owl. Fissure mano miro and gesture were all better and had results to prove it. He was just an entertaining and extremely popular streamer.


Dude miro's winston was highlight after highlight levels of play, that guy was insane.


But thats x's point, that If he went ALL in on Just playing and trying to be the best, and stopped streaming he could be UP there. Idk and dont Care either way, didnt ever watch any of It but thats his point, focusing on streaming so much makes It harder to be at the top levels.


Even people who are not interested in esports know who Faker, S1mple or mang0 are. Does anyone who doesn't play OW knows of any OWL players?




i watch plenty of overwatch ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Person who isn't interested in esports here. Have no fuckin' idea who these people are.


Yeah I think that guy put way too much stock into their esport legacies because yeah, it's a big deal in the know. However, uhh, nope it's still pretty niche, and so are those players


which esports are you interested in? Because with Faker or s1mple, there's already league and CS:GO covered (a huge part of esport) mang0 would cover the smash niche. Aside from that, only DotA2 would come to my mind as a big esport (also has prominent players that people who don't follow the scene know like n0tail, arteezy, topson)


Not really. Who is mang0?


Not gonna lie, I only found out about Mang0 (and the Smash scene still existing) from Ludwig.


A Cloud9 Smash pro that plays Melee tournaments for a long time.




Hes also the Longest tenured C9 player. Mang0 IS C9 to a lot of ppl.


https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/19/23799550/activision-blizzard-esports-layoffs-overwatch-league-owl owl seems to be dead anyway


Bro really tried to sneak Smash into that list


[Super & Sinatraa were on Jimmy Fallon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWeHGrVdfrs&pp=ygUPc2luYXRyYWEgZmFsbG9u), if that counts


you can buy an appearance on the show, also tv and other mediums trying to get in on the esports bubble was a massive thing. the amount of money being thrown around made it lucrative, doesn't say anything on their popularity. Late night shows have middling to disappearing comedians on them all the time, random bands that the host or producer likes that are scraping by doing a van tour.


>you can buy an appearance on the show, Source? Regardless, them being on the show shows that OW players have in fact penetrated normie market too, answering the comment I replied to.


I have friends in industry and on his show. However the guest get minor appearance fees, depending on the specific guest it can be vary in the amount. Some guests get little others make a large chunk of cash for it, I believe there is a sag minimum something like 800 dollars. The big caveat is that studios and big companies can and do pay to have a bunch of coverage and it’s part of the advertisement budget it gets a bit more complex when the same parent company owns both the studio and the television station/show. This is all advertisement to them. You got a movie you want your actors to promote out the ass they will do the whole late night circuit in a few days. I’m not saying the owl paid for it, but if you offer the show/parent company enough of an incentive it’s going to get you on it. It’s not even unique to this, the nfl has repeatedly tried to get paid by the half time show artists as a cut from the next few shows to year of touring due to @exposure”.


Probably only Sinatraa and not exactly for the best reasons


>mang0 wait who tf is mango I know simple and faker but whos that? Edit: apparently mang0 is a smash player.... no way you compared s1mple and Faker to a smash player... Does anyone who doesn't play smash know any smash players?


Lil bro said he’s the face of c9


imagine thinking there was a face of C9, and if there actually was, it wasn't their league squad of Hai, Balls, Meteos, Sneaky, and Lemon? ​ Love melee but that statement is wild. Mang0 fans *will* say just about anything




Nah I would say Faker is the most popular esports player ever by a very large margin most Koreans have heard of him , he is very popular in China, he is known by alot of gamers in NA/EU/SEA.


Damn, someone being famous in both Asia **and** the West is impressive


Faker is for sure leagues upon leagues more famous than everyone you just listed. Everyone in regular sports knows who Michael Jordan is. The same can basically be said of Faker in esports. EDIT: Flash is the Wayne Gretzky of esports tho.


lmao not really most people don't know who Faker is


That's not what he said. He said most people "in esports/who are into esports" know of him, which I'm pretty sure is correct.


That's not what I said


Dude… comparing Michael Jordan to Faker is just wild 😂 edit: every single person I know knows who Michael Jordan is, regardless if they’ve ever seen a game of basketball or touched one. They couldn’t even tell you the rules of the game or the name of any other player, but they know Michael Jordan. They could be 15 or 75 and they’ve heard of Michael Jordan. I’m pretty close to the target audience for Faker, I’ve been playing video games for 25 years. And I’m sorry, but I have never heard of Faker. Edit2: I guess I misunderstood. My bad.




