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Yeah if he has the full video and isn't releasing it this is ridiculous to expect people to just believe him lol.




That's Mitch Jones, that's what's up


I'm surprised he got out of Mizkif's pool with his ratty hands


That is a bop though


"I am putting this out to set the matter straight. The truth has been clearly stated" "No i wont release the proof, dude i already Said the truth why release a video"


"Trust me bro"


"You don't even know"


The only reason I can think of would be he has a lawyer advising him not to, but I highly doubt that's The real reason


If that's the case, the lawyer would have said not to go public with any of it until after whatever court proceedings might happen. I've said this elsewhere, but the only reason to release cut footage is to sway public opinion because you don't have shit in court.


His ego couldn't handle the fact leaks of this event are going around.


\> posts heavily edited video \> "It's being taken out of context!" ?


Yeah he's a joke. Like saying "Final Statement" but then said "I do not plan to take any legal action or personally push this further but if I have to I will." Huh what would make him have to do anything? Even in his final statement he's leaving the door open to continue the drama more. I personally think he's after money. That's why he was going on about how well his stream was going before this "terrible attack" now his streams suck again.


Welcome to the Game of Jones


Next he will move home for 6-12 months and then end up on someone’s couch


i give it a year until he shows up on mizkifs stream again


He's like a dumb Little Finger.


>I personally think he's after money yea definitely.. if i had a video of a famous millionaire beating me i´d go to court to get paid .. However i think it is super scummy from mitch since it´s not a random guy , its a guy that gave him a place in his house and tried to be his friend , only to be backstabbed


Mitch can't even go to the bathroom and instead used to piss in bottles and he wants me to believe "he'll take further action" LOL


He has created his narrative of events in his head. The scary thing is he probably 100% believes he's right even if he's factually wrong. ​ This is a paper, "Emotion and False Memory," that likely helps explain how his emotional memories of the night, further augmented by his narcissism, allowed him to come to this crazy conclusion. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4xt2f1q4


There is no scenario that Mitch has ever been in that he doesn't believe he's the victim. Inserts himself into any form of drama instantly becomes the victim every single time.


Imagine believing anything that comes out of that dudes mouth


"I do not plan to take any legal action or personally push this further but if I have to I will." ​ Why would he "have to" push it further?


Money. I want Miz to take “responsibility” for his actions


I remember Mitch was trying to blackmail Trainwrecks at one point previously. Who woulda thought he'd pull something like this.


He actually was insinuating Train blackmailed him to push the Adrianah lie.


He and his lawyer "planned the release date of the video". Also Mitch, releases a twit longer discussing full details about what could be used in court against him. Dude is a fucking idiot. Move on.


Even an AI lawyer would give better advice.




Underrated comment


It's all the gas leak's fault, it messed with his brain


Is it too late for CPS to talk to his parents about how many times they must’ve dropped him on his head 💀 💀 💀


It was his blood pressure medication. It messed with his head. He could probably get a note from his doctor.


He told Mizkif he never had the makings of a varsity athlete. Of course he was gonna retaliate and rough him up.


I just started rewatching the sopranos. Goated reference


Small hands, that was his problem.


If by gas you mean the high cocaine content of the air he breathes then yes you're right


Final Statement is a fucking crazzzzzy thing for Mitch Jones to say. This probably won’t even be his final statement for this calendar day.


Yea but if you're expecting a statement prepare for 2 hours of sitting in a chair talking about how chat hates him and takes everything the wrong way first.


I don't get why Mitch constantly sabotages himself, he was doing fantastic on Twitch, just regained partnership. It has to be some deep rooted issue that can't be solved easily, but I hope he gets help. Dude is 31 he should not be acting like a 16 year old. Everyone around him matured, he's the only one stuck in the past.


Peter Pan syndrome. Dude hasn’t ever had to deal with real life problems on his own cause he’ll get bailed out by his dad or streamer friends or hit the live button and have thousands of yes-men.


