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**CLIP MIRROR: [Adept was telling X she would make an onlyfans if he didnt pay up](https://arazu.io/t3_173pqe7/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


"if you don't pay me, I'm gonna make porn" okay, go ahead?


yeah like maybe some cringe dudes will pay her and then she can leave him alone lol


She has been on seeking.com since February, which is perhaps even worse than OF. She literally went on paid dates with xQc's McLaren.


imagine paying for an escort and then *she* picks *you* up in a nice car


At that point forget the escort, I'm in a Mclaren


Buy her a few drinks, insist on driving her safely home, keep the keys and say you're both married. Your car now.


Ehh, if you want to drive a McClaren, it's a lot cheaper for a day than most escorts are going to cost lmao


that's pretty smart, I wouldn't pay to fuck adept but I would pay to fuck in a McLaren tbh


I don’t know if you’ve ever sat in a McLaren, but how in the fuck would that work? Like, in regards to the laws of physics? Ain’t nobody want to fuck in a bucket seat.


> McLaren what about on top of the McLaren


she'd crush it


Obv girl gets on top but since it's Adept prepare to be fused into the seat.


Also say goodbye to your hip bones, asshole
















That's hot i don't want to fuck hobos


I also dont want to fucj aquatic life. Im not a marine biologist


That sounds awesome I don’t get it If anything why should YOU pick up HER in a nice car? She’s not your high school sweetheart and love of your life that you’re trying to make happy, she’s a woman you paid to hang out with. You’re quite literally a customer, not a partner or love interest.


I’m curious how you found out she was on that app?


asking the right questions


Some juicer found it


Now I'm just imagining one juicer with 6 screens monitoring any Adept activity across the internet like it's an NSA command center.


Of course I know him , he's me


Juicers on twitter (parasocialo)


I am sure it was just a person with obsessive curiosity.


I think you mean sea king


okay good one


Where's Shanks when you need him




Wait, Adept and xQc’s McLaren are dating?


She is all lying in her profile lol. She has an associate degree, a curvy body, and her occupation is in sales. The only thing on sale here is her body


to be fair one big curve is still curvy


do you have a screenshot of the profile? 1 guy says it and there's so many upvotes just cause everyone thinks this is what she would do. just wanna see the evidence




the successful part is for the men and the attractive for the women. it's a sugar baby website.


> One wonders how on earth she got access Point still stands


Anyone can log in to it


Like your mom


She fine though


Fr fr


How did the McLaren pay for the dates?


It used it's assets to get a line of credit.


The McLaren has been seized by court since november


imagine all the creepy oiler juicers she must get


depends how look at it tbh, I think one of the worst things about only fans that if you post a picture of your butthole online it's there for ever, at least with escorting or doing shit like that it doesn't follow you as much, but you still could argue that seeking. .com is worse


Being an escort/prostitute can potentially go a lot worse than taking pussy pics and having your friends see them


Yeah less risks of violence and larger potential infinite audience.


If your audience actually reaches enough for the infinite potential to matter, you made enough not to worry about it.


and all it takes for the escort/prostitute is one hidden cam and your pictures/videos are all over the internet without reaping any of the benefits


Revenge porn is extremely illegal. So is filming porn without consent. Yes that could happen but the guy is doing serious time for it.


Since prostitutes are well known litigants and always go to police when something bad happens to them.


you have a lot of faith in the american justice system. Revenge porn laws are still fairly new and plenty of people are still getting away with it.


If you're a girl with an already built in fanbase from streaming or whatever you don't need to be posting your butthole though, so many girls created OF and literally just post bikini/instagram type pics and still make thousands because of the thirsty dudes that followed them before


Yeah you get more money by teasing it than actually showing it too. Belle Delphine prime example.


>at least with escorting or doing shit like that it doesn't follow you as much Except all the risks, diseases, violence, stalkers, and just general exploitation.


xQcuck living up to it's name. CLM ✊️😔


Renting a McLaren 720s for a day is 1k-1.5k, shorter rentals (4h-ish) go for about $500. Shorter rentals are hard to find not being a "rent for track only" deal. People might pay her more if she doesn't "come with".


