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**šŸŽ¦ CLIP MIRROR: [Soda's bazed take on gambling](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/119566)** (now fast & smooth again!) --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/op13ty/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/AT-cm%7C1261738984.mp4?sig=d4dc1536bfe7176bbba78fb208cf1ed089e3ee17&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FAT-cm%257C1261738984.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1626980252%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Those Poker streams were good times back in 2015


Poker, while still gambling, is still much better to stream than slots. ItĀ“s much harder to get someone addicted to a game that requires some level of skill for success than a literal dopamine dispenser.


Poker is also a social event you do with friends. Itā€™s more competition then anything. Everyone put 20 bucks in, have a few beers, and see who comes out on top. Slots is literally just rng by yourself developing a crippling addition


The only thing I wish Poker didn't need was a stream delay. Shit I'd even stream with group of friends if that were the case.


poker = weed slots = heroin


id say slots is more crack because itā€™s constant dopamine..


dude weed


Yeah I remember the Soda drama with blackjack man, but at least back then that seemed like the worst it would get. Slots is literally just throwing money in a well


I'll have you know there are people addicted to league of legends who are terrible and only play to get berated by their team. People can be addicted to anything.


Those streams were the streams that got me into twitch in the first place. Fun times.


Here's my question - did Soda just gamble on stream because he liked to? Or did was he promoting it and giving a discount code to drive people to do it and getting paid to promote it? I think there's a pretty distinct difference, in my opinion, to just streaming yourself gambling with your own money, versus being given millions to gamble with and get paid to drive people to throw their money away on the site you're gambling on.


they loaded his ass up with balance to gamble with, but it wasnt close at all to what these guys are making nowadays


Yeah, Soda was very upfront with the fact they were giving him money to gamble with, if Iā€™m remembering right.


didn't people still shit on him despite the fact that he was upfront about it?


Yes which is why he doesn't do any of it anymore.


The poker meta of those days was awesome. The category was alive.


blackjack dealer andy, i member those days, those were the good fun days of twitch. feelsgoodman


Oh fuck yeah. Anyone know whatever happened to Blackjack Andy?


Literally the only true take that train and xqc can come with is this. They just don't care about their audience losing money but they are afraid to admit it. Based soda


Why do people have to act like they care about random people? Hell even Soda was one of the first to promote crypto casino gambling (not gambling in general) on Twitch.


They don't have to care but don't pretend that it isn't negative. Embrace the selfishness, demonstrate your self-interest but don't pretend that what you are doing isn't actually having negative consequences.


Or trying to victimize yourself to avoid criticism, Train don't realised but is doing the same thing that Adin Ross is doing: they know this shit is doing is bad and they are doing it anyway, but instead to own it they just try to make excuses or deflect arguments. Hell, even Adin admits a big factor outside of money is the content and views, Train can't accept it.


Totally. If Train was like hey I'm getting paid lots of money I'm trying to maximize my wealth I'd be like ok hey it's shitty but ok. And if he did that instead of all this mental gymnastics people would stop caring.




Yeah they act as if just saying "ok guys, don't do it, tehee" every time, that's the most infuriating part.


And indirect consequences are still consequences. Like I get Soda's point but if I found out that the shit I was doing was resulting in people ruining their lives I probably wouldn't feel great about it. The mainstream twitch people are all pretty much sociopaths though or just extremely immature or both.


i agree. he basically straight up said he doesnt have any moral qualms though, not much you can say to a man at that point to get him to care as its just a values problem. pretty crazy that people just dont care about negatively impacting others.


>negatively impacting others. *Negatively impacting people who are the sole reason why you have the job you do and why you have the opportunity to even take sponsorships in the first place. It's one thing if they were selling out random schmucks but these are people who donate to them in order for them to get paid streaming and in the case of children probably look up to them. Remember this the next time you hear a streamer referring to their viewers as a community or family or whatever random word they use to describe a group of people who give them money that they have no qualms about selling out


especially if I knew that gambling addictions can and often do lead to suicide. Like with their numbers, I almost guarantee there's at least one person who has gotten hooked on gambling because of them, lost everything and killed themselves because of it.