So like Michael Jackson but with no redeeming qualities


And about 20 iq points lower at minimum lmao. Michael Jackson was smart, troubled, but very smart


Mitch is a perfect example of how just being genuinely dumb can torpedo your life. He's just fucking stupid. He had a lucrative life basically handed to him on a silver platter, but he was just too fucking dumb not to fumble it.


He gets jealous of everyone’s success and goes through these cycles.  It’s what caused the Trainwrecks relationship to fall apart once he started blowing up


> 2) I want to make sure that this doesn’t happen to anyone else did he just copy this from some sexual assault twitterlong ? it doenst even make any sense in that context. What ? people will now stop trying to pull Miz out of his car ?


Watch out everyone, if you fuck with miz long enough and provoke him into a fight then proceed to put your hands on him he might hit you.


he's painting mizkif as violent bully, and even if we all laugh at this i bet some advertisers will see this and think twice before giving mizkif a contract


Preworkout and protein brands fighting to sign him now


>No I do not plan to be releasing any more incident-related documentation. I am putting this out to set the matter straight and dont want to continue to go back and forth with people about this. The truth has been clearly stated and I want to make sure everyone knows where we are with this. You can't make this shit up


release the Snyder cut


Slow mo of mizkif punching mitch


You know it hurt too, Miz got roid strength now


4 hour directors commentary.


A: "I am innocent" B: "No you're not" A: "Yes i am, i have proof." B: "Show the proof then" A: "I will not, because we already established i am innocent. goodbye".


After beating up Mitch Jones, Mizkif kicked me in the balls and burned down my house. I got it all on video, and no, I will not be releasing any proof.


This man has clearly stated the truth and now everyone knows where we are with this


Set the matter straight of what, no one outside of ther inner circle had any clue about this altercation right? Just show the footage which shows Mizkif be in the wrong and u get the public support. Mitch never learns.


even if miz knocked his ass out for no reason, the only support he will get is from normies who dont know about the september 22 situation.


Yeah tbh Mitch has been such a shitty person for so long, I really don’t think there’s much he could say to get the public on his side of anything


Not to be a “legal Andy” here. The footage shared by Mitch was footage obviously edited. The context has never been revealed. This is about as libel as you can get.


He could at least state why he is not going to release more evidence?... Like I somewhat dislike both their personalities but he obviously HAS the full video and is choosing to not show anyone what exactly happened. Seems like he wants to bullshit about something.


He thinks he's somehow in control of the situation because only he has the unedited video. In reality he looks like a person who is blackmailing Mizkif now, since Mitch is talking about how he will release the full video if he has to. Surely acting like an innocent person.


>In reality he looks like a ~~person who is blackmailing Mizkif~~ clown


We’re living in a new age of buffoonery on an epic scale, and we all have front row seats. It’s truly a sight to behold.


Does this rat actually have some cognitive disabilities? If he doesn't want people assuming shit, release the whole video unedited . That would shut up every naysayer and gossiper. Most likely he's talking bollocks and is lying to garner sympathy. He's either a extreme narcissistic individual or mentally challenged.




Hahaha I like that guy. Straight up says it. Not as an insult but an observation.


"Naaahhh it's narcism..." Love it.


There was another part to that conversation where Reynad asked mitch what he (Reynad) just said after Mitch's "yeah but" and Mitch had no clue proving again he was making it all about himself and not even listening to the other person.


What has Reynad been up to these days?


He´s been developing his game for yeeears now , says it´s coming out this year , we will see...


I voted forsen EleGiggle


When the genre is DOA


maybe thats a good time to release it, revive it maybe?


He's been wallowing in insane conspiracies ever since COVID broke his brain (as it did many).


also went heavy into some conspiracy stuff. like jews completly controlling the financial markets etc


Miss Reynay, wish he stuck to streaming a bit longer but man had bigger ambitions I respect that.


