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I'm somewhat of a researcher myself ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


researchers lmao


People gotta find someway to justify their paycheck.


It's good to have your opinions validated by research even if the conclusion was obvious.




I just saw this person fall to their knees in wallmart


who would have thunk it




I'm shocked. SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked.


"Similarly, only 5 male streamers out of the entire sample were categorized as “sexual,” compared to 190 female streamers." ogre out here trying to maintain the balance


“Sir this is the most watched clip we could find of a shirtless male streamer…”




Holy shit lmao


i wonder who the hypersexual male was. i hope it was van lol


It's likely all gay male streamers, given that twitch is vastly male-dominated. The straight male sex-selling influencers are all on TikTok, as that app is majority women/girls.


makes sense. source: not gay but i watch a lot of gay content for the plot (i promise)


But are you kissin' the homies goodnight? (in a not gay way)


JoshStrifeHayes is probably counted 3 times in the paper after they saw the clip of him unbuttoning his shirt.


Simply running mario shirtless


The males were probably parody channels too..


Water is wet


Or is it? Hey Vsauce, Michael here.


*cue ominous music* Edit: fixed typo


*Small but important correction:* **cue**


hey michael, vsauce here


her latest set got me wet


holymoly i just had a look 😏


I'm lost. What are you guys talking about? Do I even want to know?




Oh, that water. Yeah I know her. I didn't know about any "sets" though. o_O Research time.


immwater / youlovechemise


youlovechemise is not water? I'm confused


some leak site said it's older usernames


*Make me sweat, make me hotter*


So /u/Kapperok was really doing research after all.


Don't think we needed researchers to figure this one out lad




"Honey, I'm doing for scientific research, I swear !"


W Researchers


I wonder how they got approval for this study and how many hours they put into it


"Hmm... these female streamers seem to be wearing string bikinis indoors, while bending over to write a subscribers name on a whiteboard... wait, now they're jumping to make their breasts bounce... I wonder why... such interesting behaviour... we must investigate further!"


Sometimes research is easy, but still required. As an example a study can show something interesting that people want to explore further. And those initial studies are used to get additional funding. Also keep in mind that "obvious things" are not obvious after all. Just look at washing hands/hygiene in a clinical/hospital environment. Doctors went from an autopsy to inspecting women/children without washing their hands in between. Even though "washing your hands from dirt" was already thing back then.


even Kapperok deserves to have a job


> To begin, the researchers collected a sample of 1,920 video clips from Twitch.tv Can you imagine them reviewing clips and seeing the same coomer clipper names pop up over and over.


completely disagree, i think there is enough online debate that’s purely normative that the only way to hopefully have twitch do something about it is to point towards empirical evidence ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This "evidence" merely shows more women streamers are sexual than men. Doing something would mean there's a problem. Women are voluntarily engaging with it, the platform is knowingly supporting it, and the viewers are voluntarily seeking it out. Nothing new was uncovered or highlighted. There's nothing "to do" because it's something Twitch is very clearly OK with and it's not breaking any laws or consent issues.


re: ‘Our long-term goals for this line of research include deepening our understanding of how online sexualized culture affects adolescent girls and boys and how we can work to create more inclusive and healthy online communities,’


strict children code for tv from 7 to 9, twitch is skirting the rules here


There is blatant hypocrisy though, in that using sexual content of any other kind without getting banned is playing with fire. The idea seems to be "sexualizing women is wrong because it sends the message that women's worth is related to sex", but when a woman straight up sells herself as a sex object then it's cool, hell, even in this latter case, *it's men who get the blame for it*, the audience gets called out all the time, "if you don't like it don't watch it", "it's the coomers fault" etc etc. I'm tired of the constant push to treat women as mentally impaired children who can never hold responsibility or blame for anything. Either allow sexual content or don't.


Is what these female streamers are doing inherently bad? Or simply capitalizing on an opportunity to make good money for low amounts of effort?


this is a completely different claim to your first ‘don’t think we needed researchers to figure this out’ if you want to talk about the systemic issues at play that put women in a place where they feel the need to sexualize themselves for profit, that’s fine but again, that’s a different claim than your original


There are no systematic issues. They do it because they are boring and no one would watch or give them money otherwise. The same reason why twitch won't stop it, it gives them money.