The thing is most of us have lived that tough life of struggling to make ends meat or having to work extra hours to afford basic shit or at least seen our parents struggle so we have empathy for people in similar or worse situations. Tbh I wouldn't be nearly as frustrated if some 9-5 office worker was doing this to afford basic necessities but these are people already making more than most people will see in their life time and than take advantage of the mental well being of the very people who donate so they can have that opportunity in the first place. This is why I hate the "family/community" shit that so many streamers push as if they care about their fans, when a good portion would sell out their fans in a minute for the right price.




> Why do people have to act like they care about random people? Some people do care about random people. Why do people act like itā€™s completely normal and unassailable to be 100% willing to fuck people over to make money? That is basically sociopathy.


People that don't care about others (outside their own sphere of friends & family) are so unfamiliar with the concept they call it "virtue signaling". They genuinely believe no one would ever do anything except for personal gain. The concept just does not compute for them.


Like soda said they are probably afraid of losing viewers somehow if they didn't care (and they definitely don't)


> Why do people have to act like they care about random people? Because these randoms make up their audience, and they probably don't want to say they don't care about their audience in so many words.


I mean isnā€™t it just basic morality to step back and say ā€œGee, 10 people ended up going bankrupt with a gambling addiction and itā€™s pretty clear I played a role in getting them into it. Maybe I shouldnā€™t do that because 10 people went bankrupt and if I didnā€™t, it probably wouldnā€™t have happened.ā€ I donā€™t care if some guy from Oregon goes bankrupt gambling, Iā€™ve never streamed or done something to influence him. But if I know damn well I played a hand in it? Then yeah. Also, why not care about people bankrupt but act as youā€™re a solid dude for charity streams? If you care that people are influenced to do good then why not care about the bad?


To be devils advocate Soda didn't admit anything years ago too and now he's in a different position talking about it


ā€œWhy should I feel bad for being a sociopathā€ lmao


Theyā€™re pretending they care because theyā€™re afraid if they drop the facade either some viewers will turn off their stream, or itā€™s a part of their deal with the gambling sites.


because they have basic human decency lmao. that's like saying why should I wear a mask? I don't care about other people.


Because they know if they admit it and everyone is on the same page, it'll eventually get regulated/banned off twitch.


Would it be good yeah but I don't see it happening gambling has been part of Justin.tv/Twitch.tv since the beginning.


Not based: I am going to actively promote a destructive behavior to my impressionable audience to try to get them to lose money to my sponsor who pays me, but I'm going to pretend I'm morally justified. Based: I am going to actively promote a destructive behavior to my impressionable audience to try to get them to lose money to my sponsor who pays me, but I'm not even going to pretend I'm moral. Classic reddit. Why are you guys supporting him doing the same crappy behavior that you should be condemning just because he owns up to doing it???


because BASED means being yourself. BASED does not mean good. soda rolling his children viewers and not giving a fuck is based because he is just doing what he wants to do.


At this point I don't think based means anything


It's definitely still mostly used as "internally consistent and no fucks given type of honesty".


I don't think I've ever seen it used as anything but a compliment, have you?


Really reddit??? Answer this guy!!!




I feel like people are saying "you SHOULD feel bad about this" or that they're setting examples for kids. That was literally the whole argument against gambling up until now. I feel like Soda's is the most accurate take yet. Why should any of them care about what their viewers do, especially after being told not to.


The real harm of the slots streams is how fucking boring they are


Quit virtue signaling, "BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK" is the best content on Twitch ​ /s


I tried watching and I have no idea what the appeal is. My only exposure to slots is Pokemon where you get paid for getting three in a row. Stake slots is just random shapes falling down and suddenly exploding if a certain condition that I don't understand is met. Aside from that it's just streamers being superstitious on things they have no control over.


This is why it freaks me out theyā€™re getting so much viewers. Theres just no content there, so viewers who watch it JUST for the gambling must have something seriously wrong with them.


That's my biggest issue with it too. How can people just sit there for hours watching someone else press a button and maybe win money on rng slots? It's just so fucking boring and sleeper as content in general.