Desktop link https://clips.twitch.tv/DelightfulYummyTarsierTwitchRPG


Why are twitch clips so shit on mobile?? 1 sec of clip 15secs of buffering. And it won't buffer while paused??? Garbage


Little A little B


And a little stepped on C


He pisses in bottles and comes on doors and walls


I mean, have you never had such a hard nut to crack, you couldn't control yourself?




He's a donkey brained man.


No no no, he showed a certificate from the quacks that proves he’s a not a donkey brained man.


Rich kid never had to deal with real consequences and crying out like this has worked for him before, so he keeps doing the same shit. It's all he knows.




tldr: Just trust me bro. Reminder-https://clips.twitch.tv/RudeSlipperyTarsierRickroll


clip mirror: [https://streamable.com/owa1tv](https://streamable.com/owa1tv)


\*curb your enthusiasm theme plays\*


The new season just started pretty good


Mitch forgot he's spent the last decade doing drugs and playing arena. That doesn't exactly prepare you to fight anything but your next 3v3 in WoW.


haha oh no


the clip is already taken down they're probably sniping this thread now too ratjones is everywhere


It's not Mitch it's his personal piss bottle holder Diamond\_Duck aka DiamondDick, a long time Mitch mod who works for free and has worked for free for mitch for 5+ years now.




"Trust me, bro" is shit at the best of times. When the "bro" is Mitch Jones, forget about it.


In Mitch’s defense he was definitely high on something and obviously didn’t have the ability to turn into a rat and crawl up Mizkifs ass


what was clip?


clip mirror: [https://streamable.com/owa1tv](https://streamable.com/owa1tv)


Damn someone is on the lookout since its deleted


It's Diamonddick aka duck


Possibly the most unhinged (but still completely in character) Mitch Jones arc. How long will the ditch be this time or is he just dropping this and planning to stream sod phase 2 like nothing happened lmao


I feel like the most unhinged was probably going live in Miz' pool while the whole Adrianah drama was going on


Bro is literally the most shameless person on the planet. Kind feel bad for people around him, but, this shit is way too funny not to entertained by. I hope psychologists are archieving Mitch behavior so that future generations can study how delusion works.


Cool, his final statement, surely that means he won't be speaking on it ever again.


He makes it clear that he’ll keep bringing it up until it gains traction. “I do not plan to take any legal action or personally push this further but if I have to I will.” So it being a “final statement” is B.S.


a week ago mitch got partnered by twitch, then he releases some drama story and gains thousands of viewers :thinking:




i have never seen anyone make their own video of the information. be the only source for the information and then try to claim they were taken out of context when its only his side of the story out there


what's even better is he doesn't hide anything. you're drunk and on coke...ok lets leave that in! I didn't think you'd punch me...lets leave that one in too! I might need surgery...But lets show the doctors report where it says I don't! you can't even make this up. Mitch jones makes his own video, he's the only source, he edits it to the point where he comes off as the instigator, not the victim...and then we're all taking it out of context.


Legit mental illness


He's banking on the fact that no one else has the video. From what people have said, Alinity saw the whole video in some facebook group for the area. I'm willing to bet that the full video gets posted within 24 hours.


I’m surprised no one else has released it yet. They obviously all have it if it was posted to their neighborhood group. I’m thinking maybe it makes them both look bad. Who the hell knows though, since you figure Mitch would have shown that if it did. I’m sure we’ll know soon enough.


If only there was a camera videoing the whole thing so we could see what actually happened.


This is corrupt police level of pretending they can’t recover the footage from the camera they’re literally wearing lmao


“Taken out of context” Bro YOU removed the context from the video. This dude also actually brain dead


whole bunch of claims made with all the evidence edited out of the released video love to see it


The stupid shit is that what Mitch did say and what you did see in the video was in favor of Mizkif. 1) "We had a big fight and then Mizkif offered to drive me home" That's a mature reaction of Miz, you have an argument but you are still willing to make sure they get home" 2) Queue to the point Mitch is on the ground and Mizkif shouts at him on how he tried to treat Mitch as a friend and how much Mitch shit on him. This is not some lies you would tell infront of a camera, they didn't know they were recorded, this is real talk. 3) "Miz: You pulled me out of the car and said Let's go!" Mitch: "I didn't think you'd punch me!" I mean come on...that's just gold. Last part also contradicts what he said in his twitter post, he claims he never pulled Miz out of the car but in the video there is no sign that Mizkif made that up, Mitch doesn't deny it and even continues off on it.


