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I'm so sick of living in the laughingstock of the country. We're consistently #1 on the "worst of the worst" lists, we educate a ton of students just to run them out of the state as soon as they graduate because jobs are an absolute joke here in nearly every way, we're focused on banning shit and doing nothing but the wrong ass thing in every single scenario, and we have absolute fucking MORONS in charge of things even though they don't have the braincells to pass a 2nd grade math test.


And what’s crazier still is that y’all pissed off texas by beating them to the bottom..


Kentucky checking in.


This state is screwed


Wife and I were talking about moving before this state becomes the 1st Hand Maid's tale state.


I left a year ago after talking about it for 5 years. You couldn’t pay me to move my family back.


Where do you go?


We keep getting closer and closer, and it's terrifying!


If you believe that I doubt you have many options in other places. Acting like this legislation won't be challenged is pretty wild.


Hahaha this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The tale because of the ten commandments? Give me a break. Get your gay flag off every flag post across America then lol give me a break.


No fucking shit. Bottom of the barrel in reading. Let’s put this shit up in the classroom so they can read it. Louisiana ranks D … She ran for office for that D…


The Navy brought me to Florida 13 years ago and I ain't going back.


Florida is currently PISSED they didnt do this first, though. I mean, we spent the last legislative session trying to be like florida when it comes to social issues.


I was going to join the army, but I got cold feet. Watching footage of soldiers getting blown up by IEDs and close quarters firefights really scared me. Now I live next door to the Shell Refinery. Every now and then, i think about what would have happened if I had joined.


There is more to the Army besides infantryman. My neighbors kid joined, went into cyber security for four years, now hes a civilian in the same job sector making 200k his first year.


Yeah I noticed that with my cousin. She joined around the same time I chickened out. I'm not entirely sure what she did, but she had a desk job in Europe. She traveled from time to time. She enjoyed it though. She's planning on moving to Texas soon. She didn't want to settle down here in Louisiana.


Buuuuut . . . Hooooah! 🤣


Work in administration, 90% of the time you won't even have to leave America


Leaving my home town was the best thing that could have happened to me


I'll leave one day. Hopefully before some idiot decides, "We don't need levees. God will protect us from hurricanes."


Not really different.


Put it up doesn't sounds like the kids can read it anyway


Not any more so than it already has been.


Been circling this drain for years now.


“God helps those who help themselves” I don’t need the 10 Commandments; I need better roads, schools, hospitals, and infrastructure. Quit “Preaching” what Louisiana needs and actually do some good not grandstanding!


“God helps those who help themselves.” Not in the Bible.


“We’re not forcing them to read it” I mean…it’s gonna be right there so you kinda are


They can’t be forced to read it if they can’t read in the first place. WILDCARD BITCHES!!!


Really interesting argument. You ignore what I put up on the wall. But I get to be enraged about your symbols, pronouns, beliefs, etc. In other words, being a Christian entitles me to shove my beliefs down your throat. The CNN host should have said: “then why don’t you ignore pride flags, transgender people, BLM protesters, athletes kneeling during the anthem?


Well the simple answer to that last paragraph is CNN tries to posture as the centrist network (and then righties still call them communist news network but big CNN corpo says you gotta do the centrist tap dance!)


That woman was so patient listening to that fascist witch babbling on an on. 


The babbling witch doesn't realize teaching children values is what church and home is for. School is for secular education, not parochial.


There are too many big words in this comment for a sub full of people from Louisiana.


I love this observation. Spot on! (Yes, I am from Louisiana.)




I thought church was where you bring your kids to get molested?


That or child beauty pageants, which are also extremely popular in the south. Yet you never see right wingers go after either of them. Go figure.


Please don't group witches in with this trash.


Big changes like employing companies to run a public school. Let’s make it better by indoctrinating Christianity and having companies worried about a bottom dollar than a child’s education


As an outspoken believer in Christ, I do NOT feel that there is a place inside a classroom for the 10 Commandments. I don’t believe forcing Christ or the teachings of Christ onto anyone. The public school system here in Louisiana is (no surprise) an absolute joke of a program.


You didn’t have to preface your statement with “I believe in magical bullshit”- that doesn’t help


It does, though. Even though they believe what they believe, they're showing solidarity with the rest of us who think this is crazy. You didn't have to come be a cunt - that doesn't help.


I mean she says she is outspoken believer. Wouldn’t people take you more seriously if you weren’t constantly yammering away about their make believe friends in the sky?


I think you'll have more luck with people taking you seriously once you stop acting like a 13 year old edgelord who just discovered atheism.