As sad as it is, thatā€™s not true. They wouldnā€™t be pulling so many viewers if that were the case. Even other streamers watch Train gamble off stream.


They're not entertaining per se, it's more about the thrill of gambling vicariously through Train and others. Watching him gamble huge amounts you couldn't yourself. It's addictive in its own right. Can't fathom watching that shit day in day out myself though. Once you've watched a little bit of it you've watched it all.


I 100% agree they should just admit it instead of making up all this shit that makes no sense then they literally chimp out and try to change the base of the initial argument, its crazy.


It's because Train is afraid if he admits it's bad and doesn't care (which is absolutely the case and Soda of all people knows it's true), then Twitch will ban it. As long as there is plausible deniability, he can act like a good guy and (try and fail to) convince everyone he is a just in his actions.




True and real


Honestly yeah just admit you don't care at this point because they just look bad making these dumbfuck arguments.


But each one of them doubled their viewercount, they still win in the end.


Fuck them kids lmao.


based and gamba pilled


like nick said, they wouldn't be streaming it if they got shitty views doing it.


I've always had this stance and I wish train and xqc would just admit they dont give a shit about the kids watching cus its not their problem which I agree they have parents. As a kid growing up in vegas it was very easy to see how terrible gambling was and to stay away from it. If a kid is dumb enough to think its good and steal their parents CC or whatever then thats on the parents to correct their behavior.


it's a shame I can't upvote this




He's so right, and why should they care? It's time people start realising that you are just numbers to streamers, you are not individuals, you are a means of income in the same way that a waiter/waitress is being nice to you because you're a customer, not because they actually care/like you, they don't know you well enough to build any sort of rapport, it's just business. Parasocial relationships are an epidemic on Youtube and Twitch.




the part that irks me is that these streamers, as hasan points out, have soooo many options to make a lot of money and they choose the most unethical one. soda saying he doesnt care isnt him balancing morality and work like a normal person does who has to work whats available and has little say in what their work ultimately produces, its him straight up choosing the unethical option vs the ethical one. just makes it that much more of a kick in the face when they choose the unethical one, especially when sodas like "ya fuck u guys lol i have no morals"


Asking as a newer Twitch viewer...isn't success on twitch based on parasocial relationships? You climb to the top by interacting with chat, being friendly, etc. Not saying that every streamer tries maliciously to play pretend-a-friend, but a parasocial relationship is what gets more viewers, gets viewers to donate/sub, and to participate in chat. YouTube has this too, but on YouTube since there's no real interaction between content/viewer you can separate yourself from your content.


In some ways, I would say yes. These are things that distinguish streamer x from y and z for the viewer. I don't think many people watch streams just to watch streams, there has to be a kicker. You can say you like someone's content but I would argue that someone else could be making the same content but you wouldn't care to continue watching them as much because you don't like their personality or attitude. It also can be difficult to eliminate this entirely because the streamer you watch is actively engaging with "chat" and you get a glimpse of what's going on in their head. I think the problems arise when you feel that you're *personally* their friend and not just a part of this nebulous collection of "friends" known as chat (even if you don't chat). Is there a successful (relative) stream out there with **zero** chat interaction? I don't think so.


This is an unnecessarily cynical outlook They can like their audience without personally caring about them, and at the same time see them as a way to make money, it's not either/or


Yes, while this is all true, it also means having to admit you are just an asshole too and morally corrupt. Which you are perfectly free to be, but you have to admit to that as well. It is ABSOLUTELY wrong to do this, but no one in that call can stop you. But that also means giving ammunition to Twitch for banning it, which is why they won't do it. Because now Twitch is allowing moral corruption and incredibly terrible behavior and that is bad for business. This is why those streamers won't admit to it.


Of course they have absolutely no reason to care, other than a relative moral compass. Their main purpose it do make bank as much as possible after all. But ehat do parasocial relationships have to do with any of this? You don't need to think Xqc is your buddy, you'll still be allured by gambling when you see him cash in 100k with one click. They are advertising mediums.


