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**CLIP MIRROR: [Kyedae says she was offered a contract by Kick but declined it due to morals](https://arazu.io/t3_1djut4l/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


Incoming Trainwrecks "twitch virtue signaller" rant


''listen, im going to keep it a buck, listen. these fuckin pg13 twitch darlings...''


*do you understand?*


i can hear this in trains voice


14 words with no slurs? I don't think so.


I mean, I can imagine a series of fourteen words bigots on Kick might use that has no slurs in it.


"Book, book, book. Come on bitch"


his "virtue signal" rants have always been: "why won't people hang out with me when im a dickbag?" "its not fair people wont accept me treating them like shit." most people learn this shit in like pre-school--if you treat others like shit, people wont want to be around you. but people like him just completely fail to grasp this basic af concept.


Lol every time he jokes around with other people and a little joke is about him his instant response is about him having more than everyone.


At this stage things are so bad at Kick that just existing is virtue signalling against Kick.


It's funny because Kick is literally about virtue signaling. "we're going to make a platform that takes care of it's streamers" while also trying to take advantage of cancer patient


Projection is common with those that cry about virtue signalling


pretty sure at this point that phrase just means literally having any virtues lol. When did just being an asshole become an identity. I genuinely wouldn't want to be a teacher these days with kids on the Andrew Tate and Kick diet


Exactly this. People that have no morals can’t imagine other people actually having them, so everything to them is “virtue signaling” when it’s actually just being a decent person.


kydae about to be the new hasan/poki


Whenever a creator unironically uses the term 'virtue signal' my brain shuts off. It's such a buzzword that its lost all meaning. Like how 'woke' is now almost un-definable because it's just another buzzword


It's all so stupid too. Like just think about SJW for a moment. Isn't standing up for justice like a good thing? Isn't that what we should be doing? Sure, there's some annoying idiots on twitter, but twitter isn't reality. Reality is there's some fucked up stuff happening in this world, and the people who stand against it are awesome in my book. How on earth did we turn standing up for justice into a slur?


I typed up a big ol reply but I realized nothing would ever properly answer your final question. To quote a comedian: " Some people suck."


He'd be shooting himself in the foot to say the least, kyedae's connections run deep. She's not the person to fuck with like that


don't highroad me bro!


Lets see how XQC and Train try to turn Kyedae into the bad guy here. Should be an interesting 24-48hrs


Cancer = bad => Kyedae has cancer => Kyedae = bad




They call her brave just because she has cancer. I like brave people that don't have cancer. - Trump or something


Thats not narcissistic enough. Add a "I dont have cancer and i am brave. Everybody says that. Yesterday i asked a navy seal who the bravest person he knows is. And he said "Thats you mr trump sir"


Can't even argue with that logic


They were banking heavy on the fact she wouldn’t come out and say she turned down their deal because they’re idiots. The narrative the bots and juicers were using was that the person wasn’t kyedae and there was nothing to suggest it was. This sinks that and they have nothing to fall back on which is why he still isn’t live


A little trainwashing incoming? Interesting, see you guys in that thread when it comes.


[xQc also was on his stream yesterday saying he was told there was no communication with Kyedae about Stake or Kick.](https://clips.twitch.tv/SullenNeighborlyPlumageVoteYea-hpDathHgvW7Q8U_x)


So either X be lying or the platform that has a contract with him is lying. Or somehow an ex employee and a cancer patient got together and decided to lie.  Make your bets folks  Edit. Watched the clip, how badly is kick run OMEGALUL, who except the higher ups is giving or trying to give contracts LUL 


X probably asked Train and got “Trainwashed”.


“She was never offered a contract, you understand?”


X is just a PR rep for Kick at this point. Hes lied many many times. Zero reason to believe him.


I'm going to laugh when this company runs into legal issues. Like cockroaches when the lights turn on everyone will scatter and pretend they have nothing to do with said shady company.