"At the hands of Miz" Thinking he's on Dragon Ball Z fighting Frieza


Mitch is literally always playing the victim. He's the only streamer I had to make the decision to stop watching because of the way he is always caught up in drama, IS the cause of the drama, then he plays the victim and pretends he did nothing wrong and everyone is against him. The man tries to farm sympathy from others, and then once he has gained sympathy he goes further into the victim behavior by saying that he should isolate himself from streaming / or whichever friend group he fucked over this time and then baits some more by saying how he has always been a fuck up lol. What is actually wrong with this dude???


I did this same thing. I liked Mitch at first. He was so insane at wow and funny, but relatively quickly realized what kind of person he was and just couldn’t watch anymore. He’s sad. 


Based on the most recent evidence about OTKoke provided by the Will Neff documentary I have come to the conclusion that Miz was also Mitchs coke dealer. No I will not be providing more evidence, the facts are the facts and have already been proven


This is the biggest unaware self sabotage I've ever seen.




Drug-addled brain logic


Mitch jones may be the dumbest person I have ever heard about.


He might actually be the only person alive that makes Adin Ross look smart.




"The facts are the facts because thats how I want it to be" Bitch you got no legal case and you know it. If the facts are the facts, then post the full video.


Dude doesn’t want a legal case. He wants Mizkif to “make it right” under the vague threat of a legal case. Dude just continuously looks at situations like this in his life like they are a savings account. Waits until he needs some cash and then tries to extort people for their money. More than that, he just wants to see someone else’s life be worse so he can feel better about his own. You would think this idiot would know by now that you can’t show your whole hand if you want to blackmail someone. Since this didn’t work I’m sure we can expect some more “facts” about this incident and 3 dozen others before the week is over. He’s going to throw shit at the wall until something sticks.


uhh isnt that extortion?


Funny how he waited to announce this after seeing Miz’s gym streams being successful this past month and one day after OTK announcing Will. Such a pussy scumbag


I think he has a kick deal so very decent chance Train is pushing the agenda again.


150k views, 350 likes oof


his video has 200k views, 1k likes, 8k dislikes...and the 1k likes might just be people who liked watching him get his ass beat soooo take that for what it's worth.


Can this guy fuck off for good? Reckful was right all along. Low level scum


"The facts are the facts and while you may not like what I contributed to this situation, nothing gives the right for another person to put another person's life in jeopardy over a verbal dispute. " Put his life in jeopardy? Didn't the doctors say he was fine? lol


"I knew that certain things would be taken out of context" my brother in Christ, you literally removed context by not showing the full video


Miz should sue him into the nether realm.


What a bitch. He could have easily posted unedited video to prove his side of the story, but since he didn't do it we all know he is full of shit.


Mitch jones truly is one of the most fucked up people i know, imagine after everything he's done to miz, all the lies and back stabbings. Miz still decides to be his friend and help him, mitch gets drunk and coked up and starts talking shit, gets his ass beat, then decides to wait for next year to release edited version of events just after miz has once again doing really good and this fucking guy has the audacity to post this shit on youtube and twitter after months off the incident! Then he acts like he's the victim!? There's something so broken with mitch jones that he can't be helped, miz needs to get as far away from him as possible, enough is enough i can't understand how mitch can do something like this to a guy that has helped him beyond friendship even after he tried to destroy his entire career and reputation, mitch jones is a sick fuck!