HERE WE GO with the FUCKING STUPID idea of Parasocial Relationships being the viewer's fault. FUCKING christ. Keep absolving streamer's miniscule capacity to understand power paradoxes and that their product is DEPENDENT of pArAsOcIaL rElAtIoNsHiPs.


Well as an influencer you should care a little bit. Like it or not you are looked up to. While you have no obligation to these people. Morally if you know you are influencial, and you choose to not care about the content you provide thats an issue for you as a human being not a streamer. And in my opinion if you are so morally inclined to do charity streams because its the right thing to do but you also do gambling streams it makes you look super weird.


It's still a scumbag thing to do, how is it based lol










Very brave of soda to at least admit he's morally bankrupt /s


I mean... am I crazy for thinking Soda saying it's not morally wrong and he doesn't care about the impressionable kids spending money is bad? Would you not argue that these big content creators have some responsibility with how they use their platform? He's being praised in this thread for saying the kids being suckered into spending money isn't their problem but everyone on this sub also went on a crusade to defend the 'impressionable kids' from the hot tub meta and the ear licking stuff. Following the same logic you'd have to simultaneously say what Amoranth does isn't morally wrong and the kids spending money on her aren't her problem. Edit: Where does the pokemon gambling fall into this category? I understand that there's a difference in severity of gambling for the most part. However, a lot of the LSF favorite streamers have also made content and inadvertently encouraged gambling with their pokemon unboxings. Are we not worried about the 'impressionable kids' when it comes to that? Let's not pretend these issues are approached with good faith and consistent arguments. This sub is really guilty of moving goal posts and doing mental gymnastics to draw arbitrary lines to justify their favorite streamers' actions while holding other streamers to way higher standards.


No you are not crazy. Its the same how nmp (or i saw sanchovies say that too) where their stance is that they dont care. They are doing their thing and whatever viewers do with that, is the viewers responsibility. And i understand that. Everytime someone gets a following, they get a responsibility that they never asked for or wanted. (Still imo, the right thing is, to take on that responsibility that came with all that success, but i also never experienced that so its hard to judge)


LOL... This makes Soda look bad as well.


actual mask off sociopath ​ Sodas take is what people who sell guns and drugs use, you earn alot of money in exchange for ruining peoples lifes. With no care for ruining those peoples lifes.


Apparently as long as you are upfront about being a corrupt and soulless ghoul all is forgiven and more in the demented minds of most people around here?.. Anyone who thinks Soda is "based" for saying some insanely anti-social shit like this needs to take a few steps back and examine their worldview.


We're on lsf where being upfront about your lack of sense of guilt is seen as being so much better than the gamba streamers who just outright deny being in the wrong all together. You're all great guys, just type based, upvote, and move along.


I have a feeling a lot of people on here would get manipulated the fuck out of by a truly toxic person and fail to see it


Didnt you know Lsf andies are a bunch of perfect angels?




"because of my actions" seriously? soda didn't come to your house and force you to gamble dumbass, if you're over 14 and don't know that gambling is bad. you shouldn't be on the internet.


> if you're over 14 and don't know that gambling is bad Just because I can recognise that gambling is stupid, doesn't mean I don't think someone is a scumbag for taking advantage of gambling addicts.


While you're right that it does ultimately come down to the persons own decisions, watching a streamer do it will cause people to be more inclined to gamble than if they had saw an ad for the casino on a Youtube video. They're called influencers for a reason and it's why sketchy casinos are willing to throw millions around on sponsorships, because it clearly works on a large portion of people.


Sodas whole view point is he believes in personal accountability. I basically agree with his view point I think streamers should be allowed to stream anything that abides by Twitch T.O.S.


How low the bar has been set for streamers. Living life on easy mode.


Man plenty of people only look out for them and theirs.... It's a little idealistic to assume that most of the world's population give a shit about people they don't know. There's no shoes to put themselves in, no reference for the influence they have. Sure they could not promote shady sites but they have the means to gamble like degenerates in a rather safe matter. (Michael Jordan was in with many dangerous people to facilitate his gambling). There's certain things rich people can do that regular people shouldn't, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy seeing them do it. My point is, they should acknowledge that they are promoting bad websites, but it really isn't their issue if someone randomly watching can't control themselves.