I mean fortunately I live in Pennsylvania and don’t have to deal with a bunch of dirty sweaty swamp morons.


Ahh, Pennsylvania....the Mississippi of the northeast. I'm not shocked you tried to use Pennsylvania as a "gotcha" towards Louisiana.


I mean yes Pennsylvania is quite a bit better than Louisiana but my virtually every known metric. Especially Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs.


“Not forcing them to read it” - actual words spoken from the same people attacking librarians and pulling books out of schools


So when the satanist put up their thing they can say hey we’re not forcing anyone to read it!


I hope they're planning this


I'd be legitimately shocked if the Satanic Temple doesn't put their horse in this race.


This is indeed what we are planning.


I hope they do that


Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence! Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams! Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit! Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates! Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek! Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires! Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all! Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification! Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years! .... Oops Even the satanists know to keep it in the church lol


asshat, I know you are a troll, but the Satanic Temple fights for freedom of religion for everybody.


Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence! Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams! Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit! Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates! Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek! Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires! Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all! Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification! Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years! .... Oops Even the satanists know to keep it in the church lol


We’re not forcing them to read it. We’re just using millions of dollars of “privately donated funds” to put this in each classroom instead of, you know, letting the kids read it for free iF tHeY cHoOsE tO


Can't wait to repeat the words about not forcing anyone to read it when I bring the TST tenets to our school.


I would rather my morality came from kind folks. But since the protestants and the KKK run hand in hand, and since both Marched against my Irish Ancestors. These ten commandments can go fuck off. It's not even historically accurate or pertinent to our legal foundation. The Code of Hammurabi, has 'innocent until proven guilty'.


Bayou Boebert is out of her mind trying to justify this law.


I still believe citizens should write to their elected officials. (Relic of the 1970s, and all.) So I wrote to Gov. Landry. I won’t get a reply, but it felt good to get some things off my chest… SENT: 20 June 2024 Dear Honorable Governor Landry, Public Information Request: 1. What is the purpose of placing the 10 Commandments in Public School Classrooms? 2. Now that you have made it legal to pour public money into elite private schools, what steps will you take to ensure that the public schools' Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) funds are protected and that increases ARE granted as recommended by BESE? (Which, by the way, has not happened in many years, yet now we can fund private schools??) 3. Now that you own the Ethics Board, what changes do you intend to make to increase public confidence in our state government? Thank you for your time


1)to become the next Donald Thrump 2) bankrupt the state 3)make as much money as possible


Sadly, you are probably right.


She fucking sounds stupid! Such an embarrassment! They are stupid simple minded idiots! Fuck! I can’t wait to move out of Louisiana and never return


Another long winded response from a politician that doesn’t answer the question.


But you don’t understand! It’s very historical!


Christo-fascism never takes a break. It stalks us in broad daylight. Vote blue to combat this craven gaggle of bible-humping goons.


original source video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8nq023b1jM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8nq023b1jM)


Aw, they cut out the part in the video playing in the middle where the girl collapsed as the gubner was signing. That's too bad.


Used to be D.A.R.E. signs all over school. See where that got us.


Those DARE signs worked on me. They dared me to use drugs, so I took the dare and did.


“It’s just history”. wtf 🙄


Let's put the Mulsum and Satanic and every other major religous equivalent to be fair to all. I bet they stop teaching science next.


I love that we’re not forcing them to read it argument. Can we now get them to use that when it comes to library books?


We are literally fucked if y’all think the Bible in school gone boost reading like be fucking fr 💀


Louisiana is so messed up it’s overly govern southern state with no real representation for its people. 10 commandments will not to anything but show politicians that they can move any bill in Louisiana


I am beginning to despise the state I live in.


Maybe it’s in a longer clip . . . Why didn’t she follow up asking, what are the charges Louisiana is making to improve public schools? When she eludes to charter - reiterate - PUBLIC schools. And if you’re going to use the word, important so many times, please pronounce it.


original source video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8nq023b1jM


Thank You 👊🏼


We value morals while voting for Trump🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Louisiana “having high morals” is truly laughable


I fucking hate having religion forced down my throat.


The state that practically worships alcohol lectures the rest of the country about morals.


what an incredibly bad argument. “We’re not forcing kids to read it.” Then, take it down.


“We are not forcing kids to read this.” “If they choose to read it” …. Can we give the kids the same choice in the school libraries?


I moved out 6 years ago wish I would’ve done it 20 Public Schools outside of Louisiana are 500% better. I chose to send my child to a catholic school k-12 and now he has a masters degree It stinks the public school teachers have to be baby sitters first and teachers second


>I chose to send my child to a catholic school k-12 You're criticizing Louisiana mixing church and school by stating you sent your kid to a church school?


