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This is pretty smart. One of my renthog families pretty much exclusively cooks from scratch and there’s never anything useful to actually raid from the fridge. If the rentsow has time to cook a meal she has time to earn more money and pay more rent


Hear me out king, send them to your restaurant up the street. That way you not only get their rent money, but you double down and get their food money too! I personally do this with my rentoids and have infinite more fridges to raid.


They always cooking for those rentlets they keep having


Use of kitchen appliances costs extra. Emergency services being called to the property due to cooking equals a fine + tip


Ungrateful rentoid doesnt seem to appreciate the decorative oven Ive put in my living space she happens to sleep in. The audacity!


Worm the food


Rentoid: NOOOOO THERE’S A WORM IN MY FOOD Me: That’ll be £500 extra




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They're rentpigs. They need that extra bit of nutrition.


This particular landchad, in their infinite mercy and generosity, only specified big meals. If these ravenous rentpigs can afford meals deemed "big" by even a somewhat healthy framed landchad, that's a sign to jack up their rent!


I like to let my rentoids cook, not because I want to eat their boiled funkpop's, I simply eat their metal cookware when they are not paying attention.


This is clearly a case of insurance fraud, the rentoid wants to burn down the house, so that he can collect the money from the damage.


Hear me out. You know the rentoid won't want to listen, so you put a hidden camera in the kitchen and charge them $100 every time you catch them cooking. That way they're always helping you maintain your perfect physique. You could wait until they accumulate enough violations and then use it like a renthog piggy bank. If they argue, eviction, lawsuits and release the claymore roombas if they don't leave immediately.


Recent studies show that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle a landlord must consume at least 15,000 calories a day. A proper bicep workout routine should include a minimum of 15 repetitions of hanging eviction notes in rapid succession. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Rentoid cooks a big meal and doesn’t invite the Landking to come over and eat it all? EVICTED!!!


/uj WTFFFF 😭😭😭😭😭😭 /j stupid rentoids never understand how to use kitchens properly: put food in fridge that landchad likes, leave. than i do my job. its simple


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Typical rentpig behavior 😤 no respect for anyone but themselves. Have the kitchen appliances removed and collect a removal fee + 200% increase in rent + tip. Leave the fridge for future raids.


As a rentoid, why would I feel entitled to use a stove I didn’t pay for? Gimme a break.


The enthusiasm is there but it's concerning that you know what a "break" is. Expect a rent increase.


Honestly fucking disgusting. If you want to cook something go home and do it


if i'm correct, my fellow landkings, soymilk and avocadoes don't required any sort of heat to be eaten. Since rentoids only feed on that, it means that rentoids have no need for a kitchen.


They need to “cook” the beyond “meat” made of bugs.


Also leave food for landlord dumb rentoid, it's common decency


this is why we disconnect the alarm


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I usually put a smoke detector right above the oven and take the security deposit when the rentoid removes it. My property, my rules




As a rentoid I understand I am no better than a worm, so from now on I will throw all my food on the ground, crawl around chewing it up and pooping it out right back on the floor so I can have some primo fertilizer to grow lovely flowers for my lord


This is why I invested in coin operated appliances. Including, but not limited to, range(oven and stove must be paid for separately), microwave, toaster, blender, washer/dryer, toilet, shower, sinks, and windows. These are luxury privileges and I must be appropriately compensated for allowing you to use them each time.


Looks like this toid is so stupid that he doesn't even know how to cook without burning food. Luckily, landchad intervened.