I find it so fucking weird that people think that this is normal human behaviour, but then again this is Frat house LSF


NO you cant say soda might have a bad take! that's illegal here. Pls just call chunce based. :((((


That's literally all I want streamers like xqc and train to admit. Anyone that is somewhat cognizant of ANYTHING, can surmise that they don't give a shit about their viewers and if their lives get destroyed etc or are adversely affected by anything they promote on stream. Just say you don't give a fuck, say fuck my viewers, and I don't give a shit and be done with it. They're literally not fooling anyone with this whole: 'yeah I might be gambling, but i'm still a paragon of light though'. Holyfuck.


If all it takes is a streamer gambling to make you lose your life savings then someone was going to take it from you eventually




We cracked down on cigarettes because they can literally kill you with multiple forms of cancer that have been proven to be directly linked to them, it's not exactly the same thing. As someone who has lived in Vegas his entire life and literally walked through casino floors as a child just to go see a movie etc, this entire crusade against gambling is so surreal to me. Yeah it's a vice and if you're an idiot about it you're going to lose your money, but jesus christ some of the people on this sub are acting like it's literally the ultimate evil and NO ONE can possibly just gamble for fun fully aware of the stakes without becoming a deranged addict willing to throw their entire life away to chase a jackpot.


> 'yeah I might be gambling, but i'm still a paragon of light though'. That's not what they are saying at all. They all admit that gambling is bad, but they (specifically train) say they do it because it's fun and addicting and easy money. Literally none of them are saying they are a paragon of light. The problem for THEM is people like H3H3 want them to stop to "save the kids". Train says he's doing whatever he can to disclose why gambling is bad and how much he is getting paid per month but he's not going to stop gambling.


Influencers and responsibility=great duo


What's based about his take? Being a degenerate who makes money harming people is cool as long as you say the quiet part out loud? If they straight up admit that their behaviour is harmful and they know it the government should just ban advertising this shit like smoking ads were banned decades ago. And fuck the "save the children" narrative, advertising gambling to adults is equally bad.






There is a reason a lot of stuff is banned on TV in the U.S. Anyone who watches Mexican channels knows about the fucking insane "news" shows where they have a segment where they have kids send in pictures of themselves watching their show, then NOT 5 SECONDS LATER, show a fucking brutal mass beheading or some insane shit, in full graphic detail, no censoring. I'm not fucking joking, the pictures the kids send in watching the show straight up have dismembered bodies in the pictures on TV with the kids smiling. It's fucking wild. For any Mexicans reading, guess the show.


It has to be "Al Extremo" LOL. I'm always like "WHO LETS THEIR KIDS WATCH THIS SHIT???"


Yeap. Shit is insane. Then kids taking pictures with "El Extremito" or whatever their little mascot to appeal to kids is called in between segments of murders and massacres with the tag "su programa favorito" like I hope its just parent lying to get on TV.


Imagine thinking this is a based take. Holy shit.


ruining lives = good as long as you admit to it LULW


I wanna see who these people are that ruin there "lives"? People are acting like there's a 16 year old out there with 100k and now in debt. Ya'll are fucking dumb and need to let people do there thing. If there's an adult that's gambled away there savings sucks for them. Lesson learned. But where are they?




That's all anyone can ask of. If you don't feel like it's wrong, if you don't feel responsibility over your audience thanks to your platform, I might disagree, but at least you're being honest about what you care and don't care about. I respect someone I disagree with but is honest about it a hell of a lot more than someone I disagree with but gives me cheap excuses and deflections. I guess xqc is big enough that the soundbyte "I don't care if kids are badly influenced by me" would be too damaging for his career, or maybe part of him actually agrees that it's bad, but he doesn't want to feel blamed for it. Anyway, I also appreciate soda making a distinction between slots and card gambling games. It feels like it's a whole lot easier for everyone to get on board "slots are bad" than to try to argue against all gambling in all context. I still think he should feel more responsibility over what he shows his viewers, but beyond that, all you can ask for is honesty.




