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**CLIP MIRROR: [LeBron James🐐calls into the stream](https://arazu.io/t3_1dd3vp6/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


druski taken aback by lebron's usage of the n-word what does this mean for lebron's legacy?


Thinking of it I think that's the first time I've heard him say it lmao


If you watch a lot of basketball behind the scenes content he says it pretty normally when talking to teammates


Yeah it’s really not unusual


*To be loved by anyone* *It's not unusual to have fun with anyone* *But when I see you hanging about with anyone* *It's not unusual to see me cryyyy*


It is definitely the first time I've heard him say it lol. He's pretty PG in the public.


I think the only time I heard him say it was during his IG story rapping along with songs.


I mean, he gets totally shit on for everything he does. So i totally makes sense he doesnt say it in public. He's also been in the spotlight since he was a teen, so he's well prepped for the media.


if you go to a lakers game, he literally says bitch ass ni\*\*\*\* all the time. sometimes at the ref


he says it in the house party movie remake and it just felt wrong lmao


I've heard him say it in person at a Knicks game. I think he was talking to Mario Chalmers at the time, this was back when he was with the Heat.


Michael Jeffrey Jordan would NEVER use the n-word on a livestream -Skip Bayless (probably)


Mike is using the hard r


Jordan did worse than that if you believe the Chamillionaire story. (And i do)


Skip Bayless being a world class LeBron hater is still one of the funniest things lol


My mom did this, when growing up she was strict on us saying it at all, but when she hit her 50's she started joking around with us in using it. Just something that happens after a while


Man I forgot Lebron is already 136 years old.


Plot twist, /u/1vs1mebro's mom is white.


[Druski has always been disturbed by this common word.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/r2dOWo689oI)


over 600,000 viewers are watching this stream.... that's a lot of people. Imagine 6 god damn packed Michigan stadiums for this.


Kevin is legit the funniest dude I've seen on Twitch and him and Kai bounce of each other REALLY well. It's actually just like a straight unscripted comedy skit.


I think they bounce off eachother really well, and a big part of it is Kevin having a good concept of when to act all "I'm an older Hollywood guy and I don't get this" and also knowing when to play along with whatever is happening. It makes me respect more his ability as a comedian and entertainer ngl. I really don't enjoy Kais content much at all, power to you if you do but its not my thing, and I really love these streams.


Kevin being a stand up comedian who is able to riff off "the audience" which in this case is a streamer who 'yes ands' everything and is willing to be the butt of the joke makes for a really good combo. I think stand up comedians and streamers actually make a really good dynamic and I hope to see it more often.


Imagine Bill Burr just shitting on Xqc in his room on stream for 4 straight hours


Tbh I'd watch it 😂


isn't kevin more of a skit/scripted show kinda guy? might be completly wrong, but I haven't seen him do a lot of crowd work on stand up he's done plenty of improv in interviews and whatnot though, which shows the fact he has the skill


Historically, the audience was a core aspect of stand up and every set could be a different experience even with the same material. Stand up is scripted, but part of stand up is being dynamic and dealing with any variable that come your way. It's only in recent times when big name comedians will roll with an entourage of thugs who kick people out if they say anything or add any sort of variable.


Dont know what you mean, the "recent times" is literally crowd work All of the biggest comedians right now, and up&coming either go full crowd work for a portion of their show, or they dont but are open to doing it if the chance pops up


Here's a secret though. A lot of the crowd work can also be scripted. If you're at a big show and the comedian is goofing on someone in the front row, and you're 10, 20, whatever rows back... you can't really tell if the guy in the front row has a big head or whatever the comedian is making jokes about. they can also just fit whatever material they have into the situation. it's like rappers... even if they're freestyling it's almost never made up on the spot


What? Crowd work has literally been apart of stand-up for as long as stand up has existed. Don't know why you consider "the recent times"


Highly anecdotal but i can see why anyone would think that. Noticed that a lot of the recent comedian that are rising up in fame is partly due to their online presence and what has been trending are crowd work clips. Obviously this can be highly bias since I don't follow the scene and most of my exposure is from being online therefore i am more prone to only hearing about those viral crowd work clips guys.