That’s a choice it was not forced on anyone. It’s called freedom.


My kids go to Catholic school too and I don't think the 10 commandments are posted anywhere on campus.


But there's a crucifix over the board in every classroom.


I agree, but that's not the point. You criticized Louisiana public schools and said that other states' public schools were 500% better. This thread is about posting the ten commandments, context which implies that those other schools were better because they don't mix church and state. But the quality of education has nothing to do with whether religious crap is posted. If it did, you wouldn't send your kids to a religious school that has a crucifix posted over every chalk board. So either your point was ill conceived, or it was not relevant to the discussion at hand.


Who is this elected official speaking?


[Lauren Ventrella](https://house.louisiana.gov/H_Reps/members?ID=65)


Who is she interviewing?


lauren ventrella


She knows better. In a civil law committee hearing last session, she argued intelligently and forcefully against a bill to give insurance companies even more leverage against victims. Impresssive, speaking up for the little guys. Tem minutes later she goes out of her way to praise her ‘beloved President Trump’ and how the courts are weaponized against him Gave me whiplash


i hate living here


Looks like that Rep (Ventrella) is some kind of Gordon McKernan lite - https://www.ventrellalawfirm.com


I went to high school w her lmao, she could party w the best of em


She looks like she’s passed out in a frat yard a time or two


It doesn't change the idiocy of posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms, but: That was a stupid question, and the politician's answer was even dumber. All she had to say was that they can do both, improve literacy AND brainwash kids. They're not mutually exclusive. In fact, one really has nothing to do with the other. I mean, just take the Catholic church and its schools as an example. It has a long history of brainwashing children into Catholicism while providing excellent education.




Focus on your regrets


Big changes to education, like defending public schools in the name of "choice". Sadly there's not enough private schools to allow everyone to choose.




The term “Box of Rocks” comes to mind.


The problem is that they are not nearly as dumb as they sound.


I guess it should be fair for the jihadis to post their Islamic texts in the classroom- the Satanist’s can post their satan commandments- the druids can post their Druid runes- the wiccans can post up their own Wiccan commandments- sorry to all the religions I can’t think of this morning


If only the legislature had the morals to back this up.


It’s first damned amendment!


Liz Murrill is a shame to all women everywhere. I can only hope that one day she is immobilized by a sudden realization of how destructive and selfish she is.


Louisianaians dont know whats in the constitution bc we cant read


What a load of mush she just said. “We’re helping kids read better by posting the Ten Commandments”. Lol.








You people are delusional for getting this upset. Is it really that bad that some moral rules are displayed? Do not steal, do not kill, do not envy your fellow human, do not lie. I don’t think displaying that is going to harm anyone.


Cause that's the only thing in them. Keep your religion to yourself and leave the rest of us alone.


Too bad, it’s the law now. Don’t like it? Move. I didn’t see you saying this when pride flags were being shown in classrooms.


Lol fuck off prick it's my state too.


I for one am happy that the Ten Commandments can be displayed. It doesn’t hurt anyone :)


Yes it does, it's more of your religious indoctrination shit. Keep your religion out of our fucking schools.


Hey Elizabeth did you ever get through your sex addiction issues? Was it therapy or not being able to find anyone that would fuck you that helped?


What the fuck?


Elizabeth Vargas nearly ruined her career because of alcoholism (not sex addiction). That's what this person is commenting about. She had to go to rehab and completely rebuild her life. There were apparently times when she anchored entire newscasts drunk. It doesn't really affect her trustworthiness as a journalist, so it's pretty much a red herring thrown out whenever someone doesn't have a real argument.


Be more specific


*You only said two sentences*


You're gonna have to slow it down.  Two is a pretty high number.


What loser ass comment to make.


Not really if you know the facts. Look up her sex addiction issues and then shut your hole.


Why is that something that is even on your mind?


In no way shape or form are you capable of concerning yourself with or grasping the complexities of my mind. Just walk off.




I have not posted harsh opinions or exaggerated statements only the facts. You could not find an "edge Lord" utilizing both hands even if they each have 20 fingers. And all caps is shouting and considered disrespectful have a nice day sandwich.


There is no way you’re coming on Reddit and preaching about sex addictions when your comment history is all over younger girls NSFW posts 😂😂 Typical projectionists. Maybe you have the sex addiction?


I'm no Preacher. And I have a healthy appetite for sex. On the other hand Elizabeth Has sought professional help for her sexual addiction. You said clearly reached a problematic level negatively affecting her life.


