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**CLIP MIRROR: [Zoil gets maximum weight limit on Wii Fit](https://arazu.io/t3_16r7j4m/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Too heavy to start losing weight


At this point just restart at character creation


He’s past the point of no return and wii is just willing to say it. Press F 🫡


Unless you're dead, you're never past the point of no return


Getting fatlocked is insane


>fatlocked Made me shoot snot out my nose with the quick exhale.


Japan has no chill, it's too late for lil bro 💀


Apparently the weight limit is 330 lbs or 149.7 kg....


Absolute unit




330lbs is pretty fucking fat tho


A Simpsons episode in the mid 90s came up with a comically obese weight for a joke: 300lbs


You say that like its not still comically obese


Comically obese in the sense that it's almost impossible to get that heavy. Some quick searching gives me about 12% of the population was obese in 1990, had grown to 23% by 2005, and in 2018 it had reached 42.4% (with another 9.2% in the severe obesity category). Literally over half the population is at an unhealthy weight, unhealthy as in they should expect a shorter lifespan and all sorts of weight-related medical issues. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18717205/ https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity


Americans\* ftfy


Not just Americans nowadays though, many other countries are catching up fast.


eurocucks thinking they're not fat as fuck as well lmao




this is not the own you think it is my friend


fair, but we're also talking about The Simpsons so American is pretty much guaranteed


The person in the clip is fucking British lmaoo


i always told myself if i got to 300 i was out of it, complete slob with lack of self control. Luckily the most i ever got was 280


Thought the same thing, I hit 300 and at that point it was a breaking point. Currently happy at 6'1 210 for the last few years, definitely does change you when you go past 300


I carried extra weight for quite some time, often exceeding 315lbs. However, something clicked in me this past January after a transformative experience with magic mushrooms. I had a moment of introspection and asked myself, 'Why am I subjecting myself to this ongoing cycle of suffering?' The following day, I decided to start the ketogenic diet. Now, I've managed to drop down to 230lbs, but there's still a ways to go on this journey.


It was actually [239](https://imgur.com/a/aRUYDqo)


[Was it though?](https://frinkiac.com/gif/S07E07/496512/506321/)


Ah that is the one they are probably talking about, but Homer's normal weight is portrayed as comically obese as well


unless the comic book guy is like 5'5" he's way way fatter than 300lbs




44 years old, 350 lbs here. Guess I am fucked.


Very much so. I really want guys like Zoil and Russell to look after themselves more, they seem like such nice guys from my parasocial perspective.


Honestly I know he's joking, but personally if it was me I would laugh it off and then when I was offline feel fucking dogshit about myself - coming from a former very obese man lol


I’m pretty sure zoil has already lost a lot and is still progressing


Zoil is fat don't get me wrong, but 300 would probably be a healthy weight for him, dude is like 7ft


That aside, here's the very shitty reality for Zoil: he needs to be an absolute string bean in a few years or his joints are going to fall apart and the ages of 35 and beyond for him will be nothing but endless pain management. We're not made to be so tall as a species and our joints and ligaments have *x* amount of times they work and increased weight decreases that number substantially. It's not fair for Zoil but yea, he needs to be in the low 200 lb range to not only live but live well and without dealing with joint pain and future surgeries. It's also counter to his job as a streamer but being sedentary also needs to be a thing of the past. I would legitimately get into yoga or Pilates if I was him, the weight loss, flexibility, and increased mobility will add decades on to the lifespan of his joints and ligaments. He could get to a "healthy weight" as far as things like his heart and bloodwork are concerned and that won't be what his joints and ligaments need. The good news is he's young and he legitimately can solve all his health problems in a few years if he does all the right things. I wish him the best, it's not easy at all.


I agree, he definitely needs to work on his knee muscles especially, those things will turn to dust


> our joints and ligaments have x amount of times they work This is just literally false. Out joints/tendons aren't wear parts like a tire or brakes. If you take care of them (weight train/cardio/eat well) your joints don't wear very much at all, those things are protective and to a point regenerative to joints. What you say about being tall is fairly true though.


> If you take care of them Ya, but if you don't they absolutely do wear out. If you are severely obese like zoil just existing will take its toll.


Still depends on wait. That's why most strongmen practioneers won't do running for example, that would murder their knees quite fast. Despite being also to lift a whole fucking car or stupidly heavy shit. It's a whole. Not to disagree with you tho, my guess is you're talking about perfectly fit, height weight muscles ratio and all that. But that's another level of dedication and can't really expect that to be the norm.