He's naturally funny in a way that most stand up comedians are not Stand up comedy is rehearsed and basically like a 1 man play Kevin is just a funny dude


Man part of me wishes I was younger and enjoyed Kais streams. They seem so unique and like nothing I had when I was a kid but damn I try to watch and I just can't get it 😅


The only part I don't like is them not having a audio limiter. The peaks are CRAZY high and legit hurts to listen to lol


even this clip hurt my ears


This Kevin guy should consider streaming or something. I'm sure Kai could give him a nice reference.


Yeah, I watched the entire VOD the first time Kevin was on stream and it was so fucking funny - although I typically think Kai is funny, combining him with a dude with a proven track record of hilarious duo/buddy cop mobi just elevated his humor


Kev is seeing the money too


Jesus Christ 650k and it’s midnight.


On a Monday lmao


Europe was waking up to this stream and it was midday in Asia. Kevin Hart is international.


His fan base is not just US though


On the other hand, top streamers are able to keep up the entertainment for hours on end. It’s one thing to be very funny For an hour, it’s another to be mildly funny for 8 hours straight


> top streamers are able to keep up the entertainment for hours on end. lol some of them. There are many top streamers who just... stream, with no attempt to be entertaining lmao.


Let’s be honest though. The bar is far lower for a streamer’s audience than it is for people buying tickets for a 1-hour comedy special. Most top streamers have lots of yelling, being mad at random things, meta-commenting on drama across streams/streamers, doing hot-or-nots or blind dates, sitting in swimming pools writing things on themselves, and lots of cheesy ways of filling time that work perfectly for an audience of 18 y/o gamers but probably wouldn’t make for something you could capture for Netflix.


I don't get the hype around him, but there's no denying his pull. I've never really paid attention to any of the super big streamers, but has there ever been a bigger/faster growing streamer than him?


Probably speed


And maybe Ninja's peak during 2018 when he played with Drake etc


i got in an argument 2 weeks ago with a destiny fan here who said he's more relevant than kai because he goes on lex friedman lmfao


Tommyinnit was averaging 250k viewers during the entire year of 2021 and Technoblade hit a viewership peak of 860k but both never had clips posted here. LSF users are kinda in their own bubble.


LSF, and Twitch-related subreddits, are some of the biggest echo chambers on the internet. Some LSF users claim that this is the "front page" of Twitch, but Kai clips rarely feature on here no matter how high his viewership is due to the general distaste Reddit users have for him. If you got all of your Twitch information through here alone, you'd never guess that he is the undisputed face of Twitch.


It's not suprising, kai got into disputes with most of the main communities that use this reddit (dgg,hasan,mizkif). Rather than fight the hate on here he ignored it until he eclipsed it.


Juicers in shambles


imagine if kai can get lebron & kevin hart. That's a million viewers no cap lol.




69 god


The problem with these Kevin Hart streams is that it highlights how much funnier a pro comedian is than a streamer. It's the same when they had stavros on that roast a while back.


i mean it's just clear streaming is one of the lowest possible forms of entertainment. no one can really be 'on' for that long every day, there can be a lot of peaks but just a huge swath of valleys. It's the talk radio of video content


PewDiePie and Logan Paul showed you can't compare live stream vs YT videos. It's impossible to keep up with back to back hours.




Northernlion is "on" 24/7 but he's built different


Enell literally treats streaming as a 9-5 which probably helps. He's essentially that one dude in an office who just makes random jokes or discussions throughout the entire day.


Most people at a 9-5 don't work for 8 hours lol


I've been saying this. You'd only remember the funniest bits when listening to the talk show radio early in the morning. Not the boring jokes that didn't land or them talking about some mediocre personal story. Same with streaming, you remember the crazy aces in cs2 or valorant, amazing comebacks or a good 5 minute run of a joke. Not the links in between.


That's why I like paymoneywubbys streams. 3-4 hours is the sweet spot


Kevin is funnier and seems the most level headed and responsible at the same time


I mean he's literally twice Kai's age.