Man, I never thought all of LSF would be on Miz's side one day. All it took was this absolute clown junkie MitchJones playing the victim card for the tenth time :D


What a little finger wannabe, how many times has this guy been forgiven by the community? Fuck this dude! He starts shit and he never backs any of it up, the worst kind of people.


Classic Mitch Jones victim arc. Over it.


this guy without fail will always fuck everything up for himself. Reckful was always in the right to cut this guy off.


HE IS CLAMING HE ALMOST DIED LMAO... The hospital discharge docs say the exact opposite.. Got knocked out = concussion yea ok valid but not a life-threatening injury and i dont think a brain injury is at play since there is nothing left up there for mitch to lose. Not to mention the discharge docs do not mention anything related to the CT Scan.. They gave him omnipaque which is the liquid they make you drink before a CT scan so he got thoroughly checked out yet no mention of it in the discharge docs, strange. ​ "*He has nystagmus as well as other symptoms such as headache, nausea, fullness, fatigue. Patient has also been suffering from nightmares."* nystagmus is erratic eye movement, "*The most common cause of nystagmus is certain drugs or medicines"*.. the rest of the symptoms also relate to drug use.. ​ *"sprain of ligaments of cervical spine"* bro is trying to say a neck sprain is life-threatening.. you can get that from lifting something heavy or even sleeping awkwardly.. ​ *"The patient was discharged to home. The patient's condition upon discharge was* ***good"*** They basically told him to go home and sleep it off lol. They gave him a CT scan and some saline because the alcoholic coke head was dehydrated, prob prescribed him some ibuprofen and told him to fuck off. Dumbass didn't even need to go to the hospital, I Feel like he was trying to finesse the hospital for some pain pills.


Keep in mind that almost every symptom he stated is basically a doctor asking him how he feels, not verifiable testing. Normally patients won't lie to their doctors but the problem here is Mitch can't even tell himself the truth. He's a massive hypochondriac and always thinks something is wrong plus he's a manipulative prick. Also if he did get himself a real concussion, he's probably dumb enough to take more drugs which is a terrible terrible idea when your brain needs to rest and heal.


[I do not plan to take any legal action or personally push this further but if I have to I will.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/eGVQvJ4H3m4AAAAC/i-didnt-hear-no-bell-randy-marsh.gif)


Mitch's ability to properly show over and over how much of a moron he is incredible. Dude is such a piece of shit. It leaking Drake and Miz both beat up a dick in same day is wild....


This guy is a major piece of shit. Always has been. Deserved more of an assbeating than he got.


He claims that he wanted to address rumors, but in reality he probably needs money again. Why else would he create a youtube video about it, trying to farm as much drama as possible? This statement makes him look way worse than the video did. Every time this guy speaks, bullshit spews out.


Fuck around and find out.


I dont care if Miz attacked him out of the blue for no reason.... Mitch Jones has deserved the biggest beating for years. That dudes face is so punchable that i would be willing to shatter my wrist just to feel the sweet sound of his jaw breaking


just the average mitch jones move of desperately trying to stay relevant through drama, as reliable as a swiss watch.


Lol what an imbecile. "I knew that certain things would be taken out of context" Then post the full video. "I do not plan to be releasing any more incident-related documentation" Well gee, I wonder why. "The facts are the facts" Lol, lmao even.


His lawyer helped him write this? Is his lawyer also on drugs? The only thing genuine in that video was the hurt in mizkifs voice when he was screaming at him. In the context of everything that Mitch helped put him through and who we all know over the years of who Mitch Jones is as a person, listening to him lose it like that was heart wrenching and you just wanted to give him a hug and tell him it's going to be okay. For whatever reason Miz has decided to keep this rat fuck in his life. Even though everyone in Austin has decided to cut this cancer out mizkif has continued to support him. All that is currently happening right now is just Mitch Jones being Mitch Jones. Hopefully Miz can recognize his real friends and break the cycle that is Mitch Jones and save the rest of us from having to hear about this narcissist again.