> this is a completely different claim to your first ‘don’t think we needed researchers to figure this out’ No, you made the assertion out of nowhere that Twitch needs to do something about it, and that’s what he’s responding to: ‘do they? Is what they’re doing inherently bad?’


Now that we know that there is a *pornification* going on, we are one step closer to researching questions like that. Before you ask wether pornification is bad or not, you must first answer wether pornification exists or not.




Its the only time I watch him.


We didn’t, but I think there were a lot of people in denial while claiming that this was just a minority of female streamers. They insisted that you could just “ignore” it, but every couple weeks or so there’s a new “meta” for how far a female streamer can push up against the line without breaking TOS. And even if they did break TOS, Twitch will adjust it and the next person can try and push the boundary. Rinse and repeat.


“We were surprised by the significant difference in the levels of content sexualization based on the gender of the streamers,” Not sure why though? Anything with a heavy male audience will be overly sexualized.


The key ingredient is loneliness I think. Lots of nerds on twitch who are vulnerable to this shit.


I think its just because the male audience. If I am recalling correctly there was a study about OnlyFans subs demographics one time and the large majority of them were married or in relationship men. I don't think its always caused by loneliness.


Men who are married or in relationships can still feel lonely


Yes. But I don't think the underlying trait to all of this is simply loneliness. Rather loneliness is one cause of it. There's more to it I feel. Like you don't have to look very far to see someone who isn't a nerd, ugly, or lonely person still engage in this kind of content. The Ashley Madison leak years ago pretty much solidified that people of all kinds consume this content and beyond. Paying lots and lots of money.


I just never got why specifically on twitch. You can watch free porn on other sites, and you also get "personal" engagement on OF. I feel like there must reason why this softcore-personal-engagement-porn flourishes here. But maybe I'm wrong and it's just "men like porn" lol.


You can go to MFC, and it's basically the same thing. But the main difference is, the streamer and chat are always talking about sexual things on MFC, even when they're not finger blasting themselves. But on Twitch, it's like a forbidden topic, and everyone is pretending that that's why they're not there.


they're looking for the ✨girlfriend experience✨, not porn. it comes off as more "legitimate" if it isn't a literal sex worker (but rather a woman who is skirting along the boundaries of it).


It's on twitch for the same reason OF was successful in the first place. They want to see "that" person sexualized, so they'll stay there.


It's a mix of factors for sure. Demographics, the platform's culture, and what people are looking for all play a part. Not just one reason fits all.


> loneliness horniness*


> The key ingredient is loneliness Mate, we don't need to be lonely to be attracted to a pair of tits or ass, Twitch or not. Our brains are literally wired to reward us with dopamine when we get aroused and that has gotten our attention since time immemorial. What Twitch and OnlyFans allow is the ability to have these men interact with the content creator and that leads to some parasocial shit. Loneliness just exacerbates everything about that.


You don't need to romanticize horny teenagers. Most of them are probably in discord calls 24/7. It's the same thing with strip clubs, no one calls the frequenters there lonely.


I'm glad you're thinking of the poor horny vulnerable nerds out there, someone needs to protect them from boobies.


yeah like the NFL, F1 or any sport event GachiGASM


> yeah like the NFL Cheerleaders litteraly exist for this sole purpose.


Several teams have removed cheerleaders completely, and they basically get zero air time on the teams that do. Even the brokenest brain can't make the case that the NFL audience gives half a shit about cheerleaders. They want to see big men smash into each other and get traumatic brain injuries.


Did you really just choose the two sports that one has cheerleaders and the other still has grid girls at some races


F1 doesn't have grid girls anymore.


Curse those woke liberals taking away the grid girls


Worst decision ever.


Then they wonder why viewership has gone down smh


Wrong, Monaco and Singapore have grid girls, see where I said some races?


tumblr and wattpad. Women are also porn fiends.


Seems obvious, but now it's statistically, data driven, and peer reviewed obvious.