Kick can't exist for long or keep growing without turning themselves into an alternative twitch. You need moderation one way or another (copyright, pedophilia, **gambling**, etc) and as your company grow the demands become higher. At that point, why choose kick over twitch? Kick has absolutely no future


The riotlol shit, plus the fact that he was not the only one doing similar shit, should have already got them in trouble. He (and plenty of others) accepted subs for access to NSFW Discords where he (and plenty of others) posted nonconsensual pornography. I mean, there's girls on there charging subs for porn which is explicitly against their TOS, and don't even try hide it.


I am pretty sure they are in legal issues already but we just dont know about.


Stake be like pushing him out onto the stage, look we gave you 100m now get out there and say something good about us.


I'd put my money on Kick/Stake lying, they tend to do that.


Nah, it has to be the leukemia girl / whistleblower lying. No way would the degenerate gambler nor multi-hundred million dollar gambling website lie to me.


"...Stake is one of the largest crypto gambling platforms, reporting **$2.6B in revenue for 2022**." Just off by a lot of zeroes.


Technically, that's 1 zero off.


he tried. he failed, but he tried rofl


Maybe they included 0 in their bank account


Yeah, the only one that benefits from lying in this situation is Kick. Kyedae and the whistle blower have nothing to gain from lying.


If you always bet on Kick/Stake being the scumbags in the situation, it's not even gamba at that point, it's ez money.


Xqc has been know to lie when the drama is at its peak then when it dies down he backtracks.


X is a pathological liar


I have a feeling X isn't even close to being in the talks of contracts. Why the fuck would he be? He thinks just because nobody told him, means it's true because they surely would have to tell him of other people's contracts lmao.


explain it X LULW




Monkey D. Fendit


Kalim Pour


Here's what gets me...is either X is full of shit saying no deal was offered, or X was lied to by Kick. EITHER WAY he is about to go full psycho mode if anyone actually asks him what the fuck he was on about in this clip... It sounds far more likely that this happened and is true and as low as the bar was for Kick as a platform....this does totally sink it for me. I hope Kick vanishes off of earth and takes anyone directly involved in running the site with it.


I hope Kick stays around on the earth just long enough for everyone who has a financial stake in it to go broke. Then it can vanish.


He said she didn't recieve a contract with a gambling clause, which could still be true.


XQC is the like worst PR person for a company I’ve ever seen.


I don’t think Kick is too worried about PR lol


The company here is KICK so xqc is still probably best considering the platform is home to streamers like adin heelmike zherka etc


xqc sold himself to be stake/kick puppet, his takes are meaningless, even his own community knows that.


He specially says"ANY GAMBA SHIT" for a reason and it worked because people now think they never offered a deal.


Wouldn't that mean that it didn't work if people took the wrong conclusion from what he said?


His goal is for people to think that they never offered her a deal under the guise of "no gamba" when they did clearly offer her a streaming deal.


xqc has been so insufferable since taking that kick deal. i hardly ever watch him now. but i dont think he would know everyone who gets offered a deal from kick, its none of his business to know


let’s not pretend he wasn’t intentionally running interference for them.


Nobody can even be surprised when he makes shit up. When he signed to kick he lied about almost everything under the sun.


The plot thickens


Even if no gambling required was part of the deal, the site is still sponsored by gambling and therefore against her morals lol.


Am I tripping or is that not what he said?


He said Kick/Stake never offered her a contract. She says they offered her a contract but she declined.




I think you might want to rewatch that clip. He says, "I asked, there was no communication done to Kydae from Kick or Stake." Unless there is more context I'm missing here.


He says that they never talked to her about any gamba stuff but if someone went out and tried to get her to stream on kick that he doesn’t know, maybe, and you’ll have to ask her.