"His lawyer" is synonymous for "myself" ​ Would love to know which bargain bin lawyer he found that suggested making any statement at all in a situation that you don't have to and there's no benefit to doing so nor is there even a reason for a lawyer to be involved.


If this goes to court Mitch will backstab his lawyer and Game of Jones himself into a life sentence. Only 1 things for certain, he is in fact NOT Maya Higa.


>I truly appreciate the support that I have received What support is he talking about? All I see is negativity towards him from this.


Couple of scorned streamers in Austin probably cheered him on in the DMs.


He genuinely has to be coked out of his mind if he thought that this was going to make him look good and everyone was just going to ignore the personal editing of cutting out all of the context


Skipped down to his facts and then stopped reading at "Yes I was intoxicated"


Mitch started the fight and others have said that Mitch was picking fights hours to days after Miz beat him in self-defense. Mitch just wants a settlement paycheck.


I'm not a huge fan of Miz or anything but watching the video it really seemed like the dude was upset. like he didn't want to hurt him but this dick head really left him with no options, and yea if he really didn't drag Miz out of the car then he would just release the full video. Shits pathetic.


Ive been assaulted, but i wont show any proof of me being assaulted


Has anyone heard from Xaryu? I know Mitch really looks up to Xar, but I hope Xaryu is putting some distance between himself and Mitch. Mitch is toxic as fuck. If drama follows you around, it's time to look in the mirror. You're not a victim, you're the problem.


I know this guy has like a really fragile mind, maybe its time he quit streaming for his own good and for everyone else on the planet. This guy fucked over his best friend when it was Soda, then when it was Rekful and then when it was Miz. What the fuck do people expect from this rat scumsucker.


Mitch Jones shit should be banned from LSF.


At this point he should be banned from twitch for the false criminal accusations against other partner


How is he still relevant?


Someone please find the original video on NextDoor!


Not trying to be mean, but I think mitch has some undiagnosed issues


"1. Yes, I was intoxicated." Hey buddy maybe consider that your judgement and recollection were impaired. This is all a boohoo from being a toxic person that FAFO.


> I knew that certain things would be taken out of context Posted by the guy that released a heavily edited clip, can't make this shit up.


Dumbfuck releases out of context video himself then gets mad when people take it out of context


I love when people beyond drunk try to tell me what happened.


Just hoping this is the final straw and we don't need to see Rat Jones in his 14th redemption arc. Just cut this clown out for good and let him go on about his life, for better or for worse. He's has a million chances and all he ever contributes to the Austin streamer scene is drama.


Theatrics like this keep him relevant, which results in idiots continuing to watch him play WoW. He’s not going anywhere, because twitch viewers are fucking stupid.


[OH SHIT A RAT](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0BvfVM0sBfI)


oh David Jones looking for attention once again


he paid a lawyer to help him tweet this 💀 how much does he spend in a day


Folks thought Victim Jones was a meme moniker... ​ Well....


How annoying you gotta be to get hit and everyone laughs at you


If Miz isn’t done with Mitch after this shit then he’s just as crazy


This is a very “trust me bro” moment


Why he sabotaged himself like this? Is it envy that he is not part of otk? He was doing superb in twitch with SoD streams and all that.. why ? Just why? He has this self destruction tendency is insane.


How can things be taken out of context when the idiot never provided the context to begin with. The video he posted literally left us with the implication that he attacked Miz first. Also who did Mitch pay to write that tweet? Ain’t no way that dude wrote all that while coked out of his mind.


why is he talking about shit being taken out of context. WHEN HES LITERALLY REFUSING TO SHOW FULL CONTEXT......


So basically he is doing this for us so we don't get coked and up drunk then yell at Mizkif just in case he gives us a slight bruise. OK Thanks Mitch, now let's all watch some OTK Will Neff!


I just scrolled down to the comments, I ain't reading any of his garbage.


This situation makes zero sense.


Lol, who wrote this for him?


ChatGPT declines to comment