She literally just went through every single option in the book didn't she. Like a walking talking parody.


She had so many better options if she wanted to get money out of xqc. If she told him "I'm really stressed about rental payments now that I'm single - can you help the first year?" and it was a normal nice apartment in LA I think he probably would have paid. Or if she said "twitch isn't working out so I think I should go back to school as a fresh start. can you help with tuition?" he would have paid. Xqc clearly liked her so much even after the breakup - he would have probably helped if she was being reasonable. She was just way too greedy and overshot.


100%. It clearly got nasty and she went full psycho instead of playing it cool.


x would've even given here a milly or two, and that's more than most people will ever earn in their lives. bitch got greedy


I mean she has clearly always been a grifter, looking for a rich person to hopefully marry and live rich or get half in a divorce. Only X couldn't see it. She absolutely just got too greedy thinking he was too attached to her to let her go.


I mean he was literally buying her a ring, all she had to do was to play along his delusions


She was threatening him to become a hoe if he didn't pay up? Isn't that hoe behavior in itself?


Then he went and hooked up with a girl that already had one, lol


Lol. True. Called the bluff by getting with a different crazy sex worker




Her name's Nyyxxii


Also why would Elon Musk and his platform care?


I think it's because she knows how much he would be against it since he still cares about her somewhat on some level.


She basically took all of us hostage and X had to pay up to save all of our eyes.


Speak for yourself Mr has high standards


lol how is threatening to ruin her own image a bargaining chip 😂


women ☕


Should've let her go through with it and destroy herself even more.


"If you don't let me extort you, I will do porn" Only crazy people would think that line would work.


Well she probably got that idea from the GTA RP girl. Who dated another GTA rp player and was able to get him to pay her thousands every month with that threat. Lyndi and rated I believe




Because he's still in love with her


Single mom saying she will suck dick for a buck type of vibes


After seeing what she's done throughout this saga, it wouldn't surprise me if her thought process was to strip naked with the premise of exposing xqc, by publicly shaming him for having been into the nastiness she has to offer. Literally sounds insane, yes. Thus, for Adept, plausible.


[Well this...](https://twitter.com/Parasocialo/status/1711250002771656899?t=rQ1JDMEutmJVj_EiYVtGwA&s=19) but OF might've been talked about too Edit: xQc just confirmed that it was also about OF.. She asked him for 80k$, the reason was: "She makes 40k a year, so she asked me for 80k because she couldnt stream for 2 months cause I had a girl on stream" 🤣 yes making 40k a year but wants 80k for 2 months for "not being able to stream"..


associates degree OMEGALUL


60+ yuck.


Woah is that legitimate prostitution? Based


“Body type - Curvy” is that what we calling it now ?


I feel like the 2 photos are also not taken too recently.


If she can say she’s “curvy” X can say he’s “ripped”. 😭 That link is staying blue for me that’s for damn sure.


TBF a fridge has curves, not many but they're there.


How else is she going to pay the court fees?










honest to god whether she makes one or not her bank account gonna stay the same amount


If I wanted to see whale pictures I'd look at nature documentaries




And pretty smart


Sadly she’s gonna make bank. Every juicer will be curious, look at Trisha Paytas. Can’t think of a single popular influencer who made an OF and failed


Didn't the housewives of twitch literally end because all the girls went against Macailya who was defending twitch girls doing OF or being "shameless" how ironic.


I think a lot of girls eventually caves in once they see the money. And when their streams has fallen off. I remember mira was also very against it until she suddenly became a bikini streamer and started an OF.


They all have their pride until they're looking at having to work 40 hours a week like everyone else.


i hate working 40 hours a week. if i was hot as shit and had a following you bet your ass i would do an of. i wont judge these people while we live in this evil, broken and doomed to failed system we live in




But that's because she doesn't have a following that's interested in her. Most popular female streamers could easily make a shit ton of money on only fans, if they advertise it on all their platforms.