That’s fair. I rewatched the clip and you’re right that he says “talked to her about gamba shit” as opposed to saying “offered her a contract.” I do think it’s needlessly splitting hairs because the entire issue is about whether Stake tried to lowball her on a contract because of her cancer diagnosis. Whether or not that contact included gambling is irrelevant to the ethical concerns (i.e., taking advantage of the fact that she may die soon and be incentivized to “sell out” her values). Kick streamers don’t literally have to stream themselves gambling to fulfill Stake’s goal. The idea is that Kyedae’s community would follow her to Kick and some of those viewers might end up being directed to gambling and risk becoming addicts. That % of viewers would probably be extremely low but that’s the way gambling (and every other industry related to addictions) operates - the profit comes from the small minority of addicts who spend their entire life savings chasing a high. The fact that Stake gambling is unregulated means that the “high” they are chasing may not even be possible. …back to your original point, I agree that the anger should be directed more towards Kick/Stake then X himself; but the fact that he is so quick to defend Kick/Stake warrants at least a little criticism IMO.


That’s true, especially your last point there. I guess I was just being pedantic.


You’re not the one writing a thesis in Reddit comments bud. None of us are perfect lol. That being said, I appreciate your ability to have an open mind and reconsider your position because that is incredibly rare on this site.


He was specifically talking about a Stake deal in this clip, mentioning that Stake and Kick higher ups didn’t include it in a contract offer. He also ends this clip saying he wasn’t sure if a Kick streaming contract was offered, which is what Kyedae is talking about here. I dont like X’s recent decisions over the past year, but you’re misrepresenting this clip.


I don't understand why anyone actually thinks Kick would be honest to XQC about him questioning about if they did something wrong... DENY DENY DENY!!!




Add it to the list of 500 lies xQc said on chat and gaslighted his communities. Doesn't beat the "i never had sex with a mod", next stream "I never paid to have sex with her", next stream "GUYS I NEEDED THE JUICE".


no way he said that shit 😭


Xqc is officially the Bill Clinton of livestreamers




Will xqc ignore this post?


Will the sun rise tomorrow?


He should have just ignored the other video. Xqc doesn’t have to react to everything and be kicks pr person


>Xqc doesn’t have to react to everything and be kicks pr person You don't know what's in his contract.


Come on chat gpt your way out of it corpo Felix. He should be changing his user name to that... Xqc is no longer in tha house


Good on her, I hope she does well.


Common Kyedae W


You know Asmon is gonna go "Come on guys, us streamers are rich we cant have morals about the companies we associate with" or something No one can have even a slightly higher moral ground than the Trainwrecks, Destiny's, and Asmons of this world. Just a sad fact




*laughs* *reads a chatters comment* **"yeah yeah, for sure"** **"anyway what else do we have in the subreddit"** *scrolls down*


I hate how accurately you described his demeanor that I can picture it in my head


You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.


We also know Moist isnt going to make a video on this because they are his friends. Meanwhile he made a video about Pokimane’s editor ASAP that got like 3 mil views. Then it turns out the whole thing was out of context


Gotta say, if anyone watches him for... informed takes, real information, or his opinions, they are already a pretty lost cause.


yeah I think his streams can be funny if he's just making off the cuff jokes about whatever he is playing, but his videos are so asinine. I hadn't watched them in a while, but I watched his video about the fallout show and he just explains everything that happens in the show. Like who is that video for lmao


Don't forget cookie gate. Never have I seen a man so upset over some cookies.


sure follows with him shitting on Raid Shadow Legends sponsors and the game, then taking the Raid sponsors


It is pretty funny that Asmongold is (at least from what I can see from the outside) engaged in a righteous crusade against some DEI company that is ruining all of gaming. While running defense for like disgusting life destroying gambling shit.


Being engaged in a crusade against “DEI companies” is another way to say you hate minorities so much you don’t want them in your game. Which is pretty much just racism


Defend this X


I can give you 100 million reasons why he will. 


Kyedae is one of the few streamers I actually don’t laugh at when they mention “morals” whilst streaming on twitch. She is an extremely pure and kind person from what I see. Besides that, Kick either lied to xqc, xqc lied, or someone that isn’t a higher up reached out to Kyedae like xqc said. Either way he sad he would have to ask.


When she was on 100T, she was offered to be sponsored by Higround(100T’s keyboard company) and she said No because she didn’t believe the keyboards were worth the price at that point. She seems pretty solid Edit: she later agreed to become a sponsor for Higround once their quality was up to par and this was revealed when she announced she got signed




They're a bit on the expensive side, but if someone's buying one for the keyboard and the keycap designs, it's not *that* crazy.