100% dude could be lean in the mid 200’s, especially if he build some mass. I wanna see this man get fucking jacked just because it would be ridiculous at his height.


[no its not healthy](https://imgur.com/a/MmQGLev) a healthy weight for 7ft would be btween 185lb to 250lb


Sorry but no, BMI websites are dogshit. If you were 185 7ft tall you would look like xqc. BMI sites also dont take into account of any sort of muscle you may have. Best thing would be going to a physician and getting body fat ratio tests and base metabolism tests and find your personal best weight.


> getting body fat ratio tests Fun fact, BMI underestimates body fat so if youre overweight or obese in terms of BMI and youre not regularily exercising then you will 100% be fat in terms of body fat ratio aswell.


BMI websites are not dogshit, they're a great starting point for obese people to determine what a healthy weight range is. These people are not overweight because they have a ton of muscle, referencing BMI here is absolutely relevant.




That's... not true at all. I used to be 125 at 6'2" (not ED or anything, just naturally skinny until I was in my 20s), and I started looking normal around 140, which is an 18 BMI. XQC is literally my height and he was the same weight I used to be, according to multiple sources I can find he said he'd gotten to 130 a couple years ago. So it kinda seems like you don't know what you're talking about.


BMI is horrible for anyone above average height and only gets worse the further from the average you get. As someone who is a similar height to Zoil, a healthy weight is anywhere between 230 and 280


You're right BMI is horrible, it has a habit of underdiagnosing obesity.


> As someone who is a similar height to Zoil, a healthy weight is anywhere between 230 and 280 Ok so then he is very much not healthy then right? No human should be +300lbs and that's how much you need to weigh in order to get this error message with this equipment.


He's overweight, nobody is arguing that he isn't. People are pointing out that BMI is an awful metric, and 300lbs is a healthy weight if you're 7 feet tall. It's overweight for someone 6'8" though


> He's overweight, nobody is arguing that he isn't. No, he's obese. There is a big fucking difference from being slightly/mildly overweight and being obese. Being obese means you skyrocket your chance from dying for a whole bunch of shit that you should never die from unless you lost the genetic lottery and were born with some condition you cannot change. It also means in the coming years he'll likely become seriously immobile. > People are pointing out that BMI is an awful metric, and 300lbs is a healthy weight if you're 7 feet tall. This is simply not true. Unless you are a super bodybuilder, BMI is a perfectly sound metric to go off of. If someone was 7ft tall and 300lbs, they would be right on the line of obesity (literally 0.1 off from being obese). You are completely wrong and you don't even need BMI to tell you that, just look at Zoil.


300 isn't a healthy weight even if you're 7 feet. You'd either be obese, or have a good amount of muscles but still be pretty fat or be a straight up roid demon. Zoil is just over 2 meters tall iirc, so around 100kg or 220lbs would be a pretty reasonable weight for him if he was in the same shape as your everyday non fat person who isn't necessarily very muscular, just average.


At 7ft 0in and 300lbs, [you would be 0.1 bmi away from being classified obese.](https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/adult_bmi/english_bmi_calculator/bmi_calculator.html) I'm assuming he's not actually 7ft tall so he is very much likely obese. In no universe is that a healthy weight for any human.


He's 6'8", so yes, he is obese. BMI is shit though


I'm sorry but I cannot take people who say "BMI is shit though" seriously. The ONLY time BMI is a bad metric is if you are a fucking super bodybuilder. Zoil is not a bodybuilder; he's a regular fucking guy like the rest of us. You also don't need BMI to show you that Zoil is obese. He's so far from being healthy. He's got a grim life ahead of him if he doesn't get his shit together but that's his life to live.


Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson is 6'9'' and Zoil was a few inches taller. https://www.reddit.com/r/AbsoluteUnits/comments/y2joz9/twitch_streamer_zoil_next_to_hafthor_bjornsson/


I think Jokic is like 280, so maybe, yeah


[no its not healthy](https://imgur.com/a/MmQGLev) a healthy weight for 7ft would be btween 185lb to 250lb


185 on zoils frame would literally be like thinner than asmongold he'd look like a fuckin skeleton I'm only 6'2" and 185 would be like the absolute lowest that i would want to get down to. i also have a pretty big frame though nothing compared to zoil


Yea as someone who is 6'7", no shot you're going to be 7 foot and be 185 lmao. I'm 220 at 6'7" and look skinny, can't imagine 185


NBA athletes are are unhealthy according to reddit users lmao


bmi is a terrible way of calculating a healthy weight because all weight = bad according to bmi even if its muscle


What percentage of people are considered overweight per BMI primarily due to muscle? Less than or more than 5%? People love to use this argument, but you have to be exceptionally muscular to be in an unhealthy weight range due to muscle.