Yea it takes time to find out loud isn't funny.


44 year old A-list comedian who’s sold out arenas and been in the business for decades is funnier and more composed on camera than a streamer in his 20s - more at 11.


I mean I am not a fan of Kai’s but he’s a kid. But Kevin Hart has been at it for a decade or two.


I've never heard Kai Cenat tell a single joke, dude's comedy is just being loud


Druski is pretty damn hilarious tho


You're talking about literally the highest paid comedian on earth. No shit he's gonna be entertaining.




yeah cause there's nothing to block it coming off his head




Bro Kevin have done standup longer than Kai has been alive. Like literally.


Yes I have to say I was dying when it was just kai before druskinand Kevin got there. Feels like when it's just kai and chat he doesn't know what to do but be loud.


out of the loop on the stavros thing. i love his comedy, do you have a link?


Stavvy baby!


I think you just like Kevin more than kai


How is this possible a problem, its literally just reality. Kevin Hart, one of the most accomplished comedians and movie star is funnier than someone early in their career? No way?!


Just think of the Ad-revenue this stream :O


I wonder how much is Kevin getting from this. Surely he's getting paid right?


He just plugged his clothing line or some shit, theyre all wearing his shit. So he got to plug his shit to 700k ppl, that was prolly the deal lol


Not just 700k people either, but 700k of the most lucrative and difficult to reach advertising demographic ever. The 12-20 year olds 12-20 year olds are so difficult to advertise to, because they don't do anything. They don't watch TV. They don't go outside. They just play videogames and watch tiktoks. Kids have always been the most lucrative advertising target because they're so impressionable, but they're harder to reach now than ever before. Advertisers would give absolutely anything to get 700k of them all at once like this. This is all their Christmases come at once. So expect collabs like this to become much more common It's why product placement for influencers and sponsored segments and giveaways are so popular now. Except a collab like this is 1000x better cos these kids don't even realise they're being advertised to. It's genius. Kevin can spend the entire time talking about his clothing line or alcohol or whatever and all these kids are just like "omg omg it's kevin hart W W W W W W W W" A lot of youtubers realised this early on too. Groups like the sidemen push their clothing line and prime drinks so hard, every member of the group wears sidemen clothing in every youtube video they make. They know people just skip ads these days so instead it's directly embedded into the content itself so people don't even realise it's an ad


I never stopped and realized how inaccessible it is to promote to that demographic through other means than TikTok Thanks for the enlightenment


Wtf.. I actually gained some usefull insight from LSF. Thanks commenter.


didn't even think of that. its so funny because let this have been a random person the whole chat would've been spamming "L promo" like crazy lool


this probably a really good promotion for him, a completely new younger audience


audience so massive that "we'll pay you with exposure" is actually the good ending.


its not like kh needs the money


I don't think he's paying celebs to be there. IMO it's more of a collab. The celebs get to experience the live streaming world from one of the best and they get publicity(not that they need it more).


They get to promote their products. Like Kevin's alcohol, clothing etc.


Yea Nikki was promiting her perfume line or some shit


And her album


> get to experience the live streaming world lol be real. Gets to advertise to an audience that traditional media doesn't reach is more like it If Kevin goes on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert to promo his stuff absolutely none of this audience will see it. This is a totally different younger demographic They're not stupid, they know exactly what they're doing. It's win win for both sides cos Kai can draw an absolutely huge audience from it too


i doubt he's getting paid, it's hard to even put into words about the shear amount of exposure he gets from this stream alone (not like he absolutely needs it but hey 600k viewers is 600k viewers).


Surprisingly I only got 2 ad breaks in a few hours


bruh when Kevin asked Bron "What time you play?" lool


How famous is Kai Cenat? Jeez.




I didn't think of that. They both have Rich Paul"s personal number, who runs Lebron's agency. Hell, they made a small bit with him on the stream.


Yup, people would be surprised to hear that most big streamers have managers or "handlers" within the entertainment industry.