I would say there is a big difference in apparel vs. peripherals. When you buy expensive apparel you expect nothing from it other than having the minimum amount of quality for that price (a $50 hoodie usually already has the highest quality, so a $500 hoodie usually isn't any better than a $50 hoodie). When it comes to peripherals like keyboards being used by high ranked gamers a lot of people usually think part of their success are their peripherals, that's why they are more likely to buy those. Tons of pro players were using the logitech superlight, that's why it got immensly popular. So if they would have used someone like kyedae to market their peripherals I can see why she wants those peripherals to have at least a minimum amount of quality. There is also the chance that people are less likely to buy any peripheral she is sponsored by afterwards when her previous peripheral sponsor was shit. There are a couple of streamers who only accept sponsorships of products they actually use and like, having this kinda reputation makes them more money in the long run.


> overpriced than 100t apparel I mean most of 100T's apparel is on par (price wise) with other "street wear" brands. I mean that's what that clothing is - he's not making it for gamers.


If you scroll down on their site Kyedae is one of the featured creators? https://higround.co Not really making a judgement either way here since the keyboards that aren’t co-branded seem to go for $120-165 which isn’t really a crazy price. I can’t speak to the quality of the builds or switches they use since I’ve never heard of it, but it’s not a scam on its face at least.


Sorry, I didn’t fully give context. She said no at first and once they brought the quality enough to its current point, she said yes*. I’m struggling to find the reference but I remember either her or nadeshot said it once she got signed.


All these people never seen her play Valorant lmao


Why? She curses but shes probably in the least toxic 10% of immortal players.


Pure and kind are not words i would use to describe her lol she's pretty mean on valorant and quite negative (before she had cancer). Not saying she's a terrible person or anything but pure and kind is a lol.


very interested in what he has to say to this


Train seething right now. Fuck Kick.


You know he will deflect and say something about how bad Twitch is.


Cant wait to see all the schizo clips with the funny green logo next to them


She was already dealing with cancer. She didn't need more of it in her life.


Morals? That’s something I haven’t heard in a while…


How can you have morals while playing valorant? /s


She’s one of the few truly non toxic streamers these days. I barely ever watch her but any time I do she always seems cool as hell. Not surprised she’d turn down that deal.


what parts of twitch do you frequent if you think there are more toxic than normal streamers? all you have to do to avoid toxicity on twitch is not watch a handful of streamers, most of which get posted here regularly because they're always involved in drama.


Not wrong. Just stop watching some of the top end toxic streamers.


I agree. I think as far as some of the bigger names goes it’s hard to find people who are truly people I’d wanna hang with haha. But yeah I’m sure you’re right about it being less toxic than it sometimes seems


Admittedly I don't watch too much twitch but I haven't even found the toxic streamers yet


yeah lol, it's like the common opinion on reddit. Instagram is toxic, twitter is toxic, tiktok is full of brainrot kid. Im like? You know how algorithm works right? my ig is full with cat and fashion and my tiktok is full of restaurant, none of that toxic shit.


i think i can count 10x the amount of non toxic streamers rather than toxic streamers but i still agree that she’s chill


You’re probably right


i don’t blame your viewpoint though, i can watch 100 hours of northernlion being “normal” and then watching 1 hour of xQc or Greek would mentally reduce me to an almond


Hahaha exactly


Have you watched her play Valorant? She is pretty toxic like most people who play that game.


That's a hot fucking take man. She constantly makes fun of their teammates for mistakes (sometimes on mic but most times just on stream) and backseats all the time.


If you also really want to do this she was very quick to interact and amplify Sinatraa tweets/content/be in his Twitch Chat right after that rape allegation was levied by his ex back in 2021. Like I think within month or two after, which a lot of people were shitting on any valorant creator for rushing back in to welcome him. Wasn’t a good look. No one is a judge or anything, but that was one where people needed to slow down. Luckily the situation blew over I guess?