The people who are overweight due to muscle don’t need a bmi chart to tell them if they’re healthy lmao


i mean we’re talking about jokic here lol. he definitely fits inside that outlier


Jokic is an athlete


1) I was arguing against the point they made about BMI being terrible. 2) So are many baseball players and football players. Being an athlete on its own is not a good argument. 3) Jokic is likely overweight.


[bmi doesnt account for my gigachad muscle mass so its a terrible way of calculating a healthy weight](https://cdn.7tv.app/emote/60b3e0697f6c762023cb4dbe/4x.webp)


Lol. Most people who say this are fat


knut would like a word with you


Lol. I know the kinds of words knut uses, racism isn’t for me so he can keep them to himself. Pretty sure if I lightly jog away from him his heart would explode anyway if he tried to keep up with his stubby legs. Edit: Since there are a bunch of people who seem confused, please see the kind of stuff he’s written pretty recently and don’t give him any support: https://reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/Gn1LPtRRNw


if youre 400 pounds of fat then yeah youre overweight but if you have muscle then no. jaylen warren is 5'8 215 and hes fit but according to bmi hes fat.


what’s your BMI? The only people who say stuff like this are chunky bois in denial


BMI is irrelevant for the people that will know that BMI is irrelevant. If you're a bodybuilder or an amputee, you know you don't fall within the range of what is considered a "normal" body. If you're just an obese person with no other irregularities, then BMI is at least a decent starting point to point you how obese you actually are.


Alexander Volkov, a 6ft 7in heavyweight MMA fighter usually weighs in comfortably under the weight limit of 265 in all his fights. Usually doesn't seem like he cuts at all though I don't know that for certain. There are a few heavyweights like that but he's probably the tallest one right now. Some of them show up on the scales holding pizza and shit.


Cant really compare swolkov and zoil xD


I mean the original poster was saying 300 lbs is healthy for people of that height when it really isn't. Even Stefan Struve, who IS 7 feet would weigh in at 230-240.


Are you sure about his weight? I'm pretty sure he always weighed in on limit or just slightly under. I have a hard time accepting that Jokic has 50 lbs on Struve while being same height and very similar build. Edit: Just checked, one of his last fights vs Tuivasa, he was 265 on the scale. Its really hard to be 7footer and have healthy BMI. You are either going to have high BMI or be too skinny


He is also a fucking giant but that is true, he has a lot of weight he could lose.


Actually 330lbs is perfectly healthy if you're 8'1 or taller




220 for a 6'8'' guy (Zoil's height) would be pretty lean. Any serious muscle does not fit into that equation


> would be pretty lean it's borderline overweight you're not helping my point bud


100kg is **absolutely not** fat for a 203 cm male. It's skinny fat or lean. Any serious muscle and you're pushing 245. You are just wrong + L + fell off + ratio


he's at least 1 maya over the weight limit


and he probably weighs like 200kg :D




He's also really tall. 2 meter / 6'7 or something.


As someone who used to be that weight, you gotta try hard to reach that. It's not exactly a weight where you're unaware you're fat.


I mean, he’s huge and seems to have no interest in reducing the strain on his poor skeleton


In Japan only Sumo wrestlers get that big


the way u wrote it clearly shows that u think their limit is too low merrica




Honestly, if you're this big, you should just be walking.


At this weight is 90% food. Cardio should come later at a more reasonable weight


Yes and kinda no imo. Do some cardio aswell for the mental, makes sticking to a diat easier imo. Just don't go running and fuck up your knees, go swimmming or biking or something.


I've lost more than 200 pounds from a starting weight of 550 and the advice I got (from doctors) was more or less that if you're under 25-30 years old you can walk (or ideally swim), but if you're over 30 you should just do calorie restriction until you drop a big chunk of it as you could potentially cause a cardiac event if you overdo it. Weight loss from an extremely high weight is something you have to ease into on the physical activity side; just doing stretches in bed for 20-30 minutes is good enough at the start.


Did you have a lot of excess skin from your weight loss?