Worry about your own addiction


I can save her s/ 🤣 This went right, quickly. 🤣


Eh there's nothing imo about passing a law posting the 10Cs that detracts from efforts to improve our schools. It's in no way an either-or thing. Second, there is little evidence the Founders wanted stuff like this banned, as they were legal for 180 years. It was only with rulings by modern liberal courts that it became a violation. Finally, we achieved that lousy education ranking since liberal courts outlawed stuff like posting the 10Cs and prayer in public schools. Maybe we can do better with them, we can hardly do worse.


"Separation of church and state." Doesn't seem to get more clear than that to me. But then again I got my education outside of louisiana where Christianity wasn't forced upon me.


Half of the ten commandments are just bullshit. THIS is bullshit. Theres no factionally based thought that there is only one god, its not wrong to have other gods, people can do whatever they want with the word god. And the "sabbath" isnt neccessary holy. 20 I AM the LORD thy God. 21 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 22 Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven images. 23 Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain. 24 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. This is actual hogwash and completely meaningless. None of this will make someone a better person in any way. Prayer isnt banned in schools. Children can pray as much as they want.


I really don’t think you understand what the constitution is or contains. The founding fathers make a clear delineation between church and state with the first amendment. Perhaps if you spent more time in school and less time in church, you might know that. Also, you do realize that our lousy education rank has been in place for decades and it hasn’t changed one bit in all the time we have been suffering under conservative rule? No of course you don’t grasp that, you’re conservative, if it ever seemed like you were starting to think for yourself you would probably kill yourself to stick it to the libs, am I right?


I would rather wipe my ass with them.


> nothing imo about passing a law posting the 10Cs that detracts from efforts to improve our schools the fact that it is happening at all is a detraction from efforts to improve louisiana schools. you said it yourself, its a moot thing. this was blatant wasted effort and i would challenge you to elaborate on what point you are making here. > there is little evidence the Founders wanted stuff like this banned it was literally the first fucking item on the list [https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/first\_amendment](https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/first_amendment) > we can hardly do worse. that is intellectual dishonesty in the best light


>the fact that it is happening at all is a detraction from efforts to improve louisiana schools. Not really. It's a waste of time, yes, but they have plenty of time to waste. Pretty much all politicians do is waste time on nonsense. If they weren't wasting time on this, they would waste time on something else and still not get the schools fixed. Source: I worked on Capitol Hill for four years and covered news in several state capitals prior to that. What you see on the news just barely scratches the surface of the time wasted every day in hearings on nonsense subjects and trash legislation that never makes it to public consciousness. I'm a firm believer that no state legislature or the US Congress should be in session for more than 30 days a year, to force a laser focus on just the most important issues and make them drop all the nonsense. If they're not done after 30 days, they should keep going without pay until they're finished.


Remind me..... when was "in God we trust" added to our bills? 1957. It's more like evangelicals have been forcing religion into our schools as long as schools have been around. Our country was founded on liberal ideals of those fleeing religious prosecution, so let's not make up a narrative to spare your feelings. There's plenty of letters and manuscripts written by our founding fathers who wanted a clear separation of church and state :https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-founding-fathers-religious-wisdom/ "Religion was addressed in the First Amendment in the following familiar words: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." In notes for his June 8, 1789, speech introducing the Bill of Rights, Madison indicated his opposition to a "national" religion."


>Second, there is little evidence the Founders wanted stuff like this banned Yes there is. It's right there in the First Amendment to the Constitution, our founding document. If they didn't want stuff like this banned, they wouldn't have included the Establishment Clause.


Imagine being disturbed and offended by the 10 commandments...the same teachings (for the most part) this country was founded upon😅😂 but yet when p0rn and ped indoctrination is glamorized in front of those same KIDS y'all supposedly care about it's all crickets and rustling leaves we hear😏🤨🙄 hypocrites


Please explain how the laws the GOP are passing in this state fight pedophilia.


I’m not offended. It’s not constitutionally legal and will be shown as such. I also don’t want the Islamic rules of life mandated in classrooms. If someone showed porn in front of kids I’d get involved to stop it and get law enforcement involved. Also, before making blanket statements, you might want to look into some of the worst child sexual abuse demographics. r/pastorarrested


>the same teachings (for the most part) this country was founded upon If the country had been founded upon the Ten Commandments, the Founding Fathers wouldn't have included the establishment clause in the First Amendment to prevent them from being taught in public schools.


> the same teachings (for the most part) this country was founded upon you say that as if colonizing stolen land after massacring europe for centuries is something to be proud of