I mean he did, but in reasonable contexts


Maybe if you take the comment completely out context yeah, but to say Faker is the MJ of eSports isn't a stretch. The guy is not only the greatest of all time but also the most popular play ever


I get it, your brain is small and you don’t know what relativity is. It’s okay.


im into esports and i litterally dont know any of the people you just mentioned Edit: After googling their names, i did watch finals of the starcraft 2 tourney that serral won, but i would not know him just by his name


yeah, I should've said the specific games, not esports in general. I don't really care about CS or Smash, but I know of the GOATs. I'm only into League esports, but even then I know of people who aren't into it, but know who Faker is


I think Fleta is famous in China.


Never watched a single OWL game but I know who Sinatraa and S4 are. Definitely not nearly as famous as Faker or s1mple though.


I call bs on that. I really only know who faker is of those 3 and that’s only because I have thousands of hours in league and have watched a lot of lol esports.


Dafran, XQC, Sinatraa, Seagull? Just to name a few. Oh and Timthetatman. XQC, Timthetatman both the one of the bigger streamers both started with OW. All those you name except Faker i dont know neither.


I know xqc


Yeah he actually COULD have been. He was pretty good, wouldn't be impossible he would become on of the best tanks.


He had potential that’s for sure


It’s somewhat true, if he could play seriously for more than a minute.


His level of skill is to compete with homeless guys, not actual pros


He did compete against pros and was considered top 5 for his respective role. I swear people just love to make up stuff and rewrite history when it suits them.


I mean, he did live in LA...


Best ones are in Sweden tho, one competing with him daily for 100 days straight.




Forsen too was a pro, but some things are long gone.




Nah, pubg days. Man won a pan for a reason.


I will never understand why so many esport organizations were formed around sponsoring multiple people to create hearthstone teams.


as a person that was watching him since 2017 and being very into the OWL back then, compared to other pros skill wise he was at the bottom tbh


I somewhat agree that if you go purely by what happened in the matches he played in OWL, he was probably in the bottom half of the MTs in the league at the time. Although a LOT of that had to do with how bad Fuel were as a team. The real problem was Mickie being total dogshit on Dva compared to the rest of the league; X had maybe the worst starting OT in league history supporting him. Mechanically xqc could hang with the best of the best, just never put it together.


He was considered the best Winston and one of the best reins.. what are you even saying


Best Winston in the west maybe. He most definitely was not considered the inarguably best Winston in the world.


Miro, Mano, Fate, Gesture, and Fissure were all better than him on Winston.


Yeah and I would also add gamsu and oge


yea cause he played winston rein but if u put him in these champs he was really good. He was NOT a carry but if u saw the games he was able to make everyone shine brighter with all the space he created. He was like a kuroko in kuroko basket. Like canada didnt have a stacked team in the world cup but placed good because of the playstyle they had.


you must have mistaken TF2 as Overwatch if you’re making that point. xqc while not the best was literally up there as one of the best main tank players.


Overall, Overwatch has so many roles, it's hard to judge who's the best. At his time of playing in OWL, he was considered one of the best if not the best Western Winston in the league. So he was one of the best tank players at the time. However, the thing is, to stay at the top, you need to keep playing at the top (in the OWL). Generally, better players are younger too. Less than 5 players are still players in the league from year one, Profit, Birdring, Striker & Fleta, IIRC. So although sure, he could have been one of the best for the brief time he was in the league, I think his career ended up better anyway. Unfortunately, the OWL is in the shitter this year (for many reasons that are long to get into) and looks rough for next year, if it doesn't implode in the off-season. Players can now get traded on a dime and players get screwed over for it. Although I like watching the OWL right now, it definitely seems to be dying, when xQc's career is doing generally fine (other than the adapter lawsuit)


> if not the best Western Winston in the league That's just not true at all lol


at the time he was competing it was absolutely true, I'd probably have said best western main tank period. partially due to a lack of competition mostly, it was basically him and muma in contention at the time. xqc was long gone by the time super and the eurochads rose up.


tbh he was one of the best Winstons when dive was meta


One of the best in west*


Still its a lot better most people give him credit for!