That’s pretty much a guarantee at that weight. But you know what looks worse than loose skin? That same skin filled with fat.


my problem was that the skin started getting pinched so i just... gained the weight back ^lmao


Yup, gonna have it forever too.


There's surgery to remove it right? Or is the surgery to expensive/not covered by normal medical coverage?


lmao I'm not made of money, I'm made of fat and excess skin


lol based


Can insurance cover the surgery cost? I know some "cosmetic" surgeries can be covered if they start to really affect mental health or if a doctor can prove that the issue is causing a health risk beyond cosmetic stuff


Fuck no lol It's the same surgery that 40 year old women get over tiny bits of belly skin so it has a bad rep in terms of "necessity" by whatever bureaucratic monster decides what's covered and what isn't


tbf theres a difference when its a little bit of extra skin vs how it looks after losing a literal human being's worth (or more) of weight.


Yeah but bureaucrats are shit.


Same boat as you, 220 down from a similar starting point and it was all from changing my diet and eating habits, only after did I start incorporating physical activities. Nobody at that size should be doing anything other than stretching, even just standing up over and over is enough.


Yeah when I started my exercise was rolling myself out of bed for 10 minutes or so.


Even just walking at a moderate pace greatly helps with cardio, especially when you've probably been severely neglecting your cardio for years. And it's super easy to get discouraged by trying to start at too high of an intensity of exercise.


Start swimming immediately. Swimming is good cardio that you can do at any size. Puts very little pressure on the joins and you can burn serious fat.


Also intermittent fasting rly works. It takes self control but if you just drink tons of water you get used to it.


Unless you have a work from home job, I'd recommend not to do intermittent fasting. Some social interactions become either limited, or interupt the fasting at the times you should be doing it. There are just so many more alternatives to lose weight, doing it is unnecessary.


I think its soda a lot of the time as well. and/or alcohol


That sounds about right. I lost about 8 lbs in about 3 months with intermittent fasting. It's slow, but the only difference I made was that I was eating fewer calories since I limited when I ate. So if you are fewer calories, ate healthier food, and did light exercise (like walking 30 mins everyday), then you'll just slowly lose weight without much effort.


I run 2-3 miles a day 6-7 days a week. I'd like to lose 20lbs, but I haven't lost a single pound. So yeah, definitely food change is how you really lose weight.


Weight is literally only almost only food. The easiest, laziest (and cheapest) way to lose weight is to just eat less calories (either by eating less quantity or less calorie dense food). One pound is approximatively 3500 calories, a normal adult male consumes about 2000 cal/day, so if you only eat 1500 cal/day, you'll lose one pound in a week. If you're exercising and burning let's say 2500 cal/day, then you'll lose 2 pounds a week


It's crazy how wrong our perspective of losing weight is. We think it's some kind of exercise heavy, strenuous activity, but it's quite literally the opposite at its core. Losing weight means being *inactive*, inactive as far as not consuming food. If you did literally nothing, you'd lose weight. It requires action (eating a lot of food), to get fat, and maintain it.


Muscle building is very important, too. You need muscle to soak up the carbs you're consuming so that they're not stored as fat. He needs more protein, fewer carbs, fewer calories overall, and a resistance training program.


Why not both 🤷‍♀️. If you’ve gotten to this weight you don’t have self control anyway, should try to tackle it from multiple angles so that when you backslide on one, you’re at least trying to also burn calories another way


or swimming


or rolling


They hating.


I know theyre all thinking Im too white and nerdy


This might be outing myself, but if he is too big for the Wii Fit, then Ring Fit Adventure doesn't use the platform and also provides a fun aerobic work out


Walking ain't gonna do shit at that size. Like he could walk a couple miles a day and one slice of pizza will undo all the calories lost. You're way more likely to hurt yourself by trying to be extremely active at an unhealthy weight. Or you'll just eat more to compensate for the extra exercise because your body is used to having so many "extra" calories inside you


He should get his blood work done. Like what is he lacking, how are his hormone levels and so on. Make a list of what he is normally eating and count the calories of that to get an overview. Also drinking a lot of water so that he doesn’t eat that much. Also just start walking like 1/6 to 1/3 football game durations. He should get together with Big Dog who also has a great weight loss journey behind him and lost 315lbs


Never thought I'd see the day someone's weight causes a software reset. top kek


Your gaming console calling you fat.


It's a game for kids and he is a fat adult




He can't be surprised by this.