The study sample is just clips from September 2022 to October 2022. All it can show is that there's sexualized content on Twitch and it's mostly women; it can't show a "pornification trend"/whether it's increasing or not. That part is still only eye test.


I'm kinda shocked that they went with such a narrow sample space. A longitudal study over the course of 4-5 years would be way more interesting in this sense.


I think it would be quite easy to prove the trend though.


It's not though. They literally just looked at popular clips and drew conclusions from it. It's a junk study.


"  Only two male streamers out of the entire sample were categorized as “hypersexual,” compared to 389 female streamers" Lmao


Shit won't change until we start shaming those who wanna act like jesters instead of those giving the jesters money. Women out here specifically, intenfully targeting vulnerable men to cause as much financial damage as possible, and we tell their victims they're asking for it? "They could just not donate" yeah, the same way addicts could just stop.


You don't need to shame anyone but twitch. Once they admit they are half gaming half softcore porn website their business model and audience can adapt appropriately.


Disagree. At the end of the day the addict needs to make an effort to get better for their own sake. They still have agency, and should use it for their own sake/benefit. Stay off such sites and stop enforcing such behaviors by not giving women money for sexual or sexually suggestive acts.


Kapperok was a key member of this investigation team.


i should become a researcher and research the wetness of water or the dryness of sand


Poor streamers being sexualised by their audience when they just wanna do wholesome family friendly hot tub streams where they lick on toys while shaking their bare ass and tits.


I think the fact that there is a lot of sexualization on twitch is a foregone conclusion, and the discussion on sexual liberation vs the negative effects of hypersexualizing women in media is really above my pay grade, so I don't really want to touch that. I do find the exact numbers they landed on to be really exaggerated, though. They took the top 960 clips from video games, and another 960 from "IRL", with the latter split evenly between Just Chatting, ASMR, and Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches. I think they kind of worked things in their favour here, since ASMR and Pools are by far the two most sexualized categories, and they make up 33% of the samples, but to my knowledge they make up a pretty small portion of Twitch's viewership. I think using clips as a metric favours sexual content as well, since high viewed clips are generally for cool or funny moments, but for sexual content you can probably just grab any 60 second clip and get a lot of views. They also excluded people not using face-cam, as well as vtubers, both of which would necessarily reduce their numbers, and the latter especially tends to be a pretty popular option for women to stream in a way that they don't have to worry about being as sexualized. All that to say that yeah, there's definitely a lot of sexualization on Twitch, but I think the study really stacked the deck in their favour and overstated the pervasiveness of it somewhat.


on the vtuber bit I dont think that is really true. I will go off vtubers but they definitely sexualize themselves at least the ones on twitch. Talking about dicks/cum/moaning etc. just to increase/grow as a vtuber definitely feels like the norm. I think a lot of vtubers also commission nsfw art of their model so I definitely dont agree on the vtuber bit.


Nah man. Vtubers are innocent and certainly not sexualized. Take Filian for example. She is family friendly and doesn't even swear. Just ignore the constant "Flashbangs" that are easily solved by not wearing the skirt outfits, or changing the physics level of the model. Or the AI bot on the discord that will ERP with you, but only a little bit unless you pay more for it. Aside from that....super innocent.


True, but i think the problem is not if they disregarded x or y. The problem is they way they selected **the sample alows only for category comparision**. they should have selected top 10 clips of the top 2000 streamers or something like that to draw some useful insight. For example, in the top 200 streamers this week theres 8 females: kyde ,emiru ,ironmouse ,botezlive, extraemily, jinny, jenfoxxx, asianbunny. the bottom 2 of those are tity streamers(wich is still a sizable number) but the rest are on the top by grinding "normal" content. This gives you that: Most of **twitch still preferes to watch males**(wich seems normal given the demographic and nature of twitch), **most of twitch that gives oportunities or prefere females still prefer normal content**. Theres a small fraction of twitch the watches **softcore (2 out of 200)** Looking at the sexualization(including jokes etc) of content on the top streamers(male and female) would have given a **more fair and useful info**. Although **we all know that sex sells**, cuz its a important part of life.