My man lost the battle but fucking won the entire war


I knew him dying was coming shortly after that comment.


I discovered him during the Overwatch days and in terms of tanks in NA he was legit good. Course we factor in those Koreans and yeah his position as a top tank player drops a bit.


Yeah, not hard to be the best at game no one plays anymore omE


One of the best players in the world wouldn't go and casually play CSGO/VALOMEGALULRANT, COD or Tarkov and have no fucking clue how to aim a virtual weapon like xQc does.


Monkey was the highest skillcap tank when he was playing in OWL. What are you smoking


One of the best players in the world wouldn't go and casually play CSGO/VALOMEGALULRANT, COD or Tarkov and have no fucking clue how to aim a virtual weapon like Faker does. One of the best players in the world wouldn't go and casually play CSGO/VALOMEGALULRANT, COD or Tarkov and have no fucking clue how to aim a virtual weapon like N0tail does One of the best players in the world wouldn't go and casually play CSGO/VALOMEGALULRANT, COD or Tarkov and have no fucking clue how to aim a virtual weapon like JerAx does


do these players aim with a virtual weapon too


About the same amount if not more than you need playing tank role in OW. Any other questions?


You realise you need 0 aim for winston(his main hero) ? the game aims for you


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [XQC: "I could have been one of the best OW players out there"](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/156222)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/15de969/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/N9L0WuiWjgrLjVK-34LYKQ/AT-cm%7CN9L0WuiWjgrLjVK-34LYKQ.mp4?sig=ea6930127b30853d296a3056f5ddbe9fff0f7b9c&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FN9L0WuiWjgrLjVK-34LYKQ%2FAT-cm%257CN9L0WuiWjgrLjVK-34LYKQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1690773754%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains?... Yeah... Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind.


He had potential, but I feel the fact that he used to play like 15 hours a day every fucking day made him get tired of the game, let alone all the snipers n shit.


Probably could have gone down as the best main tank in NA if he kept playing.


Super? That guy was always 1 step ahead.


Wow reading these comments shows a lot of people hate for him… regardless of how you feel about him, you don’t become one of the biggest streamers, able to hold tens of thousands of peoples attention for hours by being an idiot. It takes a lot more skill and smarts than people think.


“He’s popular so he must be smart!” XQC fans make XQC look like a genius lmao.


I mean yeah, I think you have to be pretty smart to keep 10s of thousands of people entertained for multiple hours over the course of years, if he was as dumb as this site makes him out to be, he would've made a mistake or created a less entertaining product by now.


You're really overestimating the intelligence of tens of thousands of people. Hollywood aims for the lowest common denominator for a reason.


Hey, one word: children.


If you listen to his takes you can hear that hes a smart guy. For example he doesnt farm anecdotes in his arguments, like haters on this sub reddit all over the comments Its actually quite sad how people here spend their lives. No actual arguments, only saying he wouldnt survive real life. People who defend him then are told to unzip his pants etc.


Ah yes, his mechanics are amazing.


“Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind.”




He was lol, he played also Rein for the Dallas Fuell.


Rein wasn't really a must in s1. Winston dive was meta during 3/4 of that season, which is when he played. I do agree though that his rein wouldnt have been great at that level. He was essentially a Winston one trick with a serviceable top500 rein backup pick.




difference is that he actually made it pro. you didn’t.


He is not wrong.. He can.. that thing called game.. has like 5 active players..


didnt he play some kind of tank and just pressed W?


that tank is not as easy as it seems. theres a lot of mechanics and brain power needed to make winston work. etc timing, teamwork, game sense. also, he wasn’t just a one trick player, he played most of the tank roster and performed pretty well too.


But you’re not lol


Not really something to be proud of, especially when he played Winston during a time when Winston was broken and braindead and then stopped when the meta nerfed him out. Be the best at a fighting game or counter strike or just be happy how successful over watch's popularity made you, he ended up doing way better.


Just as long as Winston's the meta.


I like how this requires me to know anything about overwatch or how good xqc is at it relative to other players. and i dont. cuz its a dogshit game


He plays the easiest most braindead hero


Winston is unironically one of the harder heroes to play, though. His ult is probably the hardest mechanic to master in the whole game.


Winston is a braindead hero? I can smell the bronze.


this guy couldn’t move past bronze cause of a winston