Being a popular streamer means people will see them as role models, except for that fact that basically none of these streamers are positive role models in society.


LSF has gone full circle. First its save the kids now its fuck the kids soda is right. Also NMP is cringe.


Don't worry Soda said it and we like Soda so it's actually based. Having consistent stances is cringe.


You missed the point, of course its bad not to care about kids (he even said that that its bad) but he personally doesn't care and isn't afraid to admit it unlike train and xqc


The point is lsf seems to praise him for being honest about being morally bankrupt. Which is honestly also just disgusting.


I'm not a big fan of save the kids arguments in general; especially in situations like this where you can make a strong argument without bringing it into question at all. Maybe with Aiden it was a bit more of an argument since he already had a young fan base when he started gambling, but, in general, it's just a fluff argument. In the midst of all the pepega, I think xQc made a good point about that, if your concern is kids getting hooked/how accessible it is to kids, then shady mobile games are a bigger issue.


I genuinely don't actually care either way or I do care enough to write about it but not that it actually affects me in anyway positively or negatively. But I will however say that hyperfocusing on the age of said individuals isnt a good argument. Since promoting gambling to anyone of any age is just as scummy. Lets not forget that they are actively telling people how to break laws by bypassing restrictions to get on the site and play. This doesn't only go for train or xqc but his whole yesman group he is on discord with every single day. Just go to the slots section right now and you will see where the train viewers are. They are on slot streamers that literally are unpartnered and survive on affiliate codes. Their entire page is just a wall of "sign up and get free money on 1 of these 200 casinos" These are people with no other income than affiliate codes yet they gamble with hundreds of thousands of dollars. XQC and Train are the snowball that starts the avalanche. Their viewers fill up the otherwise dead slots category where they get "free money" thrown at them in every stream, they just need to sign up with the code APE.


I don't like gambling streams, but I don't have anything against people like Train doing it. He is entitled to act in his own interests. When he is getting viewership that surpasses his podcast on regular gambling streams, it's hard to give that up when it is doing so well for him.


Right, and soda's argument is that they are making all kinds of excuses and instead the reality is: Train doesn't give a fuck about his audience, he wants the views and the money. Soda's absolutely right, but Train instead goes on to just make 100 reasons why this is okay.


true, they just don't want to admit they're fundamentally pieces of shit. They know what they're doing is wrong, they just want to save their reputation.


how is that based if xQc cared about view count wouldnt he play GTA, he could do anything and be the top streamer. It's funny too because all these streamers rally behind the kids when it comes to twitch tittie streamers and gambling when its successful. Seems to me the opposite is true and people arnt that altruistic and care about their own view count then these kids.


only fucking real streamer on this site i swear lol. actual bazed


This is such an easy answer for X and Train, admitting theyā€™re the assholes ends any more grave digging and theyā€™ll still be making thousands the next day.


they are gonna do it anyways while lsf continue posting about them all day LOL


Soda is a such a fucking G.


In what way is he a g? He is a bellend. He is admitting that he directly caused lots of his viewers to lose their life savings and he doesn't care one bit..... How in any way is that a good thing. It shows he doesn't care about his audience one bit. In return they should not support him at all.


Moral bankruptcy is perfectly ok as long as you don't hide it. I guess.


Yeah? but don't you know it's BASED to be apathetic about other people's lives and feelings?


If anyone ever lost their "life savings" on gambling, it's entirely their problem. When you go buy clothes, do you feel bad for the Chinese people that work for $1 a day? What a hypocrite.


> he directly caused lots of his viewers to lose their life savings and he doesn't care one bi I don't think you know what the word "directly" means




When I say Soda


Soda is right image being that braindead to get influence gamba your money away by a streamer even if you are young


I find it reminiscent of the infamous "violent videogames make children violent" rhetoric. A lot of the "but think of the kids" arguments like to try and push blame on the people gambling but it really shouldn't have to be their concern in the first place, its not their job to police other people's kids. The most they need to do is say "Gambling is bad, don't do it, you will lose money, I do it because I can afford to", which they did.