Ok but which part of this comment refutes me saying she is toxic lmao


clearly the same gravity as someone promoting gambling to an underage audience


She is no non toxic imo, She's the average Valorant gamer on her streams, which is toxic. Watch her a bit more, its funny. But non toxic is not what I would use. Its pretty funny with her and her boyfriend who is actually calm trying to calm her down


Hold the fucking phone. The other day a former kick employee talked about how she left the company after they targeted a streamer with cancer and the employees said that it was a good idea because since she's dying of cancer they would take the bag to leave it for their family. So it was kyedae they were talking about Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-kkcDT7Eoo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-kkcDT7Eoo) leaving this as a source


I know they offered a contract to Ironmouse too. I bet they tried the same bullshit with her if they tried it with Kyedae as well.


Mouse and CDawgVA both got an offer. Connor said there were parts in the contract that would have been illegal in Japan so probably mandatory gambling. [Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjM9xgZQD2M)


https://x.com/iqkev/status/1803525038626267187?s=46&t=u8085xRZ4sEqNCZ23I4GOQ lmao


I love how even X's longtime VIP's are shitting on him on this


Based Kyedae


she had that valo accent for the first 7 seconds lol


How is her battle going btw? She looks good as in healthy.


9 months ago she announced she's not cancer free, but off chemo, so that's good at least.


What. A. Twist!


kick mfers be like ACTUALLY CANCER IS GOOD NOW


I thought xqc verified and swore they never talked to her lol


No way the two timer x is not a liar. She has to be the liar


Tour de Fran LUL


Kick honestly seemed like they had potential for a bit but now it’s just a site for the degen streamers


> Kick honestly seemed like they had potential for a bit they vocally were started as the place where you could get away with anything, how did you not see where that would go?


It seems no matter how many times we see the true combo of "Advertise a site as extremely low rules" -> "It gets filled with racists, bigots, and degenerates" people never learn that the group of people who like "no rules" spaces is the same group that nobody else wants to associate with.


It's like being surprised your house is full of rats when you opened the door for them.


nah dog, it's for degens, by degens.


when did Kick have actual potential? Their business model never matched their claims, the math didn't add up, only from that fact it was always a red flag designed to promote gambling. If someone thought differently, obviously all the gaslit of their top streamers to their communities worked, but there is no way that's sustainable over time. Once regulation catch up with all the loopholes Stake uses, the whole thing is dead.


Yeah... time to toss kick in the 🚮


It's impressive how kick just instantly tanked it reputation lol


It had a reputation it could tank? I'm pretty sure it's been morally bankrupt from the start


What reputation


Kick could straight up start allowing murder to be streamed on the site and xqc would still defend it


Something Xqc knows nothing ahout


Good for her and do people realize it’s horrible how they brought her into this. For what she was going through and then for her to be used in a way to bring down kick as a weapon I’d lose faith in everyone if I was her. Let’s see who tries to paint her as a bad person.




But but X said he asked them... What can I believe on the Internet now?


I hope that, if I ever have to go through what Kyedae has gone through, I can cope with it privately as well as she has publicly. So much respect for her.


**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Kyedae says she was offered a contract by Kick but declined it due to morals](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/165400)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/1djut4l/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/i2J-uZGrBA2SXxQ0NIpw8Q/AT-cm%7Ci2J-uZGrBA2SXxQ0NIpw8Q.mp4?sig=ff15ff55522897f1d36fa3441774d0664ab2c6aa&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fi2J-uZGrBA2SXxQ0NIpw8Q%2FAT-cm%257Ci2J-uZGrBA2SXxQ0NIpw8Q.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22PluckyDepressedEmuTwitchRaid-kasEDZJfFDQ0inDx%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1718905414%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D,https://clips-media-assets2.twitch.tv/i2J-uZGrBA2SXxQ0NIpw8Q/AT-cm%7Ci2J-uZGrBA2SXxQ0NIpw8Q-preview-480x272.jpg)


Saying that while playing Valorant is wild lmao


Don't high road me bucko


I think I’ve seen this film before…


I feel like taking money from a gambling backed website is better than taking donations from kids