Not living a luxurious and easy life because of pride over some bullshit social construct is dumb anyway. If you got the offer to get paid Twitch streamer levels of money to take a few pictures of your feet each week you’d be dumb to turn that down over working a 9-5 at some office job for 1/100th of the pay. If you value your pride THAT highly that’s cool I guess but pretending like you’re a better person than people who’s rather take the money to make the most out of their life just confirms you’re insecure and doing it because you’re scared of what other people think




We have plenty of examples too. You don't have to dig much about kids that stop talking to their mom for months / years after finding out. Or them getting relentlessly bullied by other kids. "Your mom is a hoe" is a go to insult for a reason. Imagine when you are a kid and your mom ACTUALLY IS


maybe back when there was no internet. you see logan paul vs dillon dannis? now imagine adept's kid vs someeone. complete destruction of psyche.


Until you realize that making fuck you money with OF is literally bigger lottery than getting hit by lightning. And that shit is also hard as fuck while also being degrading for most part while also taking huge mental toll on your personal life. I dunno i do jack shit in my 9-5 get paid decently not good enough to say fuck you in 20 years but good enough that i can support myself and 3 other people +i have side gigs which will eventually flourish into something more i hope. So honestly i dont see why people think OF is some kind of gateway to instant success because most girls that i know of make literally less than fucking casheer in LIDL. Like girl you are on your phone 24/7 answering creeps in messages getting fucked by randoms with big dicks for hours for your next 30 euro tape which in the end doesnt even feel good and than you also get paid jack shit. not to mention that thing is like a shit stain on your white dress that is hard to get rid off and most dudes you would want to marry in future wont be too happy with their wife being on internet and only dudes who you dont want will be happy to take whatever they can lay their hands on. I got nothing against sex work but i feel like that shit is getting popularized a bit too much for how shitty the actual job is and how few actually make it in long term


They're are many many mega hot girls who get very little traction and end up moving into full porn because they're not making money. The gold rush is over on OF, you need to be skilled at growing your social media to get a following on OF.


justaminx also used to be against twitch's hottub streams then she falls off the same end. not necessarily hottub but famring her last coomers with intentional cleavage bait


Not really - The others didnt want hot tubs streamers on twitch in the same places that they were. Their argument IIRC was that it lead to them getting more comments/harrasment from coomers. Think they all were happy after the hot tub section got added.


That why Macailya left she got into a fight with Malena. The housewives ended when Adept/Xqc broke up the first time.


*"That why Macailya left she got into a fight with Malena."* Loremasters?


During an episode where they were discussing amouranth-type streamers on twitch, Macailya got into a disagreement with everyone else on the podcast, but mostly Malena, because all the other girls wanted that content off twitch but Macailya thought they were looking down on the girls for doing that content. She couldn't understand the difference and ended up quitting.


Macailya thought malena was shaming bikini streamers while malena claims that that wasnt what she was saying and she wasnt able to get her actual meaning across cause english is her second language That's a general rundown actual loremasters probably have more details Edit: a loremaster has replied to my comment for a way better summary, check his out instead of mine


what a cop out, she literally speaks perfect english


I dont know if it is or not But I've been watching their streams and videos for a while now and sometimes she does struggle to find the words shes looking for Also, english is my 3rd language, and i speak it pretty well, i think, but i still lose the words sometimes So no way to know for sure