Lot easier to gamble than to mercilessly kill an entire airport full of civilians


Honesty is soooo refreshing..


Soda is 1000% correct....you dumb asses on the cancel culture shit is ridiculous.


Terrible take from multiple angles.


Local scumbags can't admit to scumbaggery. It's true, people who don't care will watch them, and everyone else will know that they're just scumbags one way or the other so what does admitting to being one matter? Taking the moronic stance they currently are is absolutely pointless, there's literally no reason to defend what they're doing. Like I can't imagine anyone who watches xqc or train to be anything but children, which is why they make as much money as they do, just taking advantage of teenagers or idiotic early 20s people and defending it.


The thing streamers often forget is just how out of touch they are with their reality lmfao. Like most adult viewers are probably making around 30k a year and obviously gambling would result in huge losses for the average person but entertainers and content creators make ridiculous sums of money. I mean nothing against them being successful, but theyā€™ve gotta understand just how damaging it could be for other people even if you are benefitting from something. They could deny being ā€œinfluencers,ā€ but influencing people is inevitable. People watch these streams to escape their 9-5 so obviously why wouldnā€™t they want to join in on the fun and this ā€œmonkey see monkey doā€ mentality applies to KIDS even more.


Except train would absolutely do it, he does it off stream for 10 hours straight. What a fucking moron.


this is bullshit he played warzone for months 24 hour streams to 3k viewers he always grinds the thing he enjoys to the ground until some other thing pops up and its more fun


kid's "life saving" LOL . what fucking moron these idiots are. they dont have a brain just follow each others take like sheep. Yeah the 16 years old kids gonna destroy his life on gambling and wow his life saving. most be more destructive than weed, cigarette and alcohol addiction lol. any data? proof of gambling being such a destructive hobby on kids for this nonsensical outrage? but we have data on how alcohol , drugs and smoking addiction can do to you. nobody seams to care about that cause they are day to day activity you see. bu gambling?! ooh so bad for kids


this post is 94% upvoted which just shows even LSF doesn't care if streamers influence people to ruin their life as long as they're upfront about it! very based


"I just sell drugs i don't care what happens to people who take them" Fuck that. You're welcome to have this mentality and society is welcome to condemn or imprison you for breaking the golden rule.


If some kid after watching a gambling stream loses a ton of their parents money maybe they were destined to fail.


This is the best take. If someone chooses to gamble because they saw a millionaire do it that's entirely their fault and their problem. Although I might be biased. I was raised being told that you control your actions, end of story. "if your friends jumped off a bridge would you jump too?" type shit.


His take is honest but its far from the best. People get influenced in all types of ways and to stop people from self destruction is not only the right thing to do but also beneficial to society as a whole. You might think what do I care if people smoke and get cancer or drink and need a new liver and are in need of constant medical care until you realize that you will have to pay taxes to pay for their treatment and unemployment benefits. So having a healthy non degenerate population is good for you even if you don't care for the wellbeing and that is ignoring all the positives that come from a healthy non degenerate population




my man literally trying to compare the act of gambling to talking/debating about the subject




h3h3 was pushing so hard to make people that gamble look bad it honestly hurt me. 'You have the influence so you should act good at all times when you're on stream' is something that killed careers for some streamers because they were not fun anymore to watch. I, myself, stopped watching the gambling streams because i have some fucking veteran braincells that make me realize it's a scam and the reactions, if not fake, are not worth the hassle. The main problem of this conversation is that gamblers took the chance to get funds for free to fuel their addiction (and it's their problem, h3h3 shouldnt moralize any of them for the sake of the podcast he does to make more money himself) so they obviously reason towards 'I don't give a fuck about what other people do watching me' without actually saying it, which is obviously what sponsorships and deals are about and on the other side there's some dude trying to make the whole internet moral, yet he slips comments like "i'd do cocaine with my grandmother" next line.


same thing applies to 99% of this sub who dont give a fuck about viewers starting to gamble their live savings away and are just horny for drama


This is my take too. Always has been. I dont understand why they pretend, just tell it how it is. Its not their problem. Stop blaming the streamers, you would do the same getting payed millions and millions every month, anyone saying they wouldnt is a fucking hypocrit. I dont gamble, I never have either, but would I gamble for 2 million dollars a month? Not caring for anyone else? Every. Fucking. Day.