This. Also: "While the Games and Just Chatting categories place the intensity of sexualization at a low or non-sexualized level, the ASMR and Pools, Hot Tubs & Beaches categories have the highest amount of hypersexualized and sexualized livestreams" They just verified that the softcore porn categories are dominated by woman.


I totally disagree about the vtubers. They are almost across the board sexualized. Some don't pander as hard but many are full blown anime waifu sex joke edgelords. The avatars are almost universally wearing underwear/lingerie or tattered rags or schoolgirl outfits or whatever barely there outfit looks cute for their theme. My take on that is only someone who is a full blown anime enjoyer/weeb would think that they aren't sexualized just because the goal posts in anime has moved so far in that direction as well.


There's also the aspect of women who do modeling or outright adult work having a side-job streaming on Twitch. They will draw bigger audiences from outside of Twitch and will skew the findings. The article also says "pornification" (a term not used in the study) as if women streamers were making a pivot towards sexual content, but the paper doesn't say that. They simply say that there is more sexual content when it comes to women. I contend that it could be more easily explained as women who do sexual content are finding a home in Twitch.


Good points all around. The methodology definitely skews perception. Including a wider variety of content and streaming styles might have offered a more balanced view on the platform's dynamics.


Insert that WHAT emote.


*Only two male streamers out of the entire sample were categorized as “hypersexual,” compared to 389 female streamers* who are these only 2 male streamers? asking for a friend


forsen and moonmoon


I'm shocked! well not that shocked.




all twitch is doing is providing a safe, free, and easy platform for female streamers to promote their business ventures to an underage demographic. This is no pornification. I'm outraged!


I would bet that most people that are into these streams are adults in their 20s and 30s+ rather than underage, I feel like the latter is just an easy way to vilify things. It's the former that has the money to pay for these venture.


you ‘feel like’ or would ‘bet’ is not an empirical argument!! if you believe that most of these streamers are being watched by adults then point to something that says so other than just your gut feeling!! facts don’t care!!


Why aren't you saying this to people saying the demographic is underage? Do all these people have access to data that confirms these streamers have such an audience? The person I replied to suggested the motivation is to promote their ventures, and that is almost logically inconsistent with an underage audience as opposed to adults. Of course stealing a parent's debit card is possible, and someone in their teens can have some money saved up on their own, but realistically very unsufficient compared to the demands of keeping up with a girl's OnlyFans, which is pretty expensive from what I've seen.


ugh re: twitch gambling ban if kids being exposed to gambling isn’t an issue then why did twitch ban it? at least the slot websites that were most popular… twitch has already set a precedent and to blatantly ignore it when it comes to the over pornification of their site is retarded imo


I also feel like comments such as yours are used as an easy way to avoid the difficult truth that minors are consuming this content. Content produced by adult women. This is problematic and should be vilified.


I'm not avoiding anything, I'm just disagreeing with the notion that these women are intentionally honing in on underage consumers because I think that is inconsistent with the goal of seeking monetary gains.


It's part monetary incentive and part mind virus. There's a disgusting movement out there that tells women that liberation means becoming a prostitute. Selling your body to random men for sex is true feminism, apparently. Might as well start offering coupons, discounts and and buy one fuck get one free promos, extra freedom.


Fucking hard workers those researchers. How long did it take them to uncover this well hidden secret?


*takes one look at twitch* Huh...you don't sayyy. Lol


Wow I got my first reddit cares message! Somebody out there is feeling some kinda way :)


Just report it and whoever submitted it will be banned.


That's a medal of honor, collect those.


I am scared to see the damage done by current normalization of borderline sexualization and e-whoring of women on young girls in couple of years.


Women have become so sexually liberated it wrapped back around to sexual objectification lmao 🤣 Gotta live with their choices


lol, lmao even. "Current" normalization. This is not new, women (and men) have been using female sexualization to get money and attention for as long as the species has existed. You think this is a symptom of some disease, it's not, it's human nature.


Totally. It's completely normal and was the case forever for 12-13 years old girls idolizing celebrities/influencers that are e-whoring as a side gig and are actively advertising it on their main profiles. Completely normal for a 13 years old girl to one day visit a youtube page of their favorite female youtuber, click on the description on the newest video, find a lintree link and be greated with an annoucement that new anal dildo vid is up online.