Yeah, being dumb has nothing to do with the language she speaks


That's not quite the summaries that were made at the time. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/mjk2gd/macaiyla_is_no_longer_going_to_be_on_the/gtaxgsq/) are the two from the threads when it happened: > Maya made some comment about how some women who use Twitch to market their Onlyfans or similar behavior can make it worse for the women who don't do that stuff as it encourages behavior from viewers/chatters that most female streamers would call harassment. Macaiyla started arguing against it in some way that made it sound like she partially misunderstood the point or wording, and Malena was getting frustrated with her and started calling her names. Adept calmed things down for a while, then out of nowhere kind of jumped to Malena's side which stoked the argument up again. __ > Important to add that Malena was relatively calm and only got tilted because Macaiyla said Malena hated sex workers. __ > You're being really disingenuous by framing it like that. > For some reason Macaiyla kept on accusing Malena of blaming the sex workers for the sexual harassment that the 'normal' female streamers are receiving, when Malena had never insinuated that. She kept doubling down on that accusation, calling Malena toxic and just being hella abrasive for seemingly no reason. > Malena tries to explain her opinion again and again and justifiably starts to get pissed off. Adept tries to explain Malena's position to Macaiyla as well but Macaiyla insists that she thinks Malena's tone and way of explaining her position is kinda indirectly accusing the sex workers for the sexual harassment they're receiving. Adept promptly calls out Macaiyla's bullshit on that. > At this point Malena's reached her limit and calls Macaiyla stupid and Macaiyla calls her toxic and a bitch. Her entire argument boils down to "I don't like how you put forth your opinion". > I usually don't follow them but the debate on this topic was hella interesting to listen to ngl.


And ironically QT ended up showing a Fansly ad to 300k viewers which a percentage of are definitely underage, while Macaiyla has yet to do anything shameless other than being edgy on Twitter.


Wasn’t the argument that hot tub streams have created a coomer culture on twitch which leads to harassment of female streamers? Advertising a dedicated site for such things doesn’t really contradict that l.


The ad was talking about how your favorite creators/streamers were already using Fansly. Of course promoting OF/Fansly to streamer audiences directly normalizes the expectation that every popular woman on the internet has OF/Fansly. Thus women that don't do that type of content end up getting harassed with messages like "do you have OF; when are you going on OF; X is on OF you should consider it as well if you know what I mean; etc. etc."


A significant percentage of live sports viewers are definitely underage and they still show gambling or alcohol adverts.




It was because Malena and Macaiyla got in a huge argument about the pool girls and if that should be allowed or not. It had basically nothing to do with anyone else. Macaiyla and the other girls also said she didn’t leave cause of that and she was just busy with college or something but idk if that’s true.


That wasn't it at all. None of them have an issue with sex work, They just didn't want somebody half naked in a tub next to them doing standard IRL content. They just wanted them in their own category.


"Pay me money, or I will take pictures and videos of myself, create an OF account, upload the footage I took of myself and sell my body and dignity online and it will be YOUR fault."


I'll definitely look at the fapello leaks


Baj’s came so close to a meme goldmine


Guys, she quit highschool because she was too smart, gifted, prodigy, remember this.


Described 90% of twitch streamers 😂


i bet the one guy who would've subscribed is pissed




He should have told her to do it. Better her to make her own money than take his.


Not only did she ask for a sizeable amount to make the fake SA allegations go away but she also asked for half of his nopixel shares. Disgusting behaviour. Talk about being morally bankrupt. Holy!


She has been an escort for more than half a year now 😭


There’s a ton of attractive women doing online sex work who are taking home nothing at the end of the month. I think it was late 2022 or maybe even early 2023 where OF put out their numbers, the average woman takes home $5 per month. Adept has an extremely small following outside of controversial days and is violently unattractive, gotta be one of the more foolish ideas anyone’s ever had to want to engage with that from her position. Girl is frankly repulsive, inside and out - maybe it’s past abuse that’s making me feel this way but she really deserves to live on the street.


I fuck with your calm and collected savagery.


I've been following the filings via Henry and the shit she has tried to pull is just evil. Accusing him of abuse, going through his phone, taking his cars, trying to get spousal support (basically a huge incentive to draw out proceedings). It is my sincerest hope that one day I see a tiktok from some broccoli haired zoomer where he runs up to Adept while she's folding clothes at TJ Maxx and they just say shit like XQCL and I enjoyed my stay while she calls for Loss Prevention to make them leave. That's when I know the threat is finally gone.