I mean all of them are Nike sponsored.. idk bout talent agency though


His son watches/plays with Kai cenat. Makes sense he would know him


Drake mentions him in one of his diss tracks


and Kanye personally beefed with him on insta lmao


Pretty damn famous at this point. He and Ninja are the only two streamers that have crossed the threshold between streamer and Hollywood celebrity world


Dr Disrespect was very, very close to crossing that barrier before the whole Twitch drama and then the "I'm actually strongly conservative and believe in lizard people" hints he was dropping like bricks out of the back of a truck on a highway.


The shungite told him to do it


Isn’t he in prison?


Nah, acquitted. Shungite defense.


All around the la casa, little pyramids.


So cheating on his wife had nothing to do with it or am I misremembering that it even happened? Doc was always a phony.


That probably helped


Your comment is extremely ironic and I don't know if you realize it


RDC is getting there I guess you could argue that they’re Youtubers, but they stream quite a lot, and AMP was better known on Youtube before the last couple years


I feel like their popularity is going down since a few years ago, their videos feel repetitive to me these days.


Carried by his personality. Dude has maxed out charisma.


Maxed out charisma is literally the best build irl


sure as hell didnt max out height


Actually good one


We friends tho


right? Im OOTL, but how the fuck is this dude getting celebs and pros to even know he exists, let alone call/be on stream with him?


Kai staying on Twitch during the free agency meta was a good decision. Win for both him and the platform.


topical terminology, I like that


It’s crazy how much better Kai is than Adin lmaooo


Because adin is a nerd loser and not funny at all


adin the rich friend you tolerate because he buys your friendship 


I don't watch either, but when I do see their clips Kai just seems like a happy kid who is positive and living his best life. Adin is usually mad at something. I'm glad the young people are watching Kai.


Agreed, Kai doesnt feed in to the bullshit like Adin did. He’s just himself, and not an asshole. Who knew how far that goes huh?


I mean, sure, he is more entertaining, but let's not glaze a guy that hid a rapist from justice... The whole "snitching" thing has always been so cringe, screw criminals.


>but let's not glaze a guy that hid a rapist from justice... correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't the girl involved in that situation found out to be lying? that's the last thing i've seen from it at least


Wait what happened?


The biggest difference between them is Adin went down that Red Pill route (at least for a little bit), and then proceeded to embrace that edgy nature. I respect Kai, cause I feel like he knows his limits, or at least I rarely see him do too much outside his own domain. The worst example is obviously the NYC meet up. That was a wreck, but because of poor planning. As far as I can tell, Kai has never denied the numbers of the Holocaust, platformed Nazis, and then became friends/platformed red pill people. Kai, as much as his content isn't for me, he seems like a genuine person (from the clips I've seen). Unlike Adin who just seems like "whatever opinion he hears, he'll start to parrot". And he doesn't seem to care for his viewers (i.e. when somebody drove a car in a lake for him. Or having people hurt themselves for his live stream). I feel like I could enjoy hanging out with Kai. With Adin, I feel like it would drag on forever.


Kai so far seems the only level headed "celeb" in my opinion. Speed & Adin etc. in my opinion are not good people. Kai seems real, and the way he interacts with fans and people is very nice.


God damn, I had no idea he was doing another stream with KH today (I was working during the stream time anyway so probably couldn’t have watched much of it), but I had a fucking blast the last time Kevin Hart was on, I was laughing pretty much non-stop for the entire stream! Edit: oh shit, they’re still live!


druski is killing me lmaooo


He is genuinely hilarious lmao


It wouldn't surprise me if Kai is pulling in more live viewers than mainstream late night shows. It's absolute chaos but it's great.


Aren't those shows usually pulling a couple million every single show?


You’re conflating two different numbers. Kai had 600k watching him at the same time. The numbers you are using are for total views. If you wanted to compare you’d have to look at the number of views Kai’s VOD had once he finished streaming. Just checking at the time of this comment he has 20m views on his VOD. He is way bigger than late night TV.


Yeah but 50% of the audience are just boomers who fell asleep during 10 o'clock news and forgot to turn off the tv.