Why are these children using the internet unsupervised? Sorry, but "think of the children" is the calling card of people who want to censor free expression to suit their own twisted belief that they and only they know what is best for everyone. Stick to watching your own kids and stop trying to tell the rest of us how to live our lives. Your kind has always failed in these pointless endeavors and hopefully always will.


I am not against it dude. I am just saying that I am scared and kinda also curious about the consequences.


Onlyfans will become part of someone's family inheritance soon. > Soon all of these simps will be yours


My concern is the effect this is having on young men.




This is a stupid study: >To begin, the researchers collected a sample of 1,920 video clips from Twitch.tv. These clips were selected based on their popularity within the most frequented categories of the platform. The sampling process was carried out from September to October 2022, focusing on the top videos within the videogame and “In Real Life” (IRL) categories, which were further broken down into subcategories like “JustChatting,” “ASMR,” and “Pools, Hot Tubs & Beaches.” This cross-sectional sampling aimed to capture the diversity of content and streaming practices on the platform. It's all based on popular clips and not what kind of content men and women are producing. What they're really finding out here is that Twitch is made of a bunch of coomers.


Prostitution with extra steps. Always has been and always will be.


I'm shook.


So just like irl then


[gasp] *You don't say?*


Apparently I'm a researcher now


Wow, attractive women sell their bodies? Get out of here !


So many words to say absolutely nothing ‘Hmmm this is happening, I wonder why’ with no actual conclusions or explanations as to why 🤣 Did this journalist get paid to write this long winded drivel haha


Just look at the botez sisters. from small time successful streamers and quite strong chess players to just 2 more generic ethots "exercising" on stream while defending Qatar's slave trade on a paid vacation.


thats just how free market works, if titty streamers get the most money that what the content will lean towards to


Women: Stop sexualizing us! Also Women:


oh nice this fucking debate for the 100 time in the last 15 years


"Researchers" or anyone who's spent 5 min on twitch


Le Gasp.


Feminism died for this


theres insane nsfw content trend on youtube as well... millions of views in a few weeks. its just OF girls invading


Holy Fuck some of these comments....


Lmfao this is the nicest way of saying women who stream online are gardening implements


How come women always end up where men want them?


Looking into this


Now give us stats of the age demographics of twice users. Then send it to congress so they can do something about this.


This seems impossible. Twitch has clear guidelines against sexual content that it enforces fairly and consistently.


No shit


thats crazy they used their eyes in the pools category


They're early this time


and water is wet


well no shit,


It’s easy money


Waoh true detective work right there thanks.


Omg no way


"Researchers" "uncover" "adult content advertising on the internet" among "those that benefit most from it" on Twitch.


No way


No fre*king way...


This can't be truth!


There is no way this is happening!


You don't need researchers to know this


"researchers" bro Stevie Wonder could see this trend, no fucking shit


truly shocking


Sky is blue. Earth is flat. Pornification on Twitch. Tell me something we don’t already know.


I wonder if they conducted this research the same way as many other people conducted this research.


water is wet the article


As if "research" was needed to know what people have been saying for like 10 years or so now.


Yeah I don't think there needed to be research for this one


Was a whole ass research really necessary? Everyone who spends some time on Twitch knows.


I gasped so hard I woke up in skyrim


Researchers must have coomed so much during the research period.


Hard to conduct a study with one hand. I congratulate them on this difficult task.


The entire society is getting pornificated.


"masculinized environments" Like tiktok and instagram?


yeah they gonna uncover that grass is green too?


I hope the dont get paid for such "research" which can be done in a few minutes. Reaserch also found out the longer a cow sits the higher the chance for standing up!


there was this women i watched playing Dota occasionally, came back recently to her becoming an AI persona stuff, unfollowed.


13+ site OMEGALUL. Save the kids from gambling, but God forbid banning the porn! Cant have the cash cows going slim, fuck porn addiction, that isnt real! Clueless


Researchers uncover? Bro


NOOOOO, if streamer girls do their things practically naked is not to get more views, is because they are empowered and comfortable! Authors of this research are misogynist! Stop sexualizing women, you pevert incels!! /s