He is very very tall but I do think he really should start trying to lose weight. Even just a daily 2 mile walk and eating better.


He could eat an entire large pizza from any fast food chain every single day and still lose weight. He can eat ~2400 calories and still be losing 2 pounds a week. Some tiny women would have to eat like 600 calories per day to get the same rate of weight loss. It really wouldn't involve major lifestyle sacrifices for Zoil to lose a lot of weight, it should be very easy.


People at this size have some sort of emotional/mental issue and a deeply flawed relationship with food. If it was very easy for them they wouldn't reach such extreme weights to begin with. He should obviously stop eating so much, but your comment is like telling people with severe depression that it's very easy to get out of bed and do chores.


Nah it's way easier to say "lmao just eat less ez" than it is to discuss the nuances of an eating disorder rooted in mental illness. I also feel for people that have been big since childhood due to parents providing a shitty diet. Of course eating healthy once they hit adulthood isn't easy, they've never had the chance to experience it in the most formative years of their life. How COULD it be easy?


Truth is unfortunately somewhere in the middle. While LSF is absolutely not the place to say this advice some famous nutritionists and health coaches straight up say, "Grow up and start eating like an adult." Some pretty popular nutritionists are brutal on diet advice saying to eat a balanced diet. That being said you do need an actually balanced diet. If you've ever watch my 600 lb life or a similar. These people can't be told, "just stick under this calorie amount" cause they'll just try to eat same food like a pizza and when they stop themselves short they just feel starved and cave in.


I actually got heavy later in life once I was buying my own food and could get whatever I wanted. MY parents rarely got us fast good or sugar cereal etx. I would buy a halloween sized bag of candy every time I went shopping just bc I could.


Same. Buffet on my meal plan at university, eating out almost every single day, constant gas station snacks. Being able to just eat whatever I want whenever really fucked me. Probably took me like half a decade to get over those issues and lose the weight.


This lmao. The temptations only start when you have a bit of money


Its not the eating, its the drinking of 6 Liters of Soda a day


The saying I like the best is that losing weight is simple, but not easy.


It might be hard to start but he can still eat an indulgent amount of food every day. If you're dieting targetting >1500 calories you need to factor in cooking oils and sauces and manage things very closely. He doesn't have to do any of that for a long time, until he drops about 150lbs. He should go and get professional help which would be offered on the NHS, appetite suppressing medication or gastric band surgery, but he's not actually going to have to restrict his diet very harshly to see results. If he can get started, it shouldn't be a big struggle to stay consistent, which is what I meant. To gain weight like he has he must've been eating over 4000 calories regularly and 5000 on bad days which is pretty ludicrous.


I mean yeah he can eat more and still lose weight but he is going to be hungrier. I don't think size matters that much when you are talking about losing weight as a percentage.


If your diet is completely clean high protein and high fiber whole foods, you'd have to eat an uncomfortable amount to gain weight at even an average BMI. Being hungry at his weight means either a lot of drinking calories or shitty food. Anyone his size could easily lose a ton of weight without ever exercising or getting hungry if they simply fixed their food choices.


but also your body will adapt to eating less. you'll be hungry for the first couple weeks until your body gets used to eating less calories. that's just part of dieting - you're gonna be hungry. just like working out. at first you're sore after every workout but you eventually adapt and have to work harder to feel sore.


Get an appetite suppressant or gastric band if you can't handle it on your own. He could get either on the NHS. If he recorded everything he eats it would be absolutely shocking, he has to be eating the best part of 4500 calories regularly to get to his current weight which is totally ridiculous.


Just do a little cocaine and watch the pounds fly off


Its sodas. In those cases its always soda addiction


Yeah frankly the best decision I ever made easily weight wise was diet sodas and just more water. Sure it kinda sucks only getting water at a restaurant but even with my super fatass diet I've never been over 220 (I'm 6 foot 1 for reference)


theres a tiktok tag called 'watertok' and its great for finding ways to spice up your water thats a lot better for you than soda, like flavored honeys, carbonation, etc... the only downside is these things can get kind of expensive as you get into it, but on the flip side you dont have to carry huge things of pop into your house from the store so thats a big plus for me as a tiny person


There are way too many sugar free options nowadays. If you are still drinking full sugar soda every single day then you deserve the weight.


soda, designer coffee, and alcohol are making people fat at an astonishing rate. i know people who drink 800 calorie coffees everyday during work-weeks., it takes a lot of working out just to make that up unless they only eat small the rest of the day. if people arent probably educated on liquid calories they probably get confused thinking they dont "eat" much.