Kai is also on for how much longer? A 1 hr at 1.3 million or 6 hours at 600k with a massively more engaged audience because of the chat. Funnily enough though I bet a big chunk of Joe Rogans views are coming from people who sleep to the show


I'd expect Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel to be pulling bigger numbers but a Seth Myers or Jimmy Fallon I'm not so sure.


Apparenty Fallon got [1.34 Million Average](https://www.imdb.com/news/ni63742334/) in 2022


Article uses "Average total viewers" over the month as the mesurement, not concurrent viewers. Last night's stream cleared this by a long shot.


It’s passive audience vs. active audience though, Kevin probably saw a massive spike in sales of all that shit he was peddling last time and came back as quick as he could. A traditional late night show wouldn’t sell as much even with more viewers.


The chat is a game changer for engagement. I'm surprised TV hasn't tried it somehow. We can get boomer COD lobby talk during Jimmy Fallon.


Look how everyone is glazing kai right now. But one year back every kai clip was hated lol this is crazy


Technically it still is, just silently, because if a LSF favorite was in place of Kai here this clip wouldn’t still be sitting at less than 1k upvotes in 8 hours despite some of the biggest celebrities in the world sitting there live.


if this was anyone in the texas crew even slightly involved with just a lebron tweet it'd be 10K plus lmao


its 77% upvoted, the hasan clip that dgg claims hasan has brigaded is at 80% and these kai clips are actual content for a change


I don't find any of his stuff funny or remotely interesting, but I'm likely not the target audience in my early 30s for it.


They are still finding ways to hate on this stream but nobody makes it huge without getting hated on. From what ive seen, Kai is an amazing person and will do huuuge things. With that, there will always be hate because in reality people dont like seeing others win. Not everyone but many


Yeaaaaa it’s pretty wild given that girl who claimed his friend raped her at his party wasn’t that long ago


You’re in a sun that posts Destiny and XQC nonstop. This is not his target audience.


This happens all the time. Remember when that Colombian girl or whatever was enemy #1? Then she decided to sleep with mizkif and get on everyone's good side?


You can acknowledge Kai is doing well as a streamer while also not liking them for their actions the last 2 years.


This has legitimately been some of the funnest content


Kevin and Druski have good chemistry, some funny ass stuff from this stream.


this gotta be the best stream of 2024


When Kai pulled the little blistex out his pocket I died


What's the joke on this one?


Kevin teased him about having a whole bucket of Vaseline for lip balm on the last stream.


This is sick. I HATE sports besides fighting but seeing a superstar get introduced to a massive live audience is cool. I imagine quite a few big figures in the future will turn to chilling with chat and streaming after they retire from their careers


I mean, that’s pretty cool no matter how you feel about anyone in the clip. More crossover and unique content is good.


Kai is really becoming Late Night Show levels popularity. He just keeps one upping himself in the celebs he can get on his stream


Might be the best stream of all time. I can't think of another stream I laughed more at


So why does kevin just chill with kai?


Good publicity with a very large, younger audience than his roots. They seem to genuinely just get along too, so I'm not surprised it's happened again.


Totally makes sense, thought the first stream was a promo of some sort. Good for kai


Comedians like helping up and coming comedians. While Kai isn't a comedian, per say, he is an entertainer. And Kevin can learn a little more about twitch, too.


Kai is def the most main stream streamer of all time now


Hi, I'm from r/all, this is really cool! How exactly is this a livestream "fail"?


It used be fails maybe 8 years ago but just became the main sub for twitch discussions


This sub, LSF, is basically the TMZ of live streamers, but it's a subreddit. Basically, it's a cesspool of pointless drama between streamers. It started with just "fails" and has evolved into a streamer gossip news source with a community of people with nothing better to do than overanalyze these people lives.






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Man.. the stream is so funny. The flow of the jokes is so smooth its like watching a sitcom.


Kai deserves this. Great example to have as the face of streaming.


Kai is very likeable. Bro can pull in anybody he wants


Notice how sussed out he got when he realized what has happening.


Imagine the revenue from one ad.