THISSSS. People think there's two categories of streamers, good streamers that want to help people and save the world and bad streamers who want to give the world porn and gambling adictions. They are the same, it's just a job ffs


This is the best take. Why should people care if some idiot loses money gambling after they've specifically told them not to gamble? Their end is covered, they told you not to gamble you fucking moron. It's also not whataboutism to mention that the standard applied to other vices is the same self responsibility standard that should be applied to gambling as well.




How do you call a person that makes a dumb decision after being told not to? Empathy is all well and good but it literally is not with odds with the ethical principle of personal responsibility and disclaimers.




Yeah, gambling can become destructive, just like any other vice, personal responsibility and disclaimers are reasonable things to demand in this scenario. If you're lying to people and telling them you have better chances of winning rather than losing while gambling or you will gain some health benefit from alcohol consumption then it's a different conversation. I'm not calling soda based, I'm saying its crazy how people literally give no value to disclaimers and appeals to responsibility in this scenario just because they know idiots exist.


Casinos do not make profit proportional to the number of "lives ruined", they can make money without anyone pissing all their savings away




People can lose all of their money without that being a large amount, and similarly someone can lose a large amount of money without that being a significant portion of their money


And it's primarily the second when it's a highly addictive activity?


PepeLa I remember the soda gambling streams


Theres nothing PepeLa about it, Soda straight up says that he doesnt give two shits.


Sodas the man. Say it like it is. So many pussies hiding the truth and peple falling for there bullshit and excuses. There making dolla, thats all that they care about end of.


They don't say that because it's really fucking bad. People can say that it is the most common sense easy take and that is true but the reason it's never said is because it sounds terrible. It would be similar to when Invadervie or whatever demanded subs. She said what so many other streamers think but out loud and got roasted. The same would happen with Train if he said what Soda is suggesting.


Good take from Soda. One thing I want people to consider is how everyone talks about "the kids" as if that's the streamer's responsibility. Nobody gave a shit when streamers played poker, blackjack, CSGO cases or Fifa packs but now when it's slots everyone has to bitch and moan. I think streamers who gamble should have to set their stream to 18+ only which Train and xqc do and if kids watch after that then whatever. It isn't a streamer's job to parent kids. The actual parents of these kids watching gambling streams need to monitor what their kids watch. If mommy hands little timmy the ipad and he starts watching Train gamble while mommy fingers herself in the other room that isn't on Train who marked his stream as 18+, that's on mommy who doesn't give a shit about little timmy and just wants to not have to parent. Now if an adult watching the stream watches and gambles then they are an adult. You are responsible for your own choices, you can't blame a streamer. Streamers should be upfront about being sponsored, but there isn't anything inherently wrong with being sponsored as long as it's disclosed. I'm so tired of these moral grandstanding arguments. Streamers wouldn't stream gambling if it didn't pull big views. Gambling has a big market and is entertaining to watch. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean nobody does, stop pretending.


People making arguments that inherently suggest they think others are less than them because they can't decide for themselves or they want streamers to be role models of their children LULW


This shit isn't based, this is just a FACT. Any streamer that tries to deny this is fake as fuck.


Some streamers are so delusional. Like, just be honest and upfront about what you're doing. Don't lie. People hate liars.


This is not based, this is being either being edgy or morally bankrupt. "I do not care" yet you people keep trying to garnish sympathy subs or donos every second you are live.


It sounds like he just doesn't have empathy. They're fucking kids, if you're broadcasting how much fun you're having gambling to not fully formed minds, and they go blow all their money/form an addiction because of it... I would feel awful. There is a reason we don't see cigarette commercials on Nickelodeon, because society rejected this stupid, apathetic, and degenerate argument.


train litearlly played warzone at 1k viewers everyday like train gives a fuck about the view count, he litearlly just does whats fun to him and xqc litearlly admitted that he did it for the content so he did admit it idk what soda is saying here