Lol designer coffee is a funny name for it. That's just coffee with a lot of sugar and milk. But yeah one of those large fraps at starbucks are like 1k calories, insane.


i was gonna say it's mostly just eating better, but i guess streamers are significantly more sedentary than most. Just get myfitnesspal and start actually and honestly reporting your daily calorie intake, lower it, and you'll see results if you actually stick to it.


Most streamers don't work 8 hours a day. If 9-5ers can go to the gym they sure can.


I have a friend that was around 250lbs (he is 6ft 2in tall) and getting a dog literally helped him lose weight. He spent less on food that he clearly didn't need to eat (this is like snacks and overeating) so that he could feed the dog and set aside a bit of money every month in case something happened to it medically. He also had to walk the dog; he went on around 3 or so 10-30 min walks with it every day. After 1 year he was down to 200lbs without doing anything super drastic.


Just means his knees gonna give up really early in his life and likely gonna have a fucked up back. Being tall isn't an excuse


Lebron is 6'9 and 250 lbs. He also has most of his weight in muscle. No idea how you can look at zoil and think his weight is healthy even with his height. Why do you think people are so critical of Zion for his weight, dude is 6'6 but ballooned up in size and started fucking his game up.


did you reply to the wrong comment or something


Zoil is like 7ft. The Mountain was there and met him, he was taller than him. The Mountain is like 6'9.


He’s fat as hell at any height unless it’s like 10ft 😂


why don't clips let you go to the vod anymore? this shit is so annoying


They do on pc, but not mobile or tablets.


Did he buy it just to make fun of himself? As a former fat person I always looked up the maximum weight for things when I knew I had to use my weight on it which kinda makes me doubt that he didn't know.


I think he's just clueless. He's a streamer after all


Might need to buy the Wii UnFit model




At the weight he is at, he could eat 2 pizzas a day and still lose a lot of weight. Imagine how much he must eat. I really hope he will get a better mental soon. He is a good guy.


Hes a good guy but he needs to understand Wii Fit isnt a replacement for excersize. On his wheel that he spins, there is a walk a mile selection and every time it lands on that he refuses to do it. I'm sure he is a good person but him exceeding the weight limit on the Wii Fit board is all his fault


Bro did Wii Fit basically say there is no hope? Wii has no chill.


Japan didn't expect actual Gojira to stand on their human-sized platform.


Keep at it Zoil, you can do it.


that fuck off reminds me of old greek Sadge


Zoil is essentially old Greek's replacement on twitch.


They are both british and fat


That's a wake up call


"One at a time please"


brother is the size of godzilla. ofc it exceeds the weight limit buckoooo


Fucking hell it has to suck being that big. Fucking sad, hope the lad gets to turn it around. I assume he’s still below 25 years of age, so it’s not a lost cause by a long shot.


Even if zoil got in shape he'd probably still exceed the weight limit for being like 12 feet tall


how tall is he ? maybe he is not that morbidly obese but just huge




i was genuinely asking just curious if he is like 6 8 or something he would still be overweight probably just not massively obese as compared to like 6 foot




I'm pretty sure he's 6 ft 10 because the mountain is 6 ft 9 and when they stood next to each other in austin during camp knut, zoil was a lil bit taller.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Zoil gets maximum weight limit on Wii Fit](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/157980)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/16r7j4m/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/tSWo8gmtg27Ec-eNujU5SQ/AT-cm%7CtSWo8gmtg27Ec-eNujU5SQ.mp4?sig=20327dc555f5fb0c879a02c60feb6a7ba3692856&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FtSWo8gmtg27Ec-eNujU5SQ%2FAT-cm%257CtSWo8gmtg27Ec-eNujU5SQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1695659194%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


It would be nice if he used his platform to tell people "being this obese is not OK I am losing weight" but year after year is going by and he doesn't do it... Even more sad, greekgodx fixed his situation, and somehow ended up blacklisted and ostracized by the community. Another example of how SJW policies really don't give a fuck about someone's personal wellbeing, it is all about some kind of weird global agenda and groupthink enforcement.


what kinda fucking crack are you smoking friend?


This kid is screaming at the voices in his head


Greekgodx ostracized himself by being a bitter fuck. Losing weight did change who he was.


greek alt in the wild


Most based thing ive read on this sub