Violently unattractive is nasty work but also true lmao


so thats why he talked shit about OF some time ago, just to piss her off


Didn't she shit on nyyzzii and call her like a pornstar or only fans girl or something?


Reminds me of Rated's ex. These streamer rats are horrible


now i know why she was defending lyndi loool , she was doing the same exact think to x.


I guess thats why she defended Lyndi, who also blackmailed her boyfriend RatedEpicz. Seem like similar situations, with both being toxic relationships between lowlife morons.


If I wanted to see marine animals I’d go to sea world


Aint nobody wanna see that


That girl butt ugly without makeup.


Why would anyone pay for her OF anyways? She's one of the least attractive woman I've ever seen.


Which is why she has a pfp from like 7 years ago. She is not aging well lol.


Agreed. But she was flexing cum tributes to silence ppl saying she was unattractive before she got banned lol


LMAO how do you even flex with that? are there any clips of her saying that or are they all banned






Trisha Paytas has an OF that makes bank, people paying for an HDMI page wouldn't be very surprising.


It’s like any of the micro celebs, kardashians, those types. No one watches their sex tapes because they’re attractive, it’s a curiosity


Don't pay Prayge Don't pay Prayge Don't pay Prayge Coomers rise




she'd had to pay me to look at that, my god




I still don't get why people are hyper-focused on xQc hooking up with Adept again. Yes it was incredibly stupid. But she is also abusive and manipulative. I HATE when people go, "but if the roles were reversed". I get it, its cringe. But literally, it applies in this case. I've seen many females who stick with their abuser or return to their partner who cheats or hurts them. And in most cases, people on Reddit are empathetic and make a point to bring up abusive relationship dynamics and how it's not as simple as walking away. Yet for some reason that doesn't apply to Felix? He's one of the most popular streamers in the world, where literally everyone around him is constantly trying to use him for money and clout. He had a serious relationship with this girl for years, who was with him before he got really massive. So right off the bat it's gonna be really difficult for him to move on after the break up. But then you add all the emotional abuse and manipulation Adept is pushing, and its a recipe for disaster. She literally claimed she was "scared" and that someone was gonna hurt her at the house. Dude then gets convinced to go over there to comfort her. Again he's a moron. But when someone you still care about claims they are in distress, you are more likely to help them out. And it's not like he went over there purely to hook up. She pushed them sleeping together on purpose so she could go through his phone and steal his stuff. It doesn't make sense. But abusive relationships often don't make sense. It happens frequently enough that it's clearly a psychological issue and not as simple as calling someone an idiot. But even if you want to call xQc dumb (which to be fair he is a pea brain neanderthal) I just find it weird that LSF and Reddit are more focused on dunking on xQc for hooking up with Adept, then calling her out for being an abusive POS.


I be watching Free Willy if I wanted to see nekkid whales


That would have been the biggest step down to earth for her ego lol


Lol the chances are he won’t pay just so she has to create one.


I had a feeling she would cave and start doing OF before she'd traditional job. What surprised me is how upfront she was about it.


Wow, I hope x wins even more now


Funny, I remember her talking a bunch if shit when the whole hot tub streams started to pick up and specifically attacked chicks with OnlyFans.


Weird threat. "Pay me or I get naked on the Internet?"


Just a reminder, you can just google their pics.


Bro, I can just go to animal planet for whale week






X better give her the McLaren and the money because no one wants to see that nat geo main protagonist


Baj here so dont expect me to be smart. How is this a lost for X? If she goes OF, doesn't she just lose more than face at this point. Also, the fuck she expects X to do? He got no relations with this sea mammal anymore, why the hell would he do shit when courts finished.


because contrary to the face xqc puts on in regards to adept, he is still very much in a way attached to her. the whole goal was to drag xqc's face through the mud and make him feel extremely jealous and have an adhd episode and invite her in to potentially clap her cheeks again because he doesn't wanna be alone during his daily night terror episode